Mutineer (Empire Rising Book 7)

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Mutineer (Empire Rising Book 7) Page 25

by D. J. Holmes

  -Excerpt from Empire Rising, 3002 AD.

  “Okay, does anyone have anything else to discuss?” Prime Minister Dawson asked and paused for several seconds as she looked around. “Then let’s bring this meeting to a close. Thank you all for your time.” With a nod in the general direction of those around her, Dawson sat down and turned to speak to one of her aides.

  It was only when a series of hushed conversations broke out all around her that Suzanna realized the meeting had finished. She looked around for several seconds to confirm her suspicion. Some of the national leaders were standing and turning to leave. It must be over, she thought. She hadn’t really been following what was going on.

  “First Councilor,” a familiar voice said. making her turn in her seat. “I am glad you were able to attend this meeting. Though I imagine some of the topics weren’t exactly high on your list of priorities.”

  “Empress,” Suzanna said as she stood and held out her hand to Christine. “I’ll not argue with you on that. However, it was entertaining to watch you spar with Vatu.”

  “Well,” Christine replied with a smile. “I’m glad to have brightened up your day. Now come with me, we must talk.” As she spoke, Christine took Suzanna by the elbow and directed her to one of the corners of the large room. The entire room was lined with large bookcases and Christine reached out and lifted a book when they got near the corner. She played with it for a few seconds before continuing. “I know what the Indians are trying to do to James. My intelligence services inform me the Brazilians, Argentinians, Canadians and even his own Prime Minister are in on it. I’m afraid there’s nothing I can do to stop their plans. President Koroylov of Russia is furious, but between us we don’t have enough influence over the Military Subcommittee to keep James in command. I’m sorry.”

  Christine’s tone told Suzanna she really meant it. In response she reached out and placed a hand on Christine’s shoulder. “Thank you for sharing this with me. I’m afraid Kapoor is going to contact me again soon and demand an answer.”

  “I’m afraid she will,” Christine agreed. “Do you know what your response will be?”

  Suzanna shook her head. “No. How can I choose between my husband and my people? I have been at a complete loss since Kapoor propositioned me.”

  “In time, both of them will get over it,” Christine replied. “James will understand if you back the tribunal’s findings. And the people of Haven will survive if you don’t. Your history should assure you of that. A little economic hardship now will not be the end of the world. Perhaps you are making more out of this decision than you need to.”

  “You think this decision is easy?” Suzanna asked as she lost some of the gratitude she had been feeling towards Christine.

  This time Christine reached out and touched her elbow. “No, of course not. I’m just trying to bring you some comfort. If you have to choose between two bad options, at least you know you’re being forced into it. It’s not as if you are willingly going along with either choice. And there is one other thing I wanted to share. I have spoken to Koroylov about Haven. Whatever happens, we intend to encourage our own national companies to pursue more investment opportunities in your system. Most already have substantial commitments elsewhere, but it should help your people, if just a little.”

  “Thank you,” Suzanna replied, genuinely thankful. “Your concern means a lot to me.” Then a thought occurred to her, “What would you do if faced with the choice before me?” she asked, genuinely interested in what the famed Empress of China would do in her shoes.

  Christine opened her mouth but nothing came out. She fiddled with the book she had pulled from the bookshelf for several seconds instead. When she did turn to fully face Suzanna, Suzanna was surprised to see her eyes had watered up. “I’ve already made that choice. My people or the man I love? I don’t envy you having to do the same. Perhaps it was a mistake to speak to you. I’m sorry, I can’t be of more help.”

  Suzanna reached out to catch Christine’s elbow as she turned but the Empress was too fast. Suzanna made to call her back but stopped herself, Christine was already hurriedly moving away. As she went, one hand came up to her eyes and wiped away the tears before they fell down her cheek. Suzanna watched her go. The look of pain and loss on Christine’s face had been unforgettable. As she played back her question in an effort to figure out what had just happened, realization dawned on Suzanna. Christine had broken up with James and, not long after, married Emperor Na. James had told her it had been a political marriage. Until now she hadn’t realized just how political. Christine had still loved James. Perhaps she does even now, Suzanna thought. The emotions on Christine’s face hadn’t been old ones, they had been raw. She chose her people over James and she still hasn’t got over it.

  Suzanna knew what decision she was going to make. The people of Haven understood hardship. They had elected her to lead them, but they had elected her! That meant they had elected someone who fiercely loved their partner. She couldn’t be true to those who had elected her and abandon James. She didn’t want to make the same mistake Christine had. She wouldn’t. I will not betray James. My people will understand. No, they will support me! No Havenite would support someone who tried to threaten their family.

  For the first time in days Suzanna felt peace. For a few moments she casually looked at the books around her as she allowed that peace to settle her emotions. Then she turned to thinking through what she would do next. Once a plan was in place, she let out a deep breath and turned to look around the room and find Davenport. Quickly she moved over to him and motioned for him to lean over. “I have decided. We’ll be putting your suggestion into action after all. Make sure you’re ready.”

  “Yes ma’am,” Davenport replied with a wide grin. He clearly was in favor of her decision.

