Return of the Ascendant (The Ascendant Series)

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Return of the Ascendant (The Ascendant Series) Page 17

by Raine Thomas

  “There will be a large number of Alametrians at the ceremony,” her mother said as Kyra waded towards the waterfall. “When the time comes for the reception, you will be at our sides so that we may ensure you meet those who warrant an introduction. You will avoid interacting with anyone we do not approve.”

  Kyra wondered why, but was afraid to ask. She imagined it had something to do with her parents’ ridiculous elitism.

  “Fine,” she said, slipping under the waterfall.

  It was blissful, warmed to just the right temperature and falling fast enough to knead her shoulders without being painful. If she hadn’t been worried about her audience, she would have groaned in pleasure. As it was, she did her best to keep her body beneath the bubbles as she got her hair wet.

  “Thank you for your time, Ma’jah,” her mother said, getting to her feet. “I will see you at the ceremony.”

  “Oh,” Kyra said, wiping water from her eyes and wondering if she’d done something wrong. “Okay. Are you going to get ready?”

  “In due time,” her mother said with a small smile. “First I must have a conversation with the Dem-Shyr.”

  Kyra deliberately plastered on a blasé expression that belied her alarm. “I see. I hope it goes well.”

  “I’m sure it will. We must take all necessary precautions for your safety tonight, after all.”

  Relief rolled through her. “I should hope so,” she said, trying to infuse arrogance into it.

  With a more sincere smile, her mother nodded and walked out of the room. The Mynder she didn’t know followed her, likely escorting her to the outer doors. Kyra returned her attention to her bath.

  It was a lesson in humility, though she wasn’t sure whose. She found out that the Wrym were responsible for washing her. Every part of her. They shaved her, too, though it wasn’t exactly like using a razor blade. They covered her body in a special solution and used thin, smooth rocks to wipe away the hair. The only thing saving her from absolute humiliation throughout the ordeal was that they did all of the most intimate things behind the purple curtains, out of the sight of the Mynders.

  Once that was done, she was dried with deliciously soft cloths and draped in one of the silk robes. Zasha and Heshi directed her over to the padded seat directly in front of the vanity, where they were soon joined by two of the other Wrym, J’li and Coqe. Kyra sat in silence as she was slowly transformed.

  And what a transformation it was. At first, she thought the females had somehow dyed her hair during the bath. Her memories came to her aid, though, and she remembered that her hair had actually been dyed before she left the planet as a way to mask her identity. On Earth, her hair had been mostly brown with a few reddish highlights when the sun hit it. Now, it was dark and lustrous, seeming to glimmer with rich ruby highlights. It fell past her shoulder blades in thick, curling waves.

  The Wrym wrought other changes through their various implements, too. She was puzzled when they had her lie back so that they could scan her entire body with several different wands that looked like glow sticks. Some of the places touched by the warm light pinched painfully, as though the light was tugging at her skin and even her bones. She would have suspected the females were intentionally hurting her if it hadn’t been for the fact that the two Mynders watched without concern. The most alarming part was when Heshi had her look directly into the light of the last wand. The resulting burn had Kyra gasping in shock and lurching up.

  When the tears of pain cleared her vision, she saw what they’d done. They had restored her features to what they had been before she left.

  Holy shit.

  As her heart raced, she allowed the memories that her reflection brought forth to rush through her. Even the memories that embarrassed or disgusted her now were welcome. She needed to remember.

  The changes weren’t terribly dramatic, she noted as her initial surprise faded. Her eyes, which had been light blue before, were now a diaphanous shade of blue she’d seen only once on Earth, in the form of some gossamer fabric covering a girl’s dress at a party. The darker blue outer circle of her unique irises kept her eyes from looking freaky. They were…something else.

  Some of her facial features had changed, too. She looked older by at least a couple of years. Gone was the subtle roundness of lingering baby fat. Now, her cheeks, nose, and lips appeared sculpted by the most deft hands on any galaxy.

