Nowhere to Run: A Dark Paranormal Villain Romance (Midnight Renegades Book 1)

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Nowhere to Run: A Dark Paranormal Villain Romance (Midnight Renegades Book 1) Page 9

by Imani L. Hawkins

  I heaved a deep breath, my body feeling light as I felt Knox drag his tongue across my naked skin, up to my breast, where he pulled a pebbled nipple into his mouth. My back lifted from the bed and the sensations from my orgasm seemed to roll over into an even more euphoric haze.

  Knox pulled away and I watched him as he unzipped his pants, relaxing and trying to catch my bearings while I could. When he tugged his jeans off, I was treated to the pleasant surprise of him being commando, his hardness jutting out, long, thick, and veiny. My mouth watered at the sight, but I didn't want to take my time with blowjobs. There'd be time for that later.

  Knox seemed to be thinking the same thing as he dipped his fingers into my wetness before bringing it to his shaft, stroking it. The sight was enough to have me almost funneling toward another orgasm. He took a step forward, brushing the tip of his dick along my pussy lips, but before he could enter me, I rolled away, moving to my feet and pushing him to the bed.

  His eyes widened as he fell to his back but I was already climbing on him, straddling his hips. I grabbed his length, running my hand over the warm flesh before sinking down onto it. I let out a moan as I slid down, my pussy throbbing as I lifted my hips up before slamming them back down. Knox thrust his hips up to meet my pace, his dick stroking all the right places as I began to move faster. I tossed my head back, moaning as I ran my hands over my body, squeezing and pinching my nipples, the pain egging the pleasure on.

  I placed one hand on Knox's chest, meeting his intense green eyes as I started to ride him quicker, harder. His hands moved to my ass, helping lift my body. I could feel myself getting closer and closer to the edge, my body flushed as my heart beat quickly in my chest. I ground down on Knox just as one of his fingers slid beneath my cheeks, trailing over the puckered hole there.

  My orgasm hit me hard, my limbs going weak and my vision side eyed. I was barely aware of Knox flipping me over, pushing my legs over his shoulders as he began to drill into me, prolonging my orgasm as his fingers found my clit. He stilled, spilling inside of me before collapsing on top of me.

  I ran a hand down his back, feeling the hard muscle there. The only sound in the room was our deep breathing until I finally broke the silence, pushing Knox off of me. I rolled to my side, taking in how spent he looked. His arms were tossed over his eyes as he continued to breathe deeply. A grin spread across my face. "Don't tell me you're done already."

  He pulled his arm from over my eyes before giving me a wicked smile of his own. "Not even close."


  I stared at Charley's sleeping form, watching as each breath lifted her chest. Her face was pulled into a serene expression, nothing like anything I'd even seen from her while she was awake. Even when she was happy, she never looked like that, so... peaceful.

  I pressed a hand to my lips as I continued to watch her. Memories of the night before and the string desire that'd taken a hold of the two of us crossed my mind. It'd been everything I'd expected and more. Rough, hard fucking with an intensity to it that I'd never gotten from another hookup before.

  And yet the afterglow of it all was dimmed by the fact I felt off. My chest hurt, my head was spinning, and it felt like something was missing.

  I shook my head, inhaling a soft breath before rolling out of the bed. I pulled my boxers on and left the room as carefully as possible, making sure not to wake Charley. Making my way to my room I took a quick shower. After I got out, fog covered the mirror and I quickly wiped it to stare at my reflection. I noted the slight circles under my eyes. I put it down to all the [drug name] we'd done that night, but the slump in my shoulders was coming from something else and I knew exactly what.


  Twice in a matter of days I'd gone to sleep mad at my best friend and it didn't sit well with me. Especially when I didn't know how to explain everything that was going on. I wasn't jealous of his attraction to Charley or that he'd slept with her as well, but there was something about being around the two of them when they were making eyes at each other that didn't feel right.

  But I knew it didn't matter if I didn't know what that exact feeling was, because I definitely knew what the hurt in my chest felt like. Just like I knew the only way to get rid of was to make amends with Blue. Soon.

