The Rise and Fall of the Barnes Brothers Reloaded

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The Rise and Fall of the Barnes Brothers Reloaded Page 13

by Nikki Brown

  “I just wanted to let you know that I’m good. I don’t agree with how you went about what you did. I still gotta find a way to get through that shit but I get why you did it.”

  “That’s all that I ask; we are not always gonna like what the other one does. There has been plenty of shit that you’ve done, and I wanted to take your head off, but I had to let you find your way as a man.” He nodded. “Just know that I would never do anything to intentionally harm y’all, some things were out of my control and y’all going to jail for damn near a year was one of those things.”

  “I get it.”

  “Do you, because I don’t want any bad blood with us. I want us to start getting to know each other on more of a father-son type level. You are my blood, and I want that bond with you. And I wanna know my bad ass grandsons.” He laughed. “That damn Kyndon watched me beat Fredrick and didn’t cry or blink an eye, and I could have sworn I saw Lil’ Kayson smile.”

  “Them my little soldiers, I’m sure they gonna be hell on wheels.”

  “I wanna be a part of that.”

  “I feel you, and I’m good with that.” We dapped up.

  “Now let me get my ass home before Sharon start fucking calling.”

  “I wanna meet this woman.”

  “You will on the vacation I’m planning for everyone after you handle your business with your family,” I said speaking on Kaylin and Chelley. “Then we all going away.”

  “Sounds good,” he said, and we started to walk out. “What about that new crew?”

  “We gonna take care of that, but that ain’t shit to worry about; I told them what the fuck it was, they either take that shit or move the hell on.”

  “So what you tell ‘em?”

  “I told them 20%,” he looked at me and smiled and nodded his head. “I’m just waiting on the meeting for them to tell me if they with the shit or not. They don’t want war, I’m sure of that.”

  “Wait, how in the hell they know you was breathing, and we didn’t know?”

  “I made that shit known. I walked up in they shit and let them know that I didn’t appreciate them trying to come in my shit and when I told them who I was, they was all shocked I was still alive but I told them what it was gonna be and they said let’s talk about it. I told them when my son got home we would which is why they reached out to you.”

  “Cool.” Was all he said and we headed out the door. Walking into a new journey, with all the bullshit behind us.



  Laying on the beach watching Zemia’s body glimmer under the moonlight had my ass at peace. With everything that we had to go through this year, we needed this. The loss of my brother took me through so many emotions that I couldn’t keep up with them. I was with that nigga from the day he was born; we had a different kind of bond that I couldn’t explain. Everybody used to get so mad because I would take up the slack for him, but I couldn’t help it, it was my job to, and no one could tell me different.

  When Zemia lost the baby that really took me over the edge, that and the fact that I couldn’t be there for her when she needed me most. They had my baby seeing some got damn shrink like she was crazy or some shit. All she needed was me, and I wasn’t there.

  Then I had to go and fuck around on her with loose booty. I’m so glad that Zemia forgave me for that shit. I still can’t believe she took her hardheaded ass up there and fucked that girl up like that but who was I kidding, Zemia was a got damn firecracker ready to explode. Anytime she felt threatened and/or disrespected, she was gonna act out on it, and Shay put herself in that situation and got what she deserved.

  Speaking of Shay; she called talking that rah rah shit about filing charges, but I told her if she did or if she contacted me again, I would kill her and her family. At first, she thought I was just blowing smoke until I started rattling off addresses and phone numbers. That got her attention so much that her ass changed her number and moved. I haven’t heard from her dumb ass since and I don’t think we will. If we did, I had something for that ass that she would never forget. That acid bath was kinda neat, and I wouldn’t mind doing that shit again.

  “Why you zoned out?” Zemia brought me from my thoughts.

  “Because I’m sitting here thinking about sliding the thong to that bathing suit over and eating you until you beg me to stop.”

  “Not with all these people out here.”

