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HisIndecentBoxSetpub Page 35

by Sky Corgan

  Before we left the restaurant, I gave Colton a gentle kiss on the cheek. He smiled warmly at me, his eyes flooding with excitement. I couldn't help but grin at the fact that he was so easy to please.

  “What was that for?” he asked.

  “Just for you being here for me. You're a really good friend. I'm glad we met.”

  “Me too,” he paused for a moment, his expression suddenly darkening a little. “So, are you going to see Damien tomorrow?”

  “I haven't decided yet.”

  It was strange, but I hadn't really thought about it. While I was sure that we were over, it would be nice to hear something definite from his lips so that I wouldn't feel so guilty about moving on with Colton. Then again, hearing something definite would probably make me cry again.

  “Well, if you don't go, then we should hang out together, maybe catch another movie,” Colton offered.

  “Alright. Sounds like a plan. I'll let you know what I decide to do.” I gave him a gentle pat on the shoulder and then got in my car.

  That night, I thought about masturbating. Lately, I hadn't really been in the mood. Yeah, I got horny, but my body had been trained to resist, so pleasuring myself wasn't that important anymore. Now there was no reason for me to resist. Was there?

  I sneaked a hand between my thighs, allowing my fingertip to caress my pleasure button. It perked from the stimulation. No matter how much I rubbed though, my heart just wasn't into it. You'd think that after going two weeks without getting off, my body would have plummeted over the edge in half a heartbeat. My emotions dulled my senses though, and I kept thinking about how I needed the finality from Damien to move on—with everything. It would be hard, but I needed to see him. Or not see him. If he didn't answer the door, then that would be as good of an acknowledgment of the end of our relationship as anything.

  “I'm coming over tomorrow,” I told Damien in a text before I went to sleep.

  In the morning, there was no response.

  My day was pretty dull. I cleaned the house and recited in my mind what I would say to Damien when I saw him—if I saw him. The odds weren't good. In fact, now that I had warned him I was coming, he would probably either leave the house or just not answer the door. It was bratty, but whatever.

  At four o'clock, I pulled up in his driveway. Instinctively, I opened up my console, staring down at the training collar that was curled up like a silver snake at the bottom. The sight of it made me sad. With a sigh, I closed the console.

  When I went to the door to knock, the butterflies in my stomach took flight. It wasn't the happy fluttering that usually came from seeing him. Today, it was more of a panic. The butterflies were trying to escape, not wanting to witness the emotional meltdown if the door did happen to open.

  Almost as soon as my fist hit the door, I could hear footsteps on the other side. And when it opened, my breath hitched, my nervousness welling up to a peak as my eyes landed on Damien Reed's gorgeous emotionless face.

  “You're not wearing your collar,” he said, looking at my neck disapprovingly.

  “I didn't think it was necessary,” I stuttered, trying to regain my composure.

  “It's always necessary. Put it on before you come inside.”

  “No.” I shook my head.

  He scowled. “Why not?”

  “We need to . . . talk.”

  “About what?”

  “About us. Can I just come inside?” my voice rose an octave in irritation.

  Damien seemed genuinely confused, which kind of pissed me off. Had I gotten the whole thing wrong? We were obviously on very different planes of thought.

  “Sure.” He stepped aside, and I wrapped my arms around myself as I found my way to the living room, letting him trail behind me. I really just wanted to get this over and leave, preferably before I broke down into a bawling fit of emotional insanity.

  “What do you want to talk about?” he asked, sitting on the sofa across from me.

  “I'm turning in my collar.” The words hurt, but it was the only way to make him understand.

  “Why?” Damien furrowed his brow.

  “Because you didn't respond to my texts. I didn't know what was going on with us. I assumed we were over.”

  He sighed, looking away. “Chey, I'm sorry. I thought you understood that was part of your punishment. I told you that you would have to go a week without me.”

  My eyes began to water. I had misunderstood. It was more than though. Everything had gone wrong.

  “I can't do this,” I whispered before bursting into sobs.

