Return of the Ascendant (The Ascendant Series)

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Return of the Ascendant (The Ascendant Series) Page 23

by Raine Thomas

  The last sentence was issued under her breath, but Kyr heard it. Once again, pain squeezed her heart. She knew she was nothing but an embarrassment to her mother. While Shaya’s misguided opinion shouldn’t have mattered, it did. Kyr thought she had done a remarkable thing earlier. Now, she felt as though she was being punished for it.

  Ty took her arm as everyone headed to a door she hadn’t seen before. Don’t let her bring you down, love. You were magnificent. You should be proud of yourself.

  His words had tears pricking the backs of her eyes.

  “Ma’jah Kyr!”

  Glancing to her right, she spotted Sem making his way to her through the crowd. He was grinning from ear to ear. Since Avana was near him, she realized her friends had been in the crowd. She felt their pride and support all the way from where she stood.

  Before she could speak, her mother sniffed and said, “We are not stopping to speak with those people. No more public contact until the Rite. This has been a trying enough day as it is.”

  Trying? Kyr thought. Her mother thought her day had been trying?

  She started to argue, but Vycor broke away from the group and intercepted Sem and Avana. Judging by Sem’s expression, Kyr knew she wouldn’t be getting to spend time with her friends, after all.

  The walk back to her chambers felt like a funeral march. No one spoke. Even the hallways were quieter than usual. The solemn silence fueled her growing fear.

  What had she done? Why had she instigated things with Vycor? He had all but said he was going to remove her memories of Ty. Could he do that?

  No, Kyr, Ty assured her, rubbing his thumb against the skin of her upper arm where he held her. The Ruvex Rite is meant to suppress negative emotions and memories tied to those. Your memories with me are positive.

  Have you ever undergone it?

  He hesitated.

  You haven’t, I can tell.

  No, he admitted. No one can enter my mind except you. It has always been that way, even before I assumed my powers as the Dem-Shyr.

  A memory came to her then, the one where she observed him gain his powers. She had watched her parents touch him and speak the words that solidified his position as the Dem-Shyr. It had resulted in the scrolling patterns on his forearms with the warning that he should never touch the Ascendant for any reason other than protection.

  Do my parents have powers?

  No. They harnessed my abilities until it was time to administer them to me. That’s why they’re called the Guardians.

  Where did they get your powers in the first place?


  She didn’t understand. She supposed she didn’t need to. All that really mattered was that Shaya and BrunyrVawn weren’t going to be any source of help for her, either for the Rite or at any point in the future. From now on, they truly were the Guardians in her mind, not her parents. They might as well not be related to her at all.

  When they reached her chambers, Ty entered them first to do his usual search. She stood without looking at the Guardians, who kept themselves separated from her. It wasn’t long before Ty came back out.

  “Everything is clear,” he said.

  “Very good,” Brunyr replied, his tone distant. “I expect you will see to it that Ma’jah Kyr is properly guarded throughout the afternoon and evening, Dem-Shyr. Only your most trusted Mynders should be on duty in your stead.”

  Ty frowned. “But I—”

  “In light of everything that was so publicly revealed today, you cannot honestly believe that we would be comfortable with you guarding the Ascendant right now,” Shaya scoffed.

  Kyr started trembling. Despite what she’d just convinced herself, she pleaded, “Mother, please…”

  “Do not address me so informally, Ma’jah,” Shaya demanded. “You have enough to answer for already, and by Yen-Ki, you will do so tomorrow.”

  The words were like a slap. A ball of fear and frustration stuck in her throat.

  It’s all right, Kyr, Ty thought, giving her a look telling her to be calm. “Very well, Guardians,” he said without expression. “I will retire to my chambers. You can be confident that the Mynders protecting Ma’jah Kyr throughout the night will be handpicked. No harm will come to her.”

  Everyone looked at her. Nodding abruptly, she turned and walked by herself into her chambers. The doors closed behind her like a jail cell slamming shut. She guessed that the two Mynders who would be standing guard inside her entry parlor had closed them. She really didn’t care.

