Venom of the Gods

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Venom of the Gods Page 31

by Sebastian Chase

  Ra dropped Karen like a damaged ragdoll, and I was surprised to see that she had taken on the form of the Karen I had first met. Gone was the demon, for Ra's venom had stolen her memory—if she still lived.

  Violently the creature whirled around, ripping my claws from its flesh in the process. I stumbled back a step and saw a huge arm coming at me. It hit me in the side with a force greater than a bomb, shattering several ribs and sending me airborne. I did not fly for long as a giant boulder from Stonehenge served to ground me with a thunderous impact that cracked my skull open. I slid down it and sat there, blocking out the pain while my body rapidly healed itself. Even though my vision had become slightly blurry, I could see Samael exiting the helicopter, wiping his lips with his forearm. With regret, I felt confident that he had fed on the pilot if he had not already run, and drained whatever blood remained in the poor girl also, hoping to gain an advantage over the creature's strength.

  "You will not win, Ra!" I heard him yell, after which he plunged headlong into the air straight for the creature. With his arms held out like Superman in flight, Samael rammed into Ra. The impact sent both of them flying towards me, where they hit another nearby block of stone, toppling it over with a loud crash that sent dust swirling high into the air. Unlike me, neither one of them appeared injured as they jumped up and faced each other, both snarling like wild animals.

  I flexed my hands, relieved that my broken fingers had healed. Gingerly, I felt along the top of my head. The crack in my skull seemed stitched together enough, so I pulled myself off the ground and prepared to enter the battle.

  Ra's body had changed significantly since absorbing Karen's blood. His fangs had shortened and rested against a full bottom lip. The nose was no longer a gaping black hole, and the ears appeared fully formed with the soft-pink look of a newborn's skin. Half of his skin appeared normal, but half was still black. His eyes also were all black, which greatly concerned me. Ra's life force was a prisoner in a malfunctioning suit, and while his body might heal, his brain would not, which forever condemned him to madness.

  Standing there, I did not jump right into action because Samael appeared to have the battle under control. Once, I had humorously pondered what a vampire on crack cocaine would be like, and now before me, I observed one who seemed to be on something very similar. With a vicious-sounding war cry, Samael charged Ra with fists pumping so fast they were a blur. He hit the creature in the abdomen several times, each hit sending it backwards several inches until its back was against a monolithic stone.

  Winded, the creature doubled over, and Samael took advantage of this with several upper cuts to the jaw. Ra's fangs shattered and his newly formed lips became bloodied pulp. Still Samael continued his onslaught, now using his claws to slice the beast open from head to toe as he had sliced my very own wrist open earlier. Gruesomely, he eviscerated an eye and then slashed a cheek open, revealing the oral cavity within. Dark rivers of blood flowed down Ra's chest through gashes that left mutilated skin flapping like sheets fluttering in the wind. It all happened so fast that it appeared an invisible ghost was torturing the creature.

  Finally Samael stopped, his red eyes blazing as he stood before the ruined body of Ra. The creature swayed, but the rock behind him held him up. It seemed that all fight was drained from it, but as I watched, I could see the signs of healing already happening.

  "You are the master no longer," Samael said. He raised his fist and with one swift blow to the neck, crushed the creature's trachea. Ra's remaining eye fluttered and then closed. Samael stood back as the creature fell, landing face first on the ground. As a final insult, Samael kicked it in the head and then walked over to me.

  "Did you see that?" he said, sounding like a child that just hit a homerun, his excitement barely restrained.

  "Impressive," I said. "We need to get it back into the Eye and on the virus before it heals."

  "What? Absolutely not! I will take his head now and be done with him forever. With the Eye at my disposal, I can replicate his venom and create an army of…" Samael swayed and then steadied himself.

  "Are you okay?" I asked.

  "Of course I am. Come. Hold the body while I remove the head." I could tell that Samael wasn't okay. His skin had grown waxen, his pupils fully dilated, and most distressing of all, his hands trembled as if he were standing naked in the arctic. Either he had overdosed, or he was crashing.

