Unbelievable Faith (Fated Mates Duet Book 2)

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Unbelievable Faith (Fated Mates Duet Book 2) Page 10

by Jess Bryant

  She was free . Free of that basement. Free of Maddox. She was mated to the Moirae Pack Alpha now. She was starting a new life and a new hairstyle seemed fitting somehow.

  Her hair was curly. Her face was free of makeup. She was wearing clothes she’d had to remove the tags from, clothes delivered by a big man that said he was there on the Alpha’s behalf. She looked like a whole new person and with the silver circle scar gracing the spot where her neck and shoulder met, she felt like a new person too.

  Like finally, she was the woman that she was always supposed to have been.

  A knock came on the door and her grin nearly split her face in half. The Enforcer that had delivered her clothes had also told her that her sisters would be down shortly to visit her. He’d reminded her that the Alpha wished for her to stay put for the time being so they would be brought to her room.

  Hers. Luna felt downright giddy. This room was hers. Hers and Michael’s . It even smelled like them. Sex and mating, Michael’s masculine musk and his marking scent. It wasn’t just on her skin. It was everywhere and though she knew her sisters would undoubtedly tease her about it she wasn’t embarrassed to let them into the room. She was proud. She’d gotten it right. She’d found her mate, a blessing for any wolf, but he wasn’t just any wolf. He was kind and sweet, generous and loving, strong and powerful. He could protect her, protect them, and she knew without a doubt that he would.

  Our family, that was what he’d called her sisters this morning. It had warmed her heart then just as the memory did now. He’d claimed her, accepted her, and with it he’d taken her whole family as his own as well.

  “Coming.” She called as she rushed to the door when the knocking came again. “Coming.”

  Luna threw the door open and her smile instantly fell at what she saw. Her sisters were both there. The Enforcer stood behind them but she didn’t spare him another glance. She ran her eyes over Nova quickly to ensure she was unmarked and then her gaze shot back to her teenage sister.

  “Oh God, Maya.” Her hand quickly went to her mouth, “I’m so sorry.”

  “Don’t you dare.” Dark eyes so similar to her own it was like looking at her reflection narrowed dangerously, “You didn’t do this. It wasn’t your fault and I will not let you spend even one-second thinking that it was. Do you hear me?”

  Luna sucked in a quick gulp of air and nodded, knowing her sister would hate her pity and blinking back tears. It was still Maya. The heat and demand in her voice confirmed that much. They’d tried to break her, undoubtedly they had. The short, buzzed hair where they’d cut off her lovely long locks must be just the tip of the iceberg. There was a crisscross pattern of scars up both her arms where she must have been cut with silver time and time again. God only knew what they’d done that had healed never to be seen but also never to be forgotten. But Maya didn’t want her pity or her sympathy so she swallowed the questions she wanted to ask and simply opened her arms.

  The relief that flashed across Maya’s pretty face was all the reassurance Luna needed that she’d done the right thing. She would get her answers later. When Maya was ready to talk about it, she would. And if she was never ready, maybe Nova would know not just what had happened but how best to help their middle sister.

  Maya threw herself into Luna’s arms and she wrapped her up as tightly as she could with one arm. The other she extended to Nova who gave a small smile before stepped into the melee. The three of them stood there for a long time together, wrapped in one another’s embrace, just soaking in the realization that they were here, together, and that they were safe.

  Finally, someone cleared their throat and Luna began to untangle herself from her sisters. She glanced up, expecting to find the Enforcer that Michael had told her would be stationed outside their room all day, but she was taken aback when she noticed the other two men now flanking him. All three of them were large, clearly Alpha males, and instinctively she attempted to shuffle her younger sisters behind her.

  Nova snorted, “Don’t worry about them. The one on the left is my babysitter.”

  “And the one on the right is mine.” Maya gave a finger curl wave. “We’re not allowed to be out of their sight for longer than it takes to pee thanks to your overprotective Alpha mate.”

