SEAL'd Lips: A Secret Baby Romance

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SEAL'd Lips: A Secret Baby Romance Page 4

by Roxeanne Rolling

  “No,” says Noah. “I decided it today.”

  “What? Are you crazy? It took me months to decide what college to go to. And you just suddenly made this huge, life changing decision?”

  “That’s the way I like to do it,” says Noah. “And something happened…”

  “What happened?”

  It suddenly hits me again that I’m actually having a real, meaningful conversation with Noah Strong. This is crazy! But I think I’m doing pretty good. It’s not exactly a flirty conversation, but at least it’s a conversation.

  “My cousin, Chris. He was in the military. He was…”

  “Chris Jenkins? The one who played football?”

  “Yeah, he was really popular. You knew him?”

  “I knew of him. I mean, everybody did. Everyone looked up to him.”

  “Yeah, and he… Well, I just heard that he lost his legs to a land mine.”

  “Oh my God!” I say. “That’s terrible. Is he OK?”

  I suddenly realize that’s a stupid question to ask. Obviously, he’s not OK if he just lost his legs.

  “I guess he’s OK,” says Noah sadly. “I mean, he doesn’t have his legs, but he’s alive. I haven’t seen him yet. I’m supposed to go tomorrow, but…”

  I don’t feel like I know Noah well enough to ask him to finish his sentence. It feels like what he’s about to say is something highly personal. No wonder he doesn’t say it. He doesn’t really know me either.

  We fall silent as Noah continues to drive. He shifts gears, and I find myself staring out the window. Wow, so Noah’s going into the Navy. That means I could easily never see him again.

  “You know,” says Noah. “I didn’t want tonight to be a downer. I shouldn’t have brought up that stuff about my cousin.”

  “No, it’s OK,” I say. “I’m glad you told me.”

  “Let’s just try to have fun tonight, OK?” says Noah.


  That makes me think about the party, and thinking about the party makes me feel anxious.

  “Looks like everyone’s already here,” says Noah, slowing the car down.

  We drive slowly by what seems like a hundred cars parked along the side of the road. In reality, there are probably only a few dozen. But it seems like hundreds.

  Noah parks the car and gets out.

  For a moment, I just sit in the car, lost in my own anxiety.

  “You coming?” calls Noah.

  It’s just a party, I tell myself. It’s just a party.

  “Whose house is this anyway?” I say, walking quickly to catch up to Noah.

  Noah shrugs. “I forget. Whoever it is, their parents are supposedly in the Bahamas or something. We’ve got the whole place to ourselves.”

  This is one of those McMansion houses, a sprawling building that looks impossibly new. The yard is massive, and professionally manicured and planted. It’s a beautiful yard, with all sorts of dark spots in the shadows, beneath the summer trees and the summer moon.

  Intensely loud music is coming from the house. I can hear it even with the front door closed.

  Noah doesn’t even knock. He just opens the door like it’s his own house.

  I follow him through the door.

  What I see completely shocks me.

  The house is packed with people. Some of them are faces I instantly recognize from back at school. Others I don’t recognize at all. Some of them seem much older than us. Maybe they’re college students, or maybe they’re even older than that.

  There are many more people than cars. I suddenly realize what I should have known before—that they all had rides and came in groups. That’s what people my age do. They all hang out with their friends and go to parties together.

  I briefly wonder what Leah’s doing tonight. Usually, if she’s not hanging out with me, she’s off on another date with some guy. She’s not exactly the party type of girl. She’s more like me, except that she’s always going out with guys.

  The living room is visible from the doorway where I stand.

  There’s a keg there, with a huge amount of people crowded around it.

  As soon as Noah walks through the threshold of the house, all the eyes everywhere move towards him.

  And now I feel the eyes moving to me.

  Noah takes my hand.

  I suddenly notice that all the guys are looking at me with hungry eyes. What a strange sensation.

  And all the female eyes are glaring at me. To them, I’m the one that Noah Strong has chosen. That makes me their mortal and sworn enemy.