  Damien was at my side in an instant, his arms around me. “I'm sorry, Chey. I didn't mean to hurt you. I was just . . . so jealous. So afraid of losing you. I thought that . . . I don't know what I was thinking. I didn't mean to push you away though.”

  I sniffled against his shoulder before sitting up and looking at him. “You were . . . jealous?”



  “Because I love you.” He gazed deeply into my eyes when he said it, and I swooned, melting, now crying for a completely different reason. I clutched onto him, upset at myself for thinking anything less, embarrassed for causing such a scene.

  Damien just held me, soothingly running a hand through my hair until the sobbing subsided and I could recompose myself. When I looked back up at him, he held my face in his hands and wiped my tears away, then kissed me gently on the lips. They trembled against the pressure of his.

  “You're mine,” he told me. “And I don't like the thought of other people touching my things.”

  “It didn't bother you at the party.”

  “That was all for show. Besides, I knew none of those people could take you from me. This boy is a different kind of threat.”

  “He's not a threat at all.” I shook my head. “We're only friends. Nothing more.”

  “Boys and girls don't hang out together just to be friends. I'm old enough to know that much.” He gave me a knowing look.

  “Well, he did try to kiss me, but I didn't let him,” I confessed, feeling somehow ashamed for it.

  Damien's jaw tightened.

  “You need to learn to trust me,” I said. “I trust you. Don't you think I worry about why you don't want to see me on school days? You could easily have someone else on the side.”

  “I don't,” he insisted. “The only reason I don't want to see you on school days is because I think your time would be better spent studying. Your education should come before all things, including me.”

  “You act like I don't have enough time for you and school too. I do. I'm not buried in so much homework that I can't take an extra hour or two out of my week to spend with you. And if you're so worried about time, then you could always come to my place. My father isn't there, so it's not like you have to worry about being run off with a pitchfork.”

  He smirked at that. “Would you want to see me more throughout the week?”

  “Yes! What do I have to do to get that through to you? This isn't the first time I've brought it up. You're just so damn stubborn that you don't listen to me half the time.”

  Damien sighed, “I suppose you're right. I've been so busy worrying about your well being that I haven't actually taken the time to factor your happiness into the mix. Shame on me for that.”

  “Yes. Shame on you,” I huffed at him.

  “Well, what do you want to do now?”

  “I think we should go over some rules for our relationship.”


  “First, I think we should agree to see each other more often. Maybe I could come over once a week, or you could come over to my place.”

  “If that will make you happy, and you don't think it will overwhelm you.”

  “I don't think it will overwhelm me. Second, we need to start trusting each other more. Colton may have feelings for me, but I don't return them. It's you that I love, you that I want to be with. Having said that, he's still a great friend, and I don't have enough frien
ds. I don't want to have to sacrifice that friendship just because he makes you uncomfortable. I hope you understand.”

  Damien paused for a moment before responding, as if trying to figure out how to word what he wanted to say, “I think I can deal with that, though I certainly don't like it.”

  “Good, because it's not optional. I don't tell you who you can hang out with, and you don't tell me who I can hang out with. We just trust each other.”


  “Third, I want you to meet my parents, both of them. Whether you consider yourself to be or not, you are my boyfriend. We've been together for a while, and it's only right for you to meet them.”

  Damien shifted uncomfortably. “You sure are making a lot of demands.”

  “You put me through hell this week. These are my terms. I've agreed to plenty of your terms that I didn't like and have asked for nothing in return up to this point. This is our compromise. These are the things it's going to take to keep me by your side.”

  “You make it sound more like an ultimatum.”

  “Maybe it is. Now, do you want to hear the rest or not?”

  “Go ahead.” He nodded.

  “And fourth, I want more sex.”

  That turned his frown into a grin. “How much more could I pleasure you, you wanton girl? I thought I did a good enough job as it was.”

