French Kiss (Novella)

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French Kiss (Novella) Page 3

by Duncan, Abbie

  Cameron stood up suddenly, his face beaming, and looked down on her nodding his head animatedly. “You know, that’s the best thing I have heard all day! Someone actually interested in something ‘I’ want to do!”

  He leant forward and held out his hands, and for just a moment, Maria did nothing but stare at him. She was simply not used to such invitations, but then she snapped them up eagerly and Cameron pulled her to her feet.

  “I’ll hold you to that, you know, but we’ll talk more about it tomorrow. For now, I feel like dancing! Ever been clubbing?” He asked before pirouetting , and performing a Michael Jackson signature move.

  Together they enjoyed a giggle, the two of them forgetting all the talk of God and death in a heartbeat.

  “How do you do that?” Maria said performing an awkward version of his turn and thrust, almost bumping into a passerby in the process.


  “Don’t worry about a thing, I’ll teach you just as soon as we find a club. Let’s ‘beat it!’” Cameron said before sliding backwards on his heels, almost flawlessly doing the moonwalk.

  Maria stood and gaped in awe. “You really got some moves, Cameron!”

  He shrugged and stopped mid-moonwalk taking her hand as he did so, “Yeah, but it’s not real, is it?” His voice lowered again, betraying a sadness that made Maria want to hug him close, but like he said, it wasn’t quite the same thing ... and wouldn’t really have the desired effect anyway. Then she remembered something.

  In a mock stern voice, she turned to him as they stood at the elevator doors and waved a finger, school teacher-like, “Hey, what did we say before we met today?”

  Cameron thought for a minute, before nodding, realizing something. “Yes, you’re right. The ‘promise’, it’s just a little hard to escape reality sometimes, you know.”

  “I know, Cameron. We’re in the same boat, remember? We can ride the river together, no matter how turbulent the waters get, we’ll be there for each other.” Maria put a hand on his chest.

  Smiling, Cameron put his own hand over hers and nodded. “That was pretty poetic, right there! I didn’t know you were into poetry.”

  He winked.

  “Oh, there’s so much you still don’t know about this girl ... but I’m hoping in time, you learn it all, everything...”

  Cameron gave a little laugh. “You’re awesome, Maria.”

  Chapter Six

  When they arrived at the club, Maria gasped and stood staring at the huge dance floor before them. It was filled with revelers, many dressed outrageously and some barely even dressed at all, at least not how she had expected. The dress code appeared to be ‘anything you like’ and Maria almost felt out of place amongst all the flamboyance on display.

  Taking her hand, Cameron led her straight to the dance floor and weaved his way through the throng of swaying, gyrating bodies until they found a relatively clear space in the center.

  Above them, a glittering silver ball hung from the ceiling, each little facet of it catching the rays and beams of the disco lights as they flashed on and off, sending the beams spiraling throughout the club in all directions. The happy faces around her were bathed in the various colors as they bounced and nodded to a funky disco beat that reminded Maria of the Bee Gees, only a little more upbeat.

  Maria turned to see Cameron standing and watching her, a little smile playing over his face reaching his blue eyes as they regarded the whole wild scene.

  With a spin and a sudden drop to one knee, he looked up at her and held out a hand, inviting her to take it, like a prince before his princess. Maria took it eagerly and happily allowed Cameron to lead the dance, as she had never before even set foot in a club.

  “Follow my lead, okay Maria, and just remember, here nobody cares what you look like, it’s all about release!” He called out over a sudden bass-line drop that had kicked up suddenly as the DJ skillfully mixed in the next song, drawing shouts of delight from the undulating crowd on the dance floor.

  Maria tried her best to keep up with Cameron as he turned this way and that and performed all manner of shimmies and disco moves, moves Maria had only ever seen on MTV and her favorite romance flicks like ‘Grease’ where the lovers were always in sync.

