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Toygasm Page 6

by Jan Springer

  Too late for should-haves, Josh warned.

  Jode’s cock tightened as Josh’s arousal pulsed in rhythm with his own.

  Hell, you couldn’t have waited until I had gotten into my own shower?

  No response. That meant only one thing.

  Jode quickly dropped his pants and underwear, allowing his tortured flesh to be free. Quickly, he lay on the bed. Blowing out a tense breath, he kneaded his aching balls with one hand and roughly stroked the length of his cock with his other hand.

  Cammie’s vision burst into his mind. Her, leaning over him. Her dark hair trailing over her shoulders, hiding her breasts from him. Her smile was wide with appreciation as she stared down at his cock. Heat embraced him as she parted her lips and accepted his cock head into her succulent mouth.

  Man! This feels good!

  Oh Cammie, Jode whispered.

  Josh echoed his brother’s thoughts by calling her name too. He struggled to breathe and groaned as the pressure continued to build inside his cock and balls. He could almost feel the pressure of her lips melt around his cock head. Could feel the tickle of her hair as it whispered over his trembling thighs.

  His hands worked his swollen flesh faster.

  She’s so beautiful. Can you see her from my mind? he whispered to Josh.

  Yes, came his tortured voice from somewhere far away.

  Jode’s cock throbbed right along with Josh’s, pulsing beneath his fingers. Perspiration whispered across his brow.

  Cammie sucked hard and Jode exploded on a strangled shout, his body racked by spasms. A split second later he heard Josh shout Cammie’s name and they both came together.

  * * * * *

  “We can start in the upstairs bathroom this morning. Your agent said it would be perfect for the water toys,” Josh said as he watched Cammie’s curvy butt wiggle sexily against her tight blue jeans as she walked toward the kitchen after welcoming him and his brother into her home.

  She’d been bubbly upon opening the door. Her eyes twinkled with happiness and her cheeks flushed a pretty pink when she saw them. She’d been cheerful, talking up a storm, not letting them get in a word edgewise. He was beginning to understand that she talked a lot when she was nervous and that’s how they’d ended up in the situation of her mistaking them as the models.

  She’d also seemed a bit shy this morning. He wondered what was up with that. Especially because after greeting them and bringing them inside she’d rushed off toward the kitchen, insisting that they all have some coffee before starting their day of shooting.

  Before coming over, Josh and Jode had had their morning coffee after their run, and he’d thought they could get to work right away. But if she required them to join her for breakfast, hell, he would do whatever she wanted.

  She looks fantastic, doesn’t she? Jode whispered into his mind as they walked toward the camera equipment where they’d left it yesterday.

  She looks hot and aroused. I bet if I dipped my finger into her vagina she’d be wet and needy.

  Oh man, why are you doing this to me? Jode groaned, shook his head and glared angrily at him.

  Payback for last night in not allowing me to get into the shower before you started fantasizing about her. Now shut up and help me get the camera and toys upstairs.

  They needed to hurry. He’d dreamed about Cammie all night. Scorching dreams of her breasts jiggling up and down as she rode him into hundreds of orgasms while they’d been soaking in a bathtub full of bubbles. He hoped to make that dream come true today. He’d awoken with a very painful hard-on. Masturbating in the shower before their run had taken the edge off but he wasn’t sure if he could even handle what he’d planned for them today. Especially if he’d read her wrong yesterday about her being attracted to them.

  I don’t remember Alison mentioning Cammie’s upstairs bathroom?

  She didn’t,Josh said truthfully.

  Then why…

  It’s one step closer to her bedroom.

  Jode chuckled out loud and Josh threw him a shut-the-fuck-up look.

  She doesn’t read our minds, remember?

  Josh ignored his reminder.

  “You wouldn’t by chance have some bubble bath, would you?” he called out to Cammie.

  She appeared in the doorway and his breath backed up into his lungs at the sight of her standing there with that shy look of hers. The cute way she avoided their gazes and the sweet way she nibbled on her lower lip as she thought just about made him come on the spot.