  Luna bit her lip to hide a smile. Babysitters. Michael had put Enforcers on each of her sisters to keep them safe. Her heart fluttered at the proof of the words he’d spoken. Our family, not just hers to protect anymore.

  “And Leo?” She glanced between her sisters, “Where’s Leo?”

  “Oh…” Maya shot Nova a look, “Uh….”

  “He’s a little tied up at the moment.” Nova shrugged easily, “He has his own babysitter to deal with and I’m pretty sure he intended to talk to your mate about that so, ya know, if you hear an explosion, it’s just our brother’s ego being popped when his Enforcer takes him down to size.”

  Luna couldn’t hide her smile this time, “They gave Leo a guard?”

  “Mhmm.” Maya smirked.

  “Oh lord, maybe I should…” Luna glanced at the three Enforcers standing in the doorway, barring her from leaving the room, but Nova caught her by the hand before she could figure out a way to get past them.

  “Invite us in so we can tell you all about it? Yes, you should.” Nova gave her a pointed look and when she acquiesced her little sister waved at the guards, “Nobody’s going to attack us here. Trust me. I’d tell you if I’d seen anything.”

  The three men exchanged looks but before they could offer a rebuttal or attempt to follow the girls inside, Nova swiped the tray of food one of them was holding and Maya slammed the door in their faces.

  “They’re going to hate us if we don’t stop giving them the slip.” Nova smirked at her sister.

  “With you running around telling everyone their future, I think it’s safe to say they already hate us.” Maya shrugged indifferently and stalked into the room, throwing herself down in one of the chairs at a small table overlooking the patio, “Besides, they can post up out there with Luna’s guard. If we’re not perfectly safe in the Pack Alpha’s bedroom with his new mate, we’re not safe anywhere.”

  “We’re safe here.” Nova followed her sister to the table and deposited the tray of food down, “I told you, I’d see it if there was a threat.”

  Luna watched her sisters settle in at the table, discussing safety and threats as if it were common breakfast conversation and had to shake her head in disbelief. This was her life now and she was still catching up. Maya and Nova had clearly had more time to come to terms with everything than she had. Then again, she’d been a little busy bonding and mating last night.

  “What?” Maya paused with a grape halfway to her mouth when she caught Luna staring at them.

  “I just… I didn’t know if I would ever see you again and then, here we all are. I need a second to just… bask.”

  “I would’ve thought you spent all night long basking but hey, you do you sis.” Maya winked playfully, causing Nova to giggle and Luna to shake her head again.

  “It’s nice to see you retained your sense of humor.” Luna moved towards her sisters and plopped down in one of the empty chairs. “I guess some things never change.”

  “Speaking of change though,” Nova reached out and fingered one of her curls, “Your hair.”

  “I know.” Luna felt her cheeks heat and hoped it didn’t bleed through her dark skin, “I had to wash it last night after… everything… and I didn’t have anything to fix it with so it’s au natural. What do you think?”

  “I love it.” Nova nodded instantly, her own curls bobbing.

  “Me too,” Maya ran a hand over the short strands on top of her head, “change is good sometimes.”

  “May…” Luna started, her gut clenching because hair should have seemed like such an easy, safe, even silly topic, but it wasn’t. Not anymore. Not for her sister.

  “Don’t.” Maya shot her a warning look instantly, “It’s not so bad. It’ll grow back a
nd in the meantime, it kinda makes me look like a badass right?”

  “Total badass.” Nova chimed in with a nod.

  “Language.” Luna admonished her youngest sister.

  Maya laughed, “Yeah, some things will never change. You babying us is one of them.”

  “I’m the big sister. It’s my job to take care of you and…

  “And we love you for it.” Nova squeezed her shoulder lightly, cutting off any apology she had been trying to make.

  Luna felt tears well in her eyes as she sat at the table with her sisters. The innate understanding between all of them was so familiar. So many things went unsaid between them but it didn’t matter how different they were. They were sisters and they loved each other, protected each other and nothing would ever come between them.

  “No crying allowed.” Nova admonished, “You don’t want red-rimmed eyes when you meet her for the first time.”

