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The World War II Collection Page 34

by Lord, Walter;

  Air Vice-Marshal Michael D. Lyne, CB, AFC, MBIM, DL—RAF, 19th Fighter Squadron

  George M. McClorry, MM—RNR, Whale Island

  Ivan McGowan—BEF, 57th Medium Regiment, Royal Artillery; HMS Express

  Capt. B.D.O. Maclntyre, DSC—RN, HMS Excellent

  Capt. A. M. McKillop, DSC—RN, Block Ships, Westcove

  W. McLean—BEF, 1st Queen’s Own Cameron Highlanders; St. Andrew

  A. A. McNair—BEF, Royal Artillery, 5th Division

  H. P. Mack—RN, HMS Gossamer, Comfort

  Brig. P.E.S. Mansergh, OBE—BEF, 3rd Division, Signais

  A.N.T. Marjoram—RAF, 220th Bomber Squadron

  Frederick William Marlow—BEF, 44th Division, Signals; Royal Daffodil

  Douglas J. W. Marr—BEF; HMS Venomous

  R. W. Marsh—BEF, Royal Engineers, 698th General Construction Company

  Arthur Marshall—BEF, 2nd Corps, Internal Security Unit

  J. W. Martin—RN, HMS Saladin

  A. J. Maskell—BEF, The Buffs

  R. T. Mason—BEF, Signals, attached to 2nd Medium Regiment, Royal Artillery

  Lt.-Cdr. W.J. Matthews—RN, Secretary to Commander of Minesweepers, Dover

  Arthur May—BEF, Royal Artillery, 3rd Medium Regiment

  H. T. May—BEF, 1st Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry

  Pip Megrath—civilian, village near Guildford, return of troops

  Kenneth W. Meiklejohn—BEF, Royal Artillery, 58th Field Regiment, and 65th Field Regiment, Chaplain; Isle of Man

  Capt. D.B.N. Mellis, DSC—RN, HMS Malcolm

  Harold Meredith—BEF, RASC, with Royal Engineers at Maginot Line

  *Syd Metcalfe—BEF, Signals

  N. F. Minter—BEF, RAMC, 4th Division, 12th Field Ambulance

  Wilfrid L. Miron—BEF, 9th Sherwood Foresters

  E. Montague—civilian, return of troops

  Philip Moore—BEF, RASC, 50th Division, 11th Troop Carrying Company

  Maj. S.T. Moore, TD—BEF, RASC, attached to 32nd Field Regiment; HMS Oriole, HMS Lord Collingwood

