Biker Bait: The Lost Souls MC Series

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Biker Bait: The Lost Souls MC Series Page 19

by Ellie R. Hunter

  “We’re gonna need more chairs.” Sparky laughed.

  “Fuck that, we’re gonna need more prospects, I ain’t serving myself at the bar.” Oak mumbled as everyone broke out laughing.

  A weight had been lifted off of the club, we could all feel it. Hopefully, the lack of chairs around the table and recruiting more prospects would be as bad as it gets from now on.

  “Is there anythin’ else anyone wants to bring to the table?” I asked.

  “Yeah, when we gonna fuckin’ celebrate you becomin’ president?” Sparky hollered.

  “With the Ghost Riders out of the way now, we’ll get the funerals out of the way with and then we’ll celebrate. A new start for us all.” I told them and brought the gavel down, ending the meeting.

  Everyone began to leave apart Sparky and myself. Once we were alone, he got all soppy on me.

  “Thanks Cas, I won’t let you down you brother.”

  “I know you won’t, you haven’t so far.”

  “Hell I haven’t and never will.” he smirked.

  “Alannah told me before that you’ve met this Bonnie friend of hers, do you think we could have a problem with her in the future?” I asked him.

  “I only met her a few times and every time I spoke to her she would clam up and fuck off, I would say unless she’s a great fuckin’ actress, I’d be surprised if she said boo to a ghost.”

  That made me feel a little better, Sparky had a great sense of judgment on people, it would be stupid of me to completely ignore her but for now I can put her to the back of my mind.

  “C’mon, you might not wanna celebrate your new position but I fuckin’ do.” he said, standing to leave.

  “Alright, I wanna see how Lana is anyway.”

  We left the room, Sparky made his way to the bar and I leant against the door after I closed it. Alannah was still on the sofa, she was talking to one of the club girls which surprised me, thank god it wasn’t Danni, I didn’t fancy picking up clumps of hair.

  Her bruises didn’t faze me at all, she was still as beautiful to me as she was before she was taken, although it did remind me how easily I could’ve lost her. The bruises would heal and she would be back to her gorgeous looking self in no time. All that worried me was the psychological damage she may have, she’s always been strong but what she went through was going to leave its mark on her, I just hoped she could work through it.

  As if she felt me watching her, she looked straight at me, she visibly relaxed and smiled.

  Yeah, her smile told me she would be just fine, in time.

  I walked over and the club girl smiled and disappeared, I sat in her place and put my arm around my girl, careful not to hurt her, she leant in closer and ran her finger along my president patch.

  “Did it feel good being president in there?” she asked.

  “Not as good as it feels being inside you.” I whispered closely.

  Her giggle warmed me and I definitely knew she would be okay.

  “Be serious.” she warned.

  “It felt fuckin’ great, sorted through a lot of shit, rearranged the men a little and made plans for the funerals, they’re next Monday.” I told her.

  She stiffened beside me and tried to control her breathing.

  “Billy should have a cut.” she whispered, “I’d like to stitch his patch on.” she added.

  I’d already had a cut made for him and his patch sawn on, but she didn’t know that, I made a mental note to have one of the girls remove it so Alannah could do it herself. She blames Michael a whole lot for Billy, but she also blames herself. If this is what she wants to do for him, I’ll make it happen.

  “Sure. You feelin’ okay? You want me to take you back to my room?” I asked.

  “No, they need their president here with them. I told you, I can share you with the club just not no one else.”

  I felt on top of the fucking world right now, all every brother wants is his old lady to love him and to love the club just as much, and to understand how the club works. I have hit the fucking jackpot with Alannah Blake, not only does she love me but she loved the club long before I turned up.

  “I love you so fuckin’ much babe.” I told her, moving so I could see her face.

  “I love you too.”