  Shit, my anxiety’s coming on strong now. I can feel my heart really thumping away.

  Noah tries to gently pull me into the party, but I remain frozen.

  They’re all drinking. I’ve never had a drink in my life. I’m not even 21. And I’ve just never really liked hanging around drunk people. They get all crazy and weird. At least for right now, it’s not for me. I could see myself enjoying a couple glasses of wine in a few years, getting a little buzz… But this whole atmosphere, it’s just about getting black out drunk and doing something stupid.

  “What’s wrong?” says Noah, turning to me.

  Everyone’s eyes have gone back to their red plastic cups or to the keg, or the game of beer pong that’s being played in the hallway.

  The house already looks trashed, with family photos lying on the ground, the glass smashed. There’s beer spilled all over, and the whole place reeks. Whose ever house this is, their parents are going to be pissed when they get back.

  “I… I don’t know,” I say.

  I pull my hand away from his, and turn around and rush back outside again. I continue walking, not caring which direction I’m walking in. The grass feels good and soft beneath my feet. I feel calm again out here in the huge yard.

  “Hey!” says Noah, calling out after me. “Where are you going?”

  I don’t turn around and I don’t answer him. I just can’t enter a party like that.

  I can hear Noah’s footsteps as he runs up to me from behind.

  “Hey,” he says. “What’s going on? Are you OK?”

  “I just can’t go in there,” I say.

  “Why not? Come on, you’ll have a good time.”

  “It’s just not my scene,” I say. “Sorry.”

  Noah doesn’t say anything for a moment. He smiles at me.

  “That’s OK,” he says. “Let’s take a walk instead.”

  I nod.

  Noah takes my hand in his and we start walking around the perimeter of the yard. Noah’s hand feels huge compared to mine. It’s strong and manly. I can see why he’d be good at football, with hands like these. Not that I know anything about football. Except maybe they’d be good for holding a ball or something, or whatever it is he does in the game.

  “So,” says Noah. “You’re not big into parties?”

  I shake my head. “I don’t feel comfortable in there.”

  Noah stops, his hand still in mine. His face is gorgeous in the moonlight. “I’d rather spend time with you anyway.”

  “Are you sure? You don’t want to be living it up, partying before you ship out to the Navy? You barely even know me. What makes me so interesting to you?”

  “You’re just incredibly beautiful,” says Noah. His eyes gleam as he says it. It feels like he’s looking right into me.

  “Come on,” I say. “I know you say that to everyone.”

  Noah laughs. “I may have said a version of that once or twice,” he says. “But this time I really mean it. And I mean really.”

  I can feel myself blushing. Hopefully he can’t see my face clearly with only the moonlight to illuminate it.

  Suddenly, I notice that Noah’s face is moving towards me.

  I feel his hot breath on me, near me. He has a delicious smell to him, an intense manly scent.

  I’m suddenly very aware of his body. It’s as if time freezes as his lips approach mine.

  They touch mine. For a moment, I pause, frozen. I m
eet his kiss, my lips pushing against his.

  The sensation is incredible. It’s as if bubbles of rainbow joy are rushing up through my sternum, around my solar plexus.

  Noah continues kissing me. Our mouths open and his tongue meets mine, swirling intensely.

  His hands are on me, gripping my sides gently but firmly. There’s so much grace to his body. But also so much intensity. I’ve never felt like this before.

  My body responds. I suddenly want him like I’ve never wanted anything before. He awakens something in me, an intense desire that I was hiding even from myself.

  My nipples are hard and I’m excited. My body is all tingly. My panties are soaked, hot and wet.

  “But he’s leaving soon,” says a little voice in my head. “And you’re going off to college. This isn’t going to lead anywhere.”

  But that’s the goody-two-shoes voice that I’ve been listening to all my life. I never thought I’d be that girl. The girl who’s merely kissed intensely by the football star and wants to drop her panties for him and let his cock plunge into her. But I’ve been the good girl all my life.

  It’s time I listen to my body. It’s time I get what I want.

  And right now, Noah Strong is what I want.

