by A R Zane
“No, this is impossible!” he cried in a dither. “How is this possible?”
“I am your twin brother, Maxwell. Our father had told me a lot about you before his death.”
“I thought Craig was my brother.”
The figure shook his head. “No, Craig is only a pawn. I made him take my place. I did not want you to know yet. It was not yet the right time.”
“What are you talking about?”
“I have a lot of things to explain to you, Max.”
“Are you Omega?”
He bowed proudly. “In person. It’s nice meeting you too.”
“You’re a killer – a monster!”
“Some people are born to kill, some are born to die. I am only doing my part in ridding this world of the evil that lurks in it. You have been a bad, bad son, Max.”
“What do you mean?”
“You have been fighting for the wrong side. These people you are protecting are the real monsters.”
“I don’t understand you.”
Omega stared at him. “Do you know how father died?”
“I don’t care. He was a bad man. He tried to hurt my family. My mom told me everything before she died. He was a monster. He killed my dad.”
“Your dad was not entirely saintly. There are so many things you don’t know, Maxwell. A long time ago when we were little kids, our parents took us on a trip at sea. We travelled in a boat called the Lady Nagin. A bomb planted in the bomb was detonated and hundreds of people on the cruise were either blown apart or got drowned. Our mother was one of the unfortunate hundreds. The explosion separated us. Our father grabbed me and disappeared. The boat had been sabotaged because of him. He had to go into hiding because the people who tried to kill him would return if they discovered that he was still alive. We had to go into hiding while you were rescued by the police and taken to a foster home.
“But your new family was part of the corporation that destroyed the boat and caused the deaths of hundreds of innocent people. Just because they wanted to kill a single person, they wasted the lives of many other people. It was not until after about a decade that Father located you where you were being raised. He could not take it; his own son was being raised by the enemy. The first thing he did, however, was get rid of the man – your foster father. Then he came for you afterward. But your mother disappeared before Father could take you back.
“Since that moment, Father had been taking out all those who were part of Lady Nagin bombing. They had to pay for everything they did. Father used to be a part of that organization, and so he knew all those involved. After the boat disaster, the powers that be, the men behind the horror, dissolved the company and made a lot of money for themselves. Your foster father was part of these evil men.”
“Why did the men try to kill your father?” Max asked; he was still not ready to admit the man as his father
“He discovered a crime in the corporation and threatened to expose them all.”
“What crime?”
“Treason. They were planning a government coup.”
“What’s the name of the corporation?”
“What!” he could not believe his ears. “Are you serious?” The truth suddenly hit him. He felt sick to the stomach.
“I am, Max.” Omega’s words were grave.
“Our father was the Westside Slasher?”
“Yes, he was,” Omega replied, tears streamed down his cheeks. “And you killed him. You killed our father, Max. You have been fighting for the wrong cause.”
Max began to shiver. He felt a certain coldness overwhelm him.
Omega opened the door wide.
“Come inside, brother. We have a lot of things to talk about.”
To be continued…
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