  “You do an excellent job . . . with your hands and your mouth. I want your cock. Every time I've come over, our kink sessions have been all about my pleasure. Half the time, we haven't even had sex. How do you go the entire week only having sex once? It makes me wonder.”

  Damien looked to the ceiling, thinking. “That's a good question. I do love sex, as you know, but I also get off to pleasuring you. I enjoy watching your face as I do things to you, feeling the way your muscles clench around my fingers, seeing you writhe from the pleasure of my touch.”

  “You can make me writhe from pleasure in other ways too.” I poked at his crotch. “You're gonna have to start giving it up, or I'm gonna start taking it.”

  “That would be a sight to behold,” he laughed.

  “I'm not even joking.”

  “I'm sure you're not.” Damien pulled me onto his lap and gave me an affectionate squeeze. “Any other demands from Princess Chey?”

  I thought for a moment. Did I want anything else? If I did, now was the time to say it, when I was feeling bold and empowered. I couldn't think of anything though.

  “No. I believe I'm done,” I replied finally.

  “Alright, then I suppose you should go put your collar on for me.”

  “Can we skip that for the night?” I gave him a desperate look. “I've been going through so much lately. I just want a night of normality with you. No kink. No BDSM. Just you and me. We can go back to it tomorrow, just not tonight.”

  “If that's what you want.” He stood, picking me up and forcing me to clutch onto his neck.

  “What are you doing?” I asked in shock.

  “I thought we'd start with request number four.” Damien readjusted me in his arms and then carried me down the hall.

  My eyes instinctively landed on the classroom as soon as it came into sight, but he passed it, walking me back to his bedroom. Very lightly, Damien set me on my feet, though he didn't let me go. He gazed into my eyes, melting away any icy barriers of doubt that I had about our love. When his lips touched mine, they were earnest, moving softly, affectionately. I returned his heated kiss, moaning against his mouth.

  Already, his hands were wandering, gently caressing my side, lifting my shirt so his fingertips could tease my skin. Each touch was sensual and delicate, lighting something inside of me that went far beyond the realm of pleasure. My heart and body were on an equal plane of contentment, drowning in every gentle caress.

  Damien lovingly undressed me, kissing my neck and touching all of my most sensitive spots. He was more attentive than he had ever been, worshiping me and making me feel like a goddess.

  When I was down to my panties, Damien sat me on the bed and knelt between my legs to kiss my stomach. I craned my neck back, watching our reflection in the mirror on the ceiling. We didn't even look real. It was like two completely different people were up there. A beautiful young woman with fiery red hair stared back at me. Her brown eyes looked completely lost in lust, her lips slightly parted in a soft moan. The man between her legs was absolutely gorgeous, though he would look so much better without a shirt on.

  I smiled deviously as I griped at his shirt, clumsily pulling it off. Damien stopped for a moment to toss it to the floor, then gazed up at the ceiling to see what I was looking at. He grinned when he saw the goofy look on my face, then went back to work, covering my torso with kisses.

  “Lay back,” he told my breathlessly, and once I did as I was told, he quickly removed my panties, leaving me naked and exposed for the mirror's viewing pleasure.

  When he plunged his tongue between my folds, the mirror was almost forgotten. The movie I had been watching turned off, and I was back to reality, back in my body, back in the moment. I tangled my fingers in Damien's hair as he licked and sucked and teased my clit, making me writhe in pleasure beneath the heat of his mouth.

  “Mmm yeah,” I whispered, feeling especially impassioned.

  It wasn't long before he had driven me up the peak of pleasure. He knew my body too well—knew exactly how to get me off. For a split second, I thought about telling him I was about to come. But then I said fuck it. Tonight we played by my rules.

  The orgasm rolled through me with trembling ecstasy, but my body was greedy. Oh so greedy. I wouldn't be satisfied until I had what I wanted. All of Damien.

  When my contractions stopped, he stood up, unbuckling his pants and looking like a porn star. I shot up into a sitting position and swatted his hands out of the way, taking over. Those pants couldn't come off soon enough.

