Time and Space

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Time and Space Page 2

by Pandora Pine

  During that trip to study abroad, Carlyle had found a moonstone medallion on the grounds of Moone Castle. It was about the size of a half-dollar and carved into the shape of a heart entwined in a Celtic knot. Instead of cataloguing it and turning it over to Dublin’s Natural History Museum, who had funded the dig, he’d kept the stone and wore it on a leather strap around his neck until the day he died. When she and Carter would ask why he’d kept it, his only reply was that something almost magnetic drew him to the stone. After their parents died tragically in a car accident when she was fourteen and Carter sixteen, her brother started wearing the medallion in their father’s honor.

  It was the medallion that unbelievably made time-travel possible. While visiting the grave of Fionn Ò Ciardha, they had noticed the design of the moonstone was carved into his grave slab. Legend had it, Fionn’s Anam cara, his soul friend, would be revealed when he or she rubbed the marking on his grave. According to Carter, he rubbed the marking and the moonstone simultaneously and the combination sent him back to 1433.

  She hadn’t believed Carter’s tale at first. He’d come back to their inn last night after being missing for three days and spun a wild tale about time-travel and saving Fionn’s life. Ultimately, it had been Carter’s detailed account of what had happened along with his month old beard that had convinced her Carter’s story was in fact true.

  The final cherry on the sundae was Fionn and Donnall showing up in the Moone Castle cemetery where she had convinced Carter to return to see if the medallion would work one last time to send Carter back to Fionn. It was hard to deny proof that came in the shape of two enormous warriors who seemed to appear out of thin air.

  One of Fionn’s former lovers bore him a child, making the issue of needing an heir moot and Carter had agreed to return to 1433 to raise the child with Fionn. When the time came for Carter to say goodbye to his sister, he’d surprised her by asking her to come back with him and Fionn. He didn’t want to start his new life in without her. What finally swayed her was Carter saying Fionn’s newborn son would need an Auntie. Now, here she was starting a new life half a millennium away from her old one.


  True to her word, Fianna sent up several woolen gowns for Cadence to wear. To her surprise, all of the dresses would suit her pale, freckled complexion and strawberry-blond hair. Dressing in her favorite gown, in a gorgeous shade of sage green, she headed downstairs to explore the castle.

  The main staircase brought her down to the great hall, which was where Donnall had left her in Fianna’s capable hands. It was the first time in several hours she’d even had time to think about the impossible barbarian. The sparks flying between them had been undeniable, but she wasn’t here for that kind of foolishness. Being left at the altar on her wedding day a week ago had cured her of men, possibly forever.

  She wandered over to the large fireplace which she swore was big enough to accommodate the offensive line of the New England Patriots. Carved into the stone was the same Celtic knot and heart design featured on Carter’s moonstone and Fionn’s grave marker.

  “It looks like you’ve settled in nicely. The green dress suits you.”

  Cadence turned from the hypnotic dance of the fire to see Donnall standing behind her and holding a tankard. “Thank you. Well at least now I look the part. What have you been doing all day?” While she was here, she was going to take full advantage of her time and do as much research on Moone and her people as possible before it was time to go back home.

  Donnall broke into a grin. “Did you know Fionn and I thought Carter was a spy?”

  “He told me. What made you think that?” Her lips curled into a Cheshire cat grin.

  “He asked Fionn the same question.” Donnall mirrored her smile.

  Turning her attention back to the fireplace, she traced the heart carving and tried to slow her pounding heart. “I’m sure he was just interested in hearing Fionn talk with his sexy Irish brogue.”

  Raising an eyebrow in surprise, Donnall walked to the hearth, standing right next to Cadence. “You find Fionn appealing?”

  “No, but Carter has a thing for sexy accents.” She was skirting his question entirely. Of course she found Fionn appealing. Who wouldn’t with his broad chest, corn silk blond hair and glowing blue eyes? But, she wasn’t about to tell Donnall what she thought. Neither was she going to tell him that he was far more handsome than her brother’s lover.

