French Kiss (Novella)

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French Kiss (Novella) Page 1

by Duncan, Abbie


  by Abbie Duncan

  Galleon Romance

  Atlanta, GA

  This book, or any portion thereof, may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the author or publisher.

  This is a work of fiction and all names, places, incidents and character traits are products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons or events is purely and totally coincidental.


  Copyright 2013 (All Rights Reserved)


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter One

  The streets were bustling with life as Maria sat back in her chair.

  Positioned in the shadow of the imposing, but majestic, Eiffel Tower she was enjoying the company of all the elegantly dressed strangers as they passed by. Maria had always wanted to visit Paris, but had always been unable to because of certain “obstacles” in her life.

  Now, experiencing it for the first time was enlivening and she felt as if she belonged, as if her life was always meant to somehow end up in the City of Light where culture abounded. It was a place that so many sophisticated and unusual people had called home through the centuries. She was suffused with the pleasant feeling that she was home, now only one more ingredient was needed.

  Where the heck is Cameron?

  At the moment, Maria was still a little unsure of the new man in her life; but at least so far, he had passed all her tests with flying colors. Not that her standards were high or anything – far from it. It had been a while – a long while, since she had had any kind of experience with the opposite sex. In fact this was the first time in years she had let someone get this close to her…

  For this particular sojourn, Maria had selected one of her favorite outfits: a crisp, snow-white blouse that was pristine and unblemished. She hated stains, and thankfully there was never any chance of that happening here. And to add to the professional, powerful aura of the blouse, she had chosen a tight black skirt that was an inch or so above the knee, just how she liked it. Not too brazen, but not so ‘mundane’ as to be considered unappealing to the opposite sex.

  There was only one such member of the opposite sex she had eyes for anyway, it was he that she hoped to entice just a little more this evening.

  The target look was professional yet adventurous. With a pair of juicy Versace pumps to top everything off. She couldn’t believe her luck when she found them there in the shop, she had been scanning as usual, surfing through the freebies, almost in tears at the hopelessness of it all when they had jumped out at her. In a free shop of all places!

  The pumps added the final gloss to her wardrobe and as she sat and watched the street life unfolding around her, in the way that she had grown accustomed to. In this fascinating new world, she basked in the intense feeling enveloping her.

  Happiness? No, that was too basic a word to describe her feelings at that moment ... eagerness, yes! That was the word, much like the eagerness that little children exude on Christmas Eve. Somehow, she knew it was much like a Christmas for her, only this wasn’t celebrating the birth of Christ, it was the birth of Maria Thornton, at least the one she had always wanted to be.

  For one night, she could throw off the restricting mask that was the old Maria and become anyone she wanted. Her attire was complete as were her hair, nails and lipstick - the three essentials she called them, without which, she would feel naked.

  She sipped at her coffee, twirling her newly curled and colored hair around her fingers, the burgundy dyed locks matching perfectly with her burgundy painted nails, her favorite color, so intense and attention grabbing, it was a perfect echo of her own character.

  If Cameron wasn’t impressed with what he saw when he appeared, she would be disappointed to say the least. When they had first met weeks earlier, in Rome, Maria had not even bothered to choose an appropriate outfit or even take the short time to color her hair.

  Cameron, who had rolled up in a Limousine, leaned out of the window and confidently said, “Hey, you look lonely, would you care to join me for coffee?”

  She had gotten lucky, real fast.

  Maria had heard from friends that it had taken them months to hook up with someone once they got out there and made themselves available, but she had barely been actively looking for a day when the suave and handsome Cameron had appeared to scoop her up. Needless to say, she had almost fallen out of her chair in her eagerness to join him, so much so that she had to keep reminding herself to stay grounded and not get too lost in the whole whirlwind that had kicked up that night.

  It was just nice to have someone to talk to, someone to share something in common with. He was lonely. She was lonely. Of course, Rome was a magnificent city to look upon and the streets seemed to go on endlessly.

  Maria had loved getting lost in the back streets and alleyways of such a historic place but there had only ever been one purpose for visiting. Rome was a veritable library of romantic fairy tales and legends and was one of the first locations visited by romance seekers such as herself and Cameron.

  Looking down the street, at the huge steel feet of the Eiffel Tower, she wondered just how it was that something so incredibly big could have stood for so long, over a hundred years, yet there it was, as if it were erected the day before. If only all things were built so carefully and meticulously, she thought, a sigh escaping her lips as she stopped the fidgeting at once, reality rearing its mocking head ... just for second.

  The moment was over as soon as she spied the person she had come to meet, drifting through the brightly lit street, the lamp light causing his beautiful golden hair to glow like the morning sun just peeking over the edge of the horizon. She smiled, impressed with his outfit for the night, and put her coffee down to greet her gentleman.