  All of the anxiety and stress that she had experienced that day suddenly flooded to the surface. Without Ty there to offer her his influence, there was no stemming the tide. She didn’t even make it to her bed, simply collapsed on the floor just inside her bedroom door and cried as though her life was ending.

  And wasn’t it? Tomorrow she would undergo the Ruvex Rite, something she barely remembered hearing about as a child and that no one had thoroughly explained to her as an adult. She knew only that when she came out of it, she would no longer be the same person she was right now.

  Ty had tried to assure her that her memories of him would be protected, but she had sensed the doubt he harbored. They both knew that Vycor was pissed. If he hadn’t calmed down by tomorrow, who knew what he might do while he was in Kyr’s mind?

  What if he snooped around in her head? What if he discovered her feelings for Ty and used those to further damage Ty’s position?

  What if the Guardians found out and decreed that Ty could no longer be Dem-Shyr? Could they do that?

  What if Vycor took her feelings for Ty from her altogether?

  Tears fell hot and wet into her hands. She tried to stifle her sobs, knowing she wasn’t supposed to show weakness in front of others. Tremors wracked her body as her anguish consumed her.

  She wasn’t sure how long she sat there, but the shadows cast through her bedroom windows had moved several feet before she felt a presence beside her. Glancing up, she spotted Zasha standing there and looking down at her with concern. Kyr hurriedly mopped at her face with the heels of her palms.

  “I’m sorry, Zasha,” she said, her words coming out brokenly. “Did you call for me?”

  As Kyr tried to clear her vision, she saw Zasha close the bedroom door and kneel beside her. The Wrym took her hand.

  “Don’t cry, Ma’jah,” Zasha whispered. “Everything will be all right.”

  The kind words, coming from someone who had never spoken to her before, sent Kyr into yet another round of tears. Zasha made a tsking sound and drew Kyr against her, sitting beside her on the floor. Kyr leaned her head against the other female’s shoulder, wondering why she was receiving such compassion from someone she barely knew.

  “The Ruvex Rite isn’t all that bad, Ma’jah,” Zasha said softly, running her hand along Kyr’s hair.

  “You know?” Kyr asked.

  “We do. Word travels fast around the palace.”

  Kyr wasn’t surprised.

  “You’ll see,” Zasha said. “These days, the Rite is a simple undertaking. Quite informal, really. You’ll sit in a comfortable chair while the Mynder conducting the Rite connects with your mind. When he is finished, you won’t even remember why you were so concerned about it.”

  Despite Zasha’s efforts, her words only heightened Kyr’s fears. She didn’t want to scare the other female, though, so she made a concentrated effort to block that horrible thought and calm herself down.

  Once her sobs had eased, she asked, “Why are you talking to me now?”

  Zasha’s hand stilled. “Well…I heard you, and I couldn’t leave you by yourself in such a state.”

  “Thank you. But why not before, even when I spoke to you?”

  “Well…it isn’t permitted.”

  Frowning, Kyr said, “Isn’t permitted? You mean by the Guardians?”

  “Yes, Ma’jah.”

  In other words, Zasha was breaking the rules by being there and offering her comfort when she needed it.

  This was one
seriously messed up place.

  She eased back from the younger female and met her gaze. “Zasha, I prefer conversation to servitude. I’m not like the Guardians. I hope I never will be. Do you understand?”

  Zasha’s dark blue eyes widened. “Yes, Ma’jah.”

  “Thank you. Now, what were you coming in here for when you found me like this?”

  “Your evening meal is ready. I came to bring you out to eat, then prepare you for bed.”

  “All right.” Kyr pushed herself to her feet. Once Zasha joined her, she took the Wrym’s hands. “Thank you, Zasha. I needed that friendly shoulder just then. I’ll never forget it.”

  Zasha responded with a wide smile. A knock at the door interrupted them. Pulling away from Kyr, Zasha hurried to answer it. Two other Wrym stood on the other side, looking perplexed as to why Kyr was still in the room.

