SEAL'd Lips: A Secret Baby Romance

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SEAL'd Lips: A Secret Baby Romance Page 31

by Roxeanne Rolling

  Of course, I’ve been to most of these places, but then again I’ve been to almost all the countries in the world. The difference is that I’ve never been to them with Sarah…

  “I’m so glad we get to take this vacation,” says Sarah, sitting next to me. She takes my arm, grabbing it hard.

  “You’re not afraid to fly, are you?” I say, suddenly realizing that I’ve never heard her talk about flying.

  “I…I don’t know,” says Sarah.

  “What do you mean you don’t know?” I say.

  “It’s just that I’ve never flown before.”

  I almost laugh. In this day and age, it’s rare to find someone who’s never flown at all.

  “Well,” I say. “That’s a good thing. That way your body hasn’t yet decided if you’re scared of flying or not. So let’s decide right here and now that you’re not scared of it.”

  “OK,” says Sarah, leaning into me. “That sounds good. Anyway, I’m not scared of anything if you’re around.”

  I laugh.

  Even after two intense years of raising a kid together, our love hasn’t diminished at all. It’s as strong as it ever has been.

  I give Sarah a couple mild over the counter sleeping pills, so that she can get some rest. She’s been up practically all night with John Junior who couldn’t sleep, apparently nervous that we’re leaving…

  John Junior has changed my life just as much as Sarah has. I think back to the last three years, starting with that night in the Hamptons and almost laugh at how crazy the whole adventure has been…

  There’s no way I could have known on that first night that this attractive woman at the party would change my life forever…change it for the better.

  I think back to the wedding, and the speech I gave. I left out a couple of the most embarrassing details in the speech, but generally I told the whole story. After all, everyone pretty much already knew the story. It had been published ad nauseam in the tabloids anyway.

  It was a nice wedding, and with Sarah asleep in on my shoulder, and the plane now cruising through the air at a good altitude, I let my mind drift back to that wedding day It was one of the happiest days in my entire life, when everything seems completely perfect. That feeling has never completely gone away. Sure, I have hard days here and there, and I still have a huge company to run, but something changed on that day that we got married. It was as if something magical happened…

  But I don’t want to get too sappy.

  Let me try to describe it another way.

  It was a small wedding. But…

  Well, I shouldn’t start describing something that I can’t remember that well.. Somehow, my happiness overwhelmed the memory of the actual wedding.

  I do distinctly remember hiding out in the closet with Sarah after the ceremony was over. And everyone was looking for us, but I had my head up Sarah’s wedding dress and she was moaning crazily. Fortunately, no one found us.

  I drift off to sleep, along with Sarah. As I’m dozing off, I wonder if we’ll share the same dreams. Sometime, when we happen to tell each other our dreams, it seems that we have been dreaming of the same things…

  The plane lands in Mexico, and we’re helped to our hotel by a nice guide who speaks English.

  I’ve never told Sarah, but I’m actually fluent in Spanish, and the guide is almost astounded when I respond to his English in fluent Spanish with a passable Mexican accent. I even know how to swear like a Chilango, which is a person from Mexico City. When I was a kid, before I got so interested in making money, I refused to watch anything on TV except for the telenovelas. I don’t know why, but I was completely obsessed with listening to Spanish, and after ten years, I could talk as well as any hispanohablante.

  “You’re Spanish is really good,” the guide says to me in Spanish. Then he adds, in English, “Your husband speaks very good Spanish.”

  “I didn’t have any idea you spoke Spanish,” says Sarah. “What other hidden talents are you hiding from me?”

  “I think that’s it,” I say. “Spanish…not a lot else.”

  “I’m sure there’s a ton of other things,” says Sarah, winking at me.

  “Here’s a tip for your trouble,” I say, in Spanish, to the guide, who’s busy arranging our suitcases in the hotel room. I hand him a folded up 100 dollar bill. I know that’s going to be very valuable to him once he changes it in for pesos.

  “I bet you have a lot of hidden talents yourself,” I say, as Sarah wraps her arms around me.

  “Maybe this is the time to show them to you,” says Sarah.

  “Oh yeah?” I say. “What are they?”

  “Let me show you,” says Sarah. “Although, you’ve already seen some of them before. But I’ve saved a couple things for our honey moon, if you can believe it.”

  “I think I like where this is going,” I say.

  “I think you’re going to,” says Sarah, hugging me tightly, before sliding her body down along mine. I’m standing up and she drags her breasts along my body. By the time she’s kneeling on the ground, with her breasts pressed against my knees, and her mouth pressed against my crotch, my cock is raging against my pants.

  “It’s been too long,” I say, as she undoes my belt buckle.

  “What are you talking about? Didn’t we have sex yesterday?” she says, laughing.

  “That’s exactly what I’m talking about,” I say.

  Sarah laughs even harder.

  Unlike other couples I’ve heard of, our sex life hasn’t died down in the least bit, even after having a kid. We just make sure that we set aside some time each day, after we’ve put John Junior to bed usually, to make love. We’ve grown in our abilities to appreciate one another’s bodies and we’ve continued to learn things about what we each like.

  For instance, Sarah knows know exactly how to give me a blog job that will drive me completely wild and crazy. If she wants to, she knows how to bring me to orgasm now within thirty seconds. It’s not that my stamina has changed at all, but it’s just that Sarah knows me and my cock extremely well.

  This isn’t one of those times though, and Sarah draws it out for ten glorious minutes before I come, my cock shooting my seed in one of the most delicious orgasms I’ve had in the last year.

  “My turn,” I say, greedily, before she flops down on the bed and I stick my head up her skirt and go to town. There’s almost nothing I love the taste of more than my wife’s pussy. Eating her out is just…it’s like heaven. I absolutely can’t explain why some people don’t like going down on their girlfriends or wives. They talk about it as if it’s some chore that they don’t like doing. But to me, nothing could be further from the truth.


  We spend a few days in Mexico where John continues to impress me with his Spanish skills. Everyone we meet seems impressed to, since not only does he Speak very good Spanish, but he actually could pass for a native.

  Next stop is Japan, where we are immersed in an intense cultural experience that’s nothing like Mexico.

  “I miss John Junior,” I say to John, while we’re picking at some Sushi. John doesn’t speak Japanese and neither do I (not even a couple words), so there’s no way to tell what in the world we’ve ordered except to try it. John goes first, diving in with his chop sticks, and making a strange face as he takes his first bite.

  “I’m just kidding,” he says, his face returning to normal. “It’s actually pretty good. I still don’t know what the hell it is, but it’s pretty good. But, yeah, Sarah, I miss him too. Maybe we can talk to him tonight on the computer.”

  “That’d be great,” I say. “The times might line up so that it’s morning over there. I hope he’s not giving my mom too much trouble.”

  “I think we should be more worried about your mother giving John Junior too much trouble,” says John.

  I laugh. “But she’s so different with him,” I say. “She was never, ever like that with me.”

  “I wish my parents were still alive to meet him,”
says John, an unusually sad look appearing on his face.

  “I’m sorry I never got to meet them,” I say. “I never hear you talk about them ever.”

  John shrugs his shoulders. “They died when I was very young. I grew up with my grandmother who died the day I graduated college.”

  “Wow,” I say. “That must have been really tough. I can’t believe you haven’t told me about all that before…” I mean, it’s not as if he’s never mentioned it. I knew the gist of it. It’s kind of amazing to me what you can learn about someone even after two years of marriage.

  Mexico, Japan, and France turn out all to be fantastic in their own way. We return back home to Manhattan and John Junior greets us happily. He had a great time staying with my mother, which I still find hard to believe. But, what can I say, she’s a lot better with him than just about anyone else on the planet. Everyone else, including myself and John, seem to ignore her to no ends.