  R. W. Morford—Merchant Navy, captain of Hythe

  T.J. Morgan—civilian, Gallions Reach

  Maj.-Gen. James L. Moulton, CB, DSO, OBE—Royal Marines, Staff officer, GHQ,

  W. Murphy—civilian, Dover, return of troops

  R. A. Murray Scott, MD—BEF, RAMC, 1st Field Ambulance, 1st Guards Brigade

  Arthur Myers—BEF, RASC, Mobile Workshop

  F. Myers—BEF, Royal Artillery, attached to 2nd Grenadier Guards

  Lt.-Col. E. R. Nanney Wynn—BEF, 3rd Division, Signals; HMS Sandown

  John W. Neeves—RN, HMS Calcutta

  Eddie Newbould—BEF, 1st King’s Own Scottish Borderers

  Philip Newman, MD—BEF, RAMC, 12th Casualty Clearing Station

  R. Nicholson—BEF, GDSM Company Runner

  G.F. Nixon—RN, naval shore party; Lord Southborough

  F. Noon—BEF, Royal Artillery, 53rd Field Regiment, 126th Brigade; HMS Whitshed W.C.P. Nye—BEF, 4th Royal Sussex Regiment

  W. Oakes—BEF, 7th Cheshire Regiment

  W. H. Osborne, C. Eng., FRI, NA—civilian, William Osborne Ltd., boatyard, Littlehampton

  George Paddon—BEF, 2nd Dorset Regiment; HMS Anthony

  Leslie R. Page—BEF, RAOC, 44th Division

  T. Page—BEF, RASC, II Corps

  Mary Palmer—civilian, Ramsgate, return of troops

  James V. Parker—RN, 2nd Chatham Naval Barracks, beaches; HMS Grenade

  Maj. C. G. Payne—BEF, Royal Artillery, 69th Medium Regiment; Tynwald

  Thomas F. Payne—BEF, 4th Royal Sussex Regiment; HMS Medway Queen

  Grace Pearson—civilian, GPO, Bournemouth, return of troops

  L. A. Pell—BEF, Royal Engineers

  Rear-Adm. Pelly, CB, DSO—RN, HMS Windsor

  N.J. Pemberton—BEF, 2nd Middlesex Regiment

  Brig. G.W.H. Peters—BEF, 2nd Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire Regiment

  Pamela Phillimore—WRNS, naval headquarters, Dover

  Lt.-Col. John W. Place—BEF, 2nd North Staffordshire Regiment

  H. Playford—civilian, Naval Store House of H. M. Dockyard, Sheerness

  T. J. Port—RN, HMS Anthony

  F.J. Potticary—BEF, 1st/5th Queen’s Royal Regiment; Royal Daffodil

  J. W. Poulton—BEF, Royal Artillery, 65th Heavy And-Aircraft Regiment

  Lt.-Cdr. H. B. Poustie, DSC—RN, HMS Keith, St. Abbs

  Stan Priest—BEF, RAMC, III Corps; Mona’s Isle

  Kathleen M. Prince—civilian, Bournemouth, return of troops

  David W. Pugh, DSO, MD, FRCP—RNVR, HMS Whitshed, HMS Hebe

  M. F. Purdy—civilian, London, return of troops

  Edgar G. A. Rabbets—BEF, 5th Northamptonshire Regiment

  Mrs. R. L. Raft—civilian, Ramsgate, return of troops

  Maj. I.F.R. Ramsay—BEF, 2nd Dorset Regiment

  R.R.C. Rankin—BEF, GHQ, Signals

  Maj.-Gen. R. St. G. T. Ransome, CB, CBE, MC—BEF, I Corps HQ.

  Col. M. A. Rea, OBE, MB—BEF, RAMC, Embarkation Medical Officer

  Eric Reader—BEF, Royal Engineers, 293rd Field Park Company, III Corps; HMS Brighton Belle, HMS Gracie Fields

  Edith A. Reed—ATS, BEF, GHQ, 2nd Echelon, Margate

  James Reeves—BEF, 2nd Essex Regiment

  A. G. Rennie—BEF, Royal Artillery, 140th Army Field Regiment; Côte d’Argent

  Walter G. Richards—BEF, RASC, No. 2 L of C Railhead Company, based at Albert (Somme)

  Gen. Sir Charles Richardson, GCB, CBE, DSO—BEF, 4th Division, Deputy Assistant Quartermaster General

