The Challenge (The Pack Book 2)

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The Challenge (The Pack Book 2) Page 22

by Kristin Coley

  Dylan? I asked frantically, not missing the fact that Dom hadn’t mentioned him.

  He was hurt, Dom replied tersely. I can’t hear him anymore.

  He’s dead? I could barely think the words but Dom picked up on them and I felt his uncertainty.

  Not necessarily. He’s a powerful wolf, Dom admitted with wary surprise. He could be blocking the Pack link.

  Wren admitted he doesn’t communicate in wolf form, I mentioned, desperately hoping that was the case and Dylan would follow us back. I didn’t want to face Wren if he didn’t come home.

  Maybe, Dom’s single word reply wasn’t encouraging and I clung to Monster as we waited. Dom’s ears swiveled forward and a moment later, I heard something moving fast through the trees. Incoming, he shouted and I jerked Monster back as Dom took a defensive position in front of us.

  Two wolves flew over us, one multicolored, the other a lighter blonde, before slamming to a halt and spinning around. They took up position next to Dom as snarls met our ears.

  “Dylan,” Monster whispered brokenly, and all I could do was shake my head. I’d left him behind when I promised to protect him, and I wasn’t sure I could live with that knowledge. I stood up, not entirely sure what I planned to do, when Monster tore away from me, screaming, “Dylan,” as he headed straight for the Hanley line.

  Dom reacted before I could even move, his teeth catching the back of Monster’s shirt before he’d gone two feet. Monster struggled, still screaming Dylan’s name, as I locked my arms around him. Tears ran down my cheeks as I met Dom’s golden gaze.

  Hold him, Dom ordered, right before he raced to the Hanley border. Anna moved to go after him but Trent knocked her sideways, his stance clearly stating he wasn’t going to let her follow. She snapped at him, growling deep in her throat but he didn’t budge, using his larger size to his advantage.

  I stared into the dark where Dom had disappeared, my heart thumping heavily as sick fear poured through me. Monster was still screaming so I gave him a hard shake, whispering in his ear, “Dom went to get him.”

  His screams abruptly cut off and the silence that followed would haunt my nightmares. We waited, all of us frozen in the silent forest, for Dom to appear. Minutes ticked by with not a single sound, and it was as if the entire world had disappeared. The earlier howls were gone, not even a rustle to indicate where they might be. As each minute stretched, it became harder to breath as fear consumed me.

  Trent’s head swiveled, his ears up as he stared at a spot that looked just like every other dark space in this hellish forest, at least to me. Anna followed his lead a moment later, shoving him so she could see, and he let her. Some of the icy fear encasing me thawed at their movements. They were alert but not worried. I reached for the bond I shared with Dom, the one that had disconnected the second he decided to go after Dylan, and after a few seconds, I was able to feel him. Relief made my knees weak and I plopped down on my butt, my hands loosening around Monster as a cacophony of noise erupted around us.

  Monster rushed forward as an enormous wolf skidded into the clearing, an even larger black wolf on his heels. He flung his arms around the sable colored wolf without hesitation, burying his face in the thick fur. Dom limped over to me, his wet nose nudging my ear right before his tongue swiped across my cheek, licking up the tears.

  “Eww,” I mumbled no heat in my voice as I wrapped my arms around him. “Don’t ever do that again,” I commanded as his hot breath washed over the mark on my neck. I felt his wordless agreement through the bond and pressed my head more firmly against his neck. “Let’s go home.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  It was long walk back to the motel as exhaustion weighed me down. Monster rode on Dylan’s back and Payne carried Nicky. Trent and Anna remained in wolf form but kept a wary distance from each other. I stumbled along, using Dom as a crutch at times as he led us home.

  Three people stood at the edge of the motel, their eyes glued to the forest and as we appeared, one of them broke away, running straight for Payne and the little boy in his arms. She crashed straight into them as Nicky cried, “Mommy.” Payne wrapped his free arm around Sam as she hugged them both, her tears drenching them.

  The other two figures started toward us and Dylan started to growl when Dad approached. Monster patted his head, telling him it was okay and Dylan let Dad lift him off his back.

  “Dylan,” Wren said hesitantly, her hand held out cautiously. He sniffed it and after a minute, head-butted her hand, allowing her to smooth his ruffled fur.

