His Weekend Wife (The KNIGHT Brothers Book 2)

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His Weekend Wife (The KNIGHT Brothers Book 2) Page 12

by Rhonda Lee Carver

Loving Declan had come with its rewards and its downfalls. He was a powerful man with a lot of influence—personal and professional. At times, she’d gotten lost in all of the glitzy parties and the respect people showed him. Once upon a time, she had been willing to be who he needed just to make him happy. To become the prim and proper wife, helping him become more successful. She’d been helpless when it came to him. Lost to her passion. Bound by a magnetic hold that she found impossible to deny, and more impossible to let go.

  Allowing herself to get caught up in the poisonous web was unimaginable. She could never lose herself again, or be the trophy wife she’d believed that he needed.

  Back when they were together, living in the leaky, dingy apartment, she’d known how much he’d missed living in his father’s luxurious home. So, when he’d come from work one day and the pipes were leaking again, she’d agreed they would move into the Knight Estate. After all, she was tired of not having hot water and proper appliances. At the time, she had lost understanding of why they’d, or she’d, chosen the dark apartment over the estate in the first place. Bigger, why Declan had agreed. Maybe she’d wanted, or hoped, that he could prove that he was okay with being with a simple, low-maintenance wife.

  At first, she loved living in a house where she had more than she could have ever dreamed about. A driver to transport her. A cook to cook for her. A stable with horses. An indoor pool. Yet, the fantasy didn’t take long to fade.

  She closed her eyes and willed herself to be the strong woman she knew she was. She’d grown, matured, and Declan couldn’t reach any part of her unless she opened the door and invited him in. Although he was as smooth and sweet as honey, she could resist the charm. Could deny herself the shot of candy straight to her veins that she knew having sex with him promised. Her inner thighs trembled and moistened. This was not looking good in her favor.

  She slid from bed and sunk her toes in the plush, soft carpet. Making the bed out of habit, she ran her hand over the comforter to make sure every wrinkle was out of the soft material, maybe to match every other decoration and furnishing in the apartment.

  In the bathroom, her attention naturally fell to the large tub. She’d like to sink back into the awaiting porcelain walls, but it wouldn’t be the same unless Declan helped wash her body. She giggled and moved toward the glass-framed shower and turned on the water, adjusting the temperature to perfection. She didn’t need a shower, but she wasn’t ready to leave the respite of her bedroom quite yet. Declan said he had an early meeting, but what if his plans had changed and she’d have to face him over coffee? Her cheeks sizzled. Yeah, she’d enjoy a nice, long shower before erupting into the world.

  As the warm spray splashed over her, easing the tension in her muscles, she allowed her mind to wander on the next month and how she’d manage. She was prepared to be the ultimate—temporary—wife for Declan. Pretend that everything was normal between them, but when time was up, she’d have her divorce and she’d move on with her life, leave the confusing history between them where it belonged, in the past.

  Forcing away the voice inside of her head that warned her that her intentions wouldn’t be easy, she decided she’d take one day at a time, or hourly if needed. Smile broader as required. Chin up high. But if Declan thought for a minute she’d fall at his feet, or become the gooey-eyed young woman again, he was sadly mistaken.

  After using the luxurious shampoo, conditioner, and creamy soap, she shut off the water and watched the last of the suds swirling down the drain. She had no choice but to leave the confines of the shower. Drying off and hanging her fluffy towel over a hook, she padded into the walk-in closet and stared at row after row of clothes, overcome with a sense of uncertainty. Overwhelmed by all her unguarded emotions swimming through her. Being here, in Declan’s luxurious high rise apartment, the idea that not only was she still his wife, but she had to pretend that years hadn’t floated between them, years of change. And yet, when he was near, she could easily forget that they were no longer those two young, star-crossed lovers again finding their way, intoxicated on fledgling love. Neither of them were naïve any longer.

  She decided upon a pair of dark, skinny jeans and a T-shirt that had a low cut V and was as soft as silk. This wasn’t like her off-the-rack T-shirts.

