The Obama Diaries

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The Obama Diaries Page 35

by Laura Ingraham

  Miranda, Lin-Manuel, 80

  missile defense, 236, 241

  Mohammed, Khalid Sheik, 326

  Mok, Carolyn, 147

  moral issues, 33, 43–44, 176–77, 200, 215, 222, 335, 349

  Moran, Ellen, 43

  Morris, Edmund, 30

  mortgage bailout, 110, 123–24

  Mozillo, Angelo, 124

  MTV dinner: Rogers at, 92

  multilateral organizations, 222–23

  Murray, Patty, 326

  Murrow, Edward R., 309

  Muslims, 189–90, 193, 200–202, 208, 235, 286

  Napolitano, Janet, 58, 118, 145, 261, 307

  narcissism, Obama’s: and advice for defeating Obama agenda, 351;

  and connecting with followers, 16;

  and definition of narcissism, 295;

  at Democratic National Convention (2008), 69–70;

  and demonizing enemies, 305, 312–13, 315–16;

  diagnosing of, 255–71;

  and elections of 2008, 253–55;

  and gubernatorial elections of 2009, 264–68;

  and manners and protocol, 271–81, 288–94, 295;

  and Massachusetts special election, 268–70;

  outside reinforcement of, 259–64;

  and presidential perks, 280;

  and race issues, 288–94;

  and vacations of Obama family, 281–88, 295

  National Bureau of Economic Research, 115

  National Park Service, U.S., 30, 87, 88, 91, 95, 103, 137, 281, 323

  National Prayer Breakfast, 316

  National Right to Life, 43

  national security, 13, 243–44, 297

  National Security Agency, 224

  National Weather Service, 151

  Native Americans, 17, 18, 222

  NATO conference (2009): Obama at, 12–13

  Naumann, Joseph, 43

  neighborhood visits, Michelle’s, 96–97, 101

  Netanyahu, Benjamin, 190, 235

  New Deal, 130

  New Economic School (Moscow): Obama speech at, 45

  New Jersey: gubernatorial election in, 266–68

  New Orleans, Louisiana, 83, 173

  New Republic magazine: Campos article in, 164–65

  New York City: Obamas’ visits to, 47–48, 287–88, 312–13

  New York Times: Axelrod profile in, 260, 261, 263;

  and Axelrod-Rogers discussion, 105;

  and Christmas at White House, 186;

  and demonizing enemies, 319–20;

  Fisher health-care comments in, 116;

  Ford story in, 40–41;

  home delivery of, 213;

  Jarrett comment about Obama in, 260;

  and Obama meeting with media pundits, 319;

  Obama Seder story in, 190;

  and vegetable garden story, 85, 87, 91;

  and Wright influence on Obama, 208–9

  Nidesand, Ruth, 56

  Nobel Peace Prize, 164, 179, 238–39, 244

  Noonan, Peggy, 315

  North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 13, 240

  North Korea, 217, 240

  Norton, Eleanor Holmes, 75

  Notre Dame University: Obama speech at, 175–78

  Nuclear Security Summit (2010), 216–17

  nuclear weapons, 21, 216–17, 219, 228–29, 240–41, 243, 244–45, 297–99

  nutrition labeling, 122–23

  Obama, Abo “Samson,” 56, 58

  Obama, Abongo “Roy” “Malik,” 56, 58

  Obama, Auma, 56, 58

  Obama, Barack: approval ratings for, 68, 152, 160, 206, 207, 315–16, 334;

  birth and childhood of, 16, 54, 55, 178;

  credibility of, 63;

  family background of, 16;

  medical checkup for, 161;

  Michelle’s first meeting with, 48;

  as orator, 46;

  personal money of, 137;

  popularity of, 40, 218–19, 220, 244–45;

  as role model, 153, 159;

  as snob, 166–68;

  “story” of, 5–6;

  wedding of, 48, 80, 209;

  worldview of, 12, 14

  Obama, Barack, Sr., 16, 54–56, 58–59, 95, 205

  Obama, Bernard, 56

  Obama, David, 56, 58

  Obama, George, 56, 58

  Obama, Malia: and Access Hollywood interview, 41;

  and anti-obesity campaign, 41, 157;

  baptism of, 209;

  and Bo the dog, 93, 95;

  at Democratic National Convention, 70;

  dolls of, 41;

  and holidays at White House, 187, 211;

  and manners and protocol, 271;

  and media coverage of Obama family, 33;

  and Obama family child rearing ideas, 50–52, 187;

  and Obama family relations, 34–37, 39, 50–52;

  and Obama International Olympic Committee presentation, 103;

  and Obama-Michelle relationship, 48;