  Not wanting to get Zasha in trouble, Kyr swept out of the room ahead of her and walked over to the small table in the parlor. She had no appetite whatsoever, but she was worried if she didn’t eat anything that she wouldn’t have enough strength to get through whatever took place the next day. There wasn’t any sense in making things harder on herself.

  She sat down and unfolded the napkin next to her place setting. Then she stared down at the offerings. The food blurred as she battled back more tears. She tried to connect with Ty, hoping to at least hear his voice in her mind, but there was no response. Why would that be? Could they only share thoughts when they were together?

  “Is there anything I can sample for you, Ma’jah?”

  Glancing up, Kyr spotted Gren standing nearby. He must have been one of the guards Ty posted inside her chambers. She brought her napkin up to dab at the moisture on her cheeks, hoping she didn’t look as wrecked as she felt.

  “I’m not sure, Gren,” she said. “What do you think I can eat without throwing up?”

  One of his eyebrows lifted. She realized that a scar ran through it. Rather than disfigure him, though, the scar gave him a roguish appearance.

  “The berberry tart would probably sit all right,” he said at last. “I would stick with water to drink.”

  She nodded and waited for him to taste both. “Would you please sit with me, Gren?” she asked as he started to turn away.

  His gaze moved to the doors, where a second Mynder stood watching them. Shrugging, he took the seat across from Kyr.

  “Dem-Shyr TaeDane won’t be happy, but he’ll get over it,” Gren said with one of his winks.

  She wished she could smile, but her heart hurt too much for that. “Do you think he knows that you’re sitting with me right now?”


  “Really? He’s reading your thoughts?”

  Gren nodded. “Dem-Shyr TaeDane is always attuned to our thoughts, especially when we’re with you, Ma’jah. It’s almost like he’s here.”

  Oh, how she wished he was. Turning her gaze to her plate, she asked, “Have you undergone the Ruvex Rite?”

  If Gren thought the subject change odd, he didn’t show it. “Yes, Ma’jah. We all have.”

  “Do you ever wonder if you had memories repressed that you wanted to keep?” she asked in a quiet voice.

  Something passed over his features, something she couldn’t read. “No, Ma’jah. The Rite was performed by Dem-Shyr TaeDane. I trust him implicitly.”

  Nodding, she swallowed a bite of tart. It felt like dust in her mouth. “And well you should, Gren. I wish he was conducting the Rite for me.”

  He shifted in his chair, looking as though he was weighing his words. She saw his gaze move over her shoulder towards the second Mynder, then back to her. There was something he wanted to say, but he couldn’t, she realized.

  “Ma’jah, what happened today was…unfortunate.” His eyes held hers. “But you may rest assured that we will all be more prepared tomorrow for any unexpected occurrences.”

  She read the intensity behind his words and couldn’t help but respond to it. There were people on her side, she reminded herself. She just had to hope that their support would be enough.

  Chapter 34

  The palace was quiet and slumbering as Ty made his way into Kyr’s bed chamber. He locked the door behind him and moved silently through the darkness to the side of her bed. Thanks to his abilities, he could see pretty well in the dark. So he saw the tears on Kyr’s cheeks as she slept.

  He’d felt her pain throughout the afternoon, from the time he was forced to leave her until now, even as she suffered in her sleep. He hadn’t been able to reach her mind, though. The distance had weakened their thought connection. It had almost killed him not to be able to comfort her.

  Well, he could damn well do so now.

  Kicking off his boots, he climbed onto the bed beside her. For a moment, he remembered their time together at the safe house on Earth. Those two nights sleeping with her had been among the best of his life, despite the unknowns they faced. There, they had been free to simply enjoy each other’s company without it becoming a worldwide scandal.

  Had that only been a couple of days ago? It felt like a lifetime.

  Kyr stirred as he lowered himself onto the mattress. Her eyes flew open.

  It’s me, Kyr, he thought.