  Sitting down at the vanity, she stared at her reflection. Her hair was already drying and the highlights were more visible. She took longer than usual to dry her hair straight and applying makeup, as close to how Analise had applied it, yet with a lighter hand. She reminded herself that her extra special care in her appearance had nothing to do with Declan, not one sliver. And it wasn’t her nerves that were working double time knowing she’d see him again later…no, not at all. She was only hungry. She didn’t eat but a few bites of dinner and her stomach was rumbling.

  Oh, hell. Who am I kidding? She’d been in knots since coming here.

  She wanted to look her best, and had an obligation to look like a Knight wife. Yet, she was a wife of a Knight and this was what she looked like. A diner waitress with chipped nails and scraggly hair—until last night, and now she was pulled together.

  Standing, she breathed in deeply, pulled back her shoulders and gave herself a pep talk, “Declan is a mere human being, that’s all. One who makes me giddy, brings me to orgasm, and could knock my panties off with one look.” Oh, great. So much for the encouragement.

  The downstairs was quiet. Some of the tension released from her backbone. And yet disappointment took its place. She was a cocktail of raging emotions.

  On the kitchen island, she found a note and a platter of fresh croissants. In a bowl was apple butter—another one of her favorites. He remembered. Her stomach did a topsy-turn as she picked up the letter and read Declan’s neat penmanship…


  I hope you slept like a baby. I slept horrible, raging all night of wishes to climb into your bed, but for now, I’ll accept this arrangement. Eat and get your caffeine fill. You’ll need your energy. Remember we have plans tonight and I ‘ll pick you up later.

  P.S. I slipped in this morning to check on you. It’s nice to see that not everything has changed. You still snore.


  She could almost see his mischievous smile as he wrote each word, teasing her. He enjoyed getting a rise out of her and disappointingly, it worked. Her heart skipped a beat and every cell in her body kicked alive in anticipation of what he promised. If he was only teasing her though, there was no promise here. Only tempting her to play a fool. She dropped the note, took one of the cups from the hook and poured herself a large cup of coffee, followed by a large dollop of hazelnut creamer that she found inside of the fridge. She sat down at the bar, smothered her croissant in a thick layer of apple butter and bit into the buttery goodness. The pastry practically melted in her mouth. After swallowing with a sip of coffee, feeling more awake, her eyes naturally fell to the letter he’d written her.

  So, he’d developed a funny bone over the years. He was only joking. She didn’t snore. In her experience with the opposite sex, she didn’t think they kidded about things like snoring…and most importantly, about wanting to share her bed. The mere thought tantalized her nerve endings, awakening parts of her revisited after last night. Why wasn’t she repulsed with his joking? Wasn’t he poking at her?

  Poking? Oh, sheesh, she had it bad.

  If he wanted her as badly as he made it seem, why hadn’t he crawled into bed with her last night when she was still under the effects of an amazing orgasm? Or why not this morning when he supposedly slipped into her room to check on her? One of the most erotic things was to be awakened from sleep by a sensual touch…

  What the hell was wrong with her?

  Sipping more coffee, it had cooled enough that she could gulp half of it down.

  He’d made plans for them. What were they? Had he intentionally left out the details? She fought back a nudging of apprehension. She had no desire to rub elbows with the socialites of Atlanta, but that was why she was h

  Finishing off her croissant, she sat back and enjoyed the sunlight streaming through the window, savoring the rich sweet taste of the second cup of coffee. After the last drop was gone from her cup, she cleaned off the granite countertop and went upstairs to retrieve her cell from her purse. She had one missed call from Abby.

  Dropping to the bed, she leaned against the headboard, pulled her legs up under her bottom and hit the call button. After the third ring, her sister picked up.

  “It’s about time you called,” she whined.

  “I’ve been preoccupied,” Ash said.

  “Oh, I bet you have.” The underlying meaning to her words made Ash’s cheeks warm.

  “Why are you calling?” She wasn’t about to get into a conversation about last night with her sister over the phone.

  “You asked me to call you today.” Abby’s long, drawn out sigh rattled the other end of the line.

  “Please tell me you took care of the situation.” Ash squeezed the plastic of the phone until her knuckles ached, anticipating her sister’s answer.