  We'd fought a few times since we met, but never over anything big. Pizza toppings, what labs we could safely hit, the temperature of our apartment. But never over a girl. Usually we didn't even have the same type in women. Blue liked his women more reserved, and he had to get to know them to a better extent. I, on the other hand didn't have a type as far as looks, but I sure as hell wasn't fooling around with reserved women. The stuff I liked to do and how quickly I liked to do it usually led to women with loose morals and wicked intentions.

  I moved away from the mirror, thinking over how to start the conversation with Blue as I pulled on some comfortable clothes. Deciding I'd come up with something when we were face to face, I made my way to his room. I knocked on the recently repaired door, my brows pulling together when there was no answer. I pressed my ear to the door, listening in. The only thing I picked up on was a small, faint heartbeat and it instantly had worry running through me as I quickly pushed the door open. It slammed against the wall as my gaze moved around the room.

  In the center of the bed, Spanky lay down, his eyes popping open and his head lifting slightly as he stared at me.

  No sign of Blue.


  I moved back to my room, sliding on my shoes as I racked my mind for potential places that Blue could have gone. He wouldn't have gone back to our old apartment. We'd failed to make rent by that point and an eviction note should have been on the door if the stuff we left hadn't already been tossed on the trash pile.

  As I jogged down the steps and made my way to the front door, a location finally came to me.

  I grabbed my keys and made my way to my van. I remained tuned in to my surroundings and I paused when I thought I heard a heartbeat. It was far away and I turned in a circle, thinking maybe Blue actually had come home and he was just outside. I peered past the house where a thicket of trees were thinking that's where the heartbeat came from. But as I walked in the direction, I couldn't hear a single thing. My frown deepened and my feet stopped. Maybe I just imagined a heartbeat, I thought, before shaking my head and heading back to the van.

  The drive took a little longer than I would have liked, but I knew in my heart it was where I'd find Blue. I knew he must have walked there after storming out of the club because there was no way he'd risk taking an uber or taxi to the location. It'd be far too dangerous.

  I drove down the gravel road, stopping the car when I got a couple of feet away from where the treeline started.

  I stuck the keys in my pocket before walking through the treeline, my feet knowing the exact path to take to find Blue. I could have run, but I chose to walk, giving him enough time to prepare for my appearance since he surely heard it.

  After a few minutes, I spotted his white shirt, the color vibrant in the dark and dreary woods. Blue was kneeling in the middle of the small clearing, his back to me. My steps slowed and stopped a few feet away, waiting for him to turn and acknowledge me.

  "I would ask how you found me, but I guess I'm a little predictable," he said after a few moments of silence. He didn't bother to turn around and look at me.

  I stuffed my hands in my pockets, striding closer to him with measured steps. "Just a little," I said with a small laugh. More somber, I said, "You always come here when you're upset."

  I stared down at him as he raked a hand over the ground, leaving marks in the dirt. "Because nothing can ever upset me more than what I did that night."

  His hand never left the spot where six feet under our old manager had found his final resting place. After we'd killed him, we'd buried him where no one would ever think to find him since no one really visited these woods.

  The night we'd done it, it'd been raining
and the ground had been wet, but we'd made it work. And a couple of days later when the dirt had dried, we'd come to make sure it was fully intact. That's when the realization of what we'd done had hit Blue.


  He'd fallen to his knees, the same way he rests now, and he'd cried. I hadn't known how to comfort him. I hadn't killed many other people myself and yet there was a feeling of detachment I'd put in place with our boss. We'd killed him and frankly I hadn't cared. Everything Blue had told me about him was true. He was a bad man, taking animals from their homes, making them fight each other and torturing them when they wouldn't.

  Bad men deserved shallow graves that families would never be able to weap at.

  I understood that, but Blue didn't.

  That cold day as he cried, I realized I'd never met a person with as big a heart as his.

  And as I looked down at him back in the same spot staring at his biggest regret, I knew my anger for him was unnecessary.