  D. G. Riddall—BEF, Royal Artillery, Heavy Anti-Aircraft Regiment

  C. A. Riley—BEF, Royal Engineers; HMS Codrington

  H.J. Risbridger—BEF, RASC; HMS Icarus

  George A. Robb—RN, Isle of Thanet

  Kenneth Roberts—BEF, RAMC, 141st Field Ambulance; HMS Worcester

  W. Roberts, MM—BEF, 1st East Lancashire Regiment

  Maj. R. C. Robinson—BEF, Royal Artillery, 85th Heavy Anti-Aircraft Regiment

  H. Rogers—BEF, Royal Artillery, Signals

  Alfred Rose—BEF, Royal Artillery, 63rd Medium Regiment

  Capt. Stephen Roskill—RN, Dynamo Room, Dover

  Tom Roslyn—BEF

  P. H. Rowley—BEF, 4th Division, Signals

  R. L. Rylands—BEF, HQ, 12th Infantry Brigade

  F. C. Sage—BEF, RASC, I Corps, Petrol Company

  E. A. Salisbury—BEF, 4th Division, Signals

  Dr. Ian Samuel, OBE—BEF, RAMC, 6th Field Ambulance

  A. D. Saunders, BEM—RN, HMS Jaguar

  Frank Saville—BEF, 2nd Cameronians

  Maj. Ronald G. H. Savory—RASC, Ramsgate, Dunkirk beaches; Foremost 101

  W.J.U. Sayers—BEF, Royal Sussex Regiment; HMS Wolsey

  E.A.G. Scott—BEF, Royal Engineers

  Guy Scoular, OBE, MBChB, DPH—BEF, RAMC, 2nd North Staffordshire Regiment; HMS Codrington

  Maj. M.C.P. Scratchley—BEF, RAOC, 3rd Army Field Workshop

  Lt.-Col. W. H. Scriven—BEF, RAMC; HMS Shikari

  Robert Seviour—BEF, 2nd Dorset Regiment

  Herbert G. Sexon—BEF, RAOC, 1st East Surrey Regiment

  R. Shattock—BEF, Royal Artillery, 32nd Field

  Regiment Reginald B. Short—BEF, Royal Artillery, 57th Field Regiment

  Leslie R. Sidwell—civilian, Cotswolds, return of troops

  A. E. Sleight—BEF, Royal Artillery, 60th Army Field Regiment; HMS Salamander

  Maj. A. D. Slyfield, MSM—BEF, Royal Artillery, 20th Anti-Tank Regiment; Hythe

  B. Smales—BEF, headquarters clerk, Signals

  Douglas H. Smith—BEF, 5th Northamptonshire Regiment

  Evan T. Smith—BEF, RASC; HMS Jaguar

  Leslie M. Smith—BEF, Royal Artillery, 58th Field Regiment; Beagle

  Capt. George G. H. Snelgar—BEF, RASC, motor transport company

  Col. D. C. Snowdon, TD—BEF, 1stQueen�
�s Royal Regiment; Mona ‘s Isle

  Mrs. Gwen Sorrill—Red Cross nurse, Birmingham, return of troops

  Christopher D. South—BEF, Hopkinson British Military Mission, Belgium; HMS Worcester