  “Of course. Told you I would. Now I hope you’re enjoying your vacation.”

  “This isn’t a vacation, Abby. And let me remind you, this wasn’t my choice.”

  “I feel so sorry for you. Stuck in a luxurious apartment downtown with more money than you know what to do with. Yeah, sounds real horrible.”

  “The money you’re referring to is Declan’s, not mine. And I should be working.”

  “I can’t believe you don’t take that husband of yours for every dime he’s worth, or at least a huge chunk. If I were you I’d be living comfortable and carefree.” She sniffed loudly.

  “Well, I’m not you. I don’t want his money.”

  “And yet you just schmoozed thirty thousand from him.” Abby’s laughter made Ash’s head throb.

  “Thank you for the reminder.”

  “I have to go. I have to work.” The phone clicked.

  Ash pulled the phone away from her ear and stared. “Goodbye to you too.” She started to toss it back into her purse but another thought came to mind. Scrolling through her contacts, she found Declan’s name and hovered her finger over the dial button. After a long pause, she finally hit it.

  “Knight Corporation. May I help you?” a soft voice asked.

  “Hi. I’m calling for Mr. Knight, please.”

  “And who may I tell him is calling?”

  “It’s Ash.”

  “Oh, I’ll patch you straight through, Mrs. Knight.”

  She knows who I am?

  The phone clicked and a second later she heard Declan’s thick, husky voice. “I wondered if you’d call. Miss me already?”

  She could hear the smile in his tone. It irked her. “Don’t flatter yourself. I’m calling to find out if you need me to do anything today? You know, the doting wife and all.”

  “That’s a dangerous offer? Are you offering something specific?”

  “Only those things that include clothing.”

  “Ahh, there went my hopes.”

  She could never tell when he was teasing or serious, but the strain in his voice told her it could go either way.

  “Relax. That’s all you need to do until tonight. See you soon.” He clicked off.

  She sat for a long time thinking over his words, but refused to stay immobilized in emotion.


  Ash stepped from the sidewalk and into the backseat of the awaiting car as the driver shut the door. Declan had phoned and told her he was held up in a meeting so he’d send a car to pick her up. She offered to take a cab, but he insisted she be picked up. Sitting here now, in the leather seat that was as soft as a baby’s bottom instead of in the back of a stinky cab, she couldn’t complain. She eased into the comfort and watched through the window, but seeing nothing. Her nerves were in a bundle at the knowledge that she’d be seeing Declan soon.

  They were in the middle of rush hour traffic, bumper to bumper, so she wouldn’t be seeing him as soon as she’d anticipated.

  The driver turned down a side street and she relaxed, not worrying about the traffic or the sounds of horns beeping.

  When they finally stopped in front of the huge, twenty-story building made of all glass and steel, she waited for the driver to open the door and then she swept out, pulling the hem down to the red dress. Out of nervous habit, she swept her palms down the material to ease out a few wrinkles. She noticed that several men craned their neck watching her as she walked into the enormous lobby that looked like an interior replica of the outside of the building—all glass and steel.

  Behind the large desk sat a very beautiful, elegantly dressed young woman who gave Ash a pleasant smile. “May I help you?”

  “I’m here to see Mr. Knight. He’s expecting me. Ash—”

  “Yes, Mrs. Knight. If you will, take the elevator to the top floor.” Her smile broadened and her eyes dazzled.

  Ash scooped the loose tendrils from her cheek and pushed them back into her chignon as she made her way across the polished floor to the row of glass elevators. She looked back and the receptionist was still watching. Was she wondering how in the hell had a woman like her nailed a man like Declan? The dress she wore was elegant and the shoes were expensive, but Ash was afraid people could see straight through her into her lack of confidence.

  Once she was in the elevator, she was grateful for a moment to gain herself before facing more people. I don’t fit in here.

  The doors opened on the twelfth floor and two men stepped into the cubicle wearing well-cut suits and slicked back hair. They each greeted her with a smile as she slid to the corner, giving them plenty of room. While they talked about statistics and numbers, she inwardly sighed.

