Misadventures of a Virgin

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Misadventures of a Virgin Page 5

by Meredith Wild

  I force myself to think about something else.

  I’m tempted to press him about Priscilla. Why did she wink at him? Why did he want to leave the second he saw her? Why do all the women who work here seem to want to climb him like a tree?

  Probably the same reason I do.

  “Not much to talk about,” I finally say. “This is Falls Edge, remember?”

  “And people around here always have something to talk about.”

  Just then Priscilla brings our food. A burger for Kase and a French dip for me. I’m grateful when she doesn’t linger.

  I dig in, but Kase doesn’t touch his food. “Tell me about the hotel.”

  I shrug. “The hotel is the way it’s always been. People come and go. High season and low season. A celebrity stays with us every once in a while. That’s the most excitement we see.”

  He takes a bite of his burger. “What about when you’re not working at the hotel?”

  “I take a few classes at the college every semester. Not a full course load, but enough to keep me busy between shifts.”

  He’s quiet a moment. “Did you ever think about going away for school?”

  “No. Wasn’t really an option.” I frown a little, because whenever people jet off for college and I’m left in this sleepy little town, I can’t help but feel a twinge of resentment. I love Falls Edge, but sometimes my heart wants to wander too.

  “Your dad has the money for it,” he says.

  “That’s not it. If I really wanted to leave, he’d let me. I just know the hotel needs me. And I know that’s where my future is. Seems pointless to leave only to come back to the same life, just four years older.”

  “Yeah,” he mutters quietly. “I see what you mean.”

  I curse inwardly. “I didn’t mean it that way.”

  “I knew what you meant, June. Trust me, every day I wake up here I wonder why I bothered trying to get away.”

  I chew in silence for a moment. I’m not unhappy he’s back in Falls Edge, but he doesn’t seem thrilled about the homecoming.

  “Why did you come back, then? You could have used your degree somewhere else, I’m sure.”

  “I don’t know. Something drew me back here. Maybe the farm.” He polishes off the last of his burger and sits back in his seat. Something about his expression seems unsure, unsettled. “A purpose, I guess.”

  Something in my heart breaks. Because if taking over the farm was his purpose, this bargain will take that away. Instead of lingering on that note, I excuse myself to the ladies room. Priscilla comes out of one of the stalls as I enter.


  “Hi,” I say, slipping past her.

  “So, tell me, are you two together?”

  She says the last word like she can hardly believe it, let alone utter it.

  I turn slowly to face her. “Something like that.” I give her a forced smile, because however Kase and I choose to define these next two weeks is none of her business.

  She crosses her arms and leans her hip against the sink. “I would have never guessed.”

  I lift my eyebrow. “Why is it so surprising that we would be together?”

  Not many people outside our inner circle know about the rift between our fathers. Missing the chance to buy the land infuriated Daddy, but we’d kept the matter quiet in case Edwin ever changed his mind. Is it so unbelievable that Kase would want to be with someone like me?

  She shrugs and turns toward the mirror, smoothing back her slick black hair. “He’s kind of intense. Don’t you think?”

  I lock eyes with her reflection. “Kind of.”

  She turns back toward me, her face soft with concern. “Just be careful. I know we don’t know each other well, but you’re Julie’s friend, so I feel like I should at least warn you.”

  I’d almost believe she was being sincere if I didn’t get the strong feeling she wanted Kase for herself.

  “Why would you need to warn me? I’ve known Kase most of my life.”

  Not well, granted. But outside of avoiding me for four years, he’s never made me feel unsafe.

  She lets out an exaggerated sigh and crosses her arms. “Listen. I didn’t want to mention anything, but Kase and I hooked up a while ago. It was just… I don’t know… Weird. I mean, he’s extremely hot. Don’t get me wrong. I’m just not into that scene. Like, if a guy wants to tie me up, I figure he’s getting ready to hide a body.”

  She chuckles, and I force myself to join her. The truth is, I’m torn between scratching her eyes out and feigning concern to get more information out of her. I settle for a third option—pretending like I don’t care and doing whatever I can to ward her off.

