Running Wild - 3 tales of erotic exploration

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Running Wild - 3 tales of erotic exploration Page 4

by Saskia Walker

  Rolling his hips back and forth, he rode her hard and fast.

  She couldn't do anything but enjoy. Her fingers were embedded in the bark, clumps of it under her nails as she struggled, her hands itching to grip his hips, to scratch his back and hold his buttocks as they flexed and worked his cock into her.

  He scrutinized her even now. "Your breasts look fantastic, torn dress, rope and all."

  Her entire skin goose bumped. "Tomas, please, I'm about to come."

  She shouldn't have said that—as soon as the words were out she knew she shouldn't have said it. He paused, leaving her teetering on the abyss. A strangled cry escaped her. "Please, Tomas, you're driving me crazy."

  She couldn't move at all, but she tried, arching her back and wriggling against the hard, erect cock embedded inside her. Pleasure shot through her womb and she cried out.

  He gave a harsh breath out, and she realized he was trying to pace himself. He shook his head. "I always knew you would look good like this, but I had no idea you'd look this fuckin' glorious."

  He waited a few seconds longer, then his eyes flickered shut and opened again, and his mouth tightened in determination. He drove back into her, sending bolts of pleasure through her entire body, chasing the prize, claiming it. His body went taut and the muscles in his neck stood out. He'd hit that part of the journey where there was no holding on, no turning back.

  Unbelievably, she felt his cock grow bigger and harder still. That tipped her over the edge and pleasure poured through her. It felt as if hot lava had been released from somewhere deep in her core. The pit of her belly grew heavy and hot. Crying out, her sex went into spasm. His cock jerked inside her and then he let rip and came, his face contorted. In the final throes, she lost the ability to breathe for one long, painful moment.

  When she surfaced, he was catching his breath, but he watched her closely while he did so, still holding her safe, steadying them both. "Okay?"

  She couldn't help chuckling, she felt so bloody good that his question seemed rather incongruous. "Now the lusty hunter gets all polite on me."

  "Hey." He lowered her legs. When her feet met the ground he shifted quickly. Moving in against her, he cupped her face in his hands.

  He really needed to know; she saw that in his expression.

  "I'm more than okay," she murmured, smiling up at him, even while her legs felt as if they were about to give way under her.

  He nodded, then removed the condom and did up his fly. Looking at her, he shook his head and grinned. "Sorry, I'll buy you a new dress." He began unbuttoning his shirt. "You can wear this."

  She watched attentively as he took the shirt off, admiring the flex of his broad chest and the stretch of his biceps. She wanted to see him naked. She wanted them to be naked together.

  When he began to untie her she was glad of it, because now she wanted to wrap herself around him, to kiss and hold him. He ran his hand along the underside of her bared breasts as he removed the rope from around her waist, sighing to himself.

  She gave him a challenging stare as he dawdled over undoing her. "I must say I'm very impressed by your technique…except for one thing."

  He lifted an eyebrow.

  She glanced down at her shredded dress and at his clothing. "You call this naked?"

  One corner of his mouth lifted. He freed her arms. "That will have to wait until another time. I, er, got ahead of myself."

  "Another time?"

  "You have any objections to a next time…many next times?"

  For one moment she sensed vulnerability in him, and that felt too, too delicious. She was the hunted, but she was a huntress too, and she had lured him in. She put her hands over his shoulders and lifted one leg against his thigh, inviting him to move closer. "No objections whatsoever. Especially if you find a place where we can both get naked…for the chase."

  His eyes lit. "That's quite a challenge, but I'm up for it…I'll buy us a bloody forest of our own if I have to." He looked down at her with a dark, hungry expression in his eyes.

  Delighted laughter escaped her. "I can hardly wait." Wrapping her hands around his head, Alexa pulled him down to give him a long awaited, instinctive kiss, claiming her man.


  Chapter One

  He told her he wanted to buy her a pair of thigh-high, stiletto-heeled boots—just to wear in bed. Tina was close to coming at that point anyway, but the idea of wearing such a delectable sex accessory pushed her right to the edge of orgasm.

  "Thigh-high?" Tina replied, as nonchalantly as she could, under the circumstances.

  Shaun nodded

  "To wear in bed?"

  He nodded again, his smile turning wickedly suggestive.

  Tina was on her back with Shaun between her thighs when he'd chosen to mention the boots. Locking eyes with her, he pivoted against her with her legs draped over his shoulders. Her feet—with strappy high-heeled sandals still on—were locked behind him. The position fixed his agile body against her, so that the head of his cock rubbed right up against the front wall of her sex, to bring her off. He was fully dressed. Her stockings and dress also remained on. In their desperation to take each other all that had been stripped off was her French lace G-string.

  "Well," he said, pausing on his thrusts inside her, "do you like the idea?" He was holding back on her, as if his next thrust depended on her answer.

  She bit into her lower lip and tried not to moan out loud, even though her body was hungry and desperate for the crest of pleasure that more contact would bring. She had come to the conclusion that it was important not to seem too eager with Shaun.

  "Go for it," she said, feigning self-control, which was hard.