  “He’s injured,” I told her as Dom leaned against me. We used the weight of our bodies to hold one another up. I knew Dom was hurt and needed to shift to heal, but I wasn’t ready to let him go yet. “Is Leah still here?”

  Wren nodded, sniffing as she wiped her eyes, and my Dad laid a comforting hand on her shoulder. She turned her head toward him slightly and a smile tugged on her mouth when she saw Monster, his copper hair sticking up everywhere. She smoothed her hand over his head, the motion jerky and quick as if she was afraid of our reaction.

  “Come on, let’s get them inside,” Dad said, his tone comforting as he indicated she should follow him. “Leah is waiting.”

  They walked off, Monster in Dad’s arms as Dylan walked between him and Wren. Sam and Payne had taken Nicky to the motel already, checking him over carefully. I sank down to the ground, almost too tired to stand and murmured, “Shift,” against Dom’s fur. I kept my eyes closed as warm skin replaced course fur and his arms wrapped around me.

  “I came too close to losing you tonight,” he rumbled, his head buried against my neck.

  “Ditto,” I managed to mutter, my fingers curling into his back, my nails biting into his skin. He didn’t seem to mind as he tightened his arms around me.

  “Hate to interrupt but we have other issues,” Trent mentioned casually, his voice right above us. I carefully opened my eyes just in case he was standing there naked but he had on loose shorts, another pair in his hand that he offered to Dom. I turned my head as Dom accepted them, standing easily now that he’d shifted and his injuries had healed.

  “What now?” Dom asked wearily and Trent jerked his head to the motel where Liam stood hunched over, his hand braced against the wall as he watched us. Dom cursed under his breath as Anna trotted up next to me.

  “You need clothes?” I asked her and she nodded, pointedly not looking at Trent or Dom, her snout in the air.

  “All I had were shorts,” Trent said defensively, holding his arms up. “Not my fault it’s not good enough for you.” Anna turned her head, ignoring him, and he stomped toward the motel.

  I eyed her but she wouldn’t met my gaze and I sighed. “Let’s get you some clothes so we can talk.” Her reluctance was clear but she finally followed me with a shake of her head.

  Once Anna was dressed, she refused to talk, stating there was nothing to talk about. When I disagreed, she claimed she was tired and wanted to sleep. I left her in my room, deciding to check on Dom and his newly formed Pack. Even thinking the words made hysterical laughter bubble inside of me and I firmly pushed it down before I lost it completely.

  The three men were arguing and didn’t hear me walk up, at least two of them didn’t, Dom snaked his arm around me without even glancing down. “Caleb is offering you a place in the Navarre Pack,” he stated quietly. In fact, all of them were exceptionally quiet as they spoke. Even standing among them, I had to listen carefully to piece together what they were saying.

  “I’m part of the Navarre Pack,” Liam argued, thrusting his finger at Dom. “Your Pack.”

  Dom swallowed and reminded him, “I don’t have a pack. I’m the beta of Caleb’s Pack. The Navarre Pack.”

  Liam stared at the men mutinously, refusing to budge and Trent scrubbed his hand over his face. “It’s late and you’re still weak from blood loss,” Trent said reasonably, the only indication he wasn’t as calm as he sounded were his white knuckles as he clutched the sucker in his hand.

nbsp; “I’m not changing my mind,” Liam warned, his hand splayed over the jagged eight inch cut bisecting his stomach. He wore an open button down shirt, the loose fit and pattern telling me it was one of my Dad’s shirts. “I’ve been told what to do every day of my life. For once, I have a choice.”

  “You don’t want to choose wrong,” Trent advised, his eyes flashing a warning. Liam gave him a wide berth but didn’t back down until finally Dom flicked his hand.

  “Get some sleep, kid,” he told him tiredly. “We’ll talk again in the morning.” Liam nodded, turning to leave when Dom added, “And don’t breathe a word of this to anyone.” I shivered at the command in his words, the sound echoing down to my bones and as Liam’s head lowered I knew he’d felt it even more.

  “Yes, sir,” he answered, shuffling to the room next to Trent’s.

  “That’s a problem we don’t need,” Trent said, staring after him.

