A Texas Holiday Reunion

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A Texas Holiday Reunion Page 20

by Shannon Taylor Vannatter

  “I’ll take that.” Chase swooped in, tried to take her load. “Don’t want you overdoing it.”

  “I’m fine.” Landry turned away from him. “Besides, I need to tell Resa.”

  “Tell me what?”

  “Hand it over.” He scooped the load from Landry and motioned to a stack of three more pans. “Can you get those, Resa?”

  She picked them up. “Tell me what?”

  “Can you get the door, Landry? The car door, too.”

  Landry hurried ahead, opened the back hatch of her SUV.

  Chase slid his boxes inside, then took Resa’s load, set them next to his pile and closed the hatch. “I’ll cover for you while you tell her.” He jogged back to the kitchen.

  “Tell me what?”

  Landry patted her stomach. “I’m pregnant.”

  Resa clasped a hand to her heart. “Oh, that’s so wonderful.” She hugged Landry. “I’m so happy for you.”

  “We just found out. You’re the first to know besides our families. We’re keeping it quiet for a few months, but I couldn’t leave you in the dark.”

  They leaned against Resa’s SUV side by side.

  “When are you due?”

  “The end of July. So tell me about you?”

  “I held down the fort. Mama and Daddy got home safely.” Resa counted five decorated cedars in the expanse of yard behind the dude ranch.

  “I heard Colson’s sticking around. Anything to do with you?”

  “Long story. I’ll fill you in soon, but he’s staying here because of Cheyenne.”

  “I’m guessing that’s what went wrong with y’all in the past. He fell for someone else and that’s why we don’t like him.”

  “That’s what I thought all these years.” Resa brought her up to speed on their whirlwind romance, him leaving her without a word, marrying someone else.

  “So Felicity must have been pregnant. He did the right thing. You can’t fault him for that.”

  “No. But I’m not sure I can trust him, either.”

  “I’m not following. You know anything you tell me will go no further.”

  “Turns out Emmett is actually Cheyenne’s father. Colson found out two years ago, but Emmett signed her custody over to him yesterday.”

  “We definitely need to get together more.” Landry shook her head. “How did I get so behind? But I still don’t understand why you don’t trust him.”

  “What if he’s afraid Emmett might change his mind, or Mama and Daddy might sue him for custody? What if he kissed me because he wants an edge? To use me to keep my family at bay.”

  “He kissed you?”

  “Focus. What if?”

  “Like I tell my cynical sister, love takes a leap of faith and starts with trust. If you don’t take that leap, you’re destined to be alone.” Landry squeezed her hand. “I don’t want that for you.”

  “I’m really happy for you and Chase.” Resa patted Landry’s arm.

  “We’re ecstatic.” Her friend’s smile was luminous. “But I better get back inside and help in the kitchen.”

  “We have to get together soon.”

  “We will.” Landry hugged her, then headed for the ranch house.

  A silver car pulled in beside Resa and Landry’s sister, Devree, got out.

  “Hey, how’s the best wedding planner in Texas?”

  “Up to here with weddings.” Devree stretched a hand high over her head. “Did you hear the news?”

  “Your sister just told me. I’m so happy for her and Chase.”

  “Me, too. I really am.” Devree rolled her eyes. “I’m just not sure I can take so much happily-ever-after.”

  Resa grinned at her. “Well, I better get going or our meal will be cold. Merry Christmas!”

  “You, too.”

  Resa got in her car and started for home. What had made Devree so pessimistic?

  If given the chance to choose between cynical and alone or happily-ever-after, Resa would pick the latter. But was she brave enough to take that leap of faith that began with trust?

  * * *

  Everyone Colson had tried to hide Cheyenne from for the past two years was behind this door. The urge to grab her and run bubbled inside him. They all knew the truth now. Any or all of them had the power to rip her away from him. Rip his heart to shreds.

  But he’d met with William Abbott, signed the papers last night and petitioned to legally adopt Cheyenne. Surely that meant something.

  Christmas was supposed to focus on Jesus. But as Colson stood on the porch with his daughter, his dad and Annette, dread rushed through him with every beat of his heart.

  “Relax, son.” Dad clapped him on the back, then lowered his voice. “You’ve got the law on your side now.”

  Annette gave him an encouraging smile.

  The door whooshed open and Resa greeted them. “Merry Christmas. Everybody’s waiting for our favorite princess.”

  Cheyenne darted inside, bolted toward a waiting Maryann and Duncan.

  “Everyone’s here?” Colson whispered. “Emmett? Hyacinth?”

  “Present and accounted for.”

  “Why do I feel as if I’m entering the lion’s den?”

  “Emmett’s on our side. Last night, he told me that if Hyacinth gives you any trouble, he’ll testify on your behalf.”

  The vise grip around Colson’s heart let up.