  “First Councilor,” a voice called after her as Suzanna turned to leave the room. Suzanna turned and put on her best smile. She recognized the voice of Prime Minister Vatu. “I hope you’re not leaving First Councilor,” Vatu continued when their eyes met. “I was hoping to have a private chat with you. Some of the other leaders are meeting with a portion of the Military Subcommittee. Perhaps you would like to join us?” Vatu’s tone made it clear he wasn’t making a request.

  Suzanna was tempted to refuse out of pure petulance. But the thought of having to prolong the situation even more made her hesitate. She had little doubt that Kapoor was among those from the Military Subcommittee that Vatu intended to meet with. This was it. They were going to force her to give them an answer. Well, she thought. I’m ready. “It would be my pleasure. Lead on Prime Minister,” she said as she waved for Vatu to take the lead.

  With a slight bow and a smile, Vatu turned and led her out of the conference room. They wove their way through a number of corridors until Vatu stopped beside a door that looked like all the others they had passed. “They are in here. After you First Councilor,” Vatu said as he opened the door and gestured for Suzanna to enter.

  Suzanna waited until Davenport stepped in and then glanced back and gave her a nod before entering. It was a small insult to show that she wouldn’t enter a room Vatu had suggested for her without her security first checking it out, but she wanted to make her feelings as clear as possible.

  As she entered the room, she was confronted by a wooden desk with eight seats arranged around it. No one was sat around it though. At the other end of the room there were several couches facing each other. Four people were already reclining on them, each held a drink or had one sitting at their side. Suzanna knew them all. She had done her research on the Military Subcommittee. Kapoor was there, obviously. Beside her was Representative Diaz of Brazil. The other two people were both Admirals in the UN Navy. Vice Admiral Lopez was from Brazil and Admiral Gonzales from Argentina.

  Without acknowledging them, Suzanna moved past them and sat on the couch furthest from them all. In contrast, Vatu sat down on the other side of Kapoor. He looked at her and gestured for her to proceed. Before s
peaking, Kapoor reached over and poured Vatu a glass of wine. She didn’t offer Suzanna anything.

  Davenport had moved to stand behind Suzanna and she could feel him wanting to step in and get her a glass. The others were drinking and he wanted his charge to be able to as well. With a small flick of her fingers she sent him a signal to relax.

  “It is a pleasure to have you join us First Councilor,” Kapoor said after handing Vatu his glass. “We have been looking forward to getting the chance to discuss things with you since we heard you arrived in system. My colleagues already know of our prior discussion and we wish to hear your views on the matter. It is our intention to hold the tribunal in one day’s time. If you don’t have a positive response to my request today, we will continue under the assumption that you will not be supporting us.”

  “I’m glad you’re getting right to it,” Suzanna said. “However, I have some concerns. What guarantees do I have? How do I even know the entire Military Subcommittee is on board with this? You could be playing me. I can’t agree to anything without more assurances.”

  “That is why we arranged this meeting,” Kapoor answered. “Sitting around you are representatives from India, Argentina and Brazil. We could have brought in more but I think this proves my point. The tribunal is going ahead and its outcome is already assured. Moreover, the implications I spelt out to you about refusing our offer are also assured. I know you have spoken with Empress Na, and you’ve had a clandestine meeting with a disgraced former Prime Minister. I’m sure he updated you on the current political realities. If we move to recall military contracts that have been granted to Haven, no one else on the Military Subcommittee will oppose us. In addition, Prime Minister Vatu has more than enough sway with Prime Minister Dawson and many of his compatriots. The withdrawal of economic investment in Haven will not just be limited to military spending. If you try to oppose us on this, your people will suffer.”

  “All I have to do is publicly support your prejudiced tribunal’s finding; that my husband’s actions show a dereliction of duty. You’re asking me to betray him and everything he stands for and has fought for. You do remember who helped defeat the first Flex-aor invasion don’t you? You do remember who helped stop the Russians from conquering Earth? You do know where he is right now? Out there somewhere, fighting to defend the lives of luxury and indulgence you all live. You’re asking me to betray all that?”

  Kapoor folded her arms and a slow smile spread across her face. “That’s not exactly how I would measure up your husband. Vice Admiral Somerville has been the cause of many of the most damaging wars that have been fought over the last two decades. Right now, he is attacking an alien race and stirring up a desire for vengeance in them that will probably cost the lives of tens of thousands of our people. He needs to be stopped. If you won’t help us in this, then so be it. This is your last chance. Tell us what you intend.”

  “Is that how you all see things?” Suzanna asked as she held the gaze of each person in the room. “You’re all prepared to threaten the livelihood of tens of thousands of innocent Havenites, just to further your vendetta against my husband?”

  “I don’t just speak for myself,” Admiral Gonzales said, “but also for my government. Your husband must be removed from command and your support for such a decision would greatly reduce any popular dissatisfaction that might arise. It’s simply politics. I’m sure you understand. I have nothing personal against you or your people.”