  That provocative blouse she wore spoke to him. It was a simple virginal white filmy type of garment. Damned sexy in that he could make out shadowy outlines of her areolas as well as her bold nipples pressing proudly against the material. It made him wonder what was going on in that pretty little head of hers to wear a teasing top like that.

  “Yes, I do. Several different types. I love taking baths. You’ll find all the bottles right on the countertop. Help yourself to anything you need for the shoot. Coffee will be done in just a few minutes, so be back soon. And I’ve also got some fruit and croissants.”

  She disappeared.

  Yesterday she fed us dinner. This morning she wants to give us breakfast. She’s eager to take care of us, Jode said as he strolled toward the stairs with some of the equipment.

  Let’s hope she’ll take care of us in more ways than just breakfast, Josh answered.

  He tried to ignore the throbbing of his cock and balls as well as his brother’s growing sexual discomfort at seeing Cammie. He picked up an open carton of toys and followed Jode.

  * * * * *

  Cammie stared at the coffeemaker and silently urged it to hurry up. She needed coffee to calm herself. She’d been dumb in not having a cup or two or three after returning from her early-morning run. But she’d slept in this morning thanks to being awake half the night masturbating some more after dreaming about having sex with those two hunky twins. When she’d returned from her run she’d showered and changed and had just put on some light makeup when the doorbell had rung.

  Seeing them again…she’d forgotten how tall the two men were and how enticing they smelled. This morning, it seemed as if their scents of aftershave and fresh soap affected her even more than she remembered. Her legs were trembling, her heart was racing and her mind wouldn’t stop giving her images of both men touching her intimately.

  Boy oh boy, she was in trouble. Last night’s vow to stick to masturbating where they were concerned was going out the window. She was changing her mind. She wanted them in her bed. Being near them, seeing the lust flaring in their eyes as they’d gazed at her when she’d opened the door, had her heart fluttering, her pussy quivering and her racing for that comfort food of coffee. The dark-roasted scent wafted through the air, teasing her nostrils, bringing her back to reality. Why did she suddenly get the feeling coffee was not going help calm her down this time?

  * * * * *

  Jode’s cock and balls were harder and more swollen than yesterday as he inhaled her scent. It floated everywhere. It was in the air. On the bubble bath containers. On the towels. And on the soft robe he’d caressed and smelled as it hung on a nearby hook.

  He should masturbate right here and now in this bathroom. He could get off quickly before he went back downstairs for that coffee she was so gung-ho on giving them. But making himself flaccid would defeat the purpose of seducing her, wouldn’t it? His cock needed to be hard and swollen for the shots Josh would be taking of them. He just hoped she would forgive them for not setting her straight about them not being the models. Starting a relationship on a lie was not good. If they just confessed to her about the bet and who they were she would forgive them. Wouldn’t she?

  Stop thinking about our lies and concentrate on getting the bathtub looking right.

  Jode frowned and turned to find Josh standing in the bathroom doorway with more photography equipment.

  “We should wait until after breakfast before running the hot water into the tub. I don’t want her getting in
to cold water,” Jode said as he moved to the box containing the toys. He withdrew some of the ones they were going to use.

  “An ice-cold shower is what I need and you’ll run the water now. It can’t be too hot or it’ll steam up my lens,” Josh growled. His eyes flashed with irritation.

  The man is moody, Jode teased.

  Josh gave him the middle finger, then stepped into the bathroom and began setting up the cameras and lighting.

  Jode started the water running, making sure it wasn’t too hot or too mild. Screw Josh.

  I heard that.

  Jode chuckled and moved to the open box of toys.

  “A couple of these have already been opened,” Jode mused as he withdrew the packages containing the heart-shaped egg vibrators and matching nipple clamps. The scent of soap drifted beneath his nostrils.

  What the…?


  She used a couple of these toys last night. Jode grinned.

  Only a couple? Amusement etched Josh’s voice as he came to stand beside Jode and gazed at the toys.