  I wanted to smash my lips against hers, before I could, hers were on mine. In front of everyone, showing everyone we were each other’s, just like I always imagined.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  It’s been a week since the club changed forever and today we say goodbye to our friends and family. I still look horrendous but I’m feeling hell of a lot better than I did a few days ago. I’ve stayed at the clubhouse since the attack, haven’t even left the compound, when Cas suggested going back to the cabin to pick up some things I might like, I freaked. I can’t face going there yet, last time I was there Billy was alive, I knew nothing of my uncle’s betrayal and I was happy being in love with Cas. All that has changed now, the thought of going back there and seeing where Billy was murdered made me feel sick.

  Cas had someone go out and buy a new mattress and bedding for his room, I wasn’t sure he would follow through but he did.

  The clubhouse has been welcoming members from all over the last few days, there’s been a lot of drinking and commiserating going on. I’ve shown my face and thanked everyone who came to save me, I know I didn’t have to but I wanted to.

  Yesterday I visited my Aunt Kitty, she had her friends around her, cooking for her and making sure she ate and bathed but she wasn’t there, not emotionally. Cas told me he explained everything to her but she wasn’t believing any of it. She wouldn’t talk to me or look at me, she blamed me for his death, and apparently it was all my fault. I should have been upset but I wasn’t, I knew how much she loved Michael, if that’s what she needed to get through her grief then she can blame me all she likes.

  I’d heard she wasn’t coming to the funerals today, I didn’t want to try and make her.

  My relationship with Cas has grown stronger every day, when he wasn’t busy with the club, he was with me. Covered in bruises still, I stared in the mirror and wondered what to do with myself. Did I blacken my eyes to match my dress? If I did it would only run when I cried later, and I’m positive I will cry. Opting for foundation and concealer only, I covered my bruises until I could hardly see the discolouring on my face. Tying my hair into a simple ponytail, I slid a black flower on the side of my head and gave myself the final once over.

  I jumped up when Cas came in, the guilt I felt every time he made me jump through no fault of his own tore at me.

  He wore his black jeans, a long sleeved black tee with his cut over the top and his hair was pulled back. I felt bad for thinking how hot he looked today of all days.

  “Ready babe, everyone’s waitin’.” he asked, holding his hand for me.

  “Do I look okay?” I asked, I wasn’t fishing for compliments, I wanted to make sure I looked good at Cas’s side. Even though today is for mourning I still had to main’tain my position as the president’s old lady and I wanted to look the part.

  “Babe, you look more than okay.”

  When we exited the clubhouse, Cas led me past the many, many bikes and to one of the two cars the old ladies were riding in behind the hearses.

  Everyone apart from Cas was on their bikes, he made sure I was in and closed the door. I watched through the window as he walked to his bike and climbed on, wrapping his bandana around his face. He revved his bike and in turn so did everyone else, the noise was thunderous. He rode first followed by everyone in our chapter then the hearses began moving, then us, then from what I could see, must have been well over a hundred bikes as far as the eye could see behind us.

  I tuned out most of the service, for a bunch of bikers they had made today beautiful. Five black coffins hovered above five empty graves side by side, a sheet with the Lost Souls emblem covered each coffin top. Brothers from far and wide stood with their arms crossing their
chests in respect while the old ladies sat on folding chairs in centre position. I made the mistake of sitting on the end facing Billy’s coffin.

  I asked Slade to double check he had no family, of course everyone was mourning him today but there’s nothing like having your blood there to say goodbye. He hadn’t been able to find anyone so I made it my mission to make sure if he was looking down on us, he would know how much I miss him and how much he meant to me.

  I stared at his coffin then to the sky, the sun was partly covered with clouds, and a flock of birds circled above us.

  ‘If you’re there Billy, please believe how sorry I am. I should have shot them. I wish you were still here to see what your life would’ve been like as a brother, all you saw was the bad, I’m sorry I took that away from you. Rest now and know I will never, ever let anyone forget you and what you did for me’

  I sent the prey up and hoped he’d hear it.

