Acting Naughty Book 1 of the Action! Series

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Acting Naughty Book 1 of the Action! Series Page 1

by GA Hauser


  Book One in the Action! Series


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  Book One of the Action! Series

  Copyright © G.A. HAUSER, 2009

  Cover art by Stephanie Vaughan

  ISBN Trade paperback: 9781449593148.

  The G.A. Hauser Collection

  This is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or business establishments, events or locales is coincidental.

  All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.


  “Adam, Keith O’Leary is on line one.”

  “Thanks, Natalie.” Adam Lewis sat down at his desk and picked up the phone. “Keith?”

  “Hey, Adam.”

  “Have you read the script?”

  “I have.”

  Adam detected some hesitation in his voice. “Look, Keith, I know it’s not what you were initially after. But before you turn it down, let me tell you how many other roles I’ve tried to hook you up with without success. Don’t reject it outright until you’ve thought long and hard about it.”

  “Adam…I understand that and I do appreciate it.”

  “But?” He tried not to grow angry.

  “I have to touch another guy.”

  “I know. Forget it, all right?” Adam rubbed his forehead, hating the fact that he had been sending out Keith’s headshots and credentials for three months and no one was offering him a thing.

  “Don’t get angry with me, Adam.”

  “I am. Let me tell you why, Keith.” Sitting up in his chair, he forced himself to speak calmly. “Forever Young is the hottest new drama on cable television at the moment. Okay? People would kill to get an audition, let alone an offer for a steady paycheck. Once you are in as a main character, you’re set for years. Are you listening to me?”


  “I haven’t been totally honest with you because before this offer I didn’t want to crush you, but I have to tell you, Keith, because of your…” Adam wanted to say it gently, but decided to just be blunt, “…your pretty looks. No one wants you.”

  Keith groaned. “Pretty?”

  “Yes. I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news, Keith.” Adam laughed at the irony of the conversation. “But, you’re fucking pretty. Okay?”

  “What should I do? Shave my head and grow a beard?”

  “Oh, hell no. You’d never get work at all.” Adam straightened his back and stared down at the paperwork on his desk. “Please, don’t reject it based solely because you have to have contact with another male actor. And that’s why they call it acting, Keith. Remember?”

  “I just don’t know if I can do it.”

  “Fine. I’ll tell them you’ve declined the offer. Just don’t whine when nothing comes in for you for another six months. It’s not because I’m not trying.”

  “Hang on. Don’t call them just yet.”

  Exhaling in annoyance, Adam had too many other phone calls to make to get bogged down with this kind of indecision. “I have to call them, Keith. If I don’t, they’ll offer it to someone else.”

  “Go over the figures again. How much?”

  Wishing he had sent a gay man to do the job, Adam cupped the phone to shout, “Natalie!”

  “Yes, boss?”

  “Can you find the offer for Keith O’Leary for the role of Dennis Jason in Forever Young?”

  “Yes. One sec.”

  He listened to the other end of the phone line. “You still there?”

  “I am. I want to discuss it with my girlfriend a little. I mean, this may weird her out as well.”

  “Why? Jesus, Keith, you’re not expected to screw the guy. You know these dramas, if two men kiss it’s monumental late night news.”

  Natalie rushed in with a folder.

  “Thanks, Nat.” Adam took it and pulled the paperwork out of the envelope. “Right. Ready?”


  Adam read the terms of the contract, including the salary. Once he had he pushed the papers aside, he reclined in his leather chair. “I need to call them sometime today.”

  “I’ll get back to you in an hour.”

  “Thank you, Keith.”

  “No, thank you, Adam.”

  Adam hung up and grumbled, “You better take it, baby, there ain’t much out there for you.”

  Natalie stood at his office door. “Is he passing it up?”

  Slipping the paperwork into its folder, he replied, “He’s afraid to kiss a man. Believe it?”

  Smiling wryly, Natalie approached him to retrieve the folder. “You should invite him over for dinner with you and Jack. Oh, and Steve and Mark.”

  Adam gave her an impish grin. “That would either convert him or scare the nuts off him.”

  Natalie left his office, giggling as she went, to sit back at her desk.

  Adam kept his smile as he looked at a photo of he and Jack propped up on his desk.


  “What did he say, Keith?”

  Dropping down on the sofa beside Patty with the pad he had scribbled figures on, Keith showed her the numbers.

  “That much?”


  “Do it!”

  Keith rubbed his face with both hands, leaning over his lap as he considered his options.

  Patty curled around him to support him. “Keith, I’m struggling to pay my half of the rent waitressing and you’re living off your savings. It’s not good.”

  “I know.”

  “We both have been dying to get into acting. That soap is awesome. It’s the hottest show on cable at the moment.”

  “I know,” he echoed, moaning.

  “You’d be insane not to take it! Look!” She held the pad with the amount of his salary on it as if he hadn’t been the one to write it.