  It was a lot to take in, but she wasn’t given much time to gawk at herself. She spent what felt like an eternity at the hands of the Wrym, first in front of the vanity and then inside the closet. Her gaze kept slipping to the doors, hoping Ty would return. Why had he been gone so long?

  At long, long last, Kyra was ready. She stood in front of the full-length mirror in her closet and wondered what movie or magazine she had just wandered out of. There was no way that person in the mirror was her.

  She supposed what she wore constituted a gown. The under-layer was a shimmering fabric of blue that matched her eyes exactly. It banded across her upper arms and breasts, falling in a V down to her waist and then curving around to hug her thighs and legs. It fell into soft folds past her feet, part of the skirt trailing behind her in a short train. Her shoulders, most of her back, her midsection, and large portions of her sides were bare.

  Over the fabric was a sophisticated network of thin, woven strands of light blue gems. The strands made a delicate web-like pattern that fit her body perfectly, serving as an accent without really covering anything. A slightly larger cluster of gems sat just beneath her breasts. The strands reached mid-thigh, where the fabric of the skirt was fullest. She looked like she was standing on a cloud.

  Her hair had been swept up in an elaborate design. More strands of gems had been incorporated into the style, glittering as she turned her head. Jeweled earrings hung from her ears. A series of bracelets decorated each arm. Even her shoes had jewels on them.

  Between all of the accessories and the cosmetics the Wrym had used, Kyra felt as fake as most of the pictures she saw in magazines. And now she was going to be introduced to people her parents deemed “important,” who would probably be as fake as she looked.

  Oh, Ty, she thought miserably. Where are you?

  She murmured her thanks and left the closet once the Wrym bowed and backed away from her. The Mynder Kyra didn’t know moved out of the closet ahead of her, striding over to the main doors in the entry parlor. Gren waited until she left and followed her.

  Spotting the small tray of finger foods that one of the Wrym had produced, she walked over to it and lifted the glass of peach-colored liquid beside it. Gren reached out and took it from her, making her frown. He sipped it, giving her a quick wink that eased her irritation. Once he was sure it wasn’t going to kill her, he handed it back.

  Guess Ty wasn’t the only one risking his life for her.

  “Thank you, Gren.”

  She finished the glass, ignoring the food. Her stomach was a churning mass of nerves.

  More time passed. She sent Ty thoughts, not knowing if he was hearing them. He had said he wouldn’t be gone long, but he had been gone for hours.

  Or had he? She looked out of one of the windows in her bedroom and realized the sky hadn’t changed color. Maybe it was a slightly darker shade of pink, but definitely not as dark as night. Had she lost all track of time?

  Finally, Gren and his companion drew to attention. Gren opened the doors. She hurried forward, a smile on her face. The smile froze when she realized who had entered.

  It wasn’t Ty. It was VycorDane.

  Chapter 25

  Why did her parents’ Advisor cause her so much anxiety?

  Kyra pondered this as he strode into her chambers. He looked every bit the dashing lord in his dark red doublet, matching pants, and black knee-high boots. If he’d had a sword strapped to his side, she might have thought he was about to go out and slay a dragon or something equally daring.

  So why did she feel so uncomfortable in his presence? Was it the look he gave
her as he saw her standing there? Was it the arrogance she detected in his every movement? Or was it something worse…because she found him attractive?

  She dismissed the last thought as he stopped a few feet away and bowed. His eyes grazed hungrily over her body as he bent down, lingering in places they had no right to. The carnal look made her shiver with revulsion rather than appreciation. Weren’t those types of feelings supposed to be repressed in both males and females? Maybe he had paired with someone and had his repression removed, she reasoned, then promptly felt sorry for his amanti, since he shouldn’t be looking at another female that way.

  “Ma’jah Kyr,” he said as he once again stood. “I have come to escort you to the welcome ceremony.”

  Her face fell. “You have?”

  “Indeed. I must say, I am greatly honored.”

  She longed to ask him where Ty was and why he wasn’t escorting her, but she was worried that her curiosity would be suspect. “Aren’t you going to escort your amanti?” she asked instead.