  When I looked back to the coffins, Cas was watching me. I wiped the stray tears away and smiled, he winked, knowing it was all the comfort he could give me right now.

  The coffins all lowered into the ground, it was time to say goodbye.

  I shuddered from the slight chill sweeping across the cemetery, once the dirt had been thrown on their coffins, Cas came to my side and took my hand. I had been holding onto five white roses, I threw one on each of the three brothers I didn’t know too well, stopping in front of Micky’s I threw one down and didn’t try to wipe my tears.

  “I love you Uncle Micky, Rest in Peace.”

  Rubbing my arm Cas moved me along to Billy’s grave.

  My hand shook as I threw down the last remaining rose, it wasn’t enough, one flower and a weak apology.

  “I’m sorry my friend.” I whispered.

  My chest heaved as I tried hard not to burst into ugly cries. Cas wrapped me in his arms, shielding me from everyone’s stares.

  “C’mon, let’s get you out of here.” he said, keeping his arm around my shoulder, by the time we got back to the cars, the crowd were mostly back at their bikes.

  As we drove away, they revved their engines and blasted their horns in salute to their fallen brothers.


  I could see Alannah struggling to keep herself together throughout the whole service, I wish someone would have sat her away from Billy’s grave, she couldn’t keep her eyes off of it, apart from when she looked to the sky and her lips moved ever so slightly. I knew she was apologizing to him, again.

  She needed me with her, but as president I had my place at the front of my brothers and that’s where I had to stay.

  I was breaking for her, as soon as the service was finished I was at her side while she laid her roses, Micky’s and Billy’s hit her worse, I tried saving her from breaking down in front of everyone and got her back to the car as soon as I could.

  Leading the way I took my brothers home.

  Back at the clubhouse, the music started and everyone had a drink in their hand. Inside and outside was both filled with brothers and women. The day turned to night and under the dark, clouded sky they continued to drink and share memories of the brothers we buried.

  I had done enough roaming and making sure everyone was okay, I wanted my girl. I slipped inside and scanned the crowded bar for her, she wasn’t where I left her. She wasn’t anywhere in here, I checked our room and nothing, and she wasn’t in the bathroom. I went back outside and walked around looking at everyone. Still nowhere to be seen. My heart done fucking flips, where the fuck is she?

  My head swivelled from side to side looking everywhere again.

  “Check the roof.”

  I turned to see Sparky coming towards me.

  “She always used to sneak up there when it got too much down here for her.”

  “Thanks brother.”

  I rounded the club house and found the ladder that leads to the roof. She shouldn’t be up here, it isn’t safe at all. Knowing Alannah though, it would be more likely I would have it made safe than her stop coming up here.

  As if I had to doubt my VP, she was sat up here with her knees tucked into her chest.

  I didn’t say anything to her until I was sat next to her, being up here must have done her some good, she looked a lot calmer now.

  “You’re not cryin’.” I said, happily.

  “No, I can’t do anything for them now, I’ve said goodbye and anyway, if Micky was here to see me cry anymore for him he would kick my ass.” she laughed.

  “I suppose he would.” I agreed, “It’s okay to grieve for them though, you don’t have to hide anythin’ from me. I know you’re hurtin’.”

  “I know, but if I don’t try and move on, I don’t think I ever will. Like my father used to say, they knew the club and they died for the club, it’s the only way they would’ve wanted to go.”

  I looked at her, she was serious, over the past week I thought she might not get over this loss, but all she needed was closure of the funerals.

  “Anyway, I have you now and everyone else. We have our future to look forward too.” she smiled up at me.

  I loved hearing her say we had a future, I didn’t know what the future held for us but I know with everything I have that as long as it involves the club and Alannah, I’ll be one happy fucker.

  “Here, I have somethin’ for you.” I said, pulling out a box from inside my cut.

  “You said you didn’t want a crown but you did ask for jewels.” I reminded her, handing her the box.