  It was magical. Echoing all the fantasies Maria had played out in her mind over the years as she sat watching ‘Saturday Night Fever’ and ‘Dirty Dancing’ on the T.V. alone in her room. She was Stephanie, the elegant, pretty and much sought after dancing queen and he was the handsome, confident Tony, leading her in a passion fueled dance across the dance floor, no holds-barred.

  “This is ... wonderful, Cameron.”

  He spun her around and let her go, she twirled and came to a stop a few meters away from him.

  Cameron didn’t answer, at least not straight away. He was just standing there amongst the moving bodies, staring at her, breathing hard.

  “Cameron, you okay?” She asked, a little concerned at his sudden change in behavior.

  He made straight for her and Maria expected him to begin dancing again or take her hand, but instead he walked right past her.

  “Cameron? What’s wrong?”

  Something was off.

  “Hey buddy? What the hell do you think ya’ll doing?” Cameron’s voice boomed in her ear as he accosted a man who had apparently been dancing behind her.

  Maria stepped back, watching the exchange, shocked at the sudden metamorphosis Cameron had gone through in just a few seconds. His Texan accent was as strong as ever and there was a distinctly menacing tone to it, a side of Cameron she hadn’t seen until that point.

  The man, a very tall, black male with a huge afro that bounced when he moved, continued to dance right in front of Cameron, even getting in his face every so often as he reacted to Cameron’s presence.

  “What’s up wid’ you? I’m just dancing.” She heard him say.

  “Just dancing? You were gyrating your ... your crotch right behind my girl there. And I saw what else you were doing, too. That’s disrespectful to me and her!”

  Cameron growled, clearly incensed at the man’s posturing behavior.

  The man laughed, a mocking tone, and stepped right up into Cameron’s face, “This is a club! People dance in clubs, get over yourself man!”

  “Get over myself!” Cameron was becoming even angrier and Maria wanted to stop things before they got out of hand but Cameron wasn’t listening.

  “Cameron?” She shouted over the noise, “Cameron, please, just forget it.” She begged but it was as if he couldn’t hear her.

  “Be a man, and apologize to my girl for that despicable behavior ... go on, do it!” Cameron said, threateningly, the tone of his voice beginning to scare Maria. She didn’t know how much more she could take.

  “Get the fuck outta my face, you white trash. You-ise just jealous, I feel sorry for your girl there!”

  The heavily accented man countered, becoming angry himself in the process.

  Maria turned and walked out of the club away from Cameron and the suddenly horrible thumping bass-lines and blinding lights. Struggling to hold back tears, she sat down on a nearby bench and took a deep breath, calming herself.

  She had only known Cameron for a few weeks, and in that time the two of them had only met like this twice. Cameron had completely surprised her with his behavior, but as she sat there mulling it over, watching the door for his appearance, she realized he was only protecting her. Guarding her dignity and not allowing that man to disrespect her. She smiled, it was actually quite noble of him to stand up for her like that, she thought. Hadn’t she always wanted a man like that, to sweep her off her feet and be there for her, to protect her, and comfort her in times of need like that in the club?

  Yes ... maybe?

  After a few minutes of waiting, watching the party goers come and go, listening to the myriad of accents as they chatted animatedly in their groups, she spotted Cameron leaving the club, flanked by two men in tuxedos, two big men. He must have been as
ked to leave, she realized ... good, she thought. The club had been fun, but she preferred the more personal moments like when they were walking together, hand-in-hand sharing stories and feelings with one another.

  As Cameron approached her, he slapped his forehead and shook his head. “I’m sorry, I don’t know what came over me - I guess ... I got jealous ... that man, he ...” Cameron struggled to find the words, embarrassment stunting his progress.

  Maria giggled playfully and jumped up from the bench, before going to him. “I’m proud of you, Cameron, my knight in shining armor!”

  She leant up and kissed him on the cheek lightly, and when she pulled away, she was pleased to see a burgundy colored stain there from the lipstick she had applied that evening.

  Cameron was dumbstruck. “You are?”

