SEAL'd Lips: A Secret Baby Romance

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SEAL'd Lips: A Secret Baby Romance Page 43

by Roxeanne Rolling

  “It’s running,” says Jerry, monitoring the process from his laptop.

  I’m staring at my screen. My mental fingers are crossed.

  I’m holding my breath.

  My mind briefly flashes to Lily, and my cock stiffens again.

  Even though I’m on no sleep, I’d fuck her hard and fast if she was here right now.

  But she’s not.

  I wonder what happened to her? She’s not one to miss running the algorithm for the first time. After all, it was her idea that led to this new development. I’m sure she’s anxious to see how well it works, since she seems to be so into programming.

  “Shit,” says Jerry.

  My attention snaps back to my computer screen.

  The test isn’t over, but the preliminary benchmark scores are already coming in, and they’re not good.

  They’re a little faster than my old algorithm, but they’re nothing compared to what Simmons has accomplished.

  “Fuck,” I say.

  “Maybe there’s just something that needs tweaking,” says Jerry meekly.

  I shake my head. “I set up everything perfectly,” I say. “Fuck it, I’m going home.”

  I leave Jerry looking worried and confused. But he doesn’t have nearly as much at stake on this as I do. After all, it’s my algorithm.

  So this means that Simmons’s algorithm is still faster than mine, and everyone’s going to buy his. His will be the new enterprise business standard.

  On the way home, my eyes are bleary, but I’m fine to drive.

  Grabbing my phone, I give Lily a call, but she doesn’t pick up.

  I don’t leave a voicemail.

  Instead, I head home, but it’s always been hard for me to sleep when the sun’s up. I feel like I’m not being productive.

  So instead of heading right to bed, I decide to do a lifting session.

  My muscles ache with fatigue as I arrange the weights, getting ready. I do it still wearing my business clothes, so it’s time for me to change.

  I switch quickly into a pair of gym shorts. I don’t bother putting on a shirt.

  It’s not until I’m already wearing them that I smell it. More like I smell her.

  These are the shorts I lent Lily, the first night that we fucked. I can smell her delicious scent coming up from my own shorts. It sends my cock rocketing out, swelling with blood.

  I’ve got to push on through, though. I’ve got to do something strong.

  I lay down on the bench press bench, arranging myself so that the bar is right above my eyes, right where it should be. I grip my hands around the cold textured steel and push, lifting the weight off the rack where it rests.

  Fuck, I can’t believe the Simmons’s algorithm is better than mine.

  But it just can’t be true. There’s just no fucking way. I know I’m better at algorithms than just about anyone. I’m a better coder.

  There’s got to be some trick to this.

  There’s got to be something strange going on.

  Could Simmons possibly be manipulating his benchmark speed scores?

  The weight feels heavier than usual because I’m on no sleep, and it threatens to crash down on my chest for a moment, but I push through it, using all my strength to do ten reps.

  When I slam the bar back on the stand, panting from exertion, my cock is still hard and sticking straight up, making a tent in my gym shorts. My cock is straining against the thin fabric, the very spot where her sweet pussy was.

  I can’t concentrate on lifting with images of her flashing in my mind… her breasts, her perfect curves, the feeling of her pressed against my soft body.

  I pull my cock out of my shorts, letting the elastic waist band fall down to the thick base of my cock.

  Gripping my cock in my fist, I slide my hand up and down my shaft.

  I concentrate on what Lily looked like when I was entering her, making her face contort in ecstasy.


  “But that’s crazy,” says Hailey. “You can’t just quit your job like that.”

  “What the hell am I supposed to do?” I say.

  My eyes feel tired and strained. It’s been a long day of self-debate and self-criticism, a ton of emotional confusion.

  “Welcome to the world of the non-virgins,” says Hailey, sighing. “Sex just makes everything so much more complicated, doesn’t it?”

  I nod my head.

  She’s right. She’s totally right. Maybe I never should have had sex with Ryan. I’d be better off, in a way.

  But then again, if I could go back and do it all over again, I’d do exactly the same thing. It was just too hot to pass up, even if I could time travel like in one of those silly movies.

  I’ve spent the entire day debating about whether or not I should go in to work.

  I ended up debating the whole day and not going at all. That’s why I’m sitting here with Hailey now. She’s got the day off from her job, which is good because she’s really starting to hate it with a passion. These last few days, a series of horrible things have happened to her at work. One customer even threw a bowl of cold soup in her face, while yelling at her about the temperature—“If it’s not hot enough to burn your face, it’s not hot enough to drink.” What a freak. I mean, who does that?

  But also, who just stops going to work? I basically just started the job, and it’s not my dream job… but it’s becoming my dream job. I’m working on exciting new programming projects, and I’m just dying to know if my idea worked and was as good or better than the Simmons algorithm.

  We’re sitting on a bench at a park near our house. There are sounds of children playing from far away, but they’re out of our field of vision.

  An old man is sitting on the bench opposite us, and he keeps drifting in and out of sleep. There’s even drool hanging out of his mouth, getting tangled up in his long white beard. Even in his sleep, he’s still clutching a cup that says, “Hungry. Please help.”