  Obama relationship with, 41–42, 187–88;

  and Obama visit to Russia, 46;

  and physical fitness, 163–65, 168, 181, 187–88;

  and religion, 182;

  and “Risk” game, 246;

  Robinson influence on, 245–46;

  shielding of, 41–42, 165;

  at Sidwell Friends School, 34–35, 36, 61;

  temperament of, 49;

  vacations of, 151, 281, 283–84, 285, 286, 287–88;

  Vatican visit of, 193;

  and vegetable garden, 85, 103

  Obama, Mark “Ndesandjo,” 56, 58

  Obama, Michelle: Barack’s first meeting with, 45, 48;

  as fashion icon, 279–80;

  first day in White House of, 7–9;

  image of, 81–82, 96;

  as Mom-in-Chief, 50, 86, 96;

  narcissism of, 323–24;

  popularity of, 40;

  “proud of my country” comment of, 6, 9, 166;

  as role model, 85, 153, 159;

  self-image of, 45;

  short shorts of, 39, 279–80;

  as snob, 166–68;

  views about inequality of, 299–300;

  wedding of, 48, 80, 209;

  and what is America, 6, 7–9, 13–14. See also family, Obama; specific person or topic

  Obama, Sasha: and anti-obesity campaign, 41, 157;

  baptism of, 209;

  birth of, 49;

  birthday of, 285;

  and Bo the dog, 93, 95;

  at Democratic National Convention, 70;

  dolls of, 41;

  and entertaining at White House, 77;

  and first day in White House, 8;

  George Washington essay of, 37;

  and holidays at White House, 187, 211;

  and manners and protocol, 271;

  and media coverage of Obama family, 33;

  and Obama family child-rearing ideas, 50–52, 187;

  and Obama family relations, 34–35, 37, 39, 50–52;

  and Obama International Olympic Committee presentation, 103;

  and Obama-Michelle relationship, 48;

  Obama relationship with, 41–42, 187–88;

  and Obama visit to Russia, 46;

  and physical fitness, 163–65, 168, 187–88;

  and religion, 181, 182;

  and “Risk” game, 246;

  Robinson influence on, 245–46;

  shielding of, 41–42, 165;

  at Sidwell Friends School, 34–35, 36, 61;

  temperament of, 49;

  vacations of, 151, 193, 281, 283–84, 285, 286, 287–88;

  and vegetable garden, 85, 103

  ObamaCare. See health care

  Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships, White House, 199, 200–201

  Ogden, David, 43

  Oklahoma City bombing, 309, 311

  Olbermann, Keith, 302–3, 309, 319

  Oliver Stone’s Secret History of America (Showtime documentary), 22–23

s: special, 276;

  for 2016, 102–3

  Onyango, Zeituni, 56–58, 202–4

  O’Reilly, Bill, 15–16, 321, 324

  Organization of the Islamic Conference, 189, 190

  Organizing for America, 264, 305, 306

  Orszag, Peter, 119–20, 129

  Oval Office: presidential dress in, 274–75

  Owens, Marcelas, 117, 118

  The Pacific (HBO), 20, 24–25

  Page, Frank, 201

  Pakistan, 217

  Palin, Bristol, 165

  Palin, Sarah, 276, 297–99, 300–301, 304, 312, 316–17, 327, 352

  pandering, 336, 345–46, 348

  Parade magazine: Obama letter to Sasha and Malia in, 42

  Parker, Kathleen, 325

  Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, 122

  patriotism, 9–11, 25, 26–27, 232, 250

  Pawlenty, Tim, 78

  Pelosi, Nancy: and advice for defeating Obama agenda, 340, 343, 344;

  Botox sessions of, 5;

  Catholicism of, 196;

  and Debt Commission, 128;

  Emanuel views about, 331–32, 341;

  and health-care reform, 37, 196, 197–98, 270, 286, 306, 307, 331–32, 341, 344;

  Pitt meeting with, 83;

  popularity of, 331–32;

  and Tea Party movement, 305, 306, 307

  Penn, Kal, 82

  Penn, Mark, 127

  Penn, Sean, 6

  Pennsylvania Fresh Food Financing Initiative, 167

  Pension Benefit Guarantee Corporation, 139

  The People Speak (History Channel), 19

  Peters, Ralph, 240

  Pfleger, Father Michael, 195

  physical fitness: and boot camps, 170–71;

  and healthy eating, 153–55, 160, 161;

  and Michelle, 153, 157, 158–59, 187;

  and Obama narcissism, 257, 258–59;