  As he approached through the now almost deserted street, Maria was pleased to see that he had followed her advice and worn a James Bond style tuxedo and he looked just as she had imagined he would, on all those nights spent alone in her bed. Her hero had arrived and Paris was to become their playground for the evening. She looked at her watch - another freebie, and saw that it was barely 6:30pm.

  Plenty of time for them to explore.

  “Hey, beautiful!” Cameron said as he reached her table and stood, admiring her. A huge smile crossed his face.

  Maria struggled to control herself, her heart was racing and threatened to beat right out of her chest but she took a deep breath and spoke, finally, “Hey ... handsome, it’s so nice to see you again.”

  Damn, she knew that was a little desperate sounding, oh well, too late.

  Cameron continued to smile, looking dashing in his tux. “Likewise, in fact ... I was a little worried you might not show.”

  It was Cameron’s turn to feel awkward now and he hesitated before continuing, “After all, it’s not exactly normal, all this ... is it?”

  Wonderful. Just wonderful. Cameron was as nervous as she was. All her previous fears about not ‘clicking’ with him vanished in that moment and Maria, all at once, felt at ease.

  Rising to meet him, she couldn’t help but feel like a teenager, a teenager just setting out on a journey of romance for the very first time. It was all still so very new and exciting to her and she never wanted that feeling to go away - it was an alien feeling, but a welcome one nonetheless.

  “It’s as normal as we make it ... I s
uppose.” Maria said shyly, hoping he would agree and she wasn’t disappointed because he nodded, still smiling.

  “You’re right, Maria. Why don’t we go for stroll and take in the sights Paris has to offer?”

  “Yes, why not. I always wanted to visit the Eiffel Tower and see what the world looks like from up there. Wanna go?” She said, hoping he would say yes. She craved the companionship that only a like-minded person could offer her.

  “Yeah, sure. Let’s ... take a look.” Cameron said, sounding a little unsure.

  Maria liked the sound of his voice. It was gentle, yet she could sense there was substance to him, despite the obvious nervousness he no doubt felt at that moment. That was what attracted her to him in the first place anyway, those moments of almost boyish shyness, as if he were really just a teenager, and not a thirty year-old man in his prime.

  He reminded her so much of herself and how she would often find herself sinking back into the character she was so used to playing. It had been so long since she had been someone that could be considered ‘self-assured’ but when she was with Cameron, confidence came easy.

  She supposed that when two people who were both inexplicably damaged, met and clicked, a kind of magical forcefield encapsulated them, shutting off their insecurities. Although, Cameron seemed a little more ‘off’ than usual and she wondered whether that was because it had been weeks since they had last spoken.

  “Hey, you? You okay?” Cameron asked as he appeared in front of her. Maria suddenly caught herself, as she realized he had been waiting for her while she was lost in thought.

  “Oh, yes, I’m fine. I was just thinking how nice it is to have ... found you.”

  There was a pause, then Cameron -- humble as ever-- shrugged and said, “I think we both know I’m the lucky one here.”

  Maria felt a wave of compassion then, for this man. The only man she had ever known who had made her feel important, even if this was only the second time they had met.

  She laughed, basking in the glow of his unintentional charm, borne probably of his lack of self-esteem.

  “Something tells me you’re wrong there, Cameron, but only time will tell, I suppose.” She said, nudging his arm playfully. Cameron smiled, bumping her back gently before skipping off down the street dodging a small group of youngsters sporting extravagantly decorated costumes.

  Maria skipped after him, laughing. Above, the early evening sky was a deep soulful blue, complimented by the glowing light from the line of tall street lights, each one looking like an antique throwback from a hundred years earlier.

  The perfect location for a blossoming romance, she thought. A wonderful feeling of anticipation flooded through her.

  Cameron sounded and ‘felt’ right from the moment she met him on that lonely street in Rome, the perfect tonic for a girl almost completely given over to despair.

  She made a mental note to call Emma and thank her.

  Chapter Two

  As they strolled, slowly, almost nonchalantly, the couple enjoyed a moment of silence that was broken only by the occasional car horn or nearby conversation. It seemed to Maria like Paris injected a feeling of harmony especially when you had someone to share it with. Paris was made for two, and she guessed Cameron was feeling the same. Every few seconds, his sky-blue eyes would shift in her direction, the message clear.

  “You know, I hardly have any idea where we are. All I know is that’s the Eiffel Tower and this is Paris. I like it that way ... it’s ... what’s the word ...?” Cameron said, his voice thoughtful.

  Maria nodded in agreement, “I think you mean it’s ‘comforting’ right?”

  “I think we are comfortably lost,” he replied.

  Cameron smiled, and Maria looked on enjoying the way his smiling face was back-lit by the bright red of the lights lining the Eiffel Tower behind him. He smiled so easily, as if it were new to him.

  Was it always that way? She wondered if he, like her, returned to reality at the end of the evening and wished that life had dealt him a different hand?

  In time, she hoped that would no longer be the case. Cameron, she hoped, would play a penultimate role in helping her reach that point.