  “And Hyacinth is harmless—Nigel’s threat of hitting her in the pocketbook worked wonders.” Resa closed the door behind him. “Besides, God will go in any lion’s den with you.”

  “We’re almost ready.” Maryann took Cheyenne’s hand and turned toward the kitchen. “Just give us a few minutes to get the lids off and the utensils out.”

  Colson ended up helping Cheyenne fill glasses with ice. A few minutes later, steaming pans lined the counter, with a circle of guests standing around the large kitchen. He caught a glimpse of Emmett, Hyacinth and Nigel. “It’s ready, people.” Duncan clasped his wife’s and his daughter’s hands. “Let’s pray.”

  Everyone gathered bowed their heads.

  “Thank You, Lord, for this food, and for the birth of Your son, who came to die for our sins. Thank You for this family, our guests. Thank You for another year of Your boundless blessings, and most of all for Cheyenne. Amen.”

  Minutes later, plates filled, they lined the long dining room table. Cheyenne sat between Colson and Resa, with Emmett on his sister’s other side. Maryann, Hyacinth, Mac and Annette were across from them, with Duncan and Nigel manning each end. For once in her life, Hyacinth seemed to have taken a vow of silence. A nice reprieve.

  “Did you get what you wanted for Christmas, kid?” Emmett leaned around Resa to see Cheyenne.

  “Daddy said I needed to practice riding some more before I get a pony. But I got lots of other cool stuff.”

  As she went through her list, with detailed descriptions, Colson’s tension eased. Emmett talked to her like she was just some random child. Completely casual, as if she was nothing special to him. Yet that he spoke to her at all meant that wasn’t the case.

  Colson could live with that.

  As he relaxed, his taste buds kicked in and he actually enjoyed the meal—plus the pleasant conversation around the table, Cheyenne being the center of attention, watching her bloom. Maybe having more people to love her wasn’t such a bad thing.

  Especially Resa.

  “I’ve got cleanup.” Resa stacked plates as everyone pushed away from the table.

  “No, you don’t.” Maryann gathered silverware. “I didn’t even have to cook. You young people go relax.”

  “Yeah, um, I’ve got a thing.” Emmett headed for the door. “I’ll be back later.”

  And Colson relaxed even more

  “I’ll help.” Annette went after the glasses. “Maryann can tell Hyacinth and me all about the cruise.”

  “Thank you for the catered meal.” Hyacinth’s uppity nose twitched dismissively, as if it was beneath her palate. “But we really must be going. I feel a headache coming on.”

  “I’m not ready to leave yet.” Her husband focused on Cheyenne.

  “You can go, Hyacinth. I can bring Nigel home,” Colson offered.

  The woman harrumphed. “Fine.” She flounced from the room. “I can see myself out.”

  “What do you say Mac, Nigel and I take princess duty? Piggyback time.” Duncan stooped with his back toward Cheyenne as she filled the room with giggles.

  “I’ll help the ladies.” Colson picked up a stack of plates.

  “I’ll let you carry them into the kitchen, but then you shoo.” Annette waved him away, cast a furtive glance at Resa.

  Her gaze met his. With all their parents looking on.

  “Go for a walk or something. You both worked so hard while we were gone.” Maryann chuckled. “But watch out for the mistletoe. Your father stuck it everywhere yesterday.”

  Resa’s face turned scarlet. She scurried for the mudroom.

  Colson would have to hurry to keep up. But finally, after all this time, his heart was up to the challenge. He just needed her to forgive him.

  * * *

  The footfalls behind Resa were accompanied by Colson’s familiar spicy scent. She really hadn’t expected him to follow.

  “I thought I’d go up to the loft.” She slipped her coat on, while he dug his out. “Check on my cat and her kittens.”

  “Cheyenne’s really excited about them.” He opened the door for her, followed her out. “I expected this to be the worst day of my life. I honestly pictured everyone grabbing one of her limbs and pulling her apart like a wishbone.”

  “We’re all a pretty civilized bunch.” Resa zipped her coat. “Feel better now?”

  “Much. Emmett’s and Hyacinth’s disinterest make me feel like maybe this whole thing can work out.” Colson grimaced. “Great. I just insulted your brother.”

  “You weren’t insulting him, just stating the facts.” Maybe she’d be able to breathe better with him out of her space. “You don’t have to come with me. Go play with Cheyenne or watch sports on TV.”

  “I’m good. Cheyenne will want a kitten report.” He matched her stride.

  Resa took in a deep breath, tried to get her lungs working in a natural rhythm. Why did being near him make her want to forget all their differences? “Any news on the job search?”

  “I plan to apply at several ranches in the area for a foreman position. But I’ve been thinking I might apply as a horse whisperer, too.”

  She stifled a gasp. “I’m glad. You’re so good with horses.” Was he healing? Forgiving himself?

  “In the meantime, I’m giving our dads some relief as a crafter at the store. I might need a refresher course. It’s been a while. I’m definitely rusty.”