  She'd already figured he was the type of man who liked a challenge, and she was right. Shaun always did go for it, if it was a worthy challenge.

  He held her gaze a moment longer, as if daring her to make a demand, and then laughed huskily and began to move again, riding her fast, going for the prize. The intense expression he wore urged her on, the look in his eyes knowing, as if he was in sole control of the how and when of her orgasm, as if he was her master. It was not so far from the truth.

  Don't fall for him. The often repeated thought whispered around her mind even as her chest tightened in the passion of the moment. She dug possessive fingernails into his shoulders when her core went into spasm. Heat welled in the pit of her belly, like a hot rock was lodged there. When that rock rolled free and her sex flooded with release she had to shift one hand and bite the back of her wrist to stop herself from crying aloud. She couldn't afford to let him know how good it was—or how much she wanted him.

  Shaun groaned loudly in response to the rhythmic clutch of her sex in orgasm. His body arched and seized, then he let rip with a succession of grinding thrusts, his cock jerking. His climax ended with a deep and appreciative roar.

  Suffused with heat and suddenly languid in the afterglow, Tina stared up at him as she tried to ground herself. Her emotions were hopelessly tangled. Something about Shaun made her angry and lustful all at once. It was because this was all a game to him, a challenge. That's all she represented. They were both independent sorts, but at times like this she wanted to slap him for his bravado and his damned cheek, and yet she also wanted to draw him close and hold him tight, for the very same reason.

  As he gasped to regain his breath, she pushed his body away from her—because she was afraid she might say the wrong thing. Her unsteady emotions unnerved her, and that wasn't good.

  But Shaun grabbed one of her ankles as she lowered her leg to the bed and took her foot to his mouth, stroked its outline and the enclosure of straps and then kissed the tip of her big toe, smiling at her in the most suggestive way.

  While her body simmered on in the aftermath of their passions she asked herself why? Why was she drawn to this man, this strange loner who taunted and challenged her so? She would walk away if she could, but the desire she felt ran deep and torrid, and it was undeniable.
r />   * * * *

  Right from the moment Tina had met Shaun she'd been fascinated, curious but wary, too. He was a difficult man to read, and she certainly wouldn't have guessed that they would answer so many of each other's fantasies.

  Tina had met Shaun through her friend Kate's monthly gaming weekends. She'd known Kate since University. Back then Kate had taught Tina to play chess on a rusty magnetic travel kit in the common room of their hall of residence. They'd spent entertaining evenings playing games that were punctuated with chatter about life. That had set the pattern for their friendship. Ten years on and they still played chess, although it was now on a jet and ivory inlaid board at Kate's beautiful home on every second Wednesday evening.

  When Kate asked Tina to come along and join in their new monthly game-playing venture—which was more the project of her husband, Ray, a computer wizard with his own web design company—Tina hesitated.

  "You'll meet some interesting people," Kate had teased, stroking her finger over the head of her pawn, before making her move on the chessboard. She was smiling to herself then. She was still smiling to herself a month later when she sat at the head of the table during dinner and Tina had arrived to join the other regular guests. Tina wondered, even then, what other sort of game was in her friend's mind.

  Ray and Kate's home was a restored manor house in Surrey. Close enough to London to commute, but far enough to feel part of the rolling countryside that was known as the green belt of London. The house was the sort of place that drew a gasp on first sight and where the gravel crunched underfoot as one approached the doorway. The guests that gathered for the game sessions were a friendly bunch of eccentrics—employees from Ray's company, friends and relatives from further afield.

  Tina arrived late that first night because she'd had some chores to run after work, but just in time to witness Shaun crucifying one of the other guests about his thoughts on the future of technology. The remnants of dinner sat on the table while he dominated the after-dinner conversation. She felt like she'd intruded, but she was riveted by the intense presence he created. He was opinionated and forthright, yet there was a contained air about him, something that suggested the controlled sexual predator. When they were introduced he cast a look over her that made her cream inside a split second.

  Who was this man? Something inside her hankered to know, even though he inspired wariness in her, something that put her on guard. At first it annoyed her that she found him so attractive because he certainly wasn't the type of man she wanted to be attracted to. Too cocksure and arrogant by far. She talked to him politely, distantly, when introduced. It was an act. She was immediately curious, she couldn't help herself. Then she realized that he was watching her with a shrewd glance as she twined her fingers in her hair.

  Stop it, she told herself, annoyed. Everyone knows that's a sign of sexual frustration.

  In her discomfort her gaze dropped and then anchored on the long key chain that trailed from his belt. The silver chain hung heavy and determined against his arrogant hip. It also lapped rhythmically against his thigh as he walked—an action that drew her attention to his sexual power.

  She was already hot. That made her wet.

  When she entered the games workshop on the Saturday morning she let her eyes run over the assembled occupants and once again was immediately drawn to Shaun, much as she had been the night before. He was engrossed in his computer game on the opposite side of the room, his hand stroking slowly over the dark stubble on his chin. He was well built, muscular, with a sinuous energy that seemed to be forever uncoiling in his body. His ash-colored hair was cropped and spiked with sun-bleached tips. He wore charcoal grays and faded black combats, his eyes echoing that same sharp grey metal intensity that seemed to characterize him. He looked like a mercenary, she thought to herself and how apt that was, she later reflected. Unconventional in every way, seemingly a loner, and yet when he came after her he did so in a predatory, devious attack, taking her by surprise. Taking her by storm. Taking her, completely.

  "He's quite the games master," Kate informed her, between describing the game that was under way, when she observed Tina looking over at Shaun. "Shaun works at Ray's company."

  "He's very arrogant," Tina had replied dismissively, "judging from that conversation I walked into last night."

  Kate didn't answer, but her smile was accusing, as if she could already tell Tina was curious.

  Ray had networked a dozen computers together in their computer workshop, a purpose built extension tacked onto the back of the house along with a Jacuzzi room and a billiard room. A variety of games were played both on PC and in role-playing games. Tina couldn't help but love the arch-camp of the latter and the veiled interactions between the participants.

  Most of the guests lived locally, but a few of them traveled far enough that they stayed overnight at Kate and Ray's, occupying the comfortable guestrooms. The room Tina was designated overlooked the lawns at the back of the house. The furnishings were sensual and luxurious. The curtains and carpet were dark red, and the red and gold embroidered bedcover and cushions made her think of the exotic east.

  Shaun was one of the others who stayed over. Kate informed her Shaun's room had a sparser, Scandinavian theme. She said it with a naughty smile, which made Tina wonder if Kate amused herself by matching guests to their rooms. Was everything a potential game to these people?

  Shaun lived on the other side of London. Tina didn't know any more about him and she didn't feel the need to, at first. She told herself it was the thrill of the games and the luxury of being removed into a slightly different world that kept her going to the monthly weekends there. She wouldn't admit to herself that she wanted to see whether anything more intimate would happen between her and Shaun.

  At first, it seemed it wouldn't.

  The flare-ups between them when they argued during dinner discussions and the way they went for each other during head-to-head gaming sessions seemed to preclude any notion of a relationship. Kate often joked about having to referee during their conversations, but beneath that conflict something else was simmering, something explosive—something that neither of them could ignore, something that would force the mutual antagonism between them into an exchange much more satisfying.

  At the computer terminals, deep in the virtual battleground of Command and Conquer, she wondered if it was Shaun who waited to attack her there, half expecting his battalion of tanks to confront her before her radar was up. The thought filled her with a thrill that slowed her actions. She glanced up and met his mocking grey eyes across the computer terminals. Looking back down, she discovered that she'd been tricked—her flag had been captured.

  "Damn you," she muttered under her breath.

  Later, at the after-dinner role-playing session, she retaliated. The group chose to play Vampire :The Masquerade. It was Kate's favorite and she lit the room with candles, kept the flow of wine and brandy plentiful, and supplied them all with accessories to enhance their roles. Kate chose their histories. Shaun was designated a Toreador. Obsessed with beauty, he was given a pair of theatre glasses through which he had to observe the proceedings. He toyed with them continually, as if his hands enjoyed exploring the surface and shape of the object as he watched the game unfold.

  Tina wore a velvet wrap and a feather boa which she ran back and forth around her neck to keep her restless fingers active. It was hard to concentrate with Shaun looking at her the way he was—as if he was about to devour her—but she just about managed. Later she took advantage of her role as a Daughter of Cacophony. She attacked his strongholds, striking with knowledge of his weakness, undermining his line of attack. Then she created a Blood Bond with him, thereby turning him into her servant.

  Everyone clapped when he conceded defeat.

  A deeply satisfied thrill flared inside her. She had won this stage of the game. Then he gave her a discreet smile that planted a doubt in her mind. Had he let her win?

  She barely resisted the urge to sto
mp out of the room. He was insufferable. She flashed him a warning glance. His mouth moved into a wide sardonic line that curled to one side and made her want to bite his lip in return.

  He was such a turn-on, such an arrogant, annoying turn-on.

  The tension between them crackled, tangibly, and their first private encounter had been filled with exactly the same sort of tension.

  Chapter Two

  "You need someone to challenge you."

  Tina jumped. She'd been walking up the stairs that night when Shaun strode out of the darkness on the landing. He was stripped to the waist. His bare torso was pinup-worthy. She tried to drag her gaze from the sleek tautness of his chest muscles. It was hard. The palms of her hands itched to stroke his shoulders and biceps. A nagging ache in the pit of her belly rapidly made itself known.

  "You need someone to challenge you," he repeated.

  "And how the hell would you know what I need?" She hoped it sounded dismissive. She meant it to.

  He ignored that. "You are an intelligent woman. You need an intelligent man to spark with."

  God, he was intolerable.

  Her blood was beginning to boil. "I need you to give me a break is what I need, you arrogant prig."

  It was a knee jerk reaction. She wanted to swallow her words as soon as she had spoken them.

  Shaun, however, seemed totally unfazed by her hasty and rather rude response. There was a determined set to his lips. "I'm serious, you need a challenge."

  His expression was indeed serious, and his words were laden with suggestion. He also seemed to be closer, without having moved. She felt the heat from her blood rise to the surface of her skin and began to turn away from him, moving toward the doorway to her room. She couldn't let him know he affected her that way.


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