  "We're not strong enough," I said. "We need to keep him subdued with the virus until we figure out a way to remove his head. My claws can cut his flesh, but I doubt the spinal—" Samael rushed forward, almost falling on me, his satanic eyes glaring.

  "I am the master now. You will do as I say. Come."


  "Have it your way then." He raised his blood-soaked hand and swiped viciously at my face, but I was able to dodge the blow.

  "Your concoction is failing you. You're slowing down," I said.

  "No!" His fist approached again, but I caught it in my own hand and held firm.

  "Let's put Ra back in the Eye so we have time to figure out what's wrong with you." I released his ice-cold fist. He stumbled back and at first, I thought he would fall, but he recovered and charged blindly forward. I sidestepped the weak assault, and watched as he tripped and slid face first into the dirt. Slowly he rolled over and looked at me. His red eyes were gone, replaced by muddy brown. His fangs had vanished, too.

  "Michael, what's happening to me?" he asked, the sound of genuine fear dripping from his voice.

  "Before you killed him, Henri…Ra told me that your enhanced venom had a side effect. He said you would eventually come down. I think you might lose who you are permanently, similar to what a straight dose of his venom does for a limited amount of time. You've taken in so much venom-enhanced blood that it has become part of you."

  "This can't be." Weakly he lifted himself into a sitting position. "I have to find a cure. I…I…the Nazis should be here any minute. They will help again."

  "What are you talking about?" I asked, thrown by the derailment of his thoughts.

  "Ra tried to destroy me but I escaped; escaped with all his mistakes following me," he rambled, as his gaze grew distant. "I saved them. I loved them."


  "This planet is beautiful…like Heaven. It should be mine. I deserve it." He paused and looked around, confusion growing in his eyes as his memory faded away. "Where am I?"

  The sky grew dark and then quickly lightened as a shadow passed overhead. To my astonishment, Samael vanished behind the hulk of the bloodied rotten flesh that was Ra. Having healed enough to leap over me, he now sought vengeance on his fallen foe. I heard Samael scream a brief cry in horror, and then he whimpered like a frightened child. Ra bent down, buried his healed fangs deep into Samael's neck, and sucked so hard that I could hear the slurping sound from where I stood. Samael became quiet.

  Chapter 46

  Once again faced with the threat of Ra growing stronger after his feeding on Samael, I knew I had to act. I intended on attacking the creature, but just as I tried to move forward, I discovered that my body would not cooperate. I stood frozen, helpless, as Samael had been when Ra held the machinegun to his head earlier. Ra continued feeding and I could see Samael's head lolling over to the side. At first, his brown eyes were delirious with the venom rush, but then they dimmed and quickly became lifeless. Still Ra drank, determined to pull out every drop.

  For a moment, despair filled me because I would be the next victim. All of my recent struggles would be for nothing when he approached and slid his fangs into my helpless body. And then anger struck with thoughts of what the world had been through. So many hurt, dead, or mutilated for life. The child in France turned to dust and washed down the drain by a cool rain. My daughter, whose mother was dead, and soon her father would be too if I didn't act. George, who had come to believe in me; giving his life to save others. All the beautiful children forever lost to Samael's sickness. My son, Andre, his entire life devoted t
o a cause Hathor had deceived him into. Humans are the toys of gods. This must change! Everyone on Earth counted on me to save them, to avenge them. I could not fail. My finger twitched.

  The creature dropped Samael's pale and shriveled body like a bag of trash. It stood, towering tall, the black skin turning new and fresh before my eyes. The power of Samael's blood probably equaled that of a hundred humans, giving the monster strength that would be formidable, perhaps unbeatable, but I had to try. Successfully, I flexed both of my hands, but the rest of me was still frozen.