  “Meet who?” Luna frowned just as a knock came at the door. Her eyes widened as she looked at her little sister. “Nova? Who is that?”

  “You’ll see.” She grinned.

  Luna couldn’t help a little laugh. Nova had been doing that all her life. Predicting when the phone would ring or someone would come for an unexpected visit. Only with Nova, nothing was ever truly unexpected unless it happened with a split-second decision or to someone she was blind to seeing.

  “Come in?” Luna called out as she stood, knowing full well whoever had knocked wouldn’t have gotten past the guards posted on the other side unless they’d been deemed friendly.

  The door to the bedroom opened again and this time it wasn’t a big man on the other side. This time it was a small woman. A gorgeous, red-haired siren of a woman with curves that Luna had only ever dreamed of and a smile so big it was nearly comical. Luna blinked at the woman as something strangely familiar scented the air. Her wolf bristled slightly, standing up and shaking, preparing to investigate if need be. Luna barely contained a growl as soon as her wolf placed the scent.

  This woman smelled like Michael.

  The redhead stopped in her tracks and her hands came up in the universal gesture of innocence, “Whoa, easy now. It’s not what you think.”

  “Explain.” Luna grit her teeth and felt her sisters shift behind her uneasily.

  “It’s not Michael you scent. Look deeper. It’s close but it’s not him.” The redhead slowly moved one hand to her hair and brushed it off her neck to reveal a silver marking scar in almost the exact same place Luna bore one, “My name is Zoey. I’m Rafe’s mate. Michael’s brother is my mate. Their scents are similar but not the same. Scent again, Luna.”

  Her teeth ground together as she closed her eyes and sucked in another lungful of air. Her nose twitched and her wolf paced but after another breath or two, she realized the woman was telling the truth. It was close, but it wasn’t Michael she scented all over this female. She opened her eyes and it must have shown on her face because the redhead dropped her hands and her smiled returned.

  “Damn girl. You’re kinda scary when you go all Alpha over your mate.” Zoey giggled, “I like it. You’re perfect. You’re exactly what Michael needs.”

  “Sorry.” Luna apologized sheepishly, “I’m still bonding and…”

  “No worries.” Zoey brushed her apology off with a shrug, “What’s a little snarling between sisters?”

  “Just another day that ends in Y.” Maya chirped from behind her and Zoey giggled again.

  “Hello again Maya. Nice to see you up and around.” The redhead shot a pointed look that was equal parts chastising and amused, “Nova, have you behaving since we spoke last?”

  “I haven’t told anyone else their future if that’s what you mean.” Nova’s smile was obvious in her warm tone and Luna felt her wolf ease back.

  Sisters, this woman had called them sisters. She spoke to Maya and Nova as if they already were and she supposed, in a way, it was true. She and Zoey were mated to brothers. That made them sisters.

  Her heart warmed at the thought. She’d lost so much during the ordeal with Maddox. Lost her father and her mother. But she’d gained Michael and now a new sister to go along with a new brother and a new pack.

  “Sorry, let’s start over. I’m Luna.” She held out a hand formally.

  “I know who you are Luna and I think we’re going to be great friends.” The redhead bypassed her hand and hugged her, “I’m so glad to finally meet you. Michael’s been waiting for you a long time. We all have.”

  Luna tilted her head curiously, “You’ve known Michael a long time, haven’t you?”

  “Oh yes, ” Zoey pulled back and her smile was back firmly on her face when she nodded, “Michael and I go way back.”

  Nova made a small snorting sound and then covered her mouth, “Why don’t you pull up a chair, Zoey? We’re catching up over breakfast. You can fill Luna in on your complicated friendship with Michael while we’re at it.”

  “Complicated?” Luna frowned.

  “It’s not complicated at all.” Zoey gave her arm a reassuring squeeze, “At least not anymore. Here, let me explain…”

  Chapter 15

  Michael stared across his desk at the two angry men sitting as far apart as the two chairs there would allow. He should have been paying attention to the argument going on. He knew that. It was his job to hear their case and make a judgment but all he could think about was how much he would rather be back in his bed with Luna.

