SEAL'd Lips: A Secret Baby Romance

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SEAL'd Lips: A Secret Baby Romance Page 70

by Roxeanne Rolling

  Liam calls me.

  “I was just thinking about you,” I say.

  “We still on for dinner? I thought we’d try a restaurant this time instead of my house.”

  “Sounds good,” I say. