Perfect Together

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Perfect Together Page 6

by Carly Phillips

  She’d need to make another move, and soon. She needed the newspaper to see what was available. Grabbing her bag, she opened the door—and came face-to-face with a vase full of flowers. “What the . . . ?”

  “Umm . . . Surprise?” Sam moved the vase away from his face. “You didn’t give me a chance to knock.”

  She looked him over, taking in his weekend appearance. A worn pair of jeans, a black T-shirt, and stubble gave him a scruffy, appealing look, and pleasure rushed through her at the sight of him.

  “Hi.” She smiled, and he grinned at her in return.

  “I obviously caught you leaving.”

  She nodded. “I was going to pick up a newspaper and see what houses or condos are available to rent. I thought this place was cute when I first found it, but it’s too small. I can’t bake anything substantial here and I’m feeling claustrophobic.”

  “I can understand.”

  She glanced at his full hands, realizing how rude she was being, and stepped aside. “I’m sorry. Come on in.”

  He held out the flowers, and she felt herself blush as she accepted them. “Thank you. They’re beautiful.”

  His gaze met hers.

  He didn’t say so are you, but the way he looked at her, devouring her with his eyes, as if he could see her inside and out, made her feel all kinds of special.

  She set the bouquet down on her counter, where she’d have a good view of them from wherever she sat in the apartment, looked at him, and grinned.

  “What’s that smile for?” he asked.

  She glanced at the flowers once more. “They’re daisies. I love daisies.”

  “I’m glad. I wanted to get you something different.”

  “Why?” she couldn’t help but ask.

  “Because you’re different,” he said in a deep voice, and her entire body flushed hot.

  He glanced around the small apartment. So did she, viewing the one counter in the kitchen and the bed that remained in her peripheral vision. Yep, it was time.

  “Want company on your hunt for a new place to live?” he asked.

  She raised an eyebrow. “Really? You want to spend your day off helping me house or condo hunt?”

  “I want to spend my day off with you.”

  She did a happy dance, at least inside. “Okay, then. Let’s go buy a newspaper and check out the ads.” She grabbed her purse from the counter and swiped the keys off the hook on the wall.

  Hours later, Nicole had discovered that for a small town, there were a variety of rentals available and not all offered the same things. From condos like the one Cara had lived in, to an apartment complex downtown, to rooms for rent in a freestanding home, Nicole had her choice and she and Sam had walked through every one.

  Her legs ached; she was exhausted and ready to call it quits. “I don’t mean to be so picky, but nothing we saw works for me.”

  She stretched her legs out in Sam’s SUV. He’d insisted on driving since he knew his way around town, and now she was glad she’d agreed.

  “It’s not picky to want to like where you live.” He rested his arm across the two front seats, his fingers grazing her shoulder.

  She suppressed a delightful shiver. “At least you’re not annoyed. Which I don’t understand. Most men in their right minds would have no patience for a day like today.”

  “Are you saying I’m insane?”

  She shook her head and laughed. “No, just special.”

  He grinned, revealing that dimple in his cheek. “Thank you.”

  “I guess it’s time to head home,” she said, discouraged.

  “Not quite. There’s one more place that isn’t listed.”

  She turned toward him, hopes raised. “Really?”

  He nodded. “It’s in a nice neighborhood, has a backyard with a barbecue, and a really good-looking neighbor next door.” He winked at her.

  Her eyes opened wide at his implication. “Seriously?”

  He nodded, and his devilish grin had her wanting to agree to move in sight unseen. “Why didn’t you mention this place before?” Unless he didn’t really want her living so close to him but was offering because she’d run out of options.

  “Because I wanted you to see everything else out there. The sellers are an older couple who want to test the weather down south for a year. You’d be making a one-year commitment and—”

  She leaned in closer. “And?” She urged him to continue.

  “It’s a whole house. I wasn’t sure you’d want such a big responsibility on top of the year lease.” He shrugged.

  “So it wasn’t because you didn’t want me as your neighbor? Because I can understand why you wouldn’t. I mean, we could hang out and discover we’re not interested in each other and then we’d be living almost in each other’s backyard, and that would be awkward.”

  He shook his head, the easygoing grin never leaving his face. “Like I said, I wanted you to see everything else first. That’s it. You didn’t like the other options and I’d have shown you this last even if you had. Besides, I would love to have you as my neighbor.” He paused. “If that’s something you’d want.”

  As if she’d say no. “I’d love to see it.”

  “Good.” He turned and focused on driving, turning the car and heading toward his home.

  “I have to say, I’m surprised you live in a house,” she said.

  “Why is that?”

  She shrugged. “I guess I expected you to live in a bachelor pad of some sort. An apartment or condo where you don’t have to worry about taking care of things when an association or landlord could do it for you.”

  “I always knew I’d stay in Serendipity, so why throw my money away on a rental?”

  Why indeed? The man had hearth and home written all over him, making Nicole wonder why he hadn’t settled down with one woman long before now.

  “So why haven’t these people listed their home in the paper?”

  “It’s been up for rent for a while, and they live on a fixed income. They didn’t want to spend any more money on advertising, so they put up signs around town. But they plan on leaving their furniture for whoever rents. They left me the key to show to potential buyers when they’re gone.”

  He turned onto a treelined street with older but appealing-looking homes. The kind she’d always imagined living in when she was growing up in her parents’ overly large, too coldly decorated mansion.

  “Home sweet home,” he said, pulling into a driveway that appeared to have freshly laid blacktop.

  “This is your house?” she asked.

  “Mine and the bank’s,” he said. “But I’ve been able to pay a little more on my mortgage each month, and I hope to own it outright sooner rather than later.” He jumped out of the truck and came around to her side just as she’d picked up her bag and opened her car door.

  “Let’s go inside and I’ll show you around. Then I’ll call the Browns and ask if it’s a good time for us to come over.”

  Excited, she scrambled out of the car, eager to see where and how Sam lived. She followed him to the front door.

  As Sam led Nicole into his house, damned if he wasn’t nervous to see her reaction. Not something he understood, but he realized her opinion of him was important.

  “The good news is my mother and sister insisted on making this place livable, so you won’t find that bachelor pad you mentioned.”

  He swung open the door and gestured for her to walk in ahead of him.

  This, of course, gave him a good view of her delectable ass in white, fitted denim. Her pink flip-flops with flowers on top smacked against the floor as she entered.

  “Sam, I love it,” she said from the den immediately on the right, the room that overlooked the street.

  He shut the front door and headed into his favorite space, the family room, which boasted a large television on the wall above the stone fireplace and plush oversized furniture in brown and cream. But there were touches that made the place a home, like photos of his family, and
accent pieces, as Erin called them, that looked good but Sam didn’t know anything about.

  “Oh, look! A softball trophy.” She bent down and read from the plaque. “Star pitcher.” Straightening, she met his gaze with a full-on grin. “I’m impressed, Officer Marsden.”

  “Detective,” he automatically reminded her.

  “Right.” A smile curved her beautiful lips.

  “We play two nights a week during the summer,” he said, keeping his brain on track.

  Her eyes lit up. “I’d love to come watch you play.”

  “Next game’s tomorrow night at the high school field.” He watched her expression to see if she was serious or just being polite.

  She clapped her hands, her excitement genuine. “I’ll be there.”

  “Pizza after?”

  She smiled. “It’s a date . . . Detective.”

  Their gazes held for a long moment, before she broke the connection and continued her inspection of the room.

  “I’ll call about the house,” he said, before he crossed the small space dividing them and did what he wanted, which was kiss her senseless, this time without interruption.

  Luckily, Charlotte and Henry Brown were home and thrilled to have Sam bring over a potential renter. A few minutes later, Nicole had toured the house that was but a few short feet from Sam’s, and she’d fallen in love. In fact, he’d had a difficult time dragging her out of the kitchen to see the rest of the house. Although the appliances weren’t brand-new, they were clean and white, the countertops spacious, the layout perfect for someone who loved to cook. And once she did tour the other rooms, the expression on her face was pure bliss.