  E.J. Spinks—BEF, Royal Artillery, gunner

  H. Spinks—BEF, 1st King’s Own Scottish Borderers

  James Spirritt—BEF, RASC, 4th Division; HMS Abel Tasman

  Kenneth Spraggs—BEF, Royal Artillery, 92nd Field Regiment

  Raie Springate—civilian, Ramsgate; Fervant

  J. S. Stacey—RNR, HMS Brighton Belle

  John W. Stacey—BEF, Signals, No. 1 HQ, Signals; HMS Javelin

  A. Staines—RN, HMS Hebe

  Wing Commander Robert Stanford-Tuck, DSO, DFC—RAF, 92nd Fighter Squadron

  Jeanne Michez Stanley—French civilian married to BEF S/Sgt. Gordon Stanley

  R.J. Stephens—BEF, Royal Artillery, 2nd Searchlight Regiment

  Charles Stewart—BEF, Royal Engineers, 209th Field Company

  Rowland Stimpson—civilian, Burgess Hill, return of troops

  G. S. Stone—RAF, Lysander spotter plane W. Stone—BEF, 5th Royal Sussex Regiment

  H.W. Stowell, DSC, VRD—RNVR, HMS Wolfhound

  William Stratton—BEF, RASC, troop carrier; HMS Harvester

  Samuel Sugar—BEF, RASC, 50th Division; HMS Grafton

  F. Summers—French Navy, St. Cyr; Dunkirk itself

  Mrs. E.J. Sumner—civilian, Kent, return of troops

  S. Sumner—BEF, Royal Fusiliers

  Lt.-Col. G. S. Sutcliff, OBE, TD—BEF, 46th Division, 139th Brigade; HMS Windsor

  John Tandy—BEF, 1st Grenadier Guards

  John Tarry—Merchant Navy, Lady Southborough

  Lt.-Cdr. Arthur C. Taylor, MM, Chevalier de l’Or—RNR, Calais

  Billy Taylor—BEF, Royal Artillery, Heavy Anti-Aircraft

  Gordon A. Taylor—BEF, RASC, 1st Division

  L. Taylor—civilian, Local Defence Volunteer Force, Isle of Sheppey

  Maj. R. C. Taylor—BEF, ist East Surrey Regiment, Signals; St. Andrew

  James E. Taziker—BEF, Royal Artillery, 42nd Division

  Col. N.B.C. Teacher, MC—BEF, Royal Artillery, 5th Regiment Royal Horse Artillery

  A. H. Tebby—BEF, 1st King’s Shropshire Light Infantry

  Dora Thorn—civilian, Margate, return of troops

  J. P. Theobald—BEF, Royal Artillery, 58th Medium Regiment

  Syd Thomas—BEF, I Corp, 102nd Provost Company

  S. V. Holmes Thompson—BEF, Royal Artillery, 3rd Searchlight Regiment; Queen of the Channel

  D. Thorogood—BEF, 2nd Coldstream Guards

  W. H. Thorpe—RNR, HMS Calvi

  H. S. Thuillier, DSO—BEF, Royal Artillery, 1st Anti-Aircraft Regiment; HMS Shikari

  F. Tidey—BEF, 2nd Royal Norfolk Regiment

  S. V. Titchener—BEF, RASC

  Col. Robert P. Tong—BEF, Staff officer, GHQ

  C. W. Trowbridge—BEF, Royal Artillery, 1st Medium Regiment

  Joseph Tyldesley—BEF, RASC, attached to No. 2 Artillery Company GHQ,

  Derek Guy Vardy—BEF, Royal Artillery; HMS Dundalk

  W. R. Voysey—BEF, 3rd Division, Signals

  Maj.-Gen. D.A.L. Wade—BEF, GHQ, Signals

  C. Wagstaff—BEF, Royal Artillery, searchlight detachment

  Dr. David M. Walker—BEF, RAMC, 102nd Casualty Clearing Station; Prague

  George Walker—RN, HMS Havant

  William S. Walker—BEF, Royal Artillery, 5th Medium Regiment

  Fred E. Walter—BEF, 1st Queen Victoria’s Rifles

  Rupert Warburton—BEF, 48th Division, Provost Company

  Alwyn Ward—BEF, RAOC, 9th Army Field Workshop

  W.J. Warner—BEF, Royal Artillery, 60th Heavy Anti-Aircraft Regiment

  Noel Watkin—BEF, Royal Artillery, 67th Field Regiment; Prague

  J. T. Watson—BEF, RAMC, General Hospital No. 6

  Maj. Alan G. Watts—BEF, 2nd Dorset Regiment

  Capt. O. M. Watts—civilian, London, recruiting for Little Ships

  E. C. Webb—BEF, Royal Artillery, 99th Field Regiment; HMS Vrede, HMS Winchelsea