  He’d been in meetings since the moment Rafe pulled him out of his bedroom. He’d listened to his brother tell him about Nova and her visions. He’d talked to the girl and learned that it was her vision that had set everything in motion. He’d tried to console her that nothing that had happened was her fault and then he’d sent her with her guard to visit her sister. He’d gotten an update on Maya and learned she was healed, for the most part. Then he’d come to his office intending to have a sit down with Leo to discuss their new familial bond only when the other man had stormed into his office he hadn’t been alone.

  Darius had been hot on Leo’s heels and it didn’t take long for Michael to realize that the argument they’d been having yesterday was still raging.

  It was strange. Michael had known Darius since he was just a boy. He’d always been a man of few words. He didn’t argue. He saw no point in it. He said what he had to say and if the other person didn’t alter their perspective, he moved on. It was as simple as that for him. He followed orders. He gave advice. He didn’t get too involved. Yet he sat in the big leather chair across from Michael’s desk all but baring his teeth and claws as he argued the logic of letting Leo return to Crescent land.

  For the record, Darius was against it. Totally. Completely. One hundred percent against it. He’d even threatened to tie Leo up and sit on him if the younger man didn’t agree to stay.

  So very strange.

  The only person Michael could remember Darius ever caring enough to threaten was him. Well, him and his father. The Pack Alphas. The Alphas that Darius had pledged himself to when he became an Enforcer. He protected Michael with everything he had, didn’t spare a single breath for his own well-being so long as it meant his Alpha was safe.

  But he’d never threatened to lock Michael up and throw away the key like he was a tantrum throwing child in need of discipline like he had with Leo.

  The absurdity of his overprotectiveness when it came to the other man was the only reason Michael was even giving them half of his attention.

  “You’re not going!” The growl Darius let out nearly rattled the windows, “Michael, tell him he’s not going back there.”

  “I’m a goddamned Alpha in my own right! He can’t tell me what to do and you damn sure can’t so lay off before I lay you out.”

  “You think you can take me, pretty boy? Give it a shot.”

  Leo shot to his feet, clearly intending to take his shot. The chair he’d been sitting in tumbled backwards. Darius rose more slowly, menace in every purposeful movement of his l
arge body.

  Michael didn’t bother to stand, in fact, he leaned back in his chair and looked between the two again. There was something going on that he didn’t understand and couldn’t place. The testosterone in the room was out of control but there was something else too, something that had his gaze flickering between them again and again.

  “Don’t push me, Enforcer.” Leo growled, stepping closer to Darius.

  “Don’t make me.” Darius shot back, his voice low, “Think, Leo. You go off half-cocked and you’re liable to get yourself killed.”

  “The only person liable to get killed is you if you don’t stop treating me like a kid.”

  Darius closed the space between them, getting right in the younger man’s face, crowding him, “Trust me. I’m aware you’re not a kid. Fully aware. But that doesn’t mean I’m letting you walk out of here alone and straight into a possible ambush.”

  “You don’t get a say in…”

  “Stop it.” Michael cut Leo off and when Darius started to say something he leveled him with a glare, “I said stop. That’s enough. You’re both behaving like children.”

  “Michael…” Leo started but he held up his hand.

  “Enough.” He pointed to the chair Leo had tipped over, “Pick it up and sit your ass down.” He flipped his glare to Darius when his friend started to smirk, “And you, give us a minute, would you?”

  The smirk disappeared instantly, “What?”

  “Get out of my office. I want to talk to Leo alone.” He raised an eyebrow when he saw Darius begin to formulate an argument and put force behind his words when he spoke again, “Wait outside, Darius.”

  His friend, his Enforcer, snapped his jaw shut. He could see the muscles there working as he ground his teeth together. It was an order though, one he’d put his Alpha voice behind, which meant Darius couldn’t argue even if he wanted to. He felt bad doing it but he knew it was the only way the other man would leave the room at this point.


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