  I get up and put a five dollar bill in it. He doesn’t wake up.

  “Why’d you do that?” hisses Hailey at me.

  I shrug. “Feeling guilty, I guess.”

  “Guilty? Lily, come on. What are you going to do? You don’t have time to feel guilty, and I don’t even understand that…”

  “I got what I wanted,” I say. “I had the interesting job… the cool programming project, the super hot billionaire who loved fucking me…”

  “Don’t be so hard on yourself,” says Hailey.

  She says that, but she’s also been admonishing me about my decision. So that’s not a huge help.

  “But what am I going to do?” I say. I’m completely overwhelmed, completely confused. My pulse feels much faster than it normally is, which I don’t think is a good sign.

  “You can’t keep fucking him,” says Hailey. “I know this isn’t much help. But did you really think the douchebag billionaire was going to be emotionally available? After all the stories that I sent you? After everything you had heard about him?”

  I shrug. “I just didn’t think he’d be so cold… and right after sex, too.”

  “Some guys are just douchebags,” says Hailey.

  “I know, I know,” I say.

  “Listen,” says Hailey. “You don’t have to fuck him to work there… He didn’t even know you were his employee. Why don’t you just go back to work? Make up some excuse about how your dog was sick or something… or better yet, use me as an excuse. Tell them they can phone me and I’ll tell them I had to go to the hospital for appendicitis or something good like that…”

  “I can’t just show back up,” I say.

  “Sure you can. Or tell them you went to the old office or something. Just play up the airhead thing…”

  I shrug. “Maybe it would work. But I just can’t work with him. I just can’t do it. Not after the way he was ignoring me. I can’t be anywhere near him.”

  “So what are you going to do for work?”

  “Maybe I’ll go back home and work a
t the furniture store.”

  “You can’t do that,” says Hailey, her eyes widening. “You just can’t.”

  I shrug. I’m feeling despondent and apathetic. “It’d be easy,” I say. “Trust me, I know all there is to know about furniture. I grew up with it.”

  “But this is your dream,” says Hailey. “You’re a good programmer. I mean, you were the one who came up with the idea on how to imitate this other algo thingy that you’re talking about.”

  “I don’t even know if it works.”

  My phone beeps at me.

  “This better not be Ryan calling me again.” I’ve lost interest in fiddling with the phone settings because of my depression, and for right now the text messages and calls make exactly the same sounds.

  “Just pick up and tell him it’s over between you two, but you’re still going to work…”

  “I’m not going back there,” I say. “I’m just not”

  “Just pick it up!”

  I finally grab my phone, and realize upon looking at the screen that it’s a text message rather than a phone call.

  “It didn’t work,” says the text message. It’s from Ryan, of course.

  “Shit,” I say.

  “What is it?”

  “The algorithm didn’t work.”

  Hailey shrugs. “What does that mean?”

  “It means Ryan’s company is screwed. No one’s going to buy something that’s not as good as the new one, which is like a thousand times better.”

  “Well screw him,” says Hailey. “He’s a douchebag, remember? Remember the way he treated you?”

  “Yeah… but I thought my idea would work.”

  “Doesn’t mean you’re a bad programmer,” says Hailey.

  “I think it does,” I say. “I hardly have any experience, and the one thing I tried on a real project didn’t work at all.”

  “Doesn’t beat Simmons’s algo,” says another text message that comes from Ryan.

  “He’s not even asking about me,” I say. “Why I’m not at work.”

  “This algo thingy is just way more important to him,” says Hailey. “Don’t take it personally… You’re hot, trust me. You’ll find someone new in no time.”

  She actually starts turning her head to look around, as if she’s trying to find someone for me.

  I laugh at this.

  “What?” says Hailey.

  “You’re not going to find anyone for me at the park…”

  “Well then, I just might find someone for myself. Hey, why don’t we find a pair of hot guys and just flirt like crazy with them. They’re bound to want to get some action. You know how guys are.”

  “I don’t think I do,” I say sadly. “But I’m starting to realize…”

  “You just need some more cock,” says Hailey. “You just need to see that this Ryan guy isn’t the best guy ever.”

  But he is. That’s the thing. I’ve never even seen anyone as hot as he is, not in magazines, TV, or the movies. And even without experience, I know that no one’s going to fuck me like he can.

  “Come on,” says Hailey, standing up and tugging on my arm.

  “I’m not in the mood,” I say.

  Hailey sighs and sits down again on the bench.

  “What am I going to do with you?” she says.

  My phone beeps again. Another text from Ryan.

  “Where are you?” he writes.

  I pause for a moment, hesitating.

  “Either don’t write him, or tell him to fuck off,” says Hailey.

  But part of me longs for him still… I don’t think I can just do it like that. I’m not like Hailey. And Hailey’s never been with anyone like Ryan Hudson. Not that there is anyone like him.

  “I’m going to go to the bathroom,” I say, pointing to a little structure that houses the park bathrooms.

  “Don’t write him anything stupid,” Hailey calls out after me as I walk towards it.

  In the bathroom, I stand there, locking the door behind me with a deadbolt that slides roughly. The toilet is disgusting and I’m certainly not going to sit on it, let alone stand anywhere near it, so I stay by the door where the sink is.

