Mad About You

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Mad About You Page 50

by Bond, Stephanie

  Her father wouldn't have a clue how to get in touch with her even if he wanted to—which had been the primary reason for changing her last name as soon as she became an adult. And even if he had purchased a TV or picked up a newspaper, he would never recognize her as the skinny little mouse she'd been under his thumb.

  Still, the vision of him sitting alone in that lawn chair haunted her.

  As she sipped her second cup of coffee, the program aired a feature segment on Trey and how the analysts were now saying that nothing would stop the man from reaching the White House. Her name was mentioned several times, and her face shown in conjunction with his. They played an excerpt from his acceptance speech and she was visible in the background, off to the right.

  Halfway to her mouth, her hand stilled, sloshing a few drops of coffee. Everyone around her beamed, happy for the governor, thrilled for the party's victory. But the expression on her face... Did she always look that miserable?

  Mesmerized, she watched herself wince as Trey mentioned her name in a long list of thank you’s. And in that moment, she realized that Jasmine Crowne was a fraud. A fraud for traipsing around on the arm of a man she didn't love. A fraud for even considering marrying a man just to ride on his coattails into a life of celebrity. A fraud for pretending that family and goodness and true love didn't matter to her.

  Something Trey had said previously came back to her. The public loves the idea of us being together. A far cry from saying he loved her.

  In fairness to Trey, she knew he was very fond of her, but he was looking for a marketing package for his future, and she fit the bill. He would be disappointed if she broke off their relationship, but he wouldn't be devastated. Neither one of them cared enough for that.

  While she still had the nerve, she picked up the phone and dialed Trey's cell phone number. He answered on the second ring.

  "Hi, there. This is a nice surprise."

  "Trey, do you love me?"

  He laughed, obviously taken back. "Well, of course I do," he said in his best campaign voice. "What kind of question is that?"

  "I don't think you do, Trey, and that's all right because I don't love you, either."

  He sighed. "I’ve neglected you. Let’s meet for lunch."

  "Trey, I'm sorry that I haven't been truthful to you, but to be honest, I haven't been truthful to myself. I'm not cut out for a life in politics, and although I'm very fond of you, fondness isn't good enough for me, and I hope it isn't good enough for you."

  "I... I don't know what to say—is it another man?"


  "Is it Sanderson?"


  He made a rueful noise. "So there is something going on between you two?"

  "Actually, no."

  "I'm confused."

  "I told Ladden I wasn't interested. He's a gentleman, so he accepted my decision."

  "I'm still confused."

  "But I am interested. I just didn't realize it until now."

  He sighed again. "Well, at least the election is over. The press is going to have a field day with this one."

  "Trey, I haven't talked to Ladden. Nothing at all may come of this, but I wanted to clear the air before I told him how I feel, and to give you fair warning."

  "Okay... thanks. I mean it, Jasmine, thank you. I have the strangest feeling I wouldn't have won the election if it hadn't been for you."

  She smiled into the phone. "Goodbye, Trey."

  When she disconnected the call, she felt as if an anchor had rolled off her chest. Taking a deep breath, she dialed directory assistance for Glenhayden. She copied down the number, then punched it in, her hands shaking.

  The phone rang once... twice... three times. She started to hang up when a man's voice came over the line.


  She wet her lips and swallowed, summoning courage.

  "Hello?" he repeated.

  "D-Daddy? This is Jasmine."

  * * *

  Ladden adjusted the Help Wanted sign in the window. At least, he had decided on election day, he had the new storefront to keep his mind and body occupied. More space meant more furniture and antiques to gather, more refinishing, more repairs—he definitely needed to hire someone to help him, at least with the retail side.

  And Saul had been so excited about the idea of doubled premiums, he had thrown his weight around to settle the insurance claim. Ladden stepped back to take a look around his new, expanded location. Things were going well, he had to admit, as far as business was concerned. But he hadn't made much progress in getting over Jasmine.

  Later he would join his family at Tabby’s for a Thanksgiving feast. He’d hoped he would have Jasmine at his side this year for the annual gathering, but it was not to be. No doubt, Jasmine was still swept up in the excitement of McDonald’s win, perhaps already planning her wedding, which was sure to be a widely televised event. At least his boisterous family would be there to help fill the cracks in his broken heart with mountains of food and boundless laughter.

  The bell on the door clanged and Ladden looked up to see an elderly gentleman in a suit walking toward him. "Hello, can I help you?"

  The man inclined his head. "Greetings, Ladden."

  Ladden's eyes widened. "Gene?"

  The old man smiled, revealing his gapped teeth. "It is I."

  "Where's the turban? And what's with using the door?"

  "I'm trying to become more human. I think I might stay here in Sacramento, United States of America."

  Ladden leaned on his counter. "What's her name?"

  Gene grinned. "You're a smart one, you. Angelique—she is most beautiful artist."

  "Does she know you're a genie?"

  "No. That is why I get apartment, wear suit, and try to find job."

  Ladden pursed his lips. "A job, did you say?"

  "Do you know someone who needs worker?"

  "Can you sell things?"

  Gene shrugged. "I can usually get humans to do what I want them to do."

  "I can’t pay a lot of money at first."

  The man scoffed. "I not need money—I need job. Will work for free."

  "You're hired," Ladden said, walking over to snatch the sign from the window.

  "But I cannot work today. I am having Thankful dinner with Angelique."

  Ladden smiled. "Then come back tomorrow morning. Oh, and Gene, I have the perfect housewarming gift for your apartment." He disappeared and came back carrying the rolled carpet.

  "My old friend!" Gene exclaimed.

  "Take him… please."

  "You do not want magic carpet?"

  Ladden smiled wryly. "I think he needs to be with someone who understands his need to move around."

  "Thank you! I will fly carpet home to my apartment!"

  Wincing, Ladden said, "Just try to be discreet, okay, Gene?"

  The man nodded. "I'm sorry you haven't found princess."

  Ladden waved off his concern, his heart twisting.

  "I go now. Be back tomorrow." And he was gone, along with the carpet.

  Looking around, Ladden shook his head. "So much for using the door."

  The bell clanged again and he turned around, then stopped breathing. "Jasmine?"

  "Hi," she said quietly.

  She looked young and slim in loose jeans and a long-sleeved white blouse. Her thick plait hung over her shoulder. She was stunning, and he was so glad to see her, he couldn't speak.

  "I, um, came to return this," she said with a nervous laugh.

  For the first time, he noticed she was carrying the small copper lamp.

  His heart dove, but he conjured up a polite smile. "No problem. Is something wrong with it?"

  "Yes—it's defective." She set it on the counter, then walked toward him. She stopped within arm's reach, then stepped closer and slowly raised her arms around his neck. Dazed, he allowed her to pull his head down for a heart-stopping kiss.

  When she released him, his mind was spinning. "D-Defective?"

she murmured. "I've been rubbing it... and rubbing it... and rubbing it... and my wish still hasn't come true."

  His body reeled with love and desire as he pulled her close. "Is that so?"

  Her lower lip came out in a pout and she nodded.

  He inhaled her floral scent and nuzzled her ear. "Maybe I can help. What did you wish for?"

  She pulled away to look into his eyes, and he felt humbled by the devotion so evident in her face. "For you to propose, my love."

  His chest expanded with happiness. Beaming, he picked her up and whirled her around, whooping with joy. They were both laughing and dizzy when he finally set her down.

  "Well," she prompted, "what do you say?"

  Ladden yanked off his hat and sank to one knee. Then he lifted her hand to his mouth and said, "Madam, your wish is my command."

  The End

  A note from the author

  Thank you so very much for taking the time to read my boxed set of romances, MAD ABOUT YOU. I hope you enjoyed the variety of the romantic mystery in LICENSE TO THRILL, the heartwarming romance in ALMOST A FAMILY, and the romantic comedy in THREE WISHES! I loved writing all these romantic characters and their happy endings.

  If the collection of stories in MAD ABOUT YOU kept you entertained and you feel inclined to leave an Amazon review, I would appreciate it very much.

  And are you signed up to receive notices of my future book releases? If not, please click here to enter your email address. I promise not to flood you with emails and I will never share or sell your address. And you can unsubscribe at any time.

  Also, although I can’t count the times these books have been edited and proofed, I am human, so if you do spot a typo, please email me at [email protected] to let me know! Thanks again for your time and interest, and for telling your friends about my books. If you’d like to know more about some of my other books, please scroll ahead to the next section.

  Happy reading!

  Stephanie Bond

  Other works by Stephanie Bond

  If you enjoyed LICENSE TO THRILL and are looking for other mysteries by Stephanie Bond, you might like IN DEEP VOODOO, a laugh-out-loud romantic mystery about a woman who stabs a voodoo doll of her ex at a divorce party and winds up...well, IN DEEP VOODOO!

  "A satisfying tale of sex, love and voodoo. I highly recommend this book as your guilty pleasure on the nightstand."

  "An engaging story and clever mystery, In Deep Voodoo is not to be missed." --Romance Reviews Today

  Click here to download a sample or to order IN DEEP VOODOO from Amazon!


  And for a humorous romantic mystery that delves into the difficulties of family and friendships, you might like WHOLE LOTTA TROUBLE, a whodunit that gives you some insight into the back-biting world of publishing!

  "Stephanie Bond seems to get so much enjoyment out of writing her stories that the joy spills over to the reader. If you like a dash of mystery, outlandish situations, great characters, and enjoy laughing, then this is the book for you." --AOL Romance Fiction Forum

  "The story is well-written and paced, with unforgettable characters, snappy dialogue, and plenty of plot twists and turns." --AOL Romance Fiction Forum

  Click here to download a sample or to order WHOLE LOTTA TROUBLE from Amazon!


  And if you enjoyed the comedy of THREE WISHES, try STOP THE WEDDING! In STOP THE WEDDING! a man and woman are determined to stop their parents’ wedding, and fall in love with each other!

  #2 Kindle Bestseller! Over 150,000 copies sold!

  Click here to download a sample or to order STOP THE WEDDING! from Amazon!

  About the Author

  Stephanie Bond was five years deep into a corporate career in computer programming and pursuing an MBA at night when an instructor remarked she had a flair for writing and suggested she submit material to academic journals. But Stephanie was more interested in writing fiction—more specifically, romance and mystery novels. After writing in her spare time for two years, she sold her first manuscript, a romantic comedy, to Harlequin Books. After selling ten additional projects to two publishers, she left her corporate job to write fiction full-time. To-date, Stephanie has more than sixty published novels to her name, including the popular BODY MOVERS humorous mystery series. Look for the TWO GUYS DETECTIVE AGENCY series beginning in 2013. For more information on all of her books, visit .

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  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

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  LICENSE TO THRILL, Copyright 2011 by Stephanie Bond, Inc.

  ALMOST A FAMILY, Copyright 2011 by Stephanie Bond, Inc.

  STOP THE WEDDING!, Copyright 2012 by Stephanie Bond, Inc.

  Cover by Andrew Brown at




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