  Why was Cadence not answering his question? It was of little consequence as Fionn only had eyes for Carter, but it still ate at him not knowing what she thought of his best and oldest friend. What was of consequence was what Cadence thought of him. Did she find him handsome and his dulled accent sexy? Donnall sighed. “I spent the day with Fionn’s warriors on the practice yard. I did not tell them anything about the coming invasion and would ask that you keep that knowledge to yourself until Fionn has a chance to address his men and then the entire castle.”

  “Right. We wouldn’t want to start a panic. It’s better to make a plan of action so when it’s outlined the people of Moone will have jobs to do in preparation rather than time to worry.”

  “Exactly.” Who was this strange lass? While it had seemed Carter had no idea how to form a plan of attack, his sister, on the other hand, spoke like she could lead the charge herself. Anxious to get off the topic of the coming battle, he changed the subject. “Have you seen much of the castle?”

  “Only what I saw as Fianna led me upstairs to my bedchamber.”

  “As I seem to have some time on my hands, I would show you our home. Where would you like to begin?”

  “In the kitchens, please.”

  “Why would a lady such as yourself wish to see the kitchens?” Cadence should be waited on hand and foot, not by him of course, but by servants.

  “Donnall, do you think the world five hundred years in the future works as it does today?”

  He puzzled over her question. “I don’t see any reason why it would not.”

  “No, I suppose you wouldn’t. In my time, I am self-sufficient. Carter, our sister Bree and I share a home together and we all clean, cook meals and wash clothes. In addition to that I have a job.”

  It did not surprise him in the slightest to hear of women doing domestic tasks. What surprised him was that Carter also did these chores. Why was he not out hunting food for his family? “What job do you have?”

  “I work for the same college I attend. I teach classes and grade papers.”

  Donnall snorted and started to laugh. It all made sense now why Fionn and Carter were constantly bickering. Fionn didn’t understand a word Carter was saying. Seeing anger flash across Cadence’s face, he reached out for her hand. “I do not mean to laugh at you, my beauty. I did not understand any of what you just said. I laughed because I assume that is the reason Fionn and your brother always seem to be at crossed swords.”

  “How did you learn how to wield a sword?”

  “Fionn’s father taught all the men of Moone how to fight.”

  Cadence tried to pull her hand from Donnall but he wasn’t letting her go. “That’s what I do. I’m a teacher, although I am not instructing swordplay.”

  “What is it you teach?” Her hand was warm and soft clutched in his.

  “The history of Ireland. We talk about wars, religion, advances in technology.”

  “That is why you know so much of what is to come with the English?”

  “Yes, but talking about my job is boring. I want to hear all about the squabbles between Fionn and Carter.”She smiled and tried to tug her hand free again.

  Cadence could smell fresh bread baking before she and Donnall reached the kitchens. The smell instantly reminded her of her mother. Sunday mornings were for church and baking bread. When mass was over, she and her mother would start baking while Carter and their father would head off to Boston College so Carlyle could work on his lectures and Carter could explore the library.

  Annoyingly, Donnall was still holding her hand. His han
d was so large, it practically swallowed hers. As much as she hated to admit it, his rough, calloused skin was a comfort. Although she had Carter, she was still in a new place surrounded by strangers. Donnall was the only lifeline she had at the moment. Squeezing his hand, she gave him a small smile.

  “And here we are my beauty, the kitchens.”

  Work stopped at the sound of Donnall’s voice. “Who’ve you brought us, lad?” an older woman asked.

  “This is Cadence McCann, Carter’s sister.” He dropped her hand and gave her a tiny shove forward into the room.

  “Carter’s home?” a young woman kneading dough asked excitedly.

  “We’ll have to make his favorite meal to welcome him back,” another woman added.

  “And you’ve come back with him, lass? I’m Aggie.”

  Cadence was awe-struck. She hadn’t realized how many people here loved her brother. “Yes, he asked me to come back here with him.”

  Aggie pulled Cadence in for a tight hug, flour dust showering down around them. “Let me introduce you to the other girls.”