  “Thanks, Priscilla. I appreciate your concern. I’m sorry it didn’t work out between you two, but Kase and I definitely don’t lack chemistry.” I twist the end of my ponytail and shoot her a knowing smile that I pray sends her in the opposite direction.

  The humor in her expression fades as she looks me up and down. She turns back toward the mirror and pinches her cheeks. “Whatever. Just thought you’d want to know what you’re getting into,” she mutters before disappearing out the door.

  I exhale heavily, go into the stall, and mumble a string of curses to myself, though hurling them at Kase or Priscilla would be so much more satisfying. My mind is a chaotic jumble. Between this afternoon’s almost-moment with Kase, Priscilla’s warning about him, and knowing that, no matter what, in two weeks nothing will ever be the same between us, my thoughts don’t know where to land.

  When I return to the table a few minutes later, Kase is talking with an old buddy. His megawatt smile almost makes me forget how irritated I am.

  “Hey, June.” His blond friend is tall like Kase and built like a god. No wonder they’re pals.

  “Hey, Carter,” I say, avoiding his eyes as I lift into my seat.

  “How’d you manage to get Kase out of the house? We’ve been trying to get him out here for weeks.”

  Then I blurt out the first thing that pops into my head. “I promised he could tie me up later if we grabbed a bite to eat first.”

  Both men stare at me, slack-jawed. I shove a french fry into my mouth to silence any more unsavory comments from bursting free in the next thirty seconds or so.

  “Wow. That sounds personal,” Carter says with a laugh. He lifts his eyebrows and slaps Kase on the arm. “I guess I won’t keep you. Good to see you, man.”

  “You too,” Kase says, never taking his eyes off me.

  When Carter disappears, Kase’s expression hardens.

  “I had a nice chat with Priscilla in the bathroom,” I say.

  “Let me guess. You launched a full-scale investigation into why she winked at me when we walked in.”

  “No, actually she ambushed me in there to warn me about your ‘intensity.’ Don’t worry. I told her I was cool with all of it.”

  I eat a few more fries like we’re not having one of the most awkward conversations of my life. Kase’s stare burns hot like a brand on my skin.

  “Are you?”

  “I have no idea.” I finally look up. “You know what I’m not cool with? Getting the lowdown from every girl in Falls Edge you’ve slept with.”

  “Thankfully it’s a short list.” His lips form a thin line.

  “It’s still a list.” I toss my napkin on the table, get up, and head for the door.

  “June. Wait.”

  I ignore him and leave the restaurant. The rain has started, but thankfully the truck is unlocked when I try the handle. I get in and try like hell to rationalize how I’m going to get through the rest of the night with Kase. Never mind the next two weeks.

  He jumps into the truck a few minutes later, slamming the door loudly behind him. Maybe because it’s an old truck. Maybe because he’s mad. I don’t give a damn.


  “Just take me home.” I cross my arms tightly and try to peer through the rain streaming down the window. “Your home, I should say.”

nbsp; He cusses under his breath and starts the engine. We’re heading out of town toward the farm as the rain hammers harder on the roof. It’s more than a sprinkle. It’s turned into a full-on deluge that causes Kase and the minimal traffic around us to slow.

  “No one knows how to drive in the damn rain,” he mutters. He swerves, passes a slowing car, and hits the gas to bring us back up to speed.

  I grip the handle on the door. “Slow down.”

  He doesn’t look at me. “I’m going five over. We’re fine.”

  “No. You’re going too fast.”

  “We’re fine, June. It’s just a little rain. Relax.”

  “If you want me to relax, slow down!” I suck in a panicked breath. My knuckles are white as I grip the handle. Sweat prickles against my palm on the seat.

  He takes his foot off the gas. “Hey, I’m sorry.” He reaches across and takes my hand. “We’re slowing down, okay?”

  I don’t answer. Second by second, the panic ebbs away. My heartbeat returns to normal. Then he turns onto a side road that I know won’t take us home.