  “I have to admit, I didn’t think about renting an entire house, but this place is perfect. Quaint and homey . . . and me. The kitchen is perfect.” She spun around, and Sam knew he was looking at his new neighbor.

  His sexy new neighbor that he wanted in his bed as soon as possible.

  Macy had just finished her shift and was ready to head home. The restaurant was quiet, the evening help had taken over, and she planned to enjoy the first night she’d been free for dinner in what felt like ages because she’d been covering for a sick waitress.

  She hung up her apron and grabbed her purse from the back room. She stepped into the main part of the restaurant in time to see a stranger sit down at the counter. Blond hair, cut short and styled well; he wore a navy suit with a red tie, and he looked as tired as she felt. But despite the weariness in his expression, she couldn’t tear her gaze from his handsome face. A face so chiseled and perfect, she would remember if she’d met him before.

  Suddenly, her urge to rush out of the restaurant disappeared. She slipped back through the doors and stashed her bag behind the desk. And silly though it might be, she stopped in the employees’ restroom to check the mirror and freshen her makeup a little before heading out front once more.

  She intercepted Nell, the waitress who was about to take his order. “I’ve got this,” Macy said.

  Nell glanced over Macy’s shoulder and sighed. “Young, hot, and sexy. Of course you’re staying longer.”

  Macy grinned. “Don’t sound so put out,” she said to the older woman. “You’ll go home to your husband tonight.”

  “Oh honey, my husband didn’t look like that man even when we met. But I do love him, so go. Take your shot with the stranger.” Nell winked at her and retreated to the kitchen.

  Macy twirled the drink tray in her hand, drew a deep breath, and walked over to the man. “Hi,” she said, placing fresh silverware in front of him on the counter.

  “Good evening.” Startling green eyes settled on hers.

  “Hi,” she said again.

  An amused smile curled his lips. “Can I get a menu? I’m starving.”

  She shook her head out of the cloud she’d been lost in. “Of course.” She handed him a large plastic menu. “I recommend the meat loaf. It’s today’s special.”

  He lay the menu down on the counter. “Meat loaf it is.”

  His smile lit up something inside her she didn’t recognize. “I’ll just go put in your order. Drink?” she asked.

  “Cola’s fine.”

  She nodded. “Okay.”

  “Come back? I have a couple of questions maybe you can answer.”

  Macy raised her eyebrow. Intrigued, she nodded. “Be right back.”

  She turned the order in to her uncle, the chef, then filled a glass with ice and soda and returned to find the man where she’d left him, staring out the window onto the street.

  “Looking for someone?” She placed the glass and a straw in front of him.

  “As a matter of fact, I am.” He swiveled back around to face her.

  “It’s a small town. Chances are I know whoever you’re searching for.”

  He shrugged. “I’m looking for my fiancée.”

  Disappointment filled Macy, but she wasn’t surprised a gorgeous man like this had a woman in his life.

  He let out a sigh. “Actually she’s my ex-fiancée.”

  Macy perked up at that.

  “I drove here straight from work, over an hour from Manhattan with traffic. I’m looking for Nicole Farnsworth. Know her?”

  Macy blinked, surprised. “I do.” She came around the counter and settled onto the stool beside him.

  “Where is she staying?” he asked.

  She narrowed her gaze. She didn’t know him, and Nicole hadn’t mentioned a man in her life. “Did you say Nicole was your fiancée?”

  “Ex.” His eyes hardened at the word.

  “Your idea or hers?” she asked boldly, having her reasons.

  He pushed back from his seat, surprise in his eyes. “Hers. Now will you tell me where she is?”

  Macy eyed him warily, wondering if the handsome devil was telling her the truth. Because if he was, that meant Nicole had dumped this perfect specimen of a man, and that made no sense to her. At. All.