  Donnall watched while Aggie walked Cadence around the kitchen. She had a warm hug and a smile for everyone and seemed to be asking a lot of questions, which puzzled him. It was one thing to be interested in what the kitchen wenches did, but it seemed she was asking questions about how the food was prepared. A lady had no place in the kitchens.

  “Really, mi’lady, you want to come down here and work in the kitchens?” Aggie sounded excited and skeptical all at the same time.

  “WHAT?” Donnall roared. “You will not be working in the kitchens, Cadence.”

  Cadence turned at Donnall’s bellow, an eyebrow raised in challenge. “I will work wherever I damn well please, you irritating barbarian.”

  The kitchen staff, now standing behind Cadence in solidarity laughed into their hands.

  “I grew up baking bread with my mother. I may not have many skills suited to life in the fifteenth century, but this is one of them. Are you trying to deny me the opportunity to earn my keep?”

  Before he could stop himself, his lips quirked into a brief smile over Cadence’s show of temper. Her mossy eyes had gone hard, now glittering like emeralds, and her hands were fisted on her hips. His cock twitched in his pants, the need to reach out and touch her was overwhelming.

  As much as he hated to admit it, Cadence had a point. He well remembered Carter feeling the same way when he first arrived, wanting to be a productive member of the castle. It didn’t matter that he thought baking bread beneath the fiery lass, what mattered was she was taking a step to make Moone Castle her home. “No, my beauty, I would not deny you this opportunity.” At this moment, he wouldn’t deny her anything. Not wanting to stick his foot in his mouth again, he turned to leave, the tinkling laughter of women following him out.


  Cadence could feel a buzz in the great hall during dinner. Everyone was talking about Carter’s return and still celebrating the birth of Cardinn, Fionn’s son and heir. She was hoping to meet the little boy as soon as Fionn and Carter managed to make it out of bed. So far, no one had seen the happy couple since they returned from 2015.

  “Ah, there you are, Cadence. How was your time in the kitchens?” Donnall was standing at her elbow, an eager look in his golden eyes.

  She had to keep reminding herself Donnall thought of her as a lady, accorded the same treatment and rights as Fianna. He thought it was an outrage a woman of her “class” would volunteer to work in the kitchens. It wasn’t his fault he felt this way, he was a product of his times. “It was wonderful. So many things have changed as time marched on, but baking bread isn’t one of them.”

  “I am glad you enjoyed yourself. The bread served at dinner was very tasty. Will you excuse me for a moment?”

  Cadence nodded and Donnall headed off, slapping the shoulders of a couple of warriors as he passed them and stopped to talk.

  “Good eve, Cadence, daughter of Brigid.”

  Cadence turned around to see a beautiful raven-haired woman standing at her elbow. She was dressed in royal purple with her hair loose and spilling down her back in waves. “Hello, you must be Islynn.”

  A magnificent smile lit her face. “Indeed I am. It is my happy pleasure to welcome you home.”

  Home? Cadence remembered her brother mentioning Islynn having the sight and also claimed to have been her foster-sister Bree’s lover in past lives. “It’s wonderful to finally meet you. Carter told me all about you but failed to mention how beautiful you are.”

  A rosy blush bloomed across her pale skin. “Thank you for your kind words. I am surprised Carter took any notice of me, he was far too enamored with Fionn.”

  “I believe it. I don’t think he and Fionn have left their room all day.” She couldn’t blame him. She’d spend all day in bed too if she had a lover who looked at her the way Fionn looked at Carter.

  “They have much time to make up for. Have you found the time and space your broken heart seeks?”

  Cadence was taken aback. Had Carter told the healer about her ex-fiancé getting arrested the morning of their wedding?

  “You carry your heartbreak in the stooped set of your shoulders, as if you do not wish to catch anyone’s attention.”

  It was as if Islynn were reading her mind. Straightening her shoulders, she stood a bit taller, thankful for her new friend’s insight. “It’s getting better every day. Until you mentioned it, I hadn’t thought of him all day.”