  Chapter Seven

  “We’re just going to park for a few minutes until this rain stops.”

  Kase pulls the truck into an empty lot at the head of one of the many hiking trails. There’s nothing but trees and gravel around us. Nothing but the sound of the rain falling in heavy sheets and the hum of the engine.

  I’m grateful for a minute to collect myself, even though I’m certain he must think I’m crazy. Between my earlier comments and now my weather anxiety, he’s likely wondering why he invited a lunatic into his life.

  “I’m sorry,” I finally say. “My mom died in a car accident.”

  He squeezes my hand gently. “I know.”

  I press my eyes closed. “When the weather’s bad, I can’t help but think about it when I’m on the road. I’m sorry I yelled at you.”

  “I’m sure I more than deserved it.”

  I laugh softly. “You did. Just not for that.” I shake my head. “I guess it’s starting to make sense why I never left Falls Edge. I can’t even handle a little rain. You must think I’m—”

  “You’re human. And you don’t entirely trust me yet. It’s fine. We all have our hang-ups.”

  I draw my free hand into my lap. “What are yours, Kase?”

  He pauses. “I don’t know. I guess I have a few.”

  “Priscilla seems to think so.” I pray he doesn’t hate me for bringing this up, but I have to know more.

  He sighs. “Gotta love small towns.”

  “Why did she tell me to be careful of you?”

  He stares blankly ahead. “Because when she’s not sneaking shots behind the bar, she’s spreading mindless gossip.”

  “What happened between you?”

  “We’re not talking about this.”

  I rip my hand out of his grasp. “Yes, we are.”

  “Damn it, June.” He shoves his hands through his damp hair. “Let’s just say we weren’t compatible. We both had a few too many at Mackie’s one night and ended up at her place. We started messing around, I misread the signals, and realized too late that she didn’t enjoy my flavor of kink. I don’t think it traumatized her too much, though, because she hasn’t stopped texting me wanting round two since I got back into town.”

  My jaw falls but I snap it back shut. I’m still upset with both of them. Priscilla just slid into first place, but knowing that Kase took her to bed has me feeling suddenly sick.

  “You left Falls Edge making me believe you cared about me. Hell, you told me you cared about me today. How am I supposed to believe any of it when you came home and slept with someone like her?”

  “June, you have no idea what you’re talking about. Not a goddamn clue. Let’s just go home.”

  He reaches for the gear shift, but I stop him, taking his hand in mine again.

  “Tell me why I wasn’t good enough. Just tell me.”

  “You were too good, okay?” The intensity burning behind his eyes steals my next breath. “And for the record, I didn’t sleep with Priscilla that night. We didn’t get that far. But if she hadn’t wigged out I would have, because I was at a point in my life where I didn’t give a damn about anything. Wasting the night with her would have been just the thing to make me forget about shit I didn’t want to think about. For four years, I chased every impulse and fed every fucked-up desire. I poured gasoline on a mountain of pain you’ll never understand and gambled on there being something worth living for in the ashes.”

  I caress my fingertips against his, silently hoping he knows that under all the frustration and my own hurt, I care. Even if I don’t understand who or what could have hurt him so badly.

  “I wasn’t going to bring you into that mess, June,” he says, his tone softer. “And if I’d even considered it, your father would have cut it off before we ever began. You know that as well as I do.”

  I bite the inside of my cheek. He’s not wrong. Daddy was never especially strict with me growing up. I had more freedom than most. But when it came to the McCaskers, he would have made a relationship with Kase damn near impossible.

  Things are different now though. I’m a grown woman.

  I slide closer, reach up to touch his face, and guide his attention back to me, away from whatever troubled memories have darkened his thoughts.

  “What changed? Why now?”

  He looks into my eyes before lowering his gaze to my mouth. He leans in and brushes his lips sweetly against mine. “I found you in the ashes,” he whispers against me.