  “I’m quitting,” I write back to Ryan, in a sudden flurry of my fingers.

  “OK,” says his text message. “Meet me at my place. I need your pussy.”

  Despite my feelings for him, it makes me blush.

  But what fucking nerve!

  Who the hell writes something like that?

  “You don’t even care why I’m quitting?” I write back quickly. Too quickly. I let my emotions take over without thinking clearly about what I’m writing.

  I’m starting to sweat from anxiety, even though it’s not hot today, just a comfortable cool that now feels chilly to me. The bathroom is horribly drafty and the smell is starting to get to me.

  “I figure you’ve got your reasons,” writes Ryan. “Are you coming over or not?”

  “And if I don’t? You’re just going to call someone else?”

  There’s no text for a long moment.

  I take the opportunity to write back.

  “If you don’t even care about me, then forget it,” I write. “We’re over.”

  Fuck him.

  He doesn’t give a shit about me.

  My face is flushing with anger as I jam open the deadbolt, pulling the door with too much force, causing it to slam into the bathroom wall.

  I stomp back across the park to Hailey.

  “What happened?” she says, upon seeing my face.

  “I told him it’s over,” I say. “I just can’t do it. There’s just no way… a guy like that…”


  My cock is hard even as I get the last text from her. I wasn’t expecting this.

  What woman doesn’t want me? What woman is going to pass up the opportunity to come over to my house and fuck me, riding my cock until she comes spectacularly?

  Famous models and celebrities wouldn’t pass up the opportunity. And now this little post-virgin novice coder thinks she can deny me?

  It makes me angry.

  But it only lasts for a moment.

  I suddenly realize she’s not like the others. She’s nothing like the others.

  And I fucking need her.

  My cock is still raging hard at the thought of fucking her as I slam my car door.

  I’m going to show her that I need her. I’m going to show her that she wants me. I know she does.

  Grabbing my cell phone, I pull up an app that’s under development. It’s one of Johnny’s little hacking projects, and I doubt it’s ever going to be legally available to the general public. What it does is trace the location of the person you’ve been texting with. Not exactly legal, but what do I care right now? I need to see her, no matter what I have to do.

  She’s at Buena Vista Park, which is near another park called the Panhandle, which is shaped like a long, thin cock.

  Peeling out onto the street, I shift gears and jam my foot onto the accelerator.

  The engine’s revs go wild, shooting up into the red zone.

  I don’t care if I burn the car’s engine, or have to outrun a dozen cop cars, I’m going to get to her.

  Blasting through a red light, I completely floor it. For a car this powerful, that’s really saying something.

  My cock is still raging hard in my pants, and I can’t get the image of her pussy out of my mind.

  I pull up to the park only a few minutes later. I don’t bother parking the car properly. Instead, I just pull up onto the curb and leave the car there, half on the grass and half on the street. It’s not great for the car, but who the fuck cares? I’ve got a ton of them.

  The semi-legal app from Johnny doesn’t give very specific information, so I just start running through the park, turning my head to look for her.

  That’s her!

  I spot her, sitting sadly and forlornly on a park bench.

  There’s a homeless guy on the opposite bench, who looks li
ke he’s fallen asleep.

  Lily’s wearing just a sweatshirt and tight athletic pants, but she looks as hot as ever. Her hair is done up, showing off her face, the way her neck runs up…

  She’s sitting next to someone about her age. Maybe it’s her friend who was at the bar with her, that night that I picked her up? I’m not sure.

  “Lily,” I say, running up to her.

  This has got to be a new record for me—the douchebag billionaire never runs after chicks. Never.

  “Hi,” she says, barely looking at me.

  Her friend doesn’t say anything, but she can’t stop staring at me. She’s looking at me with her mouth open. I guess she didn’t get a good look at me at the bar the other night, and now she’s impressed. But I’ve got no interest in her, or anyone else, for that matter.

  “Come with me,” I say to Lily.

  “Why?” she says, not meeting my gaze. “I told you, it’s over. I’m not going to be your fuck toy any longer.”

  Her friend leans over and whispers something in Lily’s ear.

  “No!” says Lily, speaking at full volume. “I’m not reconsidering, no matter how hot he is!”

  She suddenly realizes I can hear her—it happens sometimes when people are very emotional.

  They both blush.

  I don’t give a shit, though.

  Hell, I know they think I’m hot.

  “Come with me,” I say.

  “I’ll be right back,” says the friend. “Sounds like you two have some things you need to talk about.”

  “Don’t go,” says Lily.

  “I’m just going to take a walk.” And she mouths very obviously, “He’s hot!” at Lily.

  The friend walks away.

  “Why do you want me to come with you?” says Lily.

  “I need to feel your tight pussy again,” I say. “I need to sink my cock deep inside you. I can show you more pleasure than you can imagine. We haven’t even gotten started.”

  I can see that this has a physical effect on her, but…

  “Is that all you care about?” says Lily. “What about how you didn’t even speak to me after you fucked me in the closet? How about that?”

  “What’s there to talk about?” I say.


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