  “Our handsome Donnall has been foremost in your thoughts.” It was a statement, not a question.

  It was Cadence’s turn to blush. “Is it that obvious?”

  Islynn took Cadence’s arm and led her away from the noisy crowd in the great hall and toward a private alcove. “It is nice to see you have found each other.”

  Raising an eyebrow in challenge, Cadence leaned in closer. “Was I supposed to find him?”

  “I cannot say.” Islynn’s giggle was musical.

  “I know what that means,” Cadence laughed along. “It means you won’t say.”

  “If you had known how it would end with Liam, would you have still gone for iced cream on your first date?”

  She supposed it was possible Carter had told the healer about Liam, but there was no way she could have known they’d gone out for ice cream cones at Castle Island in South Boston on their first date. “Yes. If only so Carter would have come to Ireland with me. If not for Liam, Carter and Fionn never would have met.”

  “You learned what you needed from Liam and now you are free to move on to whatever is to come next.” Islynn reached for Cadence’s hand and gave it a squeeze.

  “The pain was worth it to see my brother so well loved.” She wouldn’t trade what Carter found with Fionn for anything.

  “It may be worth it for you as well, Cadence. Time tells.”

  Not wanting to think about the role Donnall would play in her future, she hurried to change the subject. “Carter told me about your relationship with Bree.” The idea of Islynn knowing Bree from past lives had rocked her Catholic faith, but now that she’d had some time to consider things, the idea had grown on her.

  Islynn raised an eyebrow. “Do you believe in past lives?”

  “If you asked me two weeks ago, my answer would have been no, but after time-travelling five hundred plus years into the past…” Pausing, Cadence grinned at Islynn. “Let’s just say my mind is open to many things.”

  “Ah, I believe I see one of those things approaching.” Islynn tilted her chin to the left and started to laugh.

  Cadence joined in when she saw Donnall walking toward them, a devilish grin on his face.

  “I have a ton of pictures of Bree on my phone. Let’s get together soon. I’d love to share them with you and hear about your adventures together through time.”

  “I would like that as well. Why don’t you come to tea one afternoon?”

  “Good eve, Islynn.” He bowed over her hand before winking at Cadence.

/>   “Hello Donnall.”

  “May I steal your charming companion?”

  “Of course you may. Make sure she’s early to bed. We don’t want her falling asleep over the bread.”

  Donnall rolled his eyes and offered Cadence his arm. “I will make sure she’s abed soon enough.”

  The all-too familiar tingle of attraction pulsed through her body when she took Donnall’s arm. The heat of his body sank into her hand. Annoyingly, it felt good touching him and she was in no hurry to let him go. Not that she’d admit that, not even under penalty of torture. “Where are you taking me?” There was so much of the castle and grounds she had not yet seen.

  Donnall’s eyes glowed golden in the torchlight as they walked down a deserted corridor. “It is a surprise, my beauty. Rest assured your virtue is safe with me.”

  Cadence bit her bottom lip, not wanting to ruin Donnall’s surprise by telling him she lost her virtue four years ago. “I know I’m safe with you.”

  “Even though you call me an irritating barbarian?” His voice was warm and deep, causing the roosting butterflies in her stomach to take wing.

  Not able to help herself, Cadence burst out laughing.

  Her laugh was the most lyrical sound Donnall had ever heard. He would have to make sure the fiery lass laughed often. He would never tire of that sound. “Why do you laugh?”

  “I was thinking about the misunderstandings you mentioned between Carter and Fionn. Being men, they wouldn’t have the same misunderstandings that we would have.”

  “How so?”

  “I call you a barbarian because you don’t know how far women’s rights have come in the last half-millennium. Some of the things you say and do are old-fashioned to me.”

  “Are the old ways of courtship offensive to you, lass?” Donnall had no idea how men treated women in Cadence’s time, but she had a point, some of the fights Carter and Fionn had seemed to be born of the differences between generations.

  “No, they’re not offensive, just different.”


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