  S. G. Webb—BEF, Royal Artillery, 52nd Anti-Tank Regiment

  Frank S. Westley—BEF, Signals

  F.G.A. Weston—BEF, RASC; Maid of Orleans

  George White—BEF, 7th Green Howards

  Sir Meredith Whittaker—BEF, 5th Green Howards

  H. Whitton—BEF, 4th Division, Signals

  Miss G. E. Williams—nursing sister, hospital ship St. David

  Maj. G. L. Williams—BEF, 3rd Division, 8th Field Ambulance

  S/Sgt. W. G. Williams—BEF, RASC, 44th Division

  Maj. Gordon D. Wilmot—BEF, 2nd Royal Scottish Fusiliers

  George T. Wilson—BEF, King’s Own Royal Regiment

  S.J. Wilson—BEF, Royal Engineers

  Brigadier R. C. Windsor Clive—BEF, 2nd Coldstream Guards

  C. E. Wingfield—BEF, 3rd Division, Royal Engineers

  Mrs. F.A.M. Wood—Public Health Nurse, Bournemouth, return of troops

  C. Woodford—BEF, Infantry, The Buffs; HMS Whitehall

  G. N. Woodhams, TD—BEF, Royal Artillery, Anti-Aircraft

  N. D. Woolland—BEF, Royal Engineers

  Frank Woolliscroft—BEF, RASC, 42nd Division

  E. S. Wright, MM—BEF, 42nd W/T Section, Signals

  Percy H. Yorke—BEF, RAMC, 149th Field Ambulance; HMS Princess Elizabeth

  Robert M. Zakovitch—BEF, French interpreter, attached to 4th Brigade


  A | B | C | D | E

  F | G | H | I | J

  K | L | M | N | O

  P | Q | R | S | T

  U | V | W | Y | Z

  Aa Canal, 27, 29, 30, 36, 69, See also “Canal Line”

  Abbeville, 6, 16, 26

  Abrial, Admiral Jean, 76, 78, 94, 110, 143, 179-83, 229-30, 252, 256, 259, 268, 269

  Ackrell, Corporal P. C. 55, 128

  Adam, Lieutenant-General Sir Ronald. 37, 76, 78, 81

  Admiralty: “Dynamo” implemented, 37, 41, 46, 58; French, relations with, 91, 109; destroyers, use of, 86, 144-45, 168, 228; Wake-Walker sent, 152; daylight operations ended; 229-30; “Dynamo” ends, 259, See also Little Ships; Small Vessels Pool

  Ailly, 256

  Alaurent, General. 267, 274

  Albert, 3, 21

  ALC (Army Landing Craft), 89, 140, See also Little Ships

  Alexander, Major-General Harold; 166, 171, 180-83, 229-30, 246-47

  Allan. Gunner P. D., 76

  Allison, Commander, 228

  Amiens, 6, 16, 18, 21

  Anthony, 87

  Antiaircraft guns, 80-81

  Antitank guns, 3, 13, 21

  Archdale, Major O. A., 92

  Armentieres, 35, 54, 150

  Arras, 1, 13, 14, 15, 16, 21, 29, 30, 51, 167; counterattack at, 18-19, 27, 273

  Atrocities, by SS units, 74, 106-7

  Audresselles, 69

  Auphan, Captain Paul. 90, 92, 174, 175, 193

  Aura, 225

  Austin, Captain John, 76, 235

  Austin. Captain R. C., 129

  Autocarrier, 244, 248

  Bacchus, Private Bill, 52

  Backhouse, Admiral Sir Roger, 42, 270

  Baker, Sergeant Jack, 70

  Baldwin, Private Alfred, 189

  Barker, Lieutenant-General Michael, 112, 171, 181

  Barnard, Private Oliver, 145

  Barris, Seaman Bill, 212

  Barthélémy, General, 261

  Bartlett, Captain Basil, 123-24

  Bartlett, Seaman George, 98

  Basilisk, 216-17, 219

  Bassett, Colonel Sam, 48

  Bastion 32 (French Headquarters, Dunkirk), 36, 76, 94, 100, 179-83, 229, 256, 259, 266

  Batson, Lance Corporal Fred, 81

  Beamish, Captain Tufton, 13, 278

  Beaufrère, General, 200, 234, 266, 267

  Beckwith-Smit, Brigadier, M B., 34

ium: Allied advance into, 8, 12; Allied withdrawal from, 2, 6, 8-12; participation in fighting, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 33, 36, 78; surrender of, 100-104, 134, 150, 175