  That night, John and I talk seriously about our trip, after we’ve put John Junior to bed of course.

  “It was so nice to get out of the city,” I say. “I mean, I’ve always felt that New York City was one of the most cosmopolitan cities on the planet. And I guess I thought that meant that I’d already traveled everyone in the world… When in reality, I’d never been on a plane before.

  “I love travel,” says John. “I think it shows your parts of your personality that you’ve never known before… It can change everyone for the better. It can make you into who you need to be.”

  “I’d already heard things like that,” I say. “But I never had the luxury to take off work and travel the world.”

  “Well now you do,” says John.

  “I no longer work at the bank,” I say. “Thanks to you and all your money. But you can’t just leave work, can you? And I can’t just leave you to go travel the world without you? And Johnny’s got to be here for school.”

  “Well,” says John. “I was thinking about this a lot on the plane ride back. I think it’s time that I start taking a smaller role in the company. I’ve always said that I can’t do it because too many people rely on me for jobs… But it’s not entirely true. Someone else can run the company… Jeff is really good at what he does, for instance. There are a lot of people who, if I put them together in a team, could do what I do. It’s just really hard for me to leave the company that I built with my own hands.”

  I nod sympathetically. “I don’t want you to do anything you don’t want to, though,” I say. “If you don’t want to leave the company…”

  “I do, though,” says John. “It’s time. I think I’ve made all the money we’ll ever need in a hundred lifetimes. And I’ve learned all I can about the business… Maybe the three of us could go traveling. John Junior is going to have at least three more years before he needs to start kindergarten. We could spend those three years traveling.”

  My face breaks into a huge smile. “That’d be crazy,” I say. But I can’t stop smiling.

  “I know,” says John. “It’s be completely crazy. But it’d be a hell of an adventure. It’d be really, really fun. Probably really, really hard. But also really interesting. Maybe the most interesting thing we’ve ever done. Imagine, a family of three traveling the world constantly…”

  “It’d be a great way for John Junior to grow up,” I say. “Imagine all the experiences he’ll have by the time he enters kindergarten! And he could end up learning a couple extra languages, the way you know Spanish. You know how good kids are at learning languages, don’t you?”

  John nods. “Yeah, they say that at his age it’ll be incredibly easy for him to pick up. He could easily learn one language a year if we stick to countries that have the same language…”

  “Maybe you and I could learn some extra language too,” I say. “It’s something that’s on my bucket list.”

  John laughs. “It’s too early for us to have bucket lists,” he says. “Our lives are just beginning.”

  “That’s so sweat,” I say, giving him a kiss. “I like the way that sounds. Just beginning…”

  “Imagine the possibilities,” says John. “It’ll just take me a couple months to break free of work, and then in let’s say four months, we could be anywhere in the world. Where do you want to go?”

  “Fiji!” I say, responding instantly. “I don’t know why, but the name has always stuck in my memory.”

  “Fiji it is then!” says John, in a comically grandiose way, waving his arms about dramatically.

  “Seriously?” I say. “You’re really going to leave the business and Manhattan behind?’

  “Yeah,” says John. “I want to spend more time with you and John Junior.”

  “You’re so sweet,” I say, kissing him on the mouth.

  John’s strong hands being caressing my body, and soon they’re under my nightgown on my breasts.

  John moves my night gown aside so that my breasts pop out. He takes them in his hands and begins sucking on my very, very erect nipples.

  “Oh, John,” I say, beginning to moan.

  “I want you so much,” says John. “I need you right now.”

  “I need you too,” I say. “I need you inside me.”

  “First I need to taste you,” says John.

  Well, how am I going to say no to that?

  John keeps his hands on my breasts, massaging them and rubbing them, while he slides down my body, and his head is now between my legs.

  He’s gotten even better than ever at this… The pleasure is intense, and I come quickly…not to mention hard.

