Between 2 Bosses

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Between 2 Bosses Page 3

by Samantha Twinn

  I adjust the hem of my skirt, sliding it upward another inch. “Is that so? And is that a problem for you, Mr. Daniels?”

  He hesitates again, seeming to be waging an internal struggle.

  I slowly uncross my legs, part them a couple of inches, and then cross them again, letting the toe of my shoe rub against Pierce’s leg. His eyes dart to where my foot is touching him, and then trail up my leg.

  “Do you find my skirt distracting, Mr. Daniels?”

  All at once, he reaches out and grasps my leg right below the knee, then slides his hand slowly down my calf. When he reaches my ankle, he caresses upward again, his fingers exploring every inch of skin on my lower leg. His hand is cool, despite how hot and bothered he seems to be.

  I’m silent for a moment while I enjoy his touch and plot my next move. Finally, in a voice much breathier than a few minutes ago, I say, “While we’re discussing the dress code, I’m wondering if there are rules about women’s blouses.”

  Pierce’s eyes meet mine, then his gaze drops to where my hand is poised at my top button.

  “If I were to wear a shirt that was open down to say, here—” I undo two buttons and push the fabric apart, exposing the swell of my cleavage and a hint of the lace on my bra. “Would that be a violation of the dress code, Mr. Daniels?”

  His eyes are riveted to my chest, and his internal struggle is clearly still raging. I rub my foot against his leg, and briefly press my heel into his thigh before I abruptly push back and stand. “Because I wouldn’t want to be a distraction to you, Mr. Daniels. And it would be so very wrong if you were to lust after the boss’s daughter.”

  I turn, ready to make a triumphant exit after I adjust my clothing. Instead, I’m startled by Pierce’s sudden grip on my arm. He turns me to him and pulls me close, his mouth near my cheek. “Are you sure you want to tease me, Ms. Walker?”

  He holds me against him long enough for his body to fill my senses. I can both hear and feel his ragged breath, and smell his cologne, cool and fresh like the ocean. His thumb presses into my wrist and I imagine him pinning me down in bed and stretching his hard, lean body over mine.

  “Am I teasing you, Mr. Daniels?” I ask, stretching up to whisper my words against his ear.

  He makes a noise deep down in his throat, then releases me and steps back, raking his eyes over my body. Without another word, he turns and exits.

  It takes me several minutes to recover enough to follow him out.

  I hadn't been planning to get my body involved in the little game I'm playing with Pierce and Hale. In fact, doing so could be dangerous, since my head and body don't always agree on what's best for me.

  But with Hale getting close in the elevator and Pierce breaking out of his icy shell in our meeting, well ... let’s just say my body is now very much involved and it wants to take the game to the next level.

  There's no denying that they're two of the most attractive men I've ever met, but it's more than that. There's fire there — even in calm, cool and collected Pierce. There's fire, and that means I need to be just a little more careful so I don't get burned.


  Hale: The Three of Us, Together

  On Friday, I'm at my desk several hours before anyone else arrives so that I can catch up from my absence the day before.

  I stay on task as the sun rises over the city behind me, and eventually the outer office comes to life.

  At ten after eight, Kira steps into my office without knocking. She has a sexy librarian thing going on today. Her hair is pulled back, twisted into a knot, and she's wearing a dark blazer over a high-necked blouse. At first glance, she looks demure, but a closer look reveals that the white fabric of her blouse is enticingly sheer.

  “Where were you yesterday?” she asks with no preamble.

  “Taking care of a personal matter,” I say.

  “Why didn't you call to let me know you weren't coming in?”

  She's at the side of my desk, hand on her tilted hip in a sign of impatience, her clothing clinging to her in exactly all the right places.

  “Because I don't report to you,” I say with a smile.

  “Oh, that's right,” she says, her voice heavy with something like sarcasm. “You want me to work under you.”