  I’ve never given a girl jewellery before, never wanted to, I never thought they deserved it, but Alannah deserves every jewel on the planet.

  She opened it and pulled out the necklace, she read the inscription I had engraved on it first, then she turned it over and saw the diamond encrusted front.

  “Cas’s old lady forever.” she giggled, “It’s beautiful, thank you.” she said, kissing me softly.

  She passed it to me to put around her neck.

  “One day soon, it will be a ring in that box and you’ll never be able to leave me.” I told her.

  “I’m not going anywhere.” she promised.

  Staring me in the eye, she pushed against my chest until I was laying down. She straddled me and bent over to kiss me. I had missed her touch, I hadn’t made a move with her since she got hurt, I patiently waited until she was ready.

  The way she grinded against my cock I knew she was ready now.

  She reached between us and undone my jeans, lifting my hips slightly so she was able to pull my jeans down, she needn’t worry I wasn’t ready for her, I was hard as rock. My cock sprung out from my boxers and pulsed in her grip.

  She didn’t even need me to get her going, she slid her panties across and slid down on me. She was soaking for me.

  “I’ve missed you this way.” she whispered against my neck as she moved herself in a slow hypnotic rhythm.

  “Me too baby.”

  She clenched around me and I nearly blew there and then, I wanted to flip her over and take her myself but she wasn’t completely healed and against this roof, it would hurt her even more.

  She continued to ride me and soak every inch of my cock when she released herself, I had to come quick, I pulled her tight to me and thrust into her with as much force as I could. Her pleasurable moans in my ear tipped me over the edge and I poured myself into her and didn’t let her go until I got my breathing back under control.

  “That didn’t last long.” she giggled.

  “Well, it’s been forever since I was in there, anyway you come before I did.” I teased her, knowing she would be blushing.

  “Like you said, it’s been forever.”

  She moved off me and grabbed her purse, she took out her tissues and quickly wiped herself down and discarded the evidence.

  “You ready to go back down?” I asked, buttoning myself back up.

  “I am now.” she smiled.

  I tried helping her down the ladder but she slapped my hands away, although she did take my hand when
we were both on the ground and walking back to the crowd.

  “It feels good not being a secret anymore don’t it.”

  “Sure does babe.”

  Sure fucking does.

  “When we wake up tomorrow, today will be a memory and that’s when life really begins to change.” she murmured closely.

  She was right, us as brothers and us as a club would change whether we welcomed it or tried fucking it off.

  I passed Alannah to Sparky and called for their attention, brothers began coming out of the clubhouse and stood waiting for me to speak.

  “Today, we say goodbye to our brothers, forever with us and never forgotten. To Big Ron, Shorty, Jonny 3, to Micky and to Billy, we say goodbye brothers, Rest in fuckin’ Peace.” the crowd roared their farewell, and raised their drinks to the sky.

  “Tomorrow marks a new era for us, a new start and fuck me, we’re gonna take it.”

  I took a bottle of beer being passed my way,

  “Lost Souls till we die!” I yelled, and drank the bottle dry, thrusting the empty bottle into the air.

  I took my girl back under my arm and we drank the night away and welcomed the new era in together the next morning.


  A month has passed and the club is healing slowly. I still haven’t been able to go back to the cabin, Cas assures me there’s no rush and I believe him, he’s had to spend a lot of time at the club and I know he feels better knowing I am here.

  I’ve surprised myself by making a couple of friends with the club girls, it’s made rethink my original opinion of them, well, apart from the ones that do truly deserve my judgement.

  Cas has been working hard repairing club business and relationships within it and with other connections, turns out Michael wasn’t only betraying us but other connections too, but I don’t ask, I don’t need to know the details. All I need from Cas is him and he is always willing to give me that. If we’re in the same room and I want his attention, all I have to do is touch his necklace he gave me and bite my lip seductively and even when he’s really busy, he’ll still give me his time.


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