  It looks like it.

  I’m insulted. I would have thought she’d have used all the toys in her desperation to get us off her mind.

  Jode threw his brother a sideways glance. Funny. Ha ha.

  Josh laughed and returned to fiddling with his cameras.

  Should we say something to her about it? Jode pondered as he replaced the items back into the box and removed some others.

  Why? So you can embarrass her? Let me handle this, we want her comfortable with us, Josh replied.

  Comfortable is not the word I would use. Needy. Sexy. Craving us as much as we are wanting her are better words.

  Okay. Okay, needy. We’ll get her needy with this next shoot, I promise.

  Jode nodded. He could hardly wait!

  * * * * *

  Cammie was working on finishing her second cup of hot black coffee in the kitchen when the two men descended the stairs. Despite not wanting to, she tensed at their approaching footsteps. When they walked into the room, her breath halted as she surveyed how truly wide their shoulders were and how they towered over her. Suddenly the kitchen seemed much smaller and much cozier with them in it.

  “So how did you sleep last night?” Josh asked as he pulled out a chair at the table and sat down.

  Cammie just about gulped her coffee the wrong way at that question. His gaze was intense as he studied her for an answer. Or maybe he was looking for a reaction? Had they already noticed a couple of the toy packages had been opened?

  Oh dear, she still hadn’t figured out a way to explain it.

  “Fine and you two?”

  “Great,” Josh and Jode said rather quickly. They both reached for their coffees and began sipping at the same time.

  It was an odd experience seeing identical twins sitting at her breakfast table. Kind of like seeing double.

  Double trouble, an inner voice reminded her. Keep your mind on your job and you will be fine. Not.

  They’d both brushed their hair back off their foreheads today and wore dark shadows of beard stubble on their faces, which gave them an allure of danger and sexiness. The rush of blood pulsed through her just knowing she would be working intimately with these two men again today.

  She could tell them apart now too without the need for them to smile so she could see which side the dimples appeared in their cheeks. She’d realized that Josh’s nose was a bit wider and longer than Jode’s nose. And Jode’s chin had a bit of cleft in the middle, where Josh’s was less pronounced. They’d dressed in jeans and black polo shirts that caressed their well-defined muscles. Just looking at them made beautiful butterflies shiver in her lower belly.

  “The bathroom is nice. Absolutely spot-on for the next shoot. Did you decorate it yourself?” Jode asked.

  Cammie blinked in surprise and realized she’d been staring at them. Heat fused into her cheeks.

  Cammie nodded. “I decorated the entire house.”

  “You have good taste,” Jode complimented her.

  Good taste in younger men too, that naughty inner voice of hers whispered.

  “Thank you.” Her cheeks were getting hotter.

  Both men grinned.

  “You don’t seem to be used to compliments. You’re blushing,” Josh said softly.

  Oh great! Floor, please part and take me away.

  “Would you like something with your coffee? Some fruit? Croissants?” She lifted a bowl laden with fresh drizzled chocolate mini-croissants nestled in an arrangement of fresh ripe strawberries and mango slices. She’d picked everything up on the way back from her run from a neighboring bakery and bed-and-breakfast a quarter mile up the lake road. It had been a bitch trying to keep everything from getting too shaken as she’d run but the owner, Joyce, had been kind enough to pack everything tightly in containers and thankfully the fruit and croissants had survived with minimum damage.

  Both men nodded and eagerly grabbed one of each, placing them in the plates she’d set.

  “You can have more. I have plenty,” she urged.

  Both men grinned and reached for more helpings.

  She wanted to see them devour food as they’d done last night. It made her content to see them eat and to know she was supplying food they enjoyed. She inhaled softly at those thoughts. Heavens, was she trying to domesticate them already?

  Extreme happiness slipped into her as the men dug into their food.

  “Now that’s more like it.” She laughed.

  As they ate they discussed the weather, the men’s love of playing golf and to her surprise, their shared love of running.

