Luci's Lullaby

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Luci's Lullaby Page 26

by Leaona Luxx

  Our bodies tangle around one another, working together to become one. He tugs on my panties, dragging them from my body. His hands slide up on the inside of my legs, parting them further as he reaches my center.

  “The thought of never getting to taste you again has haunted me.” He kisses my inner thigh. Running his tongue up and over, licking me as he finds my clit.

  His tongue works miracles, and I think I see God as he laps at my core. His fingers digging into my hips as he holds me to his mouth. I squirm and fist the sheet as my orgasm builds, slow and deep.

  His fingers slide into me, and I buck from the bed. He swirls my clit before sucking it into his mouth, and I find heaven on earth.

  “Dear God, I love your mouth,” I scream as I ride his tongue and climax, releasing the sheets.

  He lays over me, his cock bobbing at my entrance. “You might want to hold on, baby.” He slides in quick and deeper than he’s ever been.

  We find our rhythm in record time, bumping and grinding as we fight to make up lost time and to take our time. It’s as if we both never want it to end, so we slow down, slipping and sliding at a crawl.

  He pulls back, staring into my eyes. “I love you, Charlee Rae.”

  “I love you, Alden.” A tear runs down my cheek, and he kisses it away as our pace picks back up.

  His knees dig into the bed as he hitches my leg on his hip, allowing him to pound deeper into me. I claw his back as we race to our orgasms. He pushes making my pussy clench around him, milking his cock.

  Our climax hits as I explode around him, encouraging him to fill me with his. Pumping me until we fall back, sated for now. He rolls to my side, collapsing on the bed.

  “That was…” I would squeeze my thighs together, but I can’t move.

  He pulls me into his side. “I’m exhausted, but I can’t lie—I could do that all night.”

  “Mom has Luci all night, and we have lost time to make up for, sir.”

  He breaks into a face-splitting grin. “Now that’s a song I could play over and over.”

  I poke his side. “I can’t believe you never told me you knew me.”

  “It seemed important to you to stay anonymous.” He sighs. “Which didn’t do much for my ego.”

  I roll my eyes. “Like your ego needs to be boosted.”

  “It wasn’t about that; it was the high school kid who couldn’t find the words to tell his crush how incredibly beautiful she is.” He presses his lips to mine.

  My breath hitches. “I feel the same way. I knew then your music would move the souls of so many.”

  “On another note, see what I did there? Aksel’s dad, One, bought our contracts out and Sam is gone forever.” His eyes alight.

  “Ding dong, the witch is dead!”

  “Forever!” He rolls overtop of me. “For whatever reason, God saw fit to bring us to this moment, together. I don’t want to spend another day without you by my side.”

  I lay my hand on his face. “I don’t want to be anywhere else.”

  He falls to the side, taking me with him. I straddle him, looking down at his beautiful face as he smiles. “Good, because I’m loving this bigger bed right now.”

  “Oh, really. Do tell?” I lean in, sweeping my tongue over his.

  “Yeah, the view is amazing.” He palms my breasts.

  I lift my ass and fist his cock. “I wonder if this is better than the bed?” I slide him deep into my core.

  “Hell, that’s pure heaven on earth, baby.” His lips part as I begin to rock my hips.

  His hands squeeze my ass as I find a delicious rock and roll of my body on his. I watch as he sinks his teeth in his bottom lip, and I bounce on his thighs. His hips raise, meeting my body as I fall down on his.

  I stop long enough to grind on him, and I feel him twitch deep. That’s all it takes for me to roll my hips and claim him as mine. “You own me.”

  I take his mouth, fucking it like I am him. It’s not always about slow; making love comes in different ways, and I show him how much I love him. As our orgasms rocket through us, we fall to the bed trying to catch our breaths.

  I turn to him, smiling with my remaining energy. “You own me, always have and you always will.”

  His lips find mine. “I love you.”

  “I love you.”

  “Babe. Baby.” The sweetest murmur sweeps over my ear. “Charlee Rae.”

  I open one eye, then the other, to find my perfect man smiling boyishly at me. “Mornin’.”

  “Good morning, beautiful.” I can’t believe it’s been a month since we’ve been back together. Time flies when life’s perfect.

  “What are you doin’?” I sit up, finding him sitting crossed legged with Luci and his phone.

  “It’s XM Country Radio, The Highway.” He twists his mouth.

  “Yeah?” I take Luci when she reaches for me.

  He holds up his finger. “Hi, welcome back. We’re here with Alden Beck this morning, talking to him about his breakout song, Lullaby. Alden, can you tell us a little about this song that has taken over the airwaves.”