  Flopping back to slouch on the couch, Keith connected to Patty’s worried eyes. “Fine. I’ll take it.”

  She wrapped around his neck and kissed his cheek. “Hollywood here you come!”


  Adam arrived home seeing Jack’s Jaguar parked out front. Taking off his tie as he entered the house, hearing loud rock music, he peered into their home gym to find his blond hunk pumping iron. “Hello, handsome!”

  “Hey, cutie.”

  “I’ll be there as soon as I change.”

  “Can’t wait,” Jack replied, pressing an enormous amount of weight over his head while he lay back on a bench.

  Ascending the stairs to their bedroom, Adam quickly shed his suit and dressed in a pair of gym shorts and a running top. Carrying his sneakers, he jogged back to the gym and sat down on a bench to tie his laces.

  “How was work?” Jack shouted over the loud music.

  “Good. Remind me to tell you something.”


  “Yes.” Adam gave Jack a smile.

  After Jack set the weights down on their mounts, he sat up, crossed the room to lower the music. “Now what?”

  “No. Nothing like what you’re thinking. I know how your mind works, Larsen. I’m not in trouble.”

  “Good.” Jack approached. “Don’t I get a kiss hello?”

  “Oh. I’ve been remiss! Get over here, stud.” Adam jumped off the bench and onto Jack, wrapping his legs around his hips. Moaning softly at the taste of Jack’s mouth, Adam enjoyed a good wet tongue kiss before he paused to stare
into Jack’s aquamarine eyes. “If we keep this up, we’ll screw instead of working out.”

  Jack set him back on his feet gently. “What happened at work?”

  As Adam stood on the treadmill, feeding it his info, he replied, “You know that incredible new cable television series, Forever Young?”

  “I do.” Jack began adding more weights to his already loaded bar.

  “I sent a young, pretty, blue-eyed blond there for an audition for a new character. They loved him. Instantly made an offer.”

  “And?” Jack lay back down on the bench, adjusting his leather fingerless gloves.

  “The guy is twenty-six and hasn’t done anything but a few crappy commercials. But…he’s damn gorgeous.”

  “And?” Jack asked with more emphasis.

  “He’s straight and the roll is for him to play a gay partner to one of the regulars.”

  “Which regular?”

  “If I tell you, it’ll be a spoiler.”

  “Adam…” Jack chided.

  “For Troy Wright. The character that plays the son of Sylvia and Marty. The actor’s name is Carl Bronson.”

  “He’s going to be gay?” Jack laughed. “I love that show.”

  “I know. He’s fricken hot. Do you believe this client, Keith, almost turned it down because he has to touch the guy?”

  “I’d touch him.”

  “Oi! You will not.”

  “I’m teasing. So? Is he taking the part?”

  “He is. He called me right before I left the office.” Adam began a slow jog to warm up. “Jack, he’d be nuts not to. The money is phenomenal, and if his character melds well with the existing cast, he could have a job for years.”

  “He wouldn’t be the first straight man to play a gay role. What’s the big deal? Gay guys play straight roles all the time.”

  “Shh, that’s a secret.” Adam winked.

  Chapter One

  Keith showed his pass to the guard at the studio gate. He was allowed in and parked in a shady spot in the lot. Sitting for a moment to study his directions for the correct building, he climbed out and chirped the lock on his Subaru.

  Getting lost, Keith asked someone rushing by, “Excuse me, can you help me out?”

  The person pointed him in the right direction and he hurried to the correct door. Once again showing his pass, he gained entry. As he wandered to where all the voices were coming from he instantly recognized the set designs for Forever Young, along with the well known cast. His pulse raced in excitement. This had to be good for his career.

  “Yes, hello, I’m Keith O’Leary. I’m here for my first day—”

  “Go meet the director.”

  The man hurried passed Keith quickly. Swallowing his nerves, Keith found a petite woman standing in a crowd of the main characters of the drama slash soap. Behind her a chair with the word “director” painted on it in white stencil sat vacant.

  Moving closer, hearing her giving her opinions, Keith assumed this was the new powerhouse of television drama, Charlotte Deavers.

  Someone spotted him and tapped Charlotte on the shoulder, gesturing to him. When she spun around, Keith gulped a dry lump in his throat.

  “Keith!” She rushed towards him with her hand out. “I am so glad to see you. Oh, you are too fantastic! Everyone, this is Keith O’Leary. Hang on, hang on…” she began shouting, “Carl! Where’s Carl?”

  His hand still clasped in hers, Keith looked to where she was gesturing.

  A tall, strikingly handsome man, wearing a pair of faded blue jeans and a sleeveless black T-shirt, holding a script in his hand, turned her way. Keith instantly recognized him as the actor, Carl Bronson. Wow. He may never have touched a guy before but he sure as shit could tell an exceptional one when he spotted one.