  As if throwing a tantrum, the monster howled, its rough voice echoing off the surrounding landscape. It then placed a foot on Samael's shriveled torso, bent down, and grabbed his head in two enormous hands. I wanted to look away or close my eyes, but I could not. With a grunt, it pulled the head hard, separating it from the body. Ra lifted the decapitated head high in victory, and then threw it violently into the side of a large block of stone. Destroyed, it rolled away, a whisper of an end for a man who had roared through life.

  Hair, long and dark, was growing before my eyes and now flowed down the back of Ra's head. Slowly he turned around, and for a brief moment, I held out hope that Ra's gentle soul had regained control. This hope was quickly shattered. One eye was still black, while the other was a mottled mess—thanks to Samael—but it was healing fast. While the newly formed lips appeared human, the face was a rough-looking mixture of course-black lumps and flaming-red scar tissue. It took a heavy step towards me, and I screamed inside to regain control of my body.

  "Hungry," the creature gargled through warped vocal chords.

  Desperately I tried to break the mental chains that held me, but it was no use. The monster came closer and the smell of dead flesh washed over me, revolting my senses. Another step and I would become food.

  "Ra! It's me, Michael!" I cried. The creature stopped and a glint of fluorescent blue formed in its remaining eye.

  "Michael?" it asked hoarsely.

  Ra shook his deformed head vigorously, and when it stopped the blue was gone, but I almost fell into his arms suddenly able to move. I was free thanks to a sliver of Ra's struggling consciousness, but I had to move fast, faster than ever before in my long life.

  Recognizing that I was no longer in its bonds, the creature lunged for me at the same moment that I jumped. I somersaulted over its head, and came down behind it. The monster slid to a halt and looked up.

  "Turn around!" I yelled. As it swiveled its ugly head around, I hit it in the jaw with all of my strength. There was a loud crack and its head whipped with the impact, but I knew that I couldn't afford to stop there. I pounded my fists into its side, around where the kidneys should be, hoping to damage something. The monster bellowed a loud snarl of rage and swung its powerful arm at me. I tried to duck, but couldn't get low enough to avoid the bone-jarring impact that sent me flying into the scattered blocks of stone.

  I picked myself up off the ground, thankful that nothing seemed broken this time. There was no respite as the beast was already running towards me, claws outstretched. Next to me stood a huge stone and I grabbed the edge and heaved it over. The block toppled just as Ra was about to be upon me. I took a quick step back and watched with satisfaction as the heavy block landed squarely on his back, knocking him off his feet and trapping him underneath. Just then, the phone started vibrating in my pocket, providing an inopportune distraction. I went to pull it out, but by the time I did, the caller had hung up. I didn't recognize the number, and could only pray that it was Captain Thomas calling to let me know Lori was safe. As I pocketed the phone, the boulder moved violently, rolled over to its side by powerful hands. The monster stood up.

  "Goddamn it!" I cursed. "What does it take to kill you?" My jaw dropped when the creature bent over, picked the several-ton rock up and raised it over his head. "Good god!" I yelled, and then ran as he threw it with a powerful thrust. The massive block whizzed by my head, shaving a hair or two, and crashed into other standing blocks, setting off a domino-like effect.

  Doubting that I could perform the same feat of strength as the creature if one of the stones landed upon me, I darted into the sky. Barely had I left the ground when the beast hurtled into me, grabbing hold with a bear hug that threatened to crush the life out of me. Like two morbid sky dancers, we grappled with each other as we floated above the land. I struggled in his grip, and screamed in agony when I felt his long claws rip into my back, driving deep into my ribcage. I kicked his groin ferociously with a knee, hoping to drive whatever blackened thing was there up into his stomach. He howled, his spittle splattering across my face, and his grip loosened enough for me to wrench myself free. With my back a tattered mess, I fell towards the open pit below, just missing the blue sphere that still hovered above it.

  I landed with a thud on one knee, undoubtedly nobler in appearance than I felt. I scanned above me, but didn't see my nemesis in pursuit. My back slowly mended, but what I really required was a dose of blood to reinforce my energy. There would be none for the taking though, as a human with any sense would have fled the scene upon seeing such hellish creatures battling it out.