  Suzanna turned to the others who hadn’t spoken yet though none of them ventured to answer her. “They don’t need to repeat what I have already said,” Kapoor answered on their behalf. Their presence here shows their position. Now, stop wasting our time and give us your answer.”

  “My answer is simple,” Suzanna said slowly and purposefully. “The people of Haven are not political pawns that you can use to your own ends. And I will not allow you to treat them as such. My husband is a man of honor and courage. He has sacrificed much to keep you safe. I will not betray his legacy. Furthermore, he is my husband. I will not allow you to force me to break the oath I swore before God and man regarding my marriage. That each of you would ask me to do these things tells me you are the ones who are neglecting your duty. None of you deserve the positions you hold.” As she finished, Suzanna took the stern appearance off her face and replaced it with the friendly look she used when greeting foreign dignitaries. She had used it on Vatu not long ago. “Now that we have that out of the way. Is anything else I can do for you?” she asked

  Kapoor jumped to her feet. “Do you think this is a joke?” she demanded. “We are not playing with you. Haven will be ruined. I promise you that.”

  “I’m afraid you have seriously misjudged the situation Representative,” Suzanna replied pouring derision into Kapoor’s title. “You clearly know neither me nor the Haven people. Even asking such a thing of me betrays your own foolishness. Now, as I said, are there any other matters you wish to discuss?”

  “You and your people are more stupid than I thought,” Vatu said as he joined the conversation. “You don’t want to make an enemy of India.”

  Suzanna cut him off. “Don’t speak to me of enemies. Your people made an enemy of us. Your nation invaded us. You call James a warmonger, whilst in reality, you’re simply trying to cover the shame your own political leadership has brought on your nation. Let me ask you, how did your invasion of our system go last time?”

  “Prime Minister Dawson knows her place in the new order of things,” Vatu spat. “How do you think your people would fare without the British doing all the fighting for you?”

  Suzanna returned to her calm and sweet voice. “Prime Minister, are you threatening to invade my system? I thought the whole point of your blackmail was to stop a supposed warmonger? Are you telling me your goals are more political and economic than what you’ve led me to believe?”

  Vatu’s face reddened and it looked like he was about to explode in a burst of anger. Kapoor quickly reached over and placed a hand on his shoulder. It took a few seconds, but he gradually calmed down. “Can’t you see she’s playing with us?” Kapoor said. “If you won’t do what we want, then we have no more need of you. You may leave. I hope we never have to deal with one another again.”

  “I wasn’t playing,” Suzanna replied. “I was simply showing you your true colors. We all know what’s really going on here. I will happily take my leave now and as I do, let me give you a warning of my own. You should never mess with Haven. You will regret it every time.”

  Kapoor and Gonzales actually laughed at her last statement. Suzanna shrugged off their response and turned to leave. Davenport was already ahead of her and opened the door. As soon as she crossed the threshold Suzanna picked up the pace and made her way towards the nearest exit. She wanted to be free of the place.

  As soon as they were outside, she stopped and took a breath of fresh air. Then she turned to Davenport. “Well, how was my performance?”

  “I’m no holo director, but I think it will do,” he replied with a grin.

  “And your equipment, it was working?”

  Davenport nodded. “I replayed some of it as we were walking out. I think we got everything.”

  Suzanna shared a conspiratorial grin with her chief of security. The guards of the UN buildings were very strict when it came to their security searches. However, they were laxer when it came to monitoring the equipment of foreign guard details. Suzanna suspected that was about to change.

  Chapter 22

  If one were to try and accurately analyze the politics of the Earth nations during the First Galactic Expansion Era, nothing short of a multi volume work would be required. Even a cursory glance at the literature clearly shows that political allegiances shifted almost daily. Trying to assess the impact of each such change would be a gargantuan task. Given this work’s focus is on the specific events that led to the rise of the Empire, only key events and personalities can therefore be touched upon. It goes without saying that individuals who
had an impact on the Emperor’s rise to power will be given priority.

  -Excerpt from Empire Rising, 3002 AD.

  “Well, it’s hit the news,” Andréa said as she entered the apartment Suzanna was staying in. “Look,” she added as she strode over to the holo projector and turned it on.

  A newscaster was standing outside the UN buildings, Andréa had turned her on mid-sentence, “…it has now been confirmed by two independent sources. Vice Admiral Somerville has been officially removed from command of the Outer Defense Fleet. A military tribunal held here just hours ago found that Admiral Somerville carried out acts that have been deemed a dereliction of duty. We understand this is in reference to his decision to take the Outer Defense Fleet into unexplored space. I can also confirm that Vice Admiral Lightfoot, who was dispatched to the X-32 system with a significant fleet of warships yesterday, will be assuming command of the Outer Defense Fleet. As yet, no news has reached Earth from Vice Admiral Somerville or the Outer Defense Fleet in relation to their mission to Flex-aor space. However, it seems the UN Military Subcommittee desires Vice Admiral Lightfoot be at the helm rather than Somerville. As yet the Military Subcommittee has given no indication of what will happen to Somerville when he returns. Given the serious nature of the charges against him, it is likely he will have to face a court martial to determine his guilt. As soon as I have more on this story, I will update you.”


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