  “Fuck these muthafuckas, this my pussy and we on vacation. Plus, they ain’t paying no attention to me.” I smirked.

  “No bae, plus we supposed to meet everyone for dinner tonight.”

  “The longer you make me wait, the worse it’s gonna be for you.”

  “Make sure you keep that promise.”

  She smiled and came and climbed in my lap with her back to my chest, I wrapped my arms around her and enjoyed the moment. I knew that when we got back to Charlotte shit was about to get hectic. She had just got promoted at her job so she was working more, and I was about to open up two more smoke shops, and I was helping Lyndon’s crazy ass open up his own. Zemia didn’t want him in the drug game, and this was the only way that he would stay away, he liked the vaping business and the THC business, so he would get his fix of the streets with a legal feel if that makes sense.

  I grew to like his ass; he was a cool ass dude. He was nothing like their punk ass daddy; I was glad about that. I had a hit put out on his child molesting ass. He didn’t make it a full two months in jail before he was killed. Zemia didn’t shed not one tear; she didn’t even go to his funeral. If anything she felt relief, and I was happy that I could do that for her.

  Tomorrow was my brother’s wedding, and we were having a dinner tonight with the family. I was happy, I just hope the little bitch that Lyndon brought with him don’t open her mouth again because Ann Barnes was about to get in that ass.

  “Let’s go in so that we can start getting ready,” Zemia said as she slightly turned to face me. She kissed me on the lips and then yawned.

  “Yo’ ass is always sleepy, is there something you need to tell me?” I asked her, and she just looked at me and smiled shaking her head no. “Yeah aight, don’t make me fuck you up.” I threatened, and she smacked her lips.

  “You ain’t gonna do shit but bring that ass on so we can get ready for this dinner.” She grabbed her towel and headed toward the resort. I got up and followed behind her little sexy ass.

  The food in Mexico was damn good. I swear a nigga gained like 30 pounds since I been here. We were all full and talking about shit that was supposed to go down tomorrow. Kayson’s bitch ass kept looking at me and shit. I was starting to regret telling him that I wanted to propose to Zemia while we were here because I now had cold feet, but his bitch ass wasn’t going to let me back out. I flipped his ass off, and he started laughing.

  “Excuse me.” I slid back from the table and headed for the bathroom to get my thoughts together. I just needed a moment to myself, but I knew that shit wasn’t gone happen because five minutes later I was joined by Jaako and Kayson.

  “Ya aight little bro?” Jaako laughed. “Look like you ‘bout ready to shit yourself.”

  “Nigga scared as fuck.” Kayson laughed.

  “Fuck both of y’all, how ‘bout that?” I turned toward the sink and ran water down my face. “What if her little stubborn ass says no?”

  “That girl loves your funky ass draws, there is no way that she would say no. Stop being a bitch and do that shit. She was made for you, just like Jen was made for me, and mean ass Yameka was made for this fool.”

  “Don’t talk about my wif—I mean my baby like that.” I caught that shit, and I was surely gonna ask his ass about it but not right now. Kayson was right, let me get my ass out here and get my woman.

  I walked out to the table where they were all laughing and shit having a good old time. My nerves were all over the place. I don’t think I was this nervous when I caught my first body. Hands shaking and shit and all I could see was that big fucking
kool aid smile on Kayson and Jaako’s face. Bastards.

  “Baby, you okay?” Ma asked me holding Kyndon’s bad ass.

  “Yeah Ma, I’m good,” I took a deep breath. “Aight check this,” I got everybody attention. I pulled Zemia’s chair out so that she was looking at me. She was about to take a bite of her dessert when I pulled her away, so the look on her face wasn’t a pleasant one. “Z, I love you, and you make me a better man.” I paused, and her eyes got glossy, she already knew where I was going with this. “I don’t see my life without you. You gonna ride with a nigga?” I smirked.

  “Omari Barnes,” Ma yelled out, and I laughed.