  When she told them she also ran they didn’t appear surprised at all and when she revealed she’d never played golf before, their eager offers of teaching her the sport had her so excited she couldn’t think straight. By the time the meal was finished, she’d been talked into joining them tomorrow morning for a run around the lake she lived on and when the photo shoot was finished she had a promise from them that they would teach her how to play golf.

  “I think we’d better get some work done or we’ll be too full to do anything today.” Jode stared at his empty plate, leaned back in his chair and patted his ultra-flat belly.

  “I’m surprised you were able to stuff all that food into you, brother.” Josh laughed as he stood.

  “For energy, my man. We’re going to need it today,” he replied. He gazed at Cammie and winked.

  She trembled with excitement. Why did she get the feeling they were talking about more than just the photo shoot?

  Chapter Five

  In her bedroom she undressed to just a pair of panties, as instructed by Josh. Then she slipped into her robe, inhaled a deep breath and entered the adjoining bathroom. It was crowded in here with the equipment and props. But the lighting seemed perfect.

  Vanilla scented the room and soft sunlight splashed through the lone window onto the tub filled with kaleidoscope-colored bubbles. Tiny flames flickered from an arrangement of vanilla candles lined along the bathtub rim. Also settled upon the rim were bright-red toys they wanted to use during this scene.

  Both men stood beside the cameras, appearing eager to get started.

  “Jode set it up. What do you think?” Josh asked.

  I think I want to jump into the tub and have wild hot sex with the both of you, Cammie pondered. She quickly pushed aside those thoughts.

  Focus on the job, woman.

  “It looks seductive,” she admitted.

  “Seductive will have to do.” Jode chuckled. His eyes appeared glazed with anticipation as he looked at the arrangement of toys.

  Both men had also changed into their robes and at the thought of climbing into the tub with them, heat sped through her like wildfire.

  “Cammie, you’ll have to wear these nipple clamps.”

  Oh my!

  She tensed as Josh handed her a cute pair with tiny dolphins and miniature hearts dangling.

  “As soon as I check if everything
is okay with the cameras I’ll join you. Cammie in the middle, please.”

  Cammie nodded jerkily and swallowed as her mouth went dry.

  Oh my gosh. She hadn’t been this nervous since her first few nude toy insert photo shoots. She averted their eyes as she slipped out of the robe and hung it back onto the hook where she’d retrieved it earlier. Jode also removed his robe. He held out his hand and his fingers were hot against hers as she accepted his help in getting into the tub. Strength powered through his palm and he held her steady. Soft bubbles and warm water tickled her feet and her breath halted momentarily as she imagined the heat of their gazes on her back.

  After turning around, she sat and the bubbles came to just below her nipples. Jode stepped into the tub, giving her a sexy view of his very engorged long, swollen shaft and balls.

  Wow, he’s so well hung. Not that he wasn’t yesterday, but today it seemed as if he was seriously erect. His shaft, aiming up toward his belly, was shaded purplish and woven with bulging veins and a mushroom-shaped cock head.

  Searing heat wafted from his body as he sat down right next to her. His thigh pressed intimately against hers and her breaths erupted in sweet-sounding gasps that she’d never heard before in her life.

  He grinned at her, but it was a tight, aroused smile. Bronze-tanned muscles laced his sinewy shoulders and a thick mat of brown curly hair covered his wide chest.

  She pictured herself straddling him. Guiding his cock into her cunt.

  Josh cleared his throat and ripped Cammie back to reality.

  “Nipple clamps,” Josh reminded her. “And we need your nipples plumped too to make them look bigger and darker for the camera.”

  Today she didn’t feel as daring as yesterday in asking them to put the clamps on. Jode’s erotic touches as he’d rubbed her pussy lips had put her on the sexual edge. Her nipples had always been the most tender of her erogenous zones and she didn’t know how she would react having Jode touching her there.

  “Would you like me to put the clamps on? I have some gel here to help plump your nipples,” Jode asked softly.


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