  My heart beats fast against my ribs. I don’t speak. I answer with a kiss filled with all the things I’m not sure how to say. All the nights I’d wanted him. All the affection that grew around his absence. And now a piece of my heart wants to mend the pain in his. He circles his arm around me, bringing our torsos flush. With that single act, I feel us launched back to where we were in the kitchen hours ago. So lost in the moment that we could barely stop ourselves.

  “Kase… You can’t wind me up and leave me hanging like that again. I can’t take it.”

  He answers by lifting me so I’m straddling him, my bare calves resting on the outsides of his thighs. “How about I don’t leave you hanging this time?”

  In that instant, I don’t care that we’re in the cab of his truck. I just need to feel him. Need to show him with my body what I can’t tell him with words. I sift my fingers through his hair and bring our mouths together. As we kiss, he feverishly works the buttons on my shirt and pushes it over my shoulders. My bra is loosened a second later. When he breaks the kiss, the lacy garment falls away and my breasts fall gently against my chest.

  The air seems supercharged. Anticipation. Heat. Desire so potent it’s almost painful, saturating the space between us and all around us. My skin is pebbled with goosebumps. My nipples ache to be touched. I swivel my hips in his lap, needing to know that he’s affected too. Without a doubt, he is.

  Before I can touch him there, he pushes me back and grazes his palms up my sides until they’re covering my breasts. I arch into his touch, needing more than a gentle caress.

  “You’re perfect.” The raw appreciation in his voice reaches deeper than his words.

  I bite my lip and shift my hips again, a frustrated moan crawling up my throat. He grasps my breasts and brings his mouth to them, one by one, flicking his tongue against the hardened tips before sucking hard and peppering the skin around each nipple with tiny bites.

  I hold him against me, fisting my hands in his hair. He feasts on my breasts for what seems like forever, until my skin is dark pink and raw from his tongue and teeth. The mild pain is like a scratch on the itch of my desire, only heightening my need for more. I’m past wound up. Past modesty and good reason. Before I can beg him to take the rest of me, he flips me so my back hits the seat.

  His lips are parted, his breathing as ragged as mine, as he unbuttons my shorts and drags them down my thighs, taking my panties with them.

p; Only then does panic hit me. I’m stark naked. In Kase’s truck. Only the persistent rain and the condensation building up on the windows from the heat of our bodies gives us privacy from anyone who would happen upon us. I reach to cover myself, but Kase grabs my wrists and lifts my hands away.

  “Too late for modesty, June.” He takes my foot and guides it to his other side so his body takes the space between my legs.

  Heat rushes to my cheeks and radiates down every limb at being so exposed. “What if someone catches us out here?”

  He lowers his head and sinks his teeth into the inside of my thigh. I jerk and try to draw my thighs closer, but he holds me open, his grasp firm. “Not sure I’ll care. I’ve waited too long to taste you.”

  He continues his assault on my flesh, licking and nibbling up my thighs until he’s got nowhere else to go.


  He hushes me. But the second his tongue hits my clit, I suck in a sharp breath. I push his shoulder and try to scoot away. He catches my wrist and yanks my hips down so my sex is an inch from his lips.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” His eyes are dark, molten with lust.

  “Nowhere. I’m just… I don’t know. I’m nervous. No one’s ever done that.”

  “I’m glad. But you’d better wrap your head around it quick because we’re not leaving here until I hear you screaming my name.” He rotates my wrist and plants a kiss on my palm. “And if you don’t learn how to control your hands, I’m going to find a way to tie them up.”

  Good God.

  He drags his fingertips up and down my slit, parting my folds and blowing a puff of air on my sensitive flesh. I nearly cry out again. I clench my hands into fists.

  When he licks me again, his gaze fixes on mine, a tractor beam of intimacy. “Does that scare you?”

  I shake my head. Hell if it doesn’t turn me on even more.

  “Good,” he murmurs, his breath tantalizing my skin there.

  The sensation compounds with the others. His lips, his fingers, his tongue. Heaven help me, his tongue. I lift my arm and curl my fingers around the door handle. My eyes roll back, and I lift my hips against his mouth. This has to be what heaven feels like. Pure surrender.


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