  I got down on one knee and pulled the engagement ring out of my pocket. She covered her mouth with her hands and just stared at it with tears streaming down her face.

  “I love you Zemia, will you do me the honor of being my wife,” I said seriously, she looked into my eyes and nodded her head. I mugged her ass. “That ain’t no answer.”

  “Yes, baby yes.” She shouted and jumped into my arms. I picked her up, and she locked her legs around my waist. “I love you.” She cried on my shoulder.

  “I love you more,” I placed her on her feet. “Here get this high ass fucking ring,” I smirked ignoring the glares I was getting from Ma. “Kayson could have told me I was gonna have to sell the house to get this shit.” Everybody laughed. “Seriously though, I love you, and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.”

  We embraced, and I swear it was like sparks went off in my heart and yes a muthafuckin’ thug can have sparks and shit. We have been through so much, but I was glad we walked away with both our lives and our freedom. I wished like hell Denari was here for all of this, but life didn’t see it that way. There were a lot of mistakes and a little revenge, but if you ask me that shit was beautiful as fuck!



  Watching my little brother propose to Z made me happy. We had really grown from the little knuckleheads that thought it was cool to run the corner. We were men now with families, I reached over and rubbed Yameka’s belly, and she smiled. She leaned over to me.

  “I think we should tell them now.”

  I laughed because I wasn’t ready to tell them shit. Ma was gonna have a damn fit when she finds out our ass went off to Vegas two weeks ago to get fucking married. I knew when I brought my firstborn into the world, I wanted all of us to have the same last name. So we talked about it and made that shit happen.

  The only people that were there was Tate and her mom. We made them promise not to tell anyone until we thought it was best. I didn’t know if the time was right, I didn’t want to fuck up Ann Barnes’ mood.

  “Aight Jaako, you next homie,” Omari smirked with his big ass mouth. I could hear Tate’s bitch ass laughing on the other end of the table.

  Our relationship had improved tremendously. Once he realized that I didn’t give a fuck about how he felt about me and Yameka’s relationship, he got his shit together. That and the fact he found out we were giving him his first grandkid. That nigga was happy as hell. It was important to Yameka that we got along, so I was happy his ass finally came around.

  “We got something we want to tell y’all,” I said and looked right at Mama. She immediately raised her eyebrow and dropped her fork like she knew what we were about to say. “There is no easy way to say this shit, and Ma, hear me out before you flip.” I nodded in her direction, and she sucked her teeth. “Me and Yameka went and eloped two weeks ago.” Mama gasped and then gave both of us an evil glare. “Don’t be mad, I wanted my wife and my daughter to have the same last name as me, and I didn’t want to wait. We talked about it and made that shit happen.”

  “Why you ain’t say something, bruh?” Kayson asked somewhat offended. That was the thing about being in a close family you couldn’t do shit without letting someone in on it, or all hell would break loose.

  “Because I didn’t want to take away from your shit, it was spur of the moment. I woke up one day told her what I wanted, she said let's go, we called Tate and her mom and made it happen.” I shrugged, and Mama turned her daggers toward Tate. He threw his hands up in mock surrender.

  “They told me not to say nothing.”

  “And you listened?” Ma growled.

  “I did what was best for my family Ma, you gotta at least respect it.” She rolled her eyes.

  “I respect it, but that don’t mean I gotta like the shit.” She pointed at us. “Y’all gotta at least let me throw y’all a big reception or something, since I was left out of the nuptials.”

  “I would love that.” Yameka beamed.

  “Good ‘cause you didn’t have a choice. I’ll throw something big for all of you.” She smiled. “And don’t be trying to tell how to and not to do it. I will be hitting my sons up for the budget.” She smiled, but we already knew that.

  “Whatever makes you happy.” I blew a kiss at her. “Let’s make a toast. Unc do the honors.”

  “Glasses up! Here’s a toast to true love and a whole lot of fucking happiness. I’m so glad that we are all here together. My fucking family.” He smiled and we all toasted and finished enjoying our night.