  I placed a hand on his shoulder before sitting down next to him, allowing the cool dirt to seep into my clothes.

  "I'm sorry," I said softly.

  He blew out a deep breath before dropping from his knees to his butt, plopping down next to me. "It's okay. We were both being stupid."

  I shook my head. "No, it was mostly just me. I shouldn't have been an ass." I rubbed my hand against my leg as a breeze blew over us. "It's just that I was feeling like a third wheel and I overreacted instead of talking it out."

  Blue bumped his shoulder against mine, forcing me to look at him. "You've never been one for talking about how you feel." He offered me a light smile and I felt a weight drop off my shoulders. "You could have just told me, though, you know. I didn't want you to feel off."

  I shrugged. "I thought maybe you'd think I was jealous of you and Charley and I'm not."

  "Even though we're both attracted to her?" He spoke the truth that we both knew but hadn't addressed out loud.

  It hadn't been a secret exactly. I'd shown interest in Charley since the night she appeared at the lab, meddling. And while Blue hadn't said anything, and he'd tried to keep his distance from her, I knew him too well not to see the attraction in his eyes whenever Charley waltzed into the room.

  "It's okay," he said before I could come up with a reply. "I know you made it clear from the first night you were interested in her and I just kind of..." He waved a hand, but he didn't need to finish what he was saying because I knew it was the exact same thing I'd been thinking.

  I looked at the ground, pulling up a piece of grass. "I know you had your reservations at first, but it's clear how you feel now."

  "And that's okay with you?" he asked.

  I nodded my head. "Of course." Deciding this was a contact that required eye contact so that we could both clearly get our emotions out on the table, I turned, meeting his eyes. His held an ounce of worry, a small crease between his brows. "I like Charley, but I love you, you're my brother. We will make this work."

  He took a moment to respond, biting down on his lips slightly as he thought over his words. After a moment, he gave a nod and smiled. "That's okay with me." He rubbed at his lips as they twitched. "We'll just have to make sure Charley says the same."

  I let out a light laugh, slapping his leg. "I'm pretty sure she'll be okay with it, and plus if she's not, you and I both know she'll say otherwise." Charley had never been quiet about her thoughts or feelings in the short time we'd known her and I knew that wasn't going to change anytime soon.

  "She's interesting," Blue said and a bit of the humor in his eyes faded. "And very..." he searched for a word, his nose wrinkling slightly.

  "Chaotic?" I supplied.

  He nodded, "That's the word. She's all over the place all the time and it gets confusing to me. And it definitely worries me." A dark look flitted over his face for a brief moment. "One moment she can be joking around and in the next she's encouraging us to kill someone."

  He was right. We'd taken more lives in the time we'd known Charley than before.

  "We're just going to have to be more careful with what we let her convince us to do."

  He raised a brow. "Come on, you and I both know all she has to do is flash you a tit and you'll do as she asks."

  A laugh rumbled out of my chest. "I can't say I disagree with you." I'd always had a weakness for pretty faces and a nice rack, but with Charley it seemed to be even worse.

  "We can't let her kill the investment banker," he said after the laughter had died out.

  I nodded. "I agree."

  "He has a family, and..." His eyes drifted to the spot where our last victim with a family lay. He shook his head. "We just can't."

  I nodded in agreement. "We won't." I rose to my feet before offering a hand to help him up. And he took it. "We'll keep our heads leveled, and we'll keep Charley from making any rash decisions."


  My phone chirped beside me, stirring me from my sleep. Rubbing my eyes, I let out a string of curses and sat up in bed, my eyes falling on the phone. The screen was lit up with a notification from an unknown contact, and I was tempted to ignore it before my eyes landed on a name. Anne Mills. My mother.

  Trepidation slid through me as I reached for the phone, grimacing when a small pair of furry hands snatched the phone from the bed before I could grab it. Spanky darted to the foot of the bed, the phone held up over his head as he let out a string of screeches, his lips pulled back flashing a row of sharp teeth.