  “Sure. I lost my parents when I was in high school and my brother dropped out to become my legal guardian. About nine months ago, he and his wife were killed in a car accident.” His lips begin to quiver, so I take his hand.

  “Man, we’re so sorry for your loss.”

  “Thank you.” He swallows hard. “I became guardian of their newborn daughter; my sister-in-law gave birth just before she passed. I signed a contract that wasn’t in my best interest and hit the road.

  “My life spiraled out of control and cost me the love of my life, and I came close to losing Luci. I was lost and drunk. Something had to change, and that was me.” I squeeze his hand.

  “I wrote Lullaby as a tribute to my girls, my ride or die ladies who are sitting here in the middle of the bed with me right now. I’m one of the lucky ones.” He smiles at us.

  “Lucky, how so?” he asks.

  “No matter what I did to destroy my life, God saw fit to give me a better one. I’m blessed with Luci to call my own, and Charlee to go through life with. I’m one of the lucky ones.” I lean over and kiss him as Luci looks up at us.

  “Daddy,” she says with a smile. He leans in and kisses her.

  “Is that Luci now?”

  “It is. She’s simply amazing.” He beams.

  “Well, Alden Beck, we have your new management with us, Aksel Lloyd. I think he has something he wants to share with you,” the announcer says.

  “Hey, man. You’ve been invited to perform at The Grand Ole Opry where Atlantic Records will be signing you to a contract.” Alden’s eyes flash to mine, teeming with fear. I’m not worried at all, we’re solid.

  “Congratulations,” I whisper, kissing him.

  “Seriously?” He’s in shock, and I’m crying.

  Aksel chuckles. “You better believe it, congratulations.”

  The last few weeks have been a whirlwind of activity. Alden refused to go unless we were with him, and he got everything he wanted. His new record is already being recorded as we split time between Cherry Grove and Nashville.

  “Does this look stupid?” He glares at me through his dressing room mirror.

  I wrinkle my nose. “Yeah, it’s not you.”

  He pulls the rhinestone-clad shirt off and digs through our bags. “Where’s my ball tee?”

  I stand with Luci on my hip, and he takes her from me, kissing her as I get his shirt out. “Here. Now, chill out. You’re making me nervous.”

  He bends, pressing his lips to mine. “Thank you.”

  There’s a knock at the door. I walk over, peeping out. “Hi, Aunty Reese.” I swing the door open and embrace Reese and Walker.

  “Guess what I have!” She waves an envelope in her hand.

  Alden grins. “You’re kidding me?”

  “Nope! Adoption papers.” Her smile spreads across her face. “As soon as you’re back home, you’ll sign these and officially be Luci’s dad.

  Alden wraps us in his arms, taking my mouth. We hold each other, knowing we’ll be a family and everything else will just be white noise.

  “You seem to be racking up on the congratulations lately.” My heart is ready to explode as it pounds.

  He takes Luci in his arms. “I’m the luckiest man in this world. I love you, Luci.”

  “Daddy,” she says, hugging him.

  Another knock on the door and Alden’s eyes lock with mine. “You’ve got this, go be a star.”

  He kisses us both and takes my hand. Reese kisses him for good luck as she and Walker follow us out to the stage. Walker pats his back, and they exchange a handshake and a look.

  “What was that?” I side-eye Reese who shrugs.

  Alden holds Luci close, kisses her temple, and hands her off. Pressing his lips to mine before standing at the steps to the stage.

  “Let’s give a Grand Ole Opry welcome to Alden Beck, everybody,” the host announces as Alden takes a deep breath and runs up the stairs and out onto the stage,

  “Hello, Alden. How are you this evening?”

  Alden smiles nervously. “I’m doin’ amazing, sir, Thank ya.”

  “We understand you received some wonderful news before coming out here,” the country legend says with a smile.

  “Yes, sir. As many of you know, I lost my brother and I’ve been raising his daughter as my own.” He sighs heavily. “I was just given word as soon as we’re back home, I’ll be adopting her.”

  “Wonderful!” The crowd bursts into applause.

  “Thank you.” He pauses, glancing at me. “But I can’t do it. Not on my own and, as a matter of fact, I haven’t done it on my own. So before I can sign those papers…” He gets down on one knee facing me. “Charlee Rae, I’ve loved you for as long as I can remember. I’m not me without you and Luci.

  “Marry me, because you love me and because we love you. I need you by my side, but I want you as my wife, my partner and my life. Fall in love with me every day and fight with me when I want to give in. I can’t think of another thing I want more than you to marry me. None of this is worth it if I can’t have you. I want you to be Luci’s mom, so that I can be her dad.”