  Things don’t always go as planned; sometimes you gotta go through a few storms, fuck some shit up before you see a rainbow. Mistakes happen, and sometimes revenge is a must as long as you come out on top, that’s all that matter. What can I say, life is a Beautiful Bitch.



  “You ready nigga?” Jaako asked me as he helped me fix my tie.

  “I been told y’all Jen was it for me, so hell yeah I’m ready. I can’t wait to give her my last name.”

  “Well let’s get it.”

  We were all in Cancun, Mexico. When Pops, which is what I was now calling Unc, told me where we were going I called an agent and let them know we wanted to do a wedding down there. I told Jenacia to call and tell them everything that she wanted so we could make sure that this was the day she would never forget.

  Things were settling down after we took care of all of our problems, me and Pops sat down with King and his folk, and we came to an agreement of 20% for them to run our turf without our interference and with our blessing. They knew they didn’t want war and they also guaranteed our best guys a spot on their team. Even though we weren’t in the drug game anymore, we were still gonna get money from it. Pops even hooked them up with our connect. They got a damn good deal if you ask me. I just hope them niggas don’t get greedy, but again they don’t want a war with us.

  Kaylin is doing a lot better and just graduated high school and will be on her way to college this fall. I couldn’t be more proud of her. She took Chelley’s death kinda hard. We were prepared for her death from cancer but not from some senseless muthafucka trying to make a point. She still has nightmares from getting shot herself. I took her little ass to the gun range though, and she carries faithfully.

  Now that I had everybody else settled, it was time for me to marry the woman of my dreams and pump that ass full of kids. I smiled at the thought of seeing her beautiful ass pregnant again.

  “Fuck you over there cheesing for?” Omari’s dumb ass spoke up.

  “I was thinking about pumping Jenacia full of got damn babies.”

  “Sis gonna fuck you up.” Omari laughed. “But I feel you though. Z ass knocked up again, and she ain’t told me yet, I was hoping after I proposed to her ass she would tell me. She gonna make me fuck her up, but I’m trying to be nice.” His attitude was evident.

  “Man, I’ve never been so happy about anything in my life, even though I wanted a boy I can’t wait to meet little princess,” Jaako said beaming. “And I must say it feels damn good to be a married man.”

  “I can’t wait to be able to say that shit,” Omari admitted.

  “I got less than an hour.” I beamed.

  “Y’all niggas sound old as shit.” Lyndon butted in. That nigga had become a permanent fixture in our lives, and I swear if you mee
t him you would have thought that we were all brothers. He acted just like us all the way down to how loyal he was.

  “You wait little nigga, that bed hopping gonna catch up to yo’ ass and you gonna see why we do what we do,” Jaako said.

  “Yeah yeah.” He waved us off.

  “Damn son you look almost as good as me,” Pops said as soon as he walked in the room.

  “Fuck all that, you wished you looked this got damn good,” I popped my collar. “You better be careful I saw how Sharon was looking at a nigga.” I smiled.

  “Don’t make me shoot you on ya wedding day.” He said with a straight face followed by our signature smirk. “But seriously, I’m happy for you. I wanna be like you when I grow up.”

  “You got it.” I nodded at him.

  “Shit I love Sharon, but I ain't ready for all that just yet.” He said, and we laughed.

  We met Sharon right before we left and I must say I liked her, she was cool as shit. She was very family oriented, and she didn’t judge shit about us. She loved the kids and her and mama got along, so that was a plus for me. Ann Barnes didn’t like anyone unless she was caring for them.

  I chopped it up with them a little more before it was time for us to head down to the altar. I was nervous but ready. Jenacia was the woman that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with, and I knew that.

  I ran my hand up the back of my head. My sister had hooked a nigga up with fresh ass braid up, and she retwisted my shit. I didn’t even know her ass knew how to do that shit, but it looked good as hell. I looked in the mirror right before I walked out of the room to meet my bride.


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