  Obamas as role models for, 156–63;

  and Obamas as snobs, 166–68;

  and Obamas at Christmas, 187;

  and preparedness/survival plans, 150–51, 152–57, 171–72;

  purpose of, 168–71;

  role of Obama children in, 163–66;

  on Sunday mornings, 175. See also anti-obesity campaign

  Planned Parenthood, 37

  Plouffe, David, 145, 255, 301, 305, 315–16, 331, 332, 334, 341, 349

  “Poetry Slam,” White House, 80

  Poland, 235, 241

  political activism: importance of, 327–28. See also demonizing enemies; Tea Party movement

  politics/politicians: commitment to family policies of, 65;

  and love for America, 28;

  and religion, 193–204, 211, 212, 215;

  shielding of children of, 165;

  vanity aspect of, 253

  Pomfret, John, 243

  populism, 344

  Preston, James, 289

  pro-life movement, 65, 194–95, 196, 198, 345

  public service: and love for America, 28. See also political activism; politics/politicians

  Putin, Vladimir, 218, 222, 229–30, 232, 236, 241–42, 246, 252

  race issues, 20, 123, 174, 222, 273, 288–94, 305, 306, 307, 310, 336. See also slavery

  Rahman, A. R., 79

  Ravitch, Diane, 17

  Razzie Dazzle: bipartisan, 74–75;

  and Bo the dog, 93–95;

  and Brand Obama, 67;

  and celebrities as Obama supporters, 79–85;

  and conservatives, 108, 109–10;

  as going wrong, 102–8;

  importance of, 108–10;

  and media marketing of Obama, 67–74;

  and neighborhood visits by Michelle, 96–97;

  and Obama as pop star, 68;

  and Republican Party, 109–10;

  as shell game, 108;

  and Tea Party movement, 109–10;

  and vegetable garden, 78, 85–91, 95, 100, 101, 103, 104

  “Razzie Dazzle” (song), 70

  Reagan, Ronald, 2, 5, 27, 109, 175, 184, 222–23, 244, 329–30, 342, 345

  Recovery Act, 156, 303

  Reid, Harry, 37, 83, 270, 286, 290–93, 331

  religion: and Christmas, 186–87;

  and democracy, 193–94;

  and elections of 2008, 199–200;

  and faith, 176–79, 199–200;

  freedom of, 215;

  and funding for religious groups, 200;

  and healthcare reform, 194–98;

  and moral issues, 176–77;

  Obama approach to, 204–14;

  and Obama’s Notre Dame speech, 175–77, 178;

  and Obama outreach, 189–91;

  Obama views about, 173–74;

  and Obamas’ church search, 179–85, 206–7, 210, 211–12;

  and politics, 193–204, 211, 212, 215;

  and social activism, 207–8;

  and values, 188–89. See also Catholics; Christianity; Christmas; church(es); Easter; faith; Jews; Muslims

  republic, American: keeping the, 328–30

  Republican Party: and advice for defeating Obama agenda, 344, 347–48;

  and apologies of Obama, 231–32;

  and conservatives, 347–48;

  debate about U.S. role in world by, 252;

  Palin as voice of, 298;

  right-wing intellectuals in, 315;

  solutions summit of, 108–9

  Rich, Frank, 319

  Richardson, Bill, 78

  The Roadmap to America: The Last Best Hope (Bennett curriculum), 30

  Roberts, Pat, 119

  Roberts, Robin, 38

  Robinson, Craig, 49, 50

  Robinson, Eugene, 318

  Robinson, Fraser, 49, 53, 80, 95, 102

  Robinson, Marian: and anti-obesity movement, 34, 35;

  family background of, 53;

  first day at White House of, 8;

  and gifts from heads of state, 273;

  Michelle’s relationship with, 51–52;

  and Obama-Michelle first meeting, 49;

  and physical fitness, 159, 163–64, 166;

  role in Obama family of, 50–52;

  and search for a church, 181, 183–84, 210;

  Sidwell Friends School visit of, 34–35, 36;

  vacations of, 192, 283–84, 285, 287–88;

  and vegetable garden, 89–90;