  “Yes! Yes, Yes! You were great in there, sticking up for your lady like that ... thank you.” Her voice softened as she thanked him, as she realized in that moment that she was falling for him just a little more. Falling for this honorable, humble man that cared enough to stand up for her.

  Cameron was silent for a moment, not sure how to answer, but he willingly took her hand as she slid hers inside his and this time led ‘him’ out into the streets of Paris, towards a bustling marketplace in the distance.

  “Wow! I don’t know what to say.” He finally said as they walked along the pavement, together hand-in-hand.

  Maria laughed. Cameron really was turning out to be everything she wanted - and more.

  Chapter Seven

  As they made their way to nowhere in particular, Maria and Cameron wandered through a lively marketplace, enjoying each other’s company and the low buzz of conversation from the crowd that surrounded them on all sides like a warm blanket. Their destination was more intangible; they sought a deeper understanding of each other, filled with a desire to explore further.

  “So, Cameron, I wanted to ask ... before the ... accident, did you travel a lot?”

  Cameron nodded. “Yeah, I loved traveling. In fact, it was all I ever did back in my college days... seems like a lifetime ago, or to be more exact, like someone else’s life.”

  Maria slid her arm around his and snuggled up close to him as they made their way out of the market and into a street where there were less people. Maria preferred it like that.

  “What cities did you visit back then?”

  Maria, herself, had never had the opportunity to visit another city. She supposed her life had been pretty sheltered compared to your average girl, but if circumstances had been any different, she was sure she would have at least left Seattle at some point.

  “Well I’ve been all over, Canada is cold and gray! Hawaii is incredibly beautiful, Australia - hot!” he said, waving a hand in front of his face to stress his point. “My favorite place though, was in the U.S.”

  “Really? How come?”

  Cameron shrugged, “When I was younger, just a teenager, I moved to New York so I could go to college. My mom would’ve much rather I went to a university in Houston, where I’m from, but I wanted outta there. Life was too slow for me, I needed the fast pace that only New York could offer, you know?”

  Maria nodded, smiling, “Yeah, I get that, I suppose. You ever watch ‘Midnight Cowboy?’”

  She said looking up at him as they stepped off the curb onto a quiet road, not a car in sight.

  He laughed out loud, and slapped his knee. “Midnight Cowboy? Wow, I know it alright!” He said looking up into the night sky again, nodding his head gently, remembering.

  “My mom used to call me ‘Joe Buck’, you know, he wanted to escape the Texas Green Horn life, and in a way, I was just like him - minus the cowboy outfit of course!”

  He laughed.

  “That was never my style!”

  “But you did do the hustling?” Maria said, raising her eyebrows at him, a cheeky smile playing on her lips.

  “What me?” he said, letting go of her and putting his hands up in a mock gesture of innocence.

  “You must have done a little, to get by, right?” Maria was groping for stories of youthful adventure and misbehavior.

  “No, I was a good boy, although like Joe Buck, I did sell my body for a buck or two when I had to!” Cameron said seriously.

  “What?” Maria said, “No, you didn’t?” Maria said jumping in front of him, blocking his path, allowing no escape from the question.

  Cameron laughed, happily, “Nah, although I did have a girlfriend, but she never paid me unfortunately. That woulda helped with the tuition!”

  They both laughed as one, and continued on, Cameron seeming to all of a sudden become more purposeful in his stride as he spotted a landmark and headed for it. He seemed to know where he was going and Maria followed, enjoying his newfound cheeriness.

  As they continued to walk, Cameron turned to her, “What about you? You haven’t said much about yourself. What do you do when you’re not sampling the cities of the world?”

  Maria thought for a moment, but it didn’t take her long to decide she would tell him the truth, after all they were in a similar position anyway and she was sure Cameron wouldn’t balk if she told him everything.

  “I never leave the house, except to go to the hospital for check-ups and physical therapy twice a week, you know how it goes...”