  And by coming hard, I mean the orgasm rocks me like a tidal wave. I forget momentarily where I am. The only thing I know for sure right now is that John’s head is between my legs.

  “Oh my God!” I cry out.

  When the orgasm has finally died down enough for me to speak, I tell John to get inside me quickly. “I need your thick cock deep inside me,” I say.

  John obeys. He always sleeps naked, so it’s not like he needs to fish his cock out from anywhere.

  His cock still surprises me every time. For one thing, it’s larger than almost all other cocks. It’s also more beautiful…

  But there’s no time to behold it now. Right now, I want it deep inside me, and that’s exactly where John puts it.

  He rides me slow at first, and now hard and fast. Very hard. Very fast.

  John’s grunting with the effort and it’s still the sexiest sound I’ve ever heard on the whole planet. I’m moaning and we both come together, John’s cock pumping me full of his thick delicious seed.

  Turn the page to read Her Boss: A Billionaire and Virgin Romance

  Her Boss

  A Billionaire and Virgin Romance


  “What a prick,” says Hailey, shoving her phone in my face. “Look at this.”

  We’re squished together on the little couch that we somehow stuffed into her tiny room after finding it at a garage sale for twenty dollars—a real steal in San Francisco, the city where people rent dumpsters for hundreds of dollars a night.

  It’s morning, and Hailey’s just gotten home from some late night hook up. Me, I’ve been showered for an hour, but I haven’t yet changed into my work clothes.

  I take the phone from her. On the screen, a picture of a man in his early thirties greets me. There’s a headline, but I’m not reading that now. Somehow, I’m mesmerized by him, his piercing blue eyes, the perfect amount of stubble, the chin so chiseled he’s probably a famous actor.

  “Falling in love?” teases Hailey. “Found who you’re going to lose your v-card to?”

  “No,” I sputter. “I’m just…”

  “Just read it,” says Hailey. “You aren’t going to want to fantasize about him after you read the article.”

  I force my eyes away from his face and killer body and scroll down, so that just the headline and the article are on my screen.

  “Douchebag Billionaire at it Again,” reads the headline.

nalism at its finest,” I say, scoffing.

  “It gets worse,” says Hailey. “I know it’s just a tabloid site, but keep reading.”

  “Ryan Hudson seriously earns his title of Douchebag Billionaire of the year,” continues the article. “He was spotted last night driving over a pensioner’s wheelchair. Fortunately, she wasn’t in it, but it’s the thought that counts, right? The wheelchair, owned by Mrs. Sally Davison, a widower, is estimated to cost over $10,000. Damages to Hudson’s Maserati are currently unknown, and he was not available to make comments.”

  “Wow,” I say, taking a sip of my coffee. “What a prick. Drives over an old lady’s wheelchair? What’s a pensioner, anyway?”

  I feel Hailey shrugging against me. Yeah, we’re that squished on this couch, but we’ve gotten used to it. “I think it’s a British term for a retiree… But that’s not the first thing I’ve read about this guy. Supposedly he wants to use his company to run the world or something. And he’s…”

  I should keep listening. Hailey’s my best friend, after all. But my fingers glide up, moving his image back into view.

  My eyes gaze into his, and, yeah, it’s just a publicity photo on my friend’s phone, but…

  “You even listening to me?” says Hailey.

  “Yeah,” I say, scrolling down and then handing the phone back to her. “That’s really messed up.”

  “Well,” says Hailey. “I’ve got to get to work.”

  “Good luck.”

  “It’s been a year,” says Hailey. “Good luck doesn’t happen at the Bigfoot Diner.”

  I laugh.

  “You’re the one who really needs it,” says Hailey. “Second day on the new job. An intimidating office environment. Professional dress.” She’s teasing me lightly, since she knows I hate all those things about my new job.

  “Ugh, don’t remind me.”

  I watch as Hailey throws on her work shirt and heads out the door.

  “Pizza and wine after work?” I call out after her.

  “Depends on what I make in tips,” she calls back.


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