His Weekend Wife (The KNIGHT Brothers Book 2)

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His Weekend Wife (The KNIGHT Brothers Book 2) Page 6

by Rhonda Lee Carver

  He rubbed his jaw, then dropped his hand to his desk, clenching and unclenching his fist. His mind plundered deeper into their past relationship, their honeymoon night when he’d found out she was a virgin. No doubt a man knew when a woman wasn’t as ‘skilled’ in sex as other women, but he’d had no clue that she’d never been touched by a man—and he was given the most precious gift when she’d given herself to him. At first, he’d been scared that he would hurt her, but she had been the aggressor and soon he’d found himself under the wicked spell of his wild wife who quickly learned the art of seduction. During the first few months of their marriage, he’d learned her ins and outs, her every feminine line and curve, and especially her beautiful soul. Their connection had grown and he’d started making plans for a solid future for them. He planned to work at Knight Corp, following in his father’s successful footsteps. She would continue in college. Kids would come later, but not too much later, but after they’d gotten settled. He’d even lived with her in a ratty apartment above a machine shop to make her happy. Life seemed great, but boy had he been wrong.

  Feeling like a foolish man, he’d been caught up in infatuation so strong that he’d been blinded to the facts. How could he have believed two people so different could come together as one?

  Ash had never gotten over that her dad had left when she was young. Her sister, Abby, drowned her misgivings in alcohol and men, while Ash placed herself in charge of fixing everyone’s problems, leaving her exhausted. Although she had a giving and free spirit, her lack of trust for people, especially Declan, had been hard to withstand at times. He’d loved her enough that he would have stuck by her side, proving that he’d never leave her. But instead she’d left him…

  He wasn’t guilt-free.

  The wound of her leaving was covered in a thick scab and buried underneath years of bad choices and mistakes on his part. He thought he could patch himself up by having fun, sleeping with an endless list of women, but instead he got burnt out on good times. On one random pussy after another.

  The door opened and Todd stuck his head inside. “Sir, you wanted to see me?”

  “Yes. Come in.”

  Todd closed the door behind him, then took a seat across from the desk. “Marabeth said it was urgent.”

  “You’ll never guess who called.” Considering Todd was the only other person who knew that Declan was still married to Ash, he felt comfortable in telling the man about the call. After Declan told him of the conversation, Todd’s brows scrunched.

  “And she called out of the blue? When you need a wife? I’d say that’s a sign if I ever did see one.”

  Declan laughed. “Okay, let’s keep this in perspective. She’s coming to see me to ask for a divorce.”

  “You know this how? I thought you said she didn’t tell you the reason.”

  “She didn’t. But it certainly isn’t to catch up on old times, my friend.” He’d also heard a slight tremor to her voice, which told him she was bothered over something.

  “That would be quite unusual. Yet, far more unusual things have occurred, wouldn’t you say?”

  “Like the asteroid hitting the earth and killing all of the dinosaurs. Yes, rarer things have occurred.”

  “Sir, you’re looking at this down the wrong spectacle. She’s your wife and it just so happens you need one to impress Hannigan. If my memory serves me correctly, not only was Miss Ashley a lovely woman, but her personality won over everyone she ever met, including me. Mr. Hannigan would never be able to resist a charmer like her.”

  Declan narrowed his eyes. “Todd, are you listening to yourself? Not only do I not have any interest to be near my wife, I’m sure she’d rather fish through public trash cans every day of her life than be near me.”

  “I know things ended poorly between you two, sir, but entertaining me with lies is such a ridiculous waste of time. I suspect you still care for the young lady and why you’ve dragged your heels on asking for a divorce. It’s high time you put an end to this, one way or another. But then again, I’m just the assistant. What do I know. My apologies.” His tone was far from being apologetic.

  Biting back a laugh, Declan thrummed his fingers on the edge of the desk. “I value your opinion. In fact, I agree. It’s time there was closure so we can move forward.”

  “Exactly.” Todd nodded.