  Confusion crossed his features. “My amanti?”

  She realized from his look and tone that he wasn’t paired. So why was he looking at her so inappropriately?

  “My apologies,” she stammered. “Dem-Shyr TaeDane might have explained that my memories are still spotty. Are we leaving now?”

  His expression eased into one of careful consideration. “Yes. The event started a while ago. The Guardians wanted you to have a grand entrance after most of the guests had arrived.”

  Oh, great. Aloud, she said, “Okay. Well, I appreciate the escort.”

  He offered her his arm, which she took. The fabric of his doublet felt velvety beneath her fingers. She realized the detailed etching along the doublet’s sleeves had been done in real gold thread. In light of the extravagance she’d seen already, she could only imagine what she was about to witness at the ceremony.

  “I am certain you were expecting Dem-Shyr TaeDane,” he said as Gren and the second Mynder opened the doors and they stepped out into a large hallway. “However, as he is in charge of your security, he is overseeing everything tonight.”

  Feeling his gaze on her face, she kept her expression contained. “Having time apart from my constant shadow is something of a relief, if you must know the truth, Advisor.”

  His smile told her that she’d said the right thing. “I understand, Ma’jah,” he said in a low voice. Leaning more closely than made her comfortable, he whispered, “And please, call me Vycor when we’re alone.”

  They were hardly alone, she thought, catching Gren’s glance when he overheard the Advisor. He and the other Mynder walked in front of them, and two more that she hadn’t realized were outside her chamber doors now walked behind. Still, she gave Vycor a small nod that had his smile widening.

  “Of course, Vycor,” she whispered back.

  As they progressed along the ornately decorated hallways, even more Mynders joined them. By the time they reached their destination, Kyra had her own entourage. For the first time, it really sank in how valuable everyone thought she was. It was both heady and terror-inducing. What could she possibly do that was so important?

  The noise reached her before the ballroom came into sight. Even though the enormous doors were closed, she heard voices, music, and the clinking of glasses and cutlery. She tried scanning her memories for more details about this part of the palace and came up empty. Maybe she’d never even been here. That wasn’t a comforting thought.

  Her heartbeat grew steadily faster the closer they got to the doors. By the time she could see the intricate silver and gold inlays decorating the ballroom entrance, her pulse had jumped into her throat.

  How the hell was she going to do this? No one had prepared her. What was she supposed to do? How was she supposed to act? What was she supposed to say?

  Vycor came to an abrupt stop. She glanced at him in confusion. His expression had morphed from pleased to…what, exactly? Irritated? Bored?

  “Ma’jah Kyr.”

  Ty’s voice had her suppressing a gasp. The group of Mynders in front of her parted, allowing him to approach. He looked spectacular, dressed entirely in black. His hair was even lighter now, she realized, and wondered if he had washed it with a solution similar to the one that the Wrym had used on her to reveal her true color. His gaze met Gren’s before he turned back to her.

  “Dem-Shyr,” she said, proud of the hint of distain she projected into her tone. She saw Vycor’s lips curve up. “What are you doing here?”

  “I will escort you into the ballroom,” he said, taking her left arm by the elbow.

  “You are meant to be overseeing security, Dem-Shyr,” Vycor said.

  Definitely irritated, Kyra thought.

  “I am, Advisor.”

  That was apparently all of the explanation that Ty was going to give. Vycor seemed as though he wanted to say something else, but he just lifted his chin in acknowledgement and walked up to the double doors. The Mynders stationed there opened the doors for him. A blare of trumpets sounded, making Kyra jump. Vycor paused just inside the doorway, his gaze not looking to either side.

  “Announcing the arrival of Advisor VycorDane,” a booming voice declared.

  Kyra watched as Vycor continued forward and descended down a staircase. She couldn’t see anything beyond the top stair. The doors closed on the ballroom noise, which hadn’t altered after the disruptive introduction. She stared at the doors as though her sure death awaited behind them.