  He was unprepared for her reaction. She scrambled to free herself from the covers and threw herself into his arms, pressing him back against the mattress and straddling his thighs. Her lips touched his cheek, then his forehead, then his chin. Kiss after kiss rained down on him, blending with her tears.

  Thank God you’re here, she thought desperately. I was so afraid I wouldn’t see you again. Ty, I love you so much.

  Her emotion almost overwhelmed him. Taking her beautiful face in his hands, he sent her some of his calming energy until her tears stopped.

  It’s all right, Kyr. I’m here now.

  How did you get in here?

  Gren, and a great deal of unsanctioned thought manipulation.

  She smiled. Thank you for coming.

  Of course. I love you.

  Her eyes widened. He felt her wondrous delight as she allowed his love to flow through her. Had he known that hearing the words would be so important, he would have given them to her long before now.

  Ty, she thought, her hand running tenderly along the side of his face. We don’t know what lies ahead tomorrow. The judgment today, well, it showed us that we have to be prepared for deceit and behavior from others that we can’t anticipate.

  Yes, he agreed.

  Tonight, I want to make a memory that Vycor will have to fight to take from me. I want to be with you.

  He stilled and held her gaze. Kyr…

  I know what you said about the Faire-Amanti and my virginity, but I feel that it should be mine to give, just like my heart. I’m telling you what I want, Ty. I’m not going to force you, or manipulate—

  He interrupted her by flipping her onto her back and kissing her. Her mouth opened immediately, soft and sweet beneath his, inviting him to taste her. Her arms came up around his back, her fingers fisting in his shirt. Her legs encircled his waist and pressed him against her. He felt the heat of her through his pants. Pain flared in his forearms as desire raged between them.

  I’m sorry…there isn’t much time, he managed to convey.

  They broke apart. Kyr reached for his shirt as he tugged her nightgown up. With some fumbling due to eagerness and urgency, they managed to disrobe each other. He wished he could take all night with her. This was a first for both of them. But the mind manipulation wouldn’t last long, and he was taking a huge risk having done it in the first place.

  It’s all right, Ty, she assured him, stroking his bare chest with her hands. Now, lie down. I don’t want you to touch me.


  I want this to be painless for you.

  Love for her rushed through him. It doesn’t work that way, love. Whether I’m touching you or just thinking inappropriate thoughts, the result is still the same.

er face fell. Oh.

  Believe me, the pain doesn’t matter.

  She didn’t argue. He once again settled her against the mattress. Since his body was literally burning for her, he could easily see her in the light. She looked like an enchantress with her dark hair spread around her and her lips parted as though begging to be kissed. Easing down on top of her, he barely restrained a loud groan as the full lengths of their bodies touched. She ran her hands along his pectoral muscles, silently marveling over his strength.

  You make me strong, Kyr, he thought as he claimed her mouth.

  Caelys’s prediction ran through his mind, much as it had done earlier that day. You will be the weakest Mynder in Alametrian history, TaeDane…and as such, you will be the strongest Mynder in Alametrian history.

  Kyr’s hands felt like they were everywhere as they kissed. She stroked his back, lightly scoring his shoulders with her nails. She ran her fingers along his arms, where the muscles bunched as he supported his weight. She caressed his chest, finding his nipples and teasing him as he kissed the side of her neck. She tickled his ribs, making him flinch and making her giggle softly.

  I’ll get you back for that, he thought, lowering his head to her breasts.

  She moaned, stifling it quickly when he sent her a warning thought. He used his lips, hands, and tongue on her perfect breasts until her thoughts became silent pleas that he stop the exquisite torture. Rising back up along her body, he kissed her.

  Have you continued your birth control? he thought. Ullah had started her on it all of those years ago. Only the Kyndred and Ty knew her secret.


  Thank the all holy Yen-Ki.

  Breaking away from her luscious mouth, he met her gaze. This isn’t supposed to hurt like it would a human’s first time. Alametrian females have physically evolved in that way.

  She smiled. Yay.

  I want to watch you so I will never forget this moment.

  Her expression grew more serious. Yes. I love you, Ty.

  I love you, too, Kyr.


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