  “Carl, come here. I want you to meet your new co-star.” Charlotte released Keith’s hand and stood back, as if she wanted to witness this first contact and absorb it.

  Keith’s skin broke out in chills. Yes, Carl looked good on television, but Keith had no idea how tall, nor how incredibly muscular he was without all the heavy clothing he wore in the show. Keith felt small by comparison, being only five foot eleven.

  “Carl, this is Keith O’Leary. He’s playing your new squeeze, Dennis Jason.”

  “Nice to meet you.”

  Keith reached out for his hand. It was warm and the grip was strong. “You too.”

  “Good! Good!” Charlotte pushed them together with a hand on each of their backs. “Get acquainted. We’ll have a speed through here any minute.”

  When she scurried off, Keith was left struggling for something to say.

  “You’ll get used to her.” Carl’s eyes darted to his director. “Her energy level drains the shit out of me.”

  Keith laughed shyly.

  “What else have you done?” Carl asked, his voice deep and masculine.

  “Not a lot. To be honest, this is my debut. I did mostly commercials, and even those I haven’t done in a year.”

  “Well, this is your big break, Keith. It’s done wonders for my career. The show is top rated, the writing is fantastic, and they are on the cutting edge of cable television drama.”

  “I know. I’ve watched the show and been a fan of the whole first season. I love it.”

  “Good. That helps.” Carl smiled.

  Keith found himself staring at Carl’s lips. He felt he had to. He was going to have to kiss this man. Standing next to him, feeling some hot aura of sexuality emanating from him, Keith wondered if his fears were worse than reality. After all, the guy was unbelievable looking. It could be worse. He could be kissing an ugly geek or an old man.

  “Have you reviewed the script?” Carl asked.

  “Yes. I’ve got my part memorized. I didn’t want to fuck up the first day.”

  “Wow. Good job. It’s rough for me. I don’t know why. Once I get going I’m okay, but I have to admit I sometimes write cues on my hand.”

  Seeing Carl’s sweet expression, Keith felt so much more at ease than he had five minutes ago. The guy was down to earth, not cocky or conceited.

  “I just hope my nerves don’t get the best of me.”

  “Don’t worry. No one here is nasty. It’s a good, patient group. I love working with them, and I pray this drama keeps going for years like some of the other hits they’ve had.”

  “You do? You really like the job?”

  “Are you kidding me? It’s steady work. And last season I was a relatively minor player. With your character on board, we’ll both be getting some of the best scenes.”

  A flutter washed through Keith’s gut. It was a mix of anxiety and delight. More scenes? More homosexual scenes? Could he ever get used to that?

  Charlotte’s booming shout carried over the noise. “Let’s do a speed read! Where are my boys?”

  “That’s us.” Carl nodded to the stage area.

  As Keith made his way behind him, he hoped he didn’t fall on his face.

  “Right. You need a copy of the script, blondie?” Charlotte addressed Keith.

  “No. I’ve got it.”

  “Good boy! Listen up everyone! Our newest star has his script memorized already. Learn from him.” She smiled at Keith. “I’m teasing you.” She rushed away as Keith inspected the familiar set of a living room in the main family’s house.

  Battling his nerves, Keith rehearsed his lines in his head as Charlotte gave him and Carl a quick idea of what she wanted from them.

  “You just met, boys. Troy, Dennis is the brother of your best friend.”

  Keith was trying to get used to her using their character names. This was all so new to him he hoped he didn’t get stage fright.

  “Let’s see what you can do.” She sat down and waited. “Begin.”

  Carl began the dialogue, “Dennis, Xavier told me you’re in trouble.”

  Keith forced himself to become his character. “I am. I’m sunk. My brother has been singing your praises. He said you’re the best lawyer in the c

  “He’s right.”

  “Can you help me?”

  Carl paused, doing a deliberate appraisal of Keith’s body. It was so sensual Keith felt the goose bumps rise on his skin.

  “I think I can,” Carl crooned.

  Moving closer to him, Keith touched Carl’s arm. “I’m serious, Troy. If you can’t make this problem go away, I don’t know what I will do.”

  Looking down at the contact, Carl gave Keith an adoring smile. “You just let me handle it. I owe it to Xavier to get you off the hook.”

  “Thanks, Troy. I mean that. I don’t have too much money…”

  Carl cupped Keith’s face. Keith’s skin went icy and his heart began going berserk under his chest.

  “You don’t worry about money, Dennis. We’ll work something out.”

  “Cut! Perfect! Oh, the chemistry between you two is amazing.” Charlotte cheered.

  Keith stepped back from Carl, trying to regain his composure. What the hell was that all about? His body was going wild. He’d become a complete shivering bundle of nerves. Checking to see if Carl showed any reaction to the scene, he found him reading over the script, looking very casual. Continuing to back away from the crowd as the next scene was about to be read, Keith fought to control himself. He was trembling in spasms of fear.


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