  “Like riding a bike. You’ll be back up to par in no time. I know Daddy wants to cut down his hours, and your dad’s back has been acting up.”

  They reached the barn, and Colson waited while she filled a container with water. When she climbed up the ladder, he followed.

  The mama cat darted toward her, kittens in pursuit.

  Resa knelt and scratched her cheek, then refilled their food and water dishes. Tasks finished, she strolled to the back loft window and plopped down with her legs hanging over the ledge. The mama cat rubbed against her elbow until Resa picked her up, snuggled her against her chest. “Emmett used to dare me to jump from here.”

  “Did you?” Colson sat beside her.

  “I had to. It was a dare.” She grinned.

  And his insides went to mush. He was a jerk. Two days ago, he’d made her cry. “I’m sorry about the other day. I had no right to yell at you. You’ve never given me any reason to mistrust you”

  “I’m sorry I accused you of trying to manipulate me.”

  Think you can work closely together with me crafting your designs?”

  “I think so.” She looked up at him. “I need to remember that all men aren’t like my brother. Some are like my dad.”

  “Where do I fit in?”

  Moonpie scrambled out of her arms, scampering to the food dish.

  “You’re a good man, Colson. I see that now. Your devotion to Cheyenne proves you’re a man of character.”

  He searched the horizon. “My mom leaving us and the way Felicity was, it made me wary of women. You helped me realize there are good women in the world, but by the time I fell for you the first time I’d already bound myself to Felicity.”

  His gaze caught Resa’s, stole her breath.

  Fell for her the first time. Did that mean he’d fallen for her a second time?

  “I’m sorry I left back then, without explaining why. Once I found out Felicity was pregnant, I had to go.” Something in his eyes tugged at her. “I loved you so much. If I’d come back to explain, I’m not sure I’d have had the strength to walk away from you.”

  All moisture left her mouth, no words would form.

  “Since Felicity’s death, I’ve felt so guilty, I couldn’t move on. But when I was in Kingsville, I saw Winston—the horse she’d been riding.”

  Her brain kicked into gear. “That must have been hard.”

  “Yes, but it was also freeing. A ten-year-old girl was riding him.”

  “Because you trained him properly.”

  “I get that now. And you’ve reminded me you’re not like Felicity or my mom. I’m ready to move on now. With you. I never stopped loving you. Never forgot you.”

  A knot formed in her throat. “I never got over you. I tried, but you’re the only man I’ve ever loved.”

  His mouth twitched, the corners tipped up. “Are you aware there’s a sprig of mistletoe above us?”

  She looked up. There it was, directly over their heads.

  “I’d like to kiss you now. With no agenda. Well, maybe with just one. I’d like to kiss you because I love you and would like to spend the rest of my life with you.”

  “I’d really like to kiss you, too. With the same agenda.”

  He cupped her cheek in his hand, dipped his head. His lips met hers.

  Fireworks went off in her head and her heart. Her hands slid up his shoulders.

  He ended the kiss, revealed the depth of his emotion with the intensity in his eyes. “I promise I’ll stick around this time. Forever. I want to marry you—for you to be Cheyenne’s mom.”

  “I like that plan.” Tears blurred her vision. “So much. I already love her as if she were mine.” She leaned her head against his shoulder as a contented sigh escaped. “You know, my ranch could use a good horse whisperer.”

  “I think I know somebody I could recommend.” He kissed her again.

  More fireworks.

  “We should probably go back inside,” he muttered against her lips. “Tell Cheyenne our news. She’ll be so happy.”

  “Almost as happy as I am.”

  As six long years of separation melted away, this Christmas they had their own Texas holiday reunion to celebrate.

  And a lifetime of love to share with the little girl who’d captured their hearts and drawn them back together.

  * * * * *

  If you loved Colson and Resa’s story,

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  Dear Reader,

  I’ve long loved reunion romances. Those stories of obstacles keeping the hero and heroine apart for years. Until finally, they work through their baggage and get to make up for all the time they lost.

  Log furniture designer, beautiful heiress, Resa McCall had it all. But the man who completed her married someone else when the sins of his past caught up with him.

  Almost six years after their whirlwind romance, with Resa in desperate need of a foreman, Colson came to her rescue. And Resa finally understood why he’d abandoned her.

  But Colson had a secret eating him alive. Bandera was the last place he needed to be, the one place that could blow his world apart.

  Colson and Resa had to rely on God and embrace the truth before they could stop being so stubborn and trust each other. These characters had long been in my head and I’m so glad they finally made it to paper.

  I hope their story reflects my core belief—romance doesn’t make the world go around—God does. Forever love is a blessing straight from Him.

  Look for the final book in this series and discover why Devree, the wedding planner, is so pessimistic about taking the plunge.


  Shannon Taylor Vannatter

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