  Two floors up, the doors opened and she was alone again. But the elevator seemed to increase in speed as it whisked her to the twentieth floor. She didn’t move and the doors started to slide shut, but she stepped forward and caught them. Wake up, woman.

  Stepping out into another elaborate, but less intimidating, lobby, she made her way to the desk where this time a gorgeous brunette greeted her with more of a monotone expression. She stood and Ash couldn’t help but admire her attire—an impeccable white blouse and skin tight black skirt that left little to the imagination of her thin, well-shaped body. Not a hair was out of place on her. Ash was beginning to wonder if that was part of the job description.

  “Mrs. Knight. Nice to meet you.” The brunette stuck out a neatly manicured hand. “I’m Marabeth, Mr. Knight’s secretary—one of them, at least.”

  Ash shook the woman’s hand, very aware of how soft it was. “Thank you. It’s a pleasure meeting you.”

  “Come right this way, please. I’ll show you to your husband’s office.”

  She followed the brunette past the spacious sitting area filled with a brown suede sofa and matching chairs.

  Marabeth pushed open a wide door and motioned for Ash to enter. She made her way into Declan’s office. He was standing by his desk and she took in his matching elegant attire—a pin-striped gray suit that made him appear much taller than six foot. His hair was slicked back, unlike the unruly style he’d worn yesterday. She guessed it was a prerequisite here that everyone looked like they’d just stepped out of Vogue. She missed his wild hair and wanted to mess it with her fingers. Would he object?

  “You’re here. I’m sorry I couldn’t come and get you. It’s been crazy.” He pushed away from the desk, his gaze making a heated line down her body that was already trembling. Her knees weakened slightly as he approached her, and as natural as the sun rising and falling, he pulled her in for a quick kiss on the lips.

  “You’re absolutely beautiful, bella,” he whispered next to her ear then pulled away, slightly. “Do you forgive me for not coming to get you myself?”

  “Yes, it’s fine. The driver got us here safe and sound.”

  “I’m glad you wore the red dress. I’ve thought of nothing else but this all day.” He smiled.<
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  Her cheeks turned a pretty pink. “You did request the dress.”

  “And I like the hair. Pulled up shows off your neck.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Give me a minute. I need to make one more business call and then I’ll be ready.”


  He went to his desk and picked up the phone, she barely heard his conversation while she surveyed his office. So, this is Declan Knight’s office? Just like in the lobby, the space was decorated with dark suede furniture, floor to ceiling windows that looked out over the city. The white walls were covered in an arrangement of paintings that seemed to diverge from the elegant feel. She was staring at the grouping and didn’t hear him come up behind her, so when he touched her shoulder she jumped.

  “Do you like the paintings?” he asked.

  “They’re lovely.”

  “They’re from a local artist that very many haven’t heard of. Angelina Knight.”

  “Angelina painted these?”

  He nodded. “She did.” He placed his hand on the small of her back

  Wrapping her arms around her waist, she hoped to still the misbehaving butterflies. She was distracted by both him and the fact that Angelina had great talent—a secret talent. He cocked his head to the side and regarded her intently. She swallowed. “The world should see her work.”

  “I couldn’t agree more, bella.” His soft voice made her toes curl.

  “I’m hungry. How about you?” He held out his arm and she slipped her slender fingers around his elbow.

  “I could eat.”

  “Great news.” He led her back through the door of his office and stopped at the desk. “Marabeth, I don’t want to be disturbed.”

  “Yes, sir,” the woman answered.

  “Where are we going?” Ash asked as they stepped into his private elevator and the doors closed.


  “Please forgive my manners. A man should greet his wife with more eagerness.” He took two steps, eating up the space between them, and pressed her against the mirrored wall with his body. He half expected resistance, but she looked up at him with wide, inviting eyes and a puckered bottom lip. Lowering his mouth to hers, meaning only to tease her plump lips, he instead dipped his tongue inside and plundered her sweetness. A little wasn’t enough. He wrapped his arm around her waist, dragging her closer, while bringing his other hand to her soft cheek. “Your skin is so warm and soft.” He kissed her again, her tongue met his and a whimper floated up her throat.


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