  Declan stood, grabbed his suit jacket from the chair and pulled it on. “I have to go. I’m meeting her at home.”

  “Much better to meet her there than here.”

  “Let’s hope, Todd. That’s all we can do is hope.”


  There was nothing strange or odd about seeing her husband, Ash reminded herself as she walked down the street toward the upscale building of one of Atlanta’s most popular midtown luxury apartments. She momentarily stopped across the street to admire the architecture that commanded attention. The stunning Art-Deco design, the sleek, geometric lines and the ornamental crown all reeked of wealth. The high-rise was one of the tallest residential buildings in the city, and seemed like an entirely different planet compared to her tiny apartment.

  Crossing the street at the light, she was greeted by the stately doorman who opened one of the polished glass doors for her. She thanked him and he rewarded with a dip of his hat. Her two inch, sexy heels didn’t seem to want to move fast enough as she stepped into the sophisticated lobby that was an amazing sight in it of itself. The place was enormous and quite intimidating. The walls were sandstone, the floors were so shiny that she could see her reflection and the design screamed elegance.

  She almost tripped on a rug and groaned inwardly. Her nerves had the best of her. She couldn’t believe she’d agreed to do this crazy scheme. Yet, the thought of losing her sister, permanently, gave her the encouragement to follow through. Asking for help from the one person who she never wanted to see again took a lot of bravery. At least Declan had agreed to see her.

  Abby had given Ash a pep talk earlier, convincing her that she needed to look different, less desperate, when she saw Declan. In other words, tease him with seduction. So, reluctantly, Ash had dressed in the tight-fitting, red dress, the color that evoked passion, and the heels that gave her killer calves. The sexiness she would need to drum up would certainly prove to be a challenge, considering Ash had never used her body to persuade anyone of anything, not even Declan when they were a couple. She planned never to tell anyone about this ordeal, not even after the proper amount of time had passed. Nothing about this situation was humorous or worth speaking about. In fact, she was humiliated.

  She swallowed against the tightness in her throat and sucked back another round of fear.

  Behind the tall, glass desk, a gentle-smiled man stood up. “Can I help you, ma’am?” His friendliness comforted her—some.

  “I-I…” Get it together before you announce to the world what you’re here for. “Mr. Knight is expecting me.”

  “Yes, Miss James. He asked me to send you up when you arrived.” He led her to the elevator, pressed a button and the polished doors purred open. She obligingly stepped in—feeling much like a lamb being led to slaughter. “Good day, ma’am.” He smiled again just as the doors closed.

  Alone in the cubicle, she focused on her breathing, just as she’d learned in yoga. In and out. In and out. Her nerves were all tied up, but she could do this—she had to do this.

  She hadn’t seen Declan, in person, in five years. Would he have changed? Would he be angry with her? Or would he send her away before he heard her out?

  By the time the elevator dinged on the fiftieth floor, she had her breathing under control, her dress smoothed and her hair pulled over to one side. The doors opened straight into the foyer of his apartment. The floor to ceiling window with an aerial view of the city seized her in its beauty. She couldn’t deny the temptation to stop and admire the sight. So, this is what money buys you? If she wasn’t as nervous as hell, she’d actually move closer and get a better look, but for now, she thought it would be best
to not allow her focus to shift.

  Further into the grand, open space, she lifted her chin and straightened her spine as if she was a superhero battling crime.

  One wall was covered with a rock partition and water trickled down the stones puddling into a small pond where koi fish swam. Across the wood floor were a set of glass doors with an intricate gold design. She gripped the handle of her purse until her knuckles ached. What am I doing here? Dressed in her sister’s red dress and heels, she was out of her element. Should she have come in jeans and T-shirt? No, this meeting required confidence, professionalism and control.

  Slipping her phone from her purse, she looked at the time. 6:15 PM. Hard to believe that just that morning, she’d learned that her sister was in trouble. After telling her boss that she couldn’t make her shift today, he’d been angry enough that she doubted she’d have a job to go back to. She and her sister both would be penniless.