  Can’t I have some fun once in a while?

  After all, I’m craving him like nothing I’ve ever craved before in my life.

  Noah’s hand moves to my breast, cupping it and massaging it over my t-shirt. It feels perfect. I’ve never been touched like this before.

  His head moves down to my neck and he kisses me there. I let out a soft sigh, almost a moan, as my head tilts back. My eyes close. I open them for a moment, and all I see is the huge moon hanging in the summer sky.

  “I want you,” growls Noah, barely above a whisper, right into my ear. “I want you so bad, Hana.”

  “I want you too, Noah.” I breathe out the words like I’m reciting something secret, about to perform some secret ritual. “I want all of you, Noah.”

  “Let’s see if there’s a room upstairs,” growls Noah. “Unless you want to go back to your house.”

  My house? There’s no way I could go back to my house and have sex knowing that my parents are close by, separated only by a few walls.

  But going inside to this trashed house? No, that’s not where I want to lose my virginity. That’s not where I want to have Noah enter me.

  The weird thing about all this? I’d almost forgotten that I was a virgin. It just wasn’t on my mind the way that it always seems to be all the time. Instead, my brain was overwhelmed with how sexy Noah is, how hot he makes me, how his body drives me crazy.

  But I should tell him, shouldn’t I?

  “I want you to take me out here,” I say, instead of telling him. “I want to lie on the grass.”

  “You’re crazy,” growls Noah. “And I like it.”

  We’re mostly out of view from everyone, but we break apart, and Noah leads me to a more secluded area.

  We have to push through some tall hedges to get to a small clearing. Noah holds the branches back for me.

  No one can see us here. It’s completely private.

  The moon shines down partially on this little clearing. Part of the light is blocked by the tall hedges. It’s just bright enough to see what’s going on, and for the moonlight to give everything a magical glow.

  “This is where it’s going to happen,” says a little voice inside me. The voice isn’t critical anymore. It’s almost congratulatory, as if I’ve finally convinced myself it’s OK to go ahead with this. It’s OK to drop the good girl act for a second and get what I want, what I need.

  Noah embraces me, kissing me, his mouth smashing down onto mine.

  We tumble onto the grass together, falling softly.

  He’s on top of me and over me. His mouth is against mine, and against my neck.

  It feels incredible to have his weight on top of me. His hands are under my shirt, massaging my breasts perfectly.

  I break away from his kiss for a moment.

  “There’s something I need to tell you,” I say. My voice is barely above a whisper, soft and throaty, full of lust.

  “I already know what you’re going to say,” growls Noah.

  “You do?”

  “You’re a virgin,” he says. “Don’t worry. I’ll be gentle with you. You’ll love it. Don’t worry.”

  His voice is soothing and comforting.

  But how did he know?

  “You already knew?”

  “Of course,” growls Noah. “I can read you. Don’t worry.”

  I nod my head at him. He helps me take off my clothes, pulling my tight t-shirt over my head and off.

  A second later, his hand is behind my back, unhooking my bra expertly. He does it even faster than I can myself.

  His kisses my breasts, holding them, sucking on my hard and pointed nipples. I breathe in sharply.

  There’s no one around. Everyone else is inside at the party. But I’m self-conscious and don’t want to be making noises for some reason. But I suddenly realize that it’s just a self-consciousness thing. Why shouldn’t he know that I’m enjoying myself?

  One of his hands slides under the elastic band of my panties. There’s not much space underneath my tight shorts, but he works his hand down and down, right between my thighs.

  His touches me and I forget all about not making noises. I let out a soft little moan as his finger starts to play with me, slowly and gently at first.

  He finds my clit quickly, and he works at my little nub of pleasure until I feel it all over my body. It feels incredible, completely different from the times that I do this to myself. Not only does he seem to know more about what he’s doing than I do (I supposed I should really work on that, right?), but it’s incredible to have someone else doing this to me.

  And it’s not just anyone. It’s Noah Strong.

  That knowledge, that name running through my head, sends shivers all over my body, through my spine down to my heels.