  Bellamy, Basil, 45, 89

  Ben-My-Chree, 223, 241

  Bennett. Private C. N., 186

  Bennett, 2nd Lieutenant John S. W., 165

  Bennett, Sub-Lieutenant Peter, 161, 196

  Bergues, 36, 76, 78, 79, 200, 232, 250

  Bergues-Furnes Canal, 147, 200, 231-33

  Berry, W. Stanley. 40, 41, 46, 89

  Berthon, Captain, 216-17, 219

  Biddneph, Commander M. A. O., 189

  Bideford, 142

  Bill, Lieutenant Robin, 131, 135, 138-39, 278

  Billotte, General Gaston, 16, 18, 20, 21

  Birnbacher, Captain-Lieutenant Heinz, 119, 120

  Blackburn, Staff Sergeant Reg, 125

  Blanchard, General J. G. M., 18, 21, 22, 23, 24, 76, 78, 92, 100, 108, 110, 146, 181

  Block ships, 251-52, 260-61

  Blumentritt, Colonel Guenther, 64

  Bock, General Colonel Fedor von, 3, 21, 22, 25, 32, 33, 105, 150, 197

  Bonnie Heather, 193

  Booth, Lieutenant-Commander B. R., 139

  Border Regiment, 5th Battalion, 232

  Bougrain, General, 146

  Boulogne, 16, 17, 18, 21, 26, 33, 41-43, 48, 61, 62, 69

  Bourbourg, 25, 27, 272

  Bourrasque, 169

  Boydd, Private Paddy, 189

  Boyes Anti-Tank Rifles, 13, 107, 200, 233

  Brammall. Lieutenant C. V., 68

  Brauchitsch, General Colonel Walther von, 30, 31, 210

  Brav-Dunes, 79, 112-15, 120, 122, 123, 124, 128, 139, 146, 151, 152, 153, 162, 186, 188, 190, 196, 207-8, 216, 224, 235, 249

  Brennecke, General Major Kurt, 209

  Bridgeman, Lieutenant-Colonel the Viscount, 15, 20, 22, 36, 37, 78, 79, 80, 107, 182, 217

  Bridges, Lance Sergeant John. 201-2, 206, 212-15

  Brighton Belle, 117

  Brighton Queen, 222

  British Expeditionary Force (BEF), 3, 6, 24 General Headquarters (GHQ): Arras. 1, 2, 7, 15, 16, 51; Boulogne, 19, 61; Hazebrouck, 16; la Panne, 80, 81, 111, 171, 180-82, 184; Dunkirk, 19, 183, Corps: I, 22, 79, 112, 171, 181; II, 10, 79, 104, 112, 128, 146, 171, 203: III, 10, 49, 79, 112, Divisions: 1st, 171, 180; 2nd, 33, 34, 74; 3rd, 15, 104-5, 145, 186; 4th, 22, 36, 49, 278; 23rd, 13; 44th, 34, 49, 50, 109, 125, 145; 48th, 34, 35, 107; 50th, 49, 54, 104, Brigades: 7th Guards, 146, 180; 8th, 199; 30th, 61, 62; 127th, 186; 143rd, 108; 144th, 106, Corps of Military Police, II, 104, 125, 188; 102nd Provost Company, 164-66, Royal Army Medical Corps (RAMC), Field Ambulance: 6th, 142; 12th, 125; 13th, 52; 145th, 186; RAMC. Casually Clearing Station: 12th, 261-66, Royal Army Ordnance Corps, 55; 2nd Ordnance Field Park, 35, 49, 50, 52, Royal Army Service Corps (RASC). 49, 52, 81;1st Division Petrol Company, 124; 508th Petrol Company, 126; 85th Command Ammunition Depot, 128; No. I Troop Carrying Company, 49, Royal Artillery, 6: Anti-Aircraft, 2nd Brigade, 80; Field Regiments: 32nd, 8-10; 53rd, 233, 237, 239; 58th, 76, 110, 271; 99th, 235; 229th Field Battery, 70; 60th Heavy Anti-Aircraft Regiment, 35; Medium Regiments: 3rd, 54; 5th, 50; Searchlight Regiments: 2nd Battalion, 35; 12th Battery, 79, Royal Corps of Signals (Signals), 10, Royal Engineers, Corps of, 53, 79, 106: 216th Field Company, 1; 250th Field Company, 76, 165-66; 573rd Field Squadron, 49, See also individual regiments


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