  His cock was already making a delicious tent in his boxers, and I couldn't even wait long enough to pull it out. I had to taste it—needed to taste it. Hungrily, my mouth moved to the bulge, my tongue licking over the thick fabric.

  Damien groaned lightly, and it only made me want him more. I grabbed onto his hips, drawing him to me so I could devour the package that was far too large for my mouth. My lips made a few passes up and down it, and then I hooked my fingers around his waistband and unwrapped him like a present, watching with lusty delight as his erect manhood sprang out at me.

  The open air had only half a second to touch his cock before it was in my mouth. I threw teasing to the wind, sucking and bobbing as if I could swallow him whole. He tasted exquisite, smelled exquisite, just like a man should. When Damien tangled his fingers into my hair, I knew I better slow down. We were moving too fast. Everything was moving too fast. I wanted to make love to him, not just have a rowdy fuckfest. He had trained me well though, and we were both starving for sexual affection.

  My jaw didn't even have a chance to get sore before Damien was pulling me away. He urged me up onto the bed and then crawled over me, looking like a tiger about to pounce on its prey. The carnal desire in his eyes was almost enough to drive me over the edge. When our mouths met, the kiss was far from gentle. We fought for dominance, moaning and clutching at each other and breathing heavily.

  I could feel his sex between my legs, and I grabbed it, giving him a few teasing strokes. His manhood was so hot in my hand it was like living fire, and when I felt his pulse beneath my palm, I knew we couldn't wait any longer. Haphazardly, I guided him to my waiting hole. All it took was for his tip to touch my entryway before he bucked inside.

  My breath hitched as he filled me. Perhaps it was the fact that I had gone two weeks without sex. Maybe it was because I missed Damien so much, loved him so much, needed him so much. But he felt incredibly big, gratifyingly big. I whimpered and moaned as he began thrusting, wrapping my arms around his broad shoulders and holding him tight against me. The urgency with which he fucked me felt incredible, but I knew he was sprinting towa
rds the finish line, and I wanted tonight to be a marathon.

  “Slow down,” I whispered gently to him.

  Instead, he stopped. “Are you alright?”

  “Yes. I just want to savor you is all.”

  He kissed me. This time, there was less heat in his kiss but far more passion. His hips began rocking again, more slowly this time, and he propped himself up to watch my face as he moved. I groaned softly, returning his loving gaze, enjoying the feel of his thick cock gliding in and out of my tight wet pussy. My muscles clenched around him, and I smirked at the subtle change in his expression.

  “Do you like that?” I asked.

  “Mhm,” he replied and then bent to kiss me again.

  Making love was nice, but he couldn't hold out for long. Gradually, he picked up the pace, though he never reached the furiously pounding speed that was akin to him being ready to orgasm.

  After a while, I urged him off of me, then climbed on top to ride him. Selfishly, I used his cock for my pleasure, grinding and rotating my hips on it while I pressed his hands against my breasts. He took the queue, skillfully pinched and tweaking my nipples, sending pulses of electricity straight to my clit that made my pleasure core fire off again. I placed my hands on top of his as my orgasm played out, forcing him to squeeze my breasts to the point of pain. Perhaps I wasn't the only one who couldn't settle for plain lovemaking. Maybe we were more alike than I had thought.

  When the waves of pleasure receded, I found myself on my back again. Damien had returned to lovemaking mode, wanting nothing more than to please me, but I was ready to kick things up a notch.

  I gripped him by the hair, drawing him to me. “Fuck me hard,” I whispered. “Fuck me til it hurts. Fuck me like you want to break me.”

  The look he gave me was pure shock for half a heartbeat. Then the gentle light faded from his eyes, and Carnal Damien came out to play. Oh God, what did I just do, I thought, though I was more amused than afraid. Whatever was about to happen, I had asked for it.

  Damien grabbed one of my legs, pulling it up to rest against his chest, splaying me out. He looked so sexy, kneeling between my thighs with that dominant gleam in his dark eyes.


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