  My whole body feels tingly with the growing pleasure.

  “I want you,” growls Noah in my ear, his voice soft and gentle but strong and forceful. He kisses my neck again and my whole body shivers. I feel it from my head down to my toes.

  “Don’t you want me to…?” I say, unable to pronounce exactly what it is I want to do. But I can feel his hard cock pushed up against my leg and I want to hold it. I want to hold it and bring it towards my mouth and suck on it. I want to feel the girth and length in my mouth. And I want to taste the musky manliness and smell his scent close to me.

  “I thought you’d never ask,” growls Noah.

  He gets onto his knees and stands up. I watch as he pulls his shirt over his head. His torso is incredible. He’s well muscled and there’s clear definition between each muscle. His chest is strong and powerful. His arms are huge.

  He’s not just well muscled, but he’s well proportioned. His upper body tapers down at his waist to a perfect V shape.

  I get onto my knees. I’m suddenly conscious of my own nakedness. My jean shorts are still on.

  But I feel sexy wearing just shorts and no top. And Noah gazes at my breasts, perky and taut with my erect nipples.

  I slither on my knees towards him. My hands tremble as I reach for his belt, which I undo, fumbling. It falls aside with a clank, the metal buckle knocking lightly against something.

  Noah has to help me with the button, which I can’t quite get.

  But I do fine with the zipper, although it seems to take forever.

  Finally, the pants fall from his hips. They hang at his knees.

  His cock is huge. I can see the outline of it clearly as it creates a massive tent in his thin boxers. There’s just this thin veil of material separating me from it.

  I’ve never wanted anything so badly in my life. My mouth feels like it’s salivating. I’m wetter than I’ve ever been, my panties completely soaked. I feel them against me.

  Gingerly, I reach for the
waistband of his boxers and pull them down.

  His cock is before me, in all its naked glory. It’s massive. I didn’t even know they could be this big. It’s not just impressively long. It has girth. It’s thick all around. And the head is even bigger, completely swollen to an impossible size.

  “You like it, don’t you?” growls Noah, chuckling a little to himself, probably because I’m gazing at his cock in complete awe.

  Slowly, I grip his cock with my hand, wrapping my fingers around it. Doing so feels perfect. It feels right.

  His cock is warm, almost hot to the touch. And it’s hard. That’s what I wasn’t expecting, that it would be so damn hard.

  “That feels good,” growls Noah, as I tighten my grip and begin moving my hand back and forth. I move it from the base of his cock up, letting my fist completely engulf his cock’s huge head.

  Now it’s time. I can’t wait any longer. I need to taste his cock.

  I dip my head down and open wide. His cock enters my mouth and I love it instantly. The taste is almost as I imagined it, but even more intense. I smell his manliness, and it’s so close to me.

  “Perfect,” growls Noah.

  Instinctively, I tighten my lips, pursing them around his cock, creating a sweet channel for his cock to slide in and out of.

  It takes me some work, but I manage to push my tongue against the base of his cock. I bob my head up and down, letting my hair fall all around his cock.

  Noah’s strong hands reach for my head, gripping each side of it. It feels good. It feels secure and safe, to have his hands there.

  He guides my head up and down along his shaft. His cock is so long that I can keep the base of it in my fist, moving it aside only briefly to let more of it into my mouth.

  Noah’s breathing is going ragged and more intense.

  He starts bucking his hips slowly, thrusting his cock in and out of my mouth. I cease moving my head and let him have his way with my mouth.

  I love having him in control. He seems to love it too, judging by the groans he’s letting out, low and sexy, powerful and masculine.

  He continues to thrust his hips, faster now.

  “Shit,” he growls. “That feels so fucking good.”

  He suddenly pulls his cock out of my mouth. I see it glistening with my saliva, naked in the moonlight. I’m kneeling before him like his servant. I’ve always imagined myself a feminist and everything, but there’s something sexy about kneeling before him, about having him towering over me. He could thrust his cock back into my mouth in a single moment, using me for his pleasure. These thoughts make me feel guilty for a moment.


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