  “One at a time,” Dom counseled, exhaustion weighing his words. “Caleb is going to escort Sam and Nicky back to the village. Where’s Anna?” He glanced down at me for an answer.

  “She laid down, said she was tired. I think she was trying to avoid me,” I replied, unable to hide the hint of hurt in my voice.

  “She’s confused,” Dom comforted. “And conflicted.”

  “She needs to quit pretending,” Trent muttered cryptically and my eyes shot to him. He shoved the sucker in his mouth, avoiding my gaze and I frowned.

  “Why are Sam and Nicky leaving?” I asked, strumming my fingers against Dom’s bare stomach. “Why isn’t Payne escorting them?”

  “The motel isn’t safe for them anymore,” Dom said, his tone apologetic. “The Hanleys will think twice before attacking our village. It’s the safest place for them right now.”

  “Monster?” I questioned, glancing between them. “Liam? Dylan?”

  “They can protect themselves,” Dom said before correcting himself. “Not Monster, but I’ll be here. Sam is staying at my cabin. Payne is staying in their motel room here. If someone shows up looking for them, they’re going to get a rude awakening.”

  I nodded, my eyes gritty as I tried to keep them open.

  Dom noticed and said, “You need sleep.”

  “You too,” I murmured, not arguing the fact.

  “Go get some sleep,” Trent said to us, lifting his sucker up. “I’ll keep watch.”

  “Is Dylan okay?” I asked as my gaze wandered to Wren’s room.

  “Yeah, Leah stitched him up. He had a couple of good size gashes,” Trent replied, hooking his thumbs into the waistband of his shorts as he sucked on the candy in his mouth. He still didn’t have a shirt on and I wondered for a second about where the sucker had come from.

  My forehead wrinkled in confusion, “He didn’t shift?”

  Trent and Dom traded glances and then shook their heads. “He’s not communicating,” Dom said carefully. “We tried the Pack link. Caleb tried to order him and nothing. For the moment, he’s staying in wolf form.”

  “He ignored Caleb’s order?” I asked, knowing that could become an issue.

  “Yeah,” Dom replied heavily as Trent studied the ground. “He definitely doesn’t have to obey an Alpha’s command.”

  Trent stepped back, his fingers making walking motions as he told us, “I’m going to patrol the perimeter. Make sure none of those assholes show up unexpectedly.”

  We nodded, watching him walk off before Dom steered me back toward the apartment. I pushed my hand against his chest once we came to the door, stopping him from opening it.

  “Dom,” I said quietly and he glanced down at me. I looked up, swallowing as I considered what I was about to ask him. “We got lucky today,” I started, and he nodded cautiously, not sure where I was going with this. “But Monster is at risk as long as he’s not initiated into a pack,” I continued, arching my eyebrow for confirmation and he nodded reluctantly. “So, I want him to be initiated,” I concluded and his jaw worked for a second.

  “There’s no rush,” he stated and I shook my head tightly.

  “I disagree. What happened today was all the warning I need,” I replied, my eyes begging him to listen. “Initiation will provide a link, a way for him to communicate if he’s in danger.”

  “Yes,” Dom said with a heavy exhale. “But it’s a commitment, one that shouldn’t be taken lightly. It’ll affect him for the rest of his life.” I nodded, having figured that much out. When I didn’t back down, he placed his thumbs on either side of my face, stroking my cheekbones. “It’s been a long, emotional day. We can decide tomorrow. We’ll talk to Caleb together, bring it up to your Dad,” he promised and I smiled, knowing he would do exactly what he said and also knowing he’d misunderstood what I was asking for.

  “I don’t want you to talk to Caleb,” I replied and the slow stroke of his thumbs stilled against my cheek. “I don’t want to initiate him into the Navarre Pack, at least not that Navarre Pack,” I said carefully as his eyes burned into mine. I didn’t lower my gaze even as his thumbs pressed into my skin as he absorbed what I was saying.

  “Jess,” he said, my name barely louder than a sigh as his head dropped to mine, our foreheads pressed together as he kissed the skin next to my eyes. He took a deep breath and I wondered what he was about to say when the door opened next to us.

  “There you are,” Dad said, sounding relieved as we turned our heads toward him. “It’s late,” he added, staring at Dom, specifically Dom’s hands on my body.

  “It is,” Dom replied respectfully, lowering his hands quickly at Dad’s pointed look.. “I’d like to request your permission to stay here tonight,” he added and I blinked at him in shock. Dad opened his mouth, no doubt to immediately tell him no, or better yet, hell no, when Dom raised his hand and spoke again. “On the couch, otherwise I’ll just sleep propped up against your door.”

  His expression was steadfast and as Dad glanced between my hopeful face and Dom’s determined one, he sighed, waving his hand at the couch. “Be my guest. It’s really not that comfortable.”

  “Better than concrete,” Dom replied instantly and Dad barely suppressed an eye roll.

  “Thanks,” I added, reaching up to kiss Dad’s cheek. “Monster?”

  “Curled up in the middle of my bed surrounded by cookie crumbs,” Dad answered ruefully. I lifted my eyebrows and he shrugged. “Kid deserved a few cookies.”

  “Not going to argue that,” I replied, hugging him. I released Dad and then hugged Dom, letting go when Dad cleared his throat. “I’m going to go to bed,” I said, pointing to my room. “Anna is staying with me,” I added and Dad’s grim expression eased slightly.

  Dom padded over to the couch barefoot and Dad scanned him head to foot before saying, “Do you own a shirt, son?” I bit back a smile, walking backwards to my room as Dom squirmed under Dad’s scrutiny, his cheeks tinged red as he nodded.

  “I do. The shifting. I lost my shirt,” Dom fumbled through an explanation as I tried not to laugh.

  “You go through a lot of shirts, I bet,” Dad replied, his expression inscrutable as Dom gave him a pained nod. “I don’t like you wandering around half naked. Might give Bunny ideas. What size do you wear? I’ll pick up a few shirts when I go to the store.”

  Dom stared at him incredulously but when Dad didn’t budge he finally stuttered, “2x. Big and tall.”

  Dad nodded sharply, murmuring to himself, “Didn’t think anything I had would fit you.”

  “No, sir,” Dom replied. “Thank you, sir.”

  “Anytime, and you better not do any nighttime wandering,” Dad warned, giving him a squinty glare. “Understand, Domin..o?”

  Dominic nodded hastily, not missing my Dad’s play on his name as he reminded him he wouldn’t be fooled by a dog in my room. I scurried out the room before I busted out laughing, but any amusement I might have felt quickly died when I saw the open window and empty bed. I scanned the room and bathroom but I knew she was gone.

  I thought about getting Do
m and doing a search but as raised voices reached me though the open window, I decided to follow them instead. I scrambled out the window and tiptoed toward the voices as they drifted from the breezeway where the vending machines were.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” Trent had his hand wrapped around Anna’s arm, holding her still.

  “None of your business,” she bit out caustically.

  “I’m on patrol,” he informed her. “Anybody wandering around is my business.”

  “I need to debrief my Alpha,” she finally said when he didn’t let go.

  Trent snorted, “You wouldn’t need to debrief him if he’d been there.”

  “He was here protecting the Pack,” Anna defended. “Something you couldn’t manage,” she added scornfully, her words intended to cut. He hauled her closer to him and I had to lean forward to hear them.

  “When are you going to quit following him around like a lovesick puppy?” He growled, shaking her lightly. “Do you even know where he is?”

  “Taking Sam and Nicky to Dom’s house,” she answered confidently, but some of her confidence slipped at the appearance of his slow smile.

  “He was,” Trent agreed readily. “He came back though.” Anna’s head jerked in surprise and as she glanced around, I ducked out of sight. “Not for you,” Trent said mockingly. “He came back to escort the little human girl home. I think her name is Leah?” Anna flinched at his words and he gave a mirthless chuckle. “You’re better than this. You can do better than that boy,” he scathed.

  “What? You mean you,” she taunted, not backing down as he got in her face. “A pack less wolf with nothing to his name but a chip on his shoulder?”

  “Better me than a boy that won’t take responsibility for his Pack,” Trent snarled, breathing heavily as he faced off with Anna.

  “You don’t know him,” she protested, her head tilted back as she challenged him. “You don’t know me.”

  “Wrong,” he muttered before his lips crashed down on hers. The kiss only lasted a few seconds before she jerked away, stunned as she stared at him.


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