  I lean back in my chair, hands clasped behind my head. “I think that you’d enjoy it immensely. Of course, you can work over me too. I'm open to anything. You'll find that I'm very adventurous.”

  As Kira begins to reply, Pierce walks in through the open door of my office. She watches his silent approach, then continues. “What I’d most like is for the three of us—” She pauses here and gives Pierce a long glance before she turns back to me. “To work together,” she continues. “The three of us, together.”

  I stare back at her, momentarily stunned. I consider the possibility that I'm misinterpreting her words, distracted as I am by her sexy body.

  But no, she's looking back at me, eyebrow raised in challenge, biting her lower lip in a way that makes it hard for me to keep from pushing her down on the desk and consuming her, starting at those plump pink lips on her face and ending at her other set of pink lips.

  Am I crazy or has she just suggested a threesome? I glance over at Pierce, but it doesn't look like her words registered with him. He's thumbing through papers on my desk with a distracted expression.

  Kira’s gaze is still fixed on me. Is she serious? Or is she just playing games, thinking I'd be turned off by her request?

  I've had experiences with multiple partners — with women, and once with another man involved — but Pierce and I have never done anything like that together. Hell, I have no idea what Pierce is even into. He never says a word about his private life.

  Kira’s grinning now. I'm still not sure if she's serious or just fooling around, but I intend to find out. “You know I'm up for working with you in any way possible, Ms. Walker.”

  “I’m glad to hear that, Mr. Harris. Mr. Daniels,” she says, shifting to Pierce, her tone turning serious, “I have some follow-up questions about Washburn. Can I meet with you later this morning?”

  Pierce hesitates, and as he answers, the tips of his ears redden. “Sure. Ten o’clock?”

  “That will be fine.” She heads for the door, but turns to throw a wicked glance in my direction before she disappears.

  “What the hell was all that about?” Pierce asks as soon as she’s gone.

  “Just trying to keep the boss’s daughter happy,” I say, still reclining in my chair, unable to hide my grin.

  “What’s going on between you two?”

  “Nothing … yet,” I say.

  “Getting involved with her would be a spectacularly bad idea,” he says.

  “I have no intention of getting involved with her.”

  “That’s good.”

  “But I do intend to fuck her.” I stand and walk around the desk where I clamp a hand on Pierce’s shoulder. “And apparently she’s a kinky girl. She wants both of us.”

  Pierce takes a step away from me. “What makes you say that?”

  “She as much as said so. Just now.”

  He frowns. “She’s messing with you.”

  “Maybe she is, but if so, I plan to call her bluff. Are you in?”

  His eyes shift to mine and hold for a moment before he turns to leave. “It’s a terrible idea,” he says, not answering my question.


  Pierce: A Big Risk

  It doesn't escape my notice that Kira’s wearing a high-necked blouse and a longer skirt today. But her shirt is nearly see-through, and her skirt is so tight it appears to be spray painted onto her perfect body.

  She’s shed the blazer she was wearing earlier, and her tits are bouncing as she struts into the conference room. I’d suspect she was braless, if I couldn’t see so much of her lacy pink bra through the thin fabric of her blouse.

  She’s a tease. I can tell by the way she behaves that we’re a game to her. And I can’t believe that Hale, who was so
worried about his job, has fallen for her act. I can never understand the way he acts without thinking. I don’t need to run an analysis to see that getting involved with Kira is a big risk.

  Why would he consider messing around with her when there are so many other women in the world? Though admittedly, I’m hard pressed to think of another I’ve met recently who had a fraction of Kira’s sexual appeal.

  Even if she is playing a game with us, she’s not fooling around when it comes to the company’s business. Hale should be even more concerned about her taking over operations — she certainly has the potential to do so. She still needs to gain experience, having only just graduated, but she clearly has the brains to do whatever she puts her mind to.

  “Thanks for meeting with me, Mr. Daniels.”

  I’m silent. I’m not playing this oh-so-polite Mr. Daniels/Ms. Walker game anymore.