  “You really do ‘get me’ don’t you, Maria. I mean even on that first day in Rome, when I pulled up in my limo all cocky and brash, you seemed to see through all that bravado and bring me down to Earth,” Cameron said, stepping aside to allow a young couple to pass by with a flourish of his hand.

  The couple smiled and moved on. The magic of the Paris evening clearly alive within their hearts too.

  Maria found herself blushing and instinctively turned away, but Cameron didn’t notice and instead turned and continued walking, the ever-present smile still fixed upon his handsome face.

  When she finally pulled herself together, Maria answered him, “Well, I figured we’re both in the same boat. Why else would we be there? I could tell, anyway, it was something in your voice ...” Maria paused for a moment thinking and stopped, looking out at the silvery expanse of the Seine river that stretched off and passed by their destination.

  Cameron stood watching her, as if urging her to find the words.

  “What, what was it? The suspense is killing me, Maria!” He laughed and Maria savored the sound of his strong Texan accent, soothing to her ears.

  “Well ... don’t get offended ... ‘desperation’, that’s what it was.” She said, hoping she hadn’t overstepped the mark.

  “Ah, I see...” said Cameron, sitting on a bench set back among some Willow trees by the river behind him. Maria held her breath, waiting, it was a pivotal moment and one that would decide their future, she was sure.

  After a few seconds of silence, very long seconds, Cameron looked up, no longer smiling.

  “You know, I couldn’t have put it better myself. In fact, that day in Rome, I was almost beginning to give up hope that I would ever find someone... someone who wouldn’t be suspicious or judgmental of me and question my motives. I thought my motives were pretty clear, driving around in a Limo alone isn’t my idea of fun.”

  He shook his head, his voice growing quieter as the feelings from that day flooded back to the forefront of his mind for a few moments.

  “If the truth be told, you were my final chance ... the only thing standing between me and ...” Cameron’s voice trailed off, but Maria caught the emotion in his voice, the allusion clearly evident.

  “Oh ...”

  That was all Maria could say, she was lost in two trains of thought, both colliding with each other as they struggled for power. On the one hand, she felt sad that it had reached such a point for him, and on the other she wondered just how close she herself had come to that crossroad. Ending it all, and setting herself free from the loneliness once and for all.

  Again, silence descended as they both struggled to continue. Cameron reliving his pain and Maria lost in indecision.

  Finally, Maria broke the silence, not wanting to dwell anymore. They had something now, each other, and all that darkness was behind them.

  “I understand, Cameron ... I know how you were feeling.”

  Cameron looked up from his shoes, his expression blank, “You do?”

  “Of course, I know how it feels to believe that you are gonna be alone for the rest of your life. As if, you’re invisible, at least as far as your humanity is concerned. People are so obsessed with outer beauty and expression that they neglect what’s inside, what’s most important.”

  Maria sighed with the release of pent up emotion that suddenly poured from her. It had been so long since anyone other than her mother had listened to her. Listening was a subjective thing, most people appeared to ‘listen’ but were really just waiting in line to put in their own two cents.

  Cameron was listening and she could tell.

  He sniffed and sighed before speaking, “Ain’t that the truth, huh.” He stood up and approached Maria slowly before stopping in front of her and breaking out into a huge grin.

you was the best thing that ever happened to me, you know that?”


  At that moment they embraced, it being the only course of action left at that point.

  All the loneliness she had ever felt seemingly rushing out through her lips in a long exhalation that left her feeling released. Released from the self-torment she had inflicted upon herself for so long. Cameron felt the same, she could hear it in the way he breathed - as if he were breathing oxygen for the first time.

  They remained that way for a minute or so. Two lost souls, finally at peace and what better place to find that peace than on the banks of the river Seine, the now spring-shoot green Eiffel Tower standing over them, a silent audience.

  Chapter Three

  The couple came upon a grand stone bridge spanning the river, a row of resplendent arches on its underside lit with bright golden lights.

  Maria quickened her pace, and headed directly for it, gasping with delight.

  “Look at that, it’s so beautiful,” she murmured.

  “Yes, it is, isn’t it?”

  They headed towards the glowing stone bridge that looked for all the world like the entrance to a great hidden castle. Maria took the lead, almost sprinting for it in her eagerness.

  “European sophistication at its finest, there is so much I don’t know about Europe and its history. I’ve had such a sheltered life, in Seattle...” Maria stepped onto the bridge and stood gazing at it, amazed by its splendor and the effect was magnified by the glowing green Eiffel Tower to the East.

  “It’s like I just stepped out of reality and into a dreamworld!” She laughed, throwing her arms up and twirling around, feeling like a schoolgirl again.

  Once more, in her life, everything was new and magical ... everything.

  Cameron from somewhere behind her, laughed softly, enjoying her sudden burst of energy as she bounded to each side of the bridge and looked down into the water flowing below, the gentle aura of the lights bathing the water in a soft radiance.


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