  Focusing on the elegant wooden floor, the doors came open and a pair of expensive loafers came into her view. She followed black slacks, leather belt, pearl buttons on a designer shirt covering broad shoulders, until she came to a pair of gray eyes—so gray they reminded her of the sky after a storm.

  Her question had been answered, sort of. Declan had changed, and yet was the same confident man. He was handsome. Tall, with unruly black hair and a layer of scruffy beard that made him look defiant, which she knew he had a wild streak of rebellion. A familiar longing scuttled into her core and her body quivered. He still had the same effect on her.

  “Good, you’re on time.” The warm baritone voice sent trickles of excitement down her limbs, making the tips of her fingers tingle in awareness. Those dashing eyes took a slow journey down her body before coming back up, appreciation mirroring in his gaze before he blinked and the admiration disappeared. “Then again, you always were prompt.” An aloofness crawled into his expression.

  “I’m surprised you agreed to see me after all these years.” Oh shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Why did her voice sound like a high-pitched squeal? Did he catch on? One thick brow curved. Yes, he did. Sweat beaded between her breasts and she swore she’d lose her cool. She knew this wasn’t a good idea—knew she’d screw it up from the get-go. Please earth, open up and engulf me now.

  “I didn’t have anything else to do this evening,” he finally said.

  Swallowing, she forced a smile on her lips. She refused to allow him to make her tremor under his anger. He was mad at her, which would have made her angry if she wasn’t so damn nervous. “Luck’s in my favor, I guess.”

  One corner of his mouth deepened into a gritty smile. He took a step back, motioning for her to enter. “I do have plans later tonight. We should get this over with.”

  I bet you do. Another leggy blonde, probably.

  With an encouraging inhale, she stepped past him and into the great room. The white walls and dark wood floors were softened by the lighting, but the decorations spoke of masculinity and wealth, yet she could barely see anything beyond staring at her husband. Somewhere in the back of her mind she’d hoped that his hair had started thinning, or his stomach protruding, but no, not Declan Knight. She guessed he still worked out in the gym every day. And he looked good—damn good. Hell, better than good.

  He’d matured. His shoulders were wider and creases appeared around his eyes. His stubbled jaw looked stark against his white dress shirt. Over the years she’d wondered what he was doing, missed their conversations, their lovemaking, but it wasn’t until this very moment that she realized just how deeply she’d missed him. She had to force those wayward thoughts straight out of her head. She was here to ask him for a loan, not to find out if his chest was still smooth with only a spattering of crisp hair in the center. Or if he still had a six-pack, or if he could go all night…

  Oh, dear Lord. Contain yourself.

  “Want to put your purse down?” He pointed at a table sitting by the door.

  “Yes, I think I’d like to.” A wave of warmth came over her, burning her cheeks and her inner thighs. She would have turned to run if her sister’s image didn’t pop up in her brain as a reminder why she was doing this in the first place. She started to place the purse on the table, but he took it from her and their fingers brushed. Unprepared for the sudden onset of scorching heat spiraling through her body, she jerked, dropping the purse to the floor. The latch popped open and the contents spilled out around her feet. Gum, a pen, her phone and other odds and ends were spread out. A tube of lipstick rolled away. Instantly, she went to her hands and knees, gathering her items and shoving them back into the handbag, all while chastising her clumsiness.

  “I see you’re always armed for the unexpected.”

  His husky voice brought her chin up and they came face-to-face. My God, he’s a beautiful man. Weakened by his exhilarating gaze, it took her a good five seconds to realize he had her extra panties dangling from his forefinger, a teasing smile lifting the corner of his perfect mouth.

  “Thank you.” She practically tore the lace from his finger and quickly deposited them back in the purse. “Better to be prepared than not.”

  “Were you planning on spending the night?” His laughing eyes drilled into her, seeping honey straight into her bloodstream.