  "Spanky," I warned, in no mood for his games.

  He screeched again, this time tossing the phone to the floor. He stretched up to his full height, mischief dancing in his eyes as he pounded his chest at me. His emotions stretched across the bond between us and I couldn't help but frown. He was pissed and had no intentions of allowing me to ignore him this time.

  Well, I was pissed, too. And if he wanted an argument, he'd have one. I reached my hand out to him, allowing him to climb into my palm and raising him to look at me face to face. The moment he was close enough, he balled up a tiny fist and punched me in the nose, hard enough it stung but not hard enough to do any damage.

  "You little son of a bitch," I sneered, glowering at the one person I could count on who'd done nothing but follow behind Blue like I was suddenly no one compared to him.

  He crossed his arms over his chest and turned his nose up at me. The word "apologize" came to mind between the bond, but if that little asshole thought he'd get an apology from me, he was sadly mistaken. He waited for what seemed minutes before bending forward and opening his mouth.

  "Don't you fucking dare," I warned. "I'll toss you clean across the room if you bite me."

  Of course, as was usual, he called my bluff, sinking his teeth into the tip of my middle finger. He leaped out of my hand before I yanked it back with a curse.

  Apologize and fix it.

  "Fix what, you little freak? You're the one attacking me."

  He paced before me, shaking his head, anger and sadness thrumming through the connection. I wondered briefly if he spoke to Blue the way he spoke to me and just that small thought had anger ripping its way to the forefront of my thoughts. How dare he share our connection with someone else after all we'd been through. After all the nights we'd slept in the cold together as I used what little body heat I had to keep him warm. He was my familiar, the one constant I would have for the rest of my life, yet I kept feeling like he was slipping away from me. Like he was trying to find his own path and leave me behind. Though I knew there had to be something more to his bond with Blue, I couldn't help but feel betrayed.

  He stepped toward me, reaching out his hand and I leaned my face toward him. His palm connected with my cheek and the moment it did, a flood of images tumbled into my thoughts, images of the men at the club I'd spelled, slowly decaying from the inside out with the damage over time spells I'd used on them. The larger man laid in bed, his mind slowly degrading to the state of primal i
nstinct as his family watched him suffer. In another day, he'd completely lose his mind and there was no telling what he'd do. His family wasn't safe. Hell, no one within a hundred feet of him would be safe once the spell had run its course and I did that to him. For no other reason than he'd threatened Knox, I created the demon that was more than capable of laying waste to his family without batting an eye. The smaller was scrunched into the corner of a hospital room, the cold air brushing against his damp skin as he rocked back and forth, the pain in his body driving him into a state of madness no one could contain.

  Dark magic swirled around them, a constant companion to their agony and I was the one to blame for it. I'd wielded that darkness like a weapon, wanting to hurt them, wanting them to suffer, and for what? Because they challenged a vampire to a fight? A vampire who was more than capable of taking care of himself? But even as the thought occurred to me I'd gone too far, I couldn't shake the feeling of pride that swelled in my chest. I was only protecting what was mine, for now, and...

  Hell, I didn't know what to think or what to feel about it. Even looking down into Spanky's pleading eyes I wasn't sure I could give him what he wanted until I felt it, a tinge of fear that tainted the bond between us. He feared for me, for my sanity, for what the use of that much dark magic could do to me if I succumbed to it. It was the very reason light witches were forbidden from mating with dark witches. That much power corrupted and fed on everything light within the witches until there was nothing left but darkness and insanity, creating witches so powerful it had taken the efforts of hundreds of witches to put one down.

  Recall the spells.

  "Fine. I'll recall them, but you still owe me an apology for abandoning me."

  I uttered out the words that would reclaim the dark magic that clung to my victims, feeling its presence filter into the room and swirl around me as I absorbed it. Spanky was right.

  I'd gone too far.

  I threw my head back onto the pillows, closing my eyes as the sunlight that poured through the window assaulted me. Too weak to lift my arm to shield my eyes, I welcomed the pain.


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