  You can do this, Kyr.

  Ty’s thought was as clear as speech. How was that possible?

  She kept her gaze forward to avoid suspicion. She didn’t know how he was suddenly able to connect with her mind this way, but she wasn’t about to fight it.

  I don’t know if I can, she thought back. I mean, look at me, Ty. I feel like I’m on display.

  I can’t look at you. Just the brief glimpse I allowed myself had my arms burning.

  Unexpected pleasure coursed through her at his revelation. For the first time, she was grateful the Wrym had gone to such lengths to make her beautiful.

  You’re always beautiful, Kyr. Tonight, you’re exquisite.

  She knew he was trying to distract her from her doubts as he led her towards the doors. Everyone has such high expectations of me, she thought.

  And you will exceed every one of them.

  His confidence was staggering. It was also unwavering. She felt his certainty as clearly as she heard his thoughts.

  For the first time, she felt that confidence rise in herself. Why shouldn’t she be able to do great things? She had healed from not one, but two different begothia wounds, one of which she apparently shouldn’t have survived. She could share thoughts with Ty, something that seemed to surprise even him. If everyone else believed in her so much, why shouldn’t she believe in herself?

  Ty gave her arm a gentle squeeze, silently agreeing with her. They paused outside the doors. She guessed he was conveying her arrival through his thoughts. As if by command, all of the noise in the ballroom faded. The trumpets sounded again, this time issuing a longer, more elaborate musical flourish. Despite her surge of confidence, her nerves shimmied as the doors opened.

  “Announcing the arrival of the Ascendant,” the loud voice declared.

  Instantly, her nerves quieted. A sense of calm settled over her. That was exactly right, a deep part of her agreed. She was no longer Kyra Vaughn, a college student with an uncertain future. She was Ma’jah KyrVawn, the Ascendant.

  She was the future ruler of worlds.

  Chapter 26

  Are you ready, Kyr?

  Yes, she thought back to Ty. Let’s give them all what they’ve been waiting for.

  He guided her forward. When they reached the doorway, he released her arm and offered her his to hold for balance as they walked down the stairs. The Mynders guarding the doors bowed as they passed.

  Ty paused for a moment on the top stair. She wondered why, since she had already been introduced. A dr
amatic intake of breath made her understand. The prolonged gasp hadn’t come from one person, but from the entire room. Ty had obviously anticipated the reaction, which almost made her smile.

  As they once again started forward, she kept her shoulders back and lifted her chin in the manner she remembered being trained to do by her mother. She was grateful for Ty’s arm, not wanting to trip and fall on her face at this significant moment. Curious, she allowed her gaze to drift around as they descended.

  The first thing she noticed was the chandeliers. She’d come to remember that everything within the palace was large, ornate, and over-the-top on the luxury scale. These were no exception. There were four of them, all larger than school buses and dripping with crystals. The light in them was generated from a harmless chemical reaction, she remembered, and not electricity. A soft, romantic glow covered the vast ballroom. It touched on her gown, sparkling off the many jeweled strands. The Wrym had known exactly how to make sure all eyes were riveted on her.

  And they were. She actually felt everyone staring at her.

  Most of them have been waiting a long time to see you, Ty thought as his sharp gaze scanned the crowd.

  She knew that, but being the center of attention still felt foreign to her. A weight of responsibility settled on her shoulders as she considered that many of these people were in awe of what she represented to them, not just her appearance.

  She couldn’t fail them.

  You won’t.

  Squeezing Ty’s arm as they reached the last stair, she expressed her appreciation over his faith in her. Then she released him, knowing that was what she was supposed to do. He once again took her elbow. They started forward, stepping out onto a dark purple carpet that Ty conveyed had been set down especially for her. She couldn’t help but feel like royalty as they crossed the room to the far side, where a long table was set up on a riser. As they got closer, she saw her parents on either side of the tall, central chair, which she assumed was for her. Vycor sat in the chair to her father’s left. A woman Kyr didn’t recognize sat on her mother’s right.


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