  “What’s your name?” Macy asked him.

  “Tyler Stanton. Yours?”

  “Macy Donovan.”

  “I would normally say it’s a pleasure, Ms. Donovan—”

  “Macy,” she interjected.

  He frowned. “But you’re not helping me out. And I thought small towns were friendly.” His jaw was now working in frustration.

  She leaned in close, inhaling the potent scent of his aftershave. Even after a full day, he smelled manly and delicious. God, what a traitor she was, lusting after her new friend’s ex-fiancé.

  But no matter how humiliating, she wouldn’t allow her hormones to override her common sense.

  “I’m very friendly. In this case I’m protecting my friend. If you leave me a number or hotel information where she can reach you, I’ll give her the message.”

  “Ms. Donovan.”


  He worked that sexy jaw once more. “Macy. Don’t you think I’ve called her cell phone more than once before I drove all the way upstate?”

  She couldn’t contain her grin. “I think she’s obviously not returning those calls, which means she doesn’t want to talk to you.” And here she thought Nicole was a smart woman.

  He scowled at her.

  “What? If she wanted to see you, she’d answer your calls. What kind of new friend would I be if I just turned her over to you without making sure that’s what she wanted?”

  He ran a hand through his hair, his frustration obvious. “Fine. Tell her I’m in town and I need to see her. Can you please tell me where I can find the nearest hotel?”

  “Five-star, or is a bed-and-breakfast okay with you?” Macy couldn’t help teasing him.

  “I’m guessing there are no five-star hotels around here.”

  She shrugged. “Twenty minutes away. But you look exhausted, and I promise you the Serendipity Inn is clean and the food homemade.” She pulled out her cell phone. “I’ll even call ahead and make sure they have a room available. How’s that for friendly?”

  “Works for me.” His gri
n warmed her inside and out.

  She made the call and secured him a room. “Tell you what. Eat dinner, then go get a good night’s sleep. Then come back in the morning, breakfast on me. In the meantime, I’ll try to reach Nicole.”

  “Now that’s mighty neighborly of you, Ms. Donovan.” He winked, and if she were another type of woman, she might have swooned. “You’ve made me reassess my opinion. You’re definitely friendly. In fact, if I were Nicole, I’d be damned glad you had my back.”

  “That might be the nicest compliment I ever received.”

  “Macy! Food’s up!”

  “Excuse me,” she said to her customer. She walked back to the kitchen.

  “Who’s the hunk?” Aunt Lulu asked.

  Macy narrowed her gaze. “What are you doing here? Isn’t it bridge night?”

  “I stopped by to pick up the pie I baked for after we play. Now spill.”

  Macy loved her aunt, trusted her business sense, and knew she had a big heart. But she also loved to gossip, which meant she wasn’t giving the woman any information. Not until she knew what was going on with Tyler from Nicole herself.

  “Just a customer.” She picked up his order. “Thanks, Dad!” She waved to her father, the cook in the back. He shared shifts with her uncle.

  He winked at her and went about his business. He hadn’t inherited his sister’s propensity for talking or gossip.

  “Have fun tonight,” she said to her aunt, and walked back into the restaurant with Tyler’s food.

  She set his meal in front of him, noting once more the utter perfection of his chiseled features, and did her best not to sigh. In a small town like Serendipity, Macy had seen all the available men and often despaired of meeting anyone new. Didn’t it figure the one she found droolworthy was her new friend’s ex. And true friends just didn’t go there.

  “Enjoy,” she said, turning to go.

  “Keep me company?” he asked, surprising her.

  She wasn’t technically scheduled to work anyway . . . “Let me just get myself something to eat and I’ll be right back,” she agreed, knowing that her attraction to this man was a bad thing.

  But he hadn’t shown any reciprocal interest and clearly he was here for Nicole. And if Nicole had really ended things with him, he wouldn’t remain in town for long. So Macy decided that keeping him company wouldn’t hurt anyone at all.


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