  “No, of course not.” Latching the purse closed, she stood, trying not to think too hard on the fact that he’d held her panties in his hand and the pair she had on were turning damp. She knew without a doubt that he worked fast in turning her inside out, but she wasn’t the type to move much faster than a turtle when it came to sex. The very reason why they waited until after marriage before they made love the first time. She’d wanted special, and that was exactly what he’d given her. And probably why she hadn’t gotten anywhere near allowing another man to touch her intimately. Once a woman knew a distinctive emotion, that certain feeling that spun magic from roots to toes, how was it possible to imagine it happening a second time.

  Once they were both standing, she scanned the floor, looking for a tampon that had somehow mysteriously disappeared.

  “I think something rolled under the couch. I’ll grab it for you.” He was already turning and heading to the L-shaped couch.

  “No. I mean—it’s nothing, really.” Panties were one thing. Tampons were another. Did the temperature rise?

  Of course, he didn’t pay her any attention. He bent to his knees, swept his hand under the edge of the sofa and retrieved the item that she could have easily forgotten, and didn’t need now, but was forever branded in her brain. He stood and held out the slender package for her. Swallowing, she grabbed it, shoving it into her purse.

  “Now, can I take it?” he asked.

  “Huh?” What did he want to take?

  “The purse?” His eyes twinkled.

  She hurried and handed it over.

  He smiled and placed the bag on the polished table that held a vase of pretty fresh flowers. Irises. Her favorite.

  While he had his back turned, she took the opportunity to skim her gaze down his broad shoulders that stretched the shirt to the black slacks that were tailored to fit him nicely.

  He turned and she bee-lined her gaze back to a safer place—the area between his brows. Five years ago, he would have greeted her with a heart-melting kiss and she would have been a happy wife, ready to succumb to her husband fully in bed. He could always lead her body down a path of ecstasy, and she’d surrendered completely like each time was the first. Yet, the only connection they’d had together wasn’t just that of the flesh. His intelligence intrigued her, challenged her. His authoritative confidence captivated her. All his deep thoughts, compassion, and drive ignited a passion inside of her. Once when she’d joined him in helping at a charity auction for orphaned children, she’d fallen more in love with him watching him fully engaged with the kids.

  With all his confidence, he also had a vulnerability. He’d lost his mom at a young age, and he’d craved his father’s attention, but never got it.

  She and Declan u
nderstood each other and the pain of a broken family.

  He’d always tugged at her endearing side, even now she felt the strings being pulled.

  Oh why had she ever decided to do this? To save my sister, that’s why. Her heart pounded her ribs and made her wonder for the millionth time how could she ever pull this off? How could she ask him for money? She’d never cared that he was rich, had never asked him for anything, and for the first time, she’d ask for a large sum of money. And she couldn’t tell him why. He’d never help her if he knew why she needed it.

  “Have a seat. Would you care for a drink?”

  “Water is fine. Thank you.” She rounded the couch and sat, sitting on the edge of the cushion.

  He brought her a glass of water and he took a seat across from her, watching her as if he was unwrapping her layer by layer. She sipped the cool water, taking a moment to calm her nerves.

  “Did you bring the divorce papers?” he asked.

  For a long moment, she held her breath. Why did she feel a cramp clench her belly? “Is that why you think I’m here?”

  “Isn’t it the most obvious reason?” The area between his brows scrunched.

  “I guess it would be.” Although they had been apart for a long time, and she believed their separation was for the best, in all truth she’d never forgotten him—never gotten over losing him. Meeting him had been a fairytale come true—silly now. Fairytales were for little girls who still had hopes and dreams, not for grown women who knew there was no Prince Charming or knights in shining armor. She and Declan existed in two different worlds. He was a sophisticated businessman who many women, married or not, wanted to become the next Mrs. Declan Knight. Did they have any clue that spot was already occupied by a woman who wore a stained uniform to work and her favorite meal was grilled cheese. She couldn’t say that she still owned the spot as his wife. Being Declan’s wife meant more than a piece of paper stating they were married.


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