  White House responsibilities of, 165–66, 187

  Robinson, Michelle. See Obama, Michelle

  Rodriguez, Maggie, 127

  Roe v. Wade, 65, 177

  Rogers, Desiree: as architect of Obama public relations campaign, 72;

  and Bo the dog, 93, 94;

  and Brand Obama, 67;

  and celebrities as Obama supporters, 82;

  and Christmas at White House, 186;

  and entertaining at White House, 24, 74–75, 76–79, 99;

  and gate-crasher controversy, 100–101, 105;

  and gay events at White House, 63;

  Jarrett friendship with, 72, 101;

  and manners and protocol, 275;

  media coverage of, 92;

  and Michelle “proud of my country” comment, 9;

  and Obama family self-image, 67;

  and Obamas’ visit to Russia, 46;

  and Obamatization, 271;

  personal and professional background of, 72;

  and physical fitness of Michelle, 158–59;

  resignation of, 104–8;

  and signing ceremony for health-care reform, 118;

  Smoot as successor to, 107;

  and vacations of Obamas, 284;

  and Vatican redecoration, 193;

  and vegetable garden, 86–87, 100;

  and visits by heads of state, 272;

  and White House as People’s House, 74, 105

  Rome, Italy: Obama family in, 282–84, 285–86

  Romer, Christina, 129, 133

  Romney, Ann, 63

  Romney, Mitt, 63, 108, 276

  Roosevelt, Elea
nor, 90

  Roosevelt, Franklin D. “FDR,” 130, 221

  Roosevelt, Theodore, 5, 238

  Rose, Lila, 109

  Rubio, Marco, 109

  Rules for Radicals (Alinsky), 297, 299. 300–301, 302, 313, 324

  Russia: Clinton gift to leaders of, 222, 275;

  and Iran, 241, 242–43;

  and Michelle role in foreign relations, 246;

  and missile defense, 236, 241;

  motives of, 244;

  Obama visit to, 45–46, 222, 241, 242, 285;

  Polish plane crash in, 236;

  U.S. nuclear pact with, 297–98;

  U.S. relations with, 45–46, 241, 251–52, 335. See also Medvedev, Dmitry; Putin, Vladimir

  sacrifice, 9, 26, 27, 129

  Saddleback Forum, 194

  Salahi, Michaele and Tareq, 100, 105

  salaries, private sector, 133

  Samuelsson, Marcus, 78

  Santelli, Rick, 110

  Sarandon, Susan, 81, 322

  Sarkozy, Nicolas, 247, 273, 284–85

  Saslow, Eli, 257, 258

  Savage, Michael, 318

  school: curriculums for, 18, 19;

  food programs in, 160, 162;

  Obama address on first day of, 98–99;

  and patriotism, 250;

  reshaping America in, 16–25. See also education

  Schumer, Charles, 133

  Schwab, Charles, 137

  Schweitzer, Sarah, 310

  Sebelius, Kathleen, 43, 98, 194–95

  Secret Service, U.S., 36, 89, 174, 187, 283, 285, 288, 294, 323

  Secular Coalition for America, 191

  Seder, Obama, 190

  sedition, 316–17

  Seib, Jerry, 319

  Senate, U.S., 128, 131, 135–37. See also Congress, U.S; specific member

  September 11, 2001, 169, 171

  Service Employees International Union (SEIU), 266, 304

  Shahim, Jessica, 130

  Shakira, 83

  Shelby, Richard, 138

  Sher, Susan, 86, 87, 105, 190, 206, 287

  Shriver, Tim, 276

  Sidley Austin law firm, 48

  Sidwell Friends School, 34–35, 36, 61

  Simmons, Christine, 46

  Slaughter, Louise, 304

  slavery, 17, 18, 19, 177, 221–22

  Smith, Harry, 314

  Smoot, Julianna, 107, 118

  Snowe, Olympia, 75

  social activism, 207–8

  social networking, 327

  Social Security, 60, 129, 303, 333

  socialism, 168, 331

  Soetoro, Lolo, 55, 59

  Soetoro, Maya, 53, 55

  solutions summit, Republican, 108–9

  Sornberger, Lyman, 148

  Soros, George, 6

  speaking: off the cuff, 6, 44, 123;

  scripted, 6

  Special Olympics, 276

  Specter, Arlen, 74–75, 128

  spending: and advice for defeating Obama agenda, 347, 348;

  and balanced budget, 130;

  and demonizing enemies, 320–21;

  and health care, 129;

  by Obama administration, 59–61, 128;


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