  Her voice grew distant as she entered reality for a second.

  “What about in your younger days? Didn’t you ever get to go anywhere and experience life, I mean, at least I had that, regardless of how things are now. I got to experience life outside of Texas, outside of the boundaries I grew up in.”

  Maria shook her head, her voice filled with sadness, “no ... I suppose ... my mother never allowed it, said it was too dangerous for someone like me to be out among ‘normal’ people. So ... for 25 years, I’ve pretty much been stuck at home ... with mom.”

  Cameron stopped walking and turned to look at her, his face betraying the sympathy he clearly felt for her. “That’s so awful, Maria. I’m sorry ... it must have been hard, all these years stuck at home.”

  Maria shrugged limply, “Nah, you get used to it, I suppose ... just like anything.”

  Cameron took her in his arms, hugging her close to his body, needing to comfort her. Maria felt safe with him, sure that if there was anyone she wanted to be with, it was most assuredly him.

  How lucky I am.

  Cameron held her close for a minute, the two of them in no hurry, simply enjoying the moment. Maria listened to the sound of Cameron’s breath, slow and steady, like his character.

  “Come with me.” Cameron said, breaking away from the hug and taking her hand suddenly, in a hurry. “I have something for you.”

  Maria was curious. “What, what is it?”

  “You’ll see ...” Cameron said, looking down at her with a huge smile on his face.

  Chapter Eight

  Through the lamp-lit streets they wandered, seemingly with no end destination in mind, but somehow, Maria guessed that Cameron knew exactly where they were going - she sensed a focus in him that had strengthened the further away from the market they got.

  Subtly, he was leading her. The question was - where?

  That question was answered soon enough, when Cameron came to a sudden stop before a brightly lit store - a jewelry store judging by the array of glittering, jewel-encrusted rings and fine jewelry on display in the window.

  This was no ordinary jewelry shop though, for it lacked the ‘plainness’ and austerity she usually associated with jewelry stores, especially the ones frequented by her mother. Her mother had a penchant for rings, never the expensive type - always silver and more often than not - cheap.

  Maria had always assumed that jewelry stores were such plain establishments in order to place more emphasis on the beauty of the jewelry contained within - that made sense - she supposed.

  Cameron smiled at her, taking in the look on her face… questioning and confused. As he held the door open for her, inviting her to enter the brig
htly lit interior under his arm, Maria wondered why he would want to enter a jewelry shop - an expensive one at that.

  Is he ...?

  The interior of the shop was decorated like a palace, the walls adorned with ornate wall-mounted lamps that cast a gentle light over the display cases, while the eye-catching chandelier overhead - the centerpiece of the store, fit perfectly with the candy apple-red walls encasing the little shop and its treasures.

  Behind the huge glass display case stood a smartly dressed woman, her hair bunched up into a splendid beehive that was adorned with little glinting teardrops, that hung from it here and there, strategically placed for effect. She smiled and stepped forward immediately beginning to speak - in French - and Maria tried her best to keep up with the conversation as Cameron surprised her by effortlessly rolling an almost perfect French accent of his tongue accompanied by a string of sexy yet confusing words.

  “Bonjour, Monsieur. Comment puis-je t'aider?”

  “Ah, Bonjour, Madam. Je jete un coup d’oeil, merci.” Cameron answered, as Maria stood there next to him, baffled.

  The lady stepped back then, the conversation over as quick as it had begun and Maria patted Cameron’s arm.

  “What did you just say?”

  Cameron looked up from the rings he was regarding in the display case and smiled, “Oh I just told her that we were only looking.”

  “Oh, I see...” Maria said, somehow feeling a little disappointed.

  What did you think? He was going to buy you a ring?

  Cameron nodded, turning back to the display case. “There’s some beautiful rings here, don’t you think? I quite like these,” he noted, without looking up. Cameron seemed to have eyes for only one ring in particular, it was gold and had one of the biggest gemstones Maria had ever seen.


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