  I cover my mouth as Reese pushes me up the steps. I slowly walk over to him, Luci in my arms, and mutter the only thing I can say.

  “Always.” He stands, taking us in his arms. Our mouths meeting and taking one another as we kiss and fall deeper in love. Alden places a white gold band on my finger. It’s ringed in diamonds and crisscrosses in the front.

  He stands and whispers, “It was our mom’s; I hope you don’t mind?”

  “I’ll cherish it forever.”

  We stand on the side stage as Alden sings Lullaby to a sold-out crowd, cementing his star and announcing he’s arrived with me and Luci by his side. Sometimes, love and family can take on an entirely different look.

  It isn’t always as simple as some paint it, but as long as you hold the brush together, the colors will be bright and shine to get you through any storm that life brings you to.

  And there’ll always be one person who sings to your soul and fills it with all the love you need… or want.

  This is our beginning.

  To my readers – thank you for taking your time to read my stories. Creating this world and having people choose to be part of it, means more than words can ever express.

  Bloggers – Thank you for taking a chance on an unknown and for your hard work.

  For the Love of Pimping, Calling All Books (Diane) – Thank you for all of your hard work and time you give so freely.

  Jenz Book Jewels – Jenny, I adore you and our friendship. Thank you for all you do, love your face!

  Wicked Women Book Blog – Michele, several years ago I needed a friend…and there you were. Thank you, for believing in me and being my friend. Love you!

  Little Bookworm – Amy, thank you so much for taking a chance on me and jumping in the deep end. Love you!!

  The Bottom Turners: There’s not a group of people I love more than each of you. Thank you for being on this ride with me!

  Cover Photography; Gigi Hoggard with Gigi Photography Studios: Boudoir & Models – Your talent is astounding, and it’s been a pleasure to work with you. Thank you!!

  Cover Model: Blake Sevani – I have never had the support that you’ve shown me during this process. As I started writing this book, Alden transformed into a kind and caring man, so much like you. I’m rather smitten with your smile but it’s your goodness that has blown me away. Stay amazing, your light shines from within. Thank you!

  Cover Design for Luci’s Lullaby; Moonstruck Cover Design and Photography: Emma Rider – As always, you listened and went to work on what I foresaw for this cover. It isn’t easy but you make it look flawless. Thank you.

  HEAPR and More: Lydia Harbaugh and Heidi Bellus – To two of the utmost professionals in the business, thank you. You’ve helped me grow and loved me through the moments no else could. I appreciate you more than any words on earth could detail!

  Masque of the Red Pen Publishing: Silla Webb – I’m nothing without your hard work and guidance. Thank you.

  Katie J., Cheryl J., and Nicole: Ladies, I love you! I appreciate all that you do and for everything you are. Thank you for being by my side.

  My Betas and a few of my best friends: Joyce, Heather B., Nicole S., Donna O., Donna M., Mary S., Kim M., Eunice, Tamara, Christina R., Christina O., Teresa G., Teresa B., and so many more that I can’t name but I’ll get to you soon - thank you for always being my ride or die girls!!

  My Alphas:

  Lily, Doreen, Diane N., Danielle, Sallie M., Sarah K., and Robin B. – for every word and all the tears, thank you for having my back.

  My tribe: though we may be small, we are strong.

  Christine Strongi - I love you!

  Silla Webb – You are the epitome of ‘ride or die’! I’ll do my best not to kill you. Love you!!

  To my mom, boys and girls, I love you all. Thank you for having my back, today, tomorrow and always. For believing in me and telling me to believe in myself.

  Daddy- thank you for being my dad and loving me the way I needed to be loved. You were always my biggest fan.

  LU (Shan)- Thank you for being the most amazing father a mom could ask for. And thank you for loving us when no one else would and for being here, when no one else would.

  You and me… against the world. Always.

  Leaona, also known as Lea, is a wife and mother of three young men, she's a small business owner and proud daughter. Lea enjoys football, NASCAR, gardening and anything she can enjoy with her family.

  Inspired to write while raising her family, Lea never dreamed she would one day be a published author. While loving all genres, Lea writes contemporary romance. Her books are true to life and are not your average love stories. Lea writes what she knows, drawing from everyday life to create her characters and their worlds.

  She's your everyday lady that loves to connect with her fans via social media, you can find her on all platforms. Leaona also doesn't mind to dish about her favorite authors and their books.

  Leaona's debut with her first book in The Cove Series on June 22, 2016. Followed by Highway 17 Series in February 2017. Her books are Deep Southern Redeeming Romances.

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