  "Michael! Michael, are you okay?" a woman's voice from the rim of the crater called out. I glanced up and was amazed to see Karen waving her arms. I remembered that Ra's venom had driven her into the role of Karen completely, and smiled at my luck. A senseless person was still on scene after all. I shot up and landed next to her, prepared to feed on whatever it took to defeat Ra. She didn't look pale or weak from Ra's brief feeding, so I felt confident that she had healed enough to supply the blood I needed.

  "Karen, you shouldn't be here," I said.

  "Where are we? Last I remember we were on your son's island." She looked around, confused.

  "It's a long story, but for now, just relax."


  For an answer, I grabbed her hair, pulled her head back, and bit. Drinking demon's blood is definitely an acquired taste, but I forced it in even though it would bind us together forever if she lived. It was either that or die. If I left her enough, she would heal once again as I do, but I didn't care about that—I wanted all of it. My plan to drain her derailed, as a low growl rose behind me. I dropped the now unconscious Karen roughly to the ground and turned around. The beast was back, creeping up and over the pit's ledge several meters away, looking very much like a mutilated lion stalking prey.

  Despite its horrendous taste, Karen's blood felt powerful as it made its way through my body. Perhaps it was due to Ra injecting his own venom into her so recently, not to mention my venom before and after him. I hoped the remnants of Ra's venom acted as a strength enhancer as it had done when diluted with blood for Samael, instead of a catalyst for amnesia when sampled straight. So far, I felt good, but was leery of an impending crash.

  Standing ready, I was prepared when Ra charged towards me. I lunged ahead to meet his onslaught, knowing that my energy would be depleted if the fight went on for long.

  He expected me to lock horns with him again, but I wasn't about to give his claws free reign over my back this time. Instead, I slid to the ground just before colliding, and implanted my claws into his pink and black foot and ripped as hard as I could. The flesh tore away easily, trailing muscle, tendon, and spurting dark blood from broken veins and arteries. This time he did not howl, but screamed in pain and went down to his knees. I jumped up, wishing I had a weapon capable of splitting his skull open, but still satisfied that I could at least skin the hideous creature.

  I raced back to him as he tried to get up and stand on his useless foot. I slashed with both hands along his backside, vengeance for what he had done to me, and then like a nipping dog, quickly moved beyond the range of his powerful flailing arms.

  I faced him and we stared at each other for a moment. His black eyes—both fully healed now—showed confusion and fear. He knew that he was about to die by the very claws he had designed. I took a step forward.

  Chapter 47

  My demented creator
limped backwards as I approached, perhaps trying to buy some time for his damaged foot and backside to heal. I came slowly, waiting for an opening that exposed his chest, planning to work my way through his ribs and into his heart. The opening came when he dropped his arms and turned his head skyward. I lunged.

  "No!" Hathor screamed, crashing into me. Too late, I realized why Ra had looked up.

  Together we rolled to the ground with me furiously fighting off her wildly snapping fangs. With her on top, I managed to plant a forearm under her throat and with my other arm, I sent a fist into the side of her head. To think that this was my angelic Elizabeth, my lovely Monique, shattered me. The blow sent her flying, but the second she was gone, Ra's heavy foot landed on my chest. I recalled how he had decapitated Samael, and watched in horror as he bent down, two large hands coming for my head.

  Frantically, I grabbed his ankle with both hands, sinking my claws into his flesh. I twisted violently, using every bit of energy available. Bones cracked and tendons snapped as I wrenched my hands in a full half-circle, never relinquishing the firm grip I had on him. Now hobbled with a hideous-looking backwards foot, the monster bellowed and fell to the side. I rolled and jumped up, only to have Hathor kick me in the gut. I could see now why they were husband and wife—what a couple. I punched her in return once again, sending her sprawling back to the ground.


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