  Kira sits down across from me, folds her arms and leans forward, her already ample cleavage nearly spilling from the thin lace containing it. “Is everything okay?” Her tone is calm, neutral.

  “Everything’s fine,” I say evenly.

  “I trust that my outfit today is suitable? Up to code?” She arches a brow and watches me closely, no doubt waiting for my gaze to drift downward. Through intense determination, I keep my eyes locked on hers.

  “I think you know very well that it’s not.”

  She pushes her lips out in a dramatic pout, and damn if I can’t help imagining those plump lips wrapped around my cock. “But I chose this outfit just for you, Mr. Daniels.”

  “Do you have questions about the Washburn account?” I ask, outwardly ignoring the pout and still keeping my eyes above her neck.

  She leans closer, her voice low and throaty. “Not really. I just wanted to get you alone again and find out what happens when I tease you.”

  I know my strengths and my style, and I’m generally very satisfied with my approach to life. I think, I assess, and then I act. I run the numbers, calculate the risks, and proceed only when doing so makes sense. I’ve been this way my whole life, and my self-control has always served me well. But maybe there are moments when I wish I could react without thinking, as Hale does. Seize a moment and give zero fucks about the consequences.

  I nearly lost control the last time I was alone with Kira. And maybe I would now, but knowing that she’s also stringing Hale along is just enough of a distraction to allow my brain to stay in control. To be honest, maybe I’m a little pissed. Yes, I’d known she was a tease, but I don’t like the fact that she’s teasing both of us.

  As if my thoughts summon him, there’s a knock on the door and Hale steps inside. “I’m sorry I missed yesterday’s meeting,” he says with a charming grin. “I hope I’m not late today?”

  I glare at him. I realize I’m the one who told him to be nice to her but I liked it better when he was being a dick. “I think we’re done here, actually,” I say, pushing back from the table.

  “Did you bring coffee, Mr. Harris? We missed that yesterday,” Kira says.

  “I will do many, many things for you, Ms. Walker. Many things. But I’m not making coffee for you. Not at the office, anyway.”

  I storm out. I don’t need to watch Hale seduce another woman. I’ve seen it plenty of times over the three years we’ve worked together. But why is it bothering me now, when it never bothered me before?


  Kira: Push My Buttons — All of Them

  I knew I'd be in too deep with just a few words. The same way I knew that choosing to say those words to Hale would set things in motion.

  I believe in going after what I want. Whether it’s athletics, academics, or men, I set my mind to something and I get what I want.

  My darling daddy is usually the only thing in my life that truly frustrates me, with his long absences, his cancellations, his complete lack of commitment to anything. It’s ironic that he's the one responsible for me being in this current situation.

  Of course, I know it's not a good idea to get involved with the two men who run his company, but I also know I'll be gone in three months, so what's the harm? Unlike most of my friends, I never took time off to travel the world or enjoy a year of leisure before college. I’ve been all work and no play since my first lemonade stand.

  And it won’t be long before I’ll have my head down, completely absorbed in my new business. This brief internship seems like the perfect time to have some fun.

  “I don’t think he’s ready to ‘work together’,” Hale says, closing the conference room door after Pierce leaves.

  “He’ll come around.”

  “I like confidence in a woman,” Hale says, with a lingering caress on my arm.

  “I get the impression you like just about anything in a woman.”

  “I am a great admirer of the female sex, yes,” he says, stepping in closer, moving his hand to my lower back.

  I look up at him, our faces close. “As long as we don’t try to boss you around?”

  He opens his mouth, but closes it before speaking. Throwing Hale off his game has become my new favorite hobby. He tries again. “I never said that.” I can practically see his struggle to remain calm and keep the charm turned on.

  “Have you ever had a female boss?” I ask.

  “No, I haven’t.” His palm presses into my back and pulls me closer to him. With his other hand, he tugs a strand of hair free from my updo. “I’m more of a take-charge guy, but I’m always open to new experiences.”

  “So you keep telling me.” My own internal struggle is raging: I want to stay in ball-busting takeover mode and push his buttons, but it’s getting hard to focus when I’m enveloped in Hale’s arms, breathing in his spicy scent, feeling his hard body against mine. I want him to push my buttons — all of them, and one in particular that is starting to throb with need.

  “Do you think it’s proper to be seducing a woman who might become your boss?” I ask.

  “No,” he says, brushing his nose against my cheek and inhaling deeply. “It’s definitely not proper. Not at all.” He whispers these last words in my ear just before he kisses the delicate skin where my neck meets my jaw. Then he bites, sucking my flesh into his mouth and flicking his tongue over it, sending a ripple of sensation out to every inch of my body. “I’ve never been much for proper.”

  Hale moves his way down my neck, nipping and soothing the skin as he goes. Actually, soothing is not the right word. What’s he’s doing is inflaming my body, burning a path with his mouth, taking my breath away.

  As he’s kissing me and biting me, he grabs my ass with both hands and pulls my hips tight against his body, grinding me into his arousal.

  Oh. My.

  What I saw in the elevator the other day must not have been a full-on erection, because what’s pressing against me right now feels massive, way beyond anything I’ve encountered before.

  My pussy throbs in response. I want to wrap myself around him and find out just how hot we can be together. All thoughts of playing boss lady are gone. In fact, in just a mere few minutes, he’s got me ready to beg at his feet and do whatever he asks.

  Somehow, I have just enough of my wits left about me to keep from getting carried away. And my end goal is still in sight. He says he’s up for anything, and call me greedy, but I intend to put that promise to the test.

  I pull back and look up into his dark eyes. “You know my terms, Hale. You, and me, and Pierce. Together.”

  With a twinge of regret mixed with lustful hope for the future, I straighten the front of Hale’s shirt, give him a smile, and exit the room.


  Hale: Whatever Kira Wants

  It’s Monday morning and I’m exhausted. I wish I could say it was from partying hard, but unfortunately that wasn’t the case. I must look like hell, because even Pierce comments.

  “Rough weekend?” he asks, when he brings a stack of reports into my office.

  I shrug.

  He stands awkwardly next to my desk for several mome
nts, silent but clearly agitated. “What’s up?” I say when I realize he isn’t going away.

  “Did you fuck her yet?”

  I’m confused at first, my head still working through some of the shit I dealt with over the past two days. Then I remember. Kira. “What’s it to you?” I say, knowing full well I sound like an eight-year-old.

  “I just … it … it would be career suicide. That’s all.”

  Pierce looks cagey. This isn’t just about our jobs. “You want her, don’t you?” I ask. He stares back. His expression doesn’t change, but I already know the answer.

  I shrug. I’m too tired to deal with this right now. “No, I haven’t fucked her. But I will. Whether you’re involved or not.”

  His jaw tightens. “It’s a bad idea,” he says.

  “You think too much, Pierce. Now get out, so I can get some work done.”

  He glares. “What’s your problem today?”

  I wave my hand in front of me, dismissing his question. “The usual shit.”

  His face softens almost imperceptibly. “Is it your sister again?” he asks in a low voice.


  After a beat, he says, “Let me know if you need anything.”

  I feel a pang of regret for being a dick. Pierce is a good guy. I give him a nod. “Thanks.”

  When he leaves, I dive into cleaning out email. Five minutes into it, a new message comes in from Rebecca Jones, our main contact at Washburn and an occasional pain in the ass. I skim her lengthy missive and immediately buzz Pierce, who was copied on the email.

  “Yeah?” he answers.

  “Check your inbox.”

  I wait on the line, rereading Rebecca’s message until Pierce responds: “Fuck.”

  The problem with Washburn — the problem with most of the accounts Walker brings to the company — is that deals are struck on the golf course with absolutely no regard for reality. Clients are given unrealistic expectations and then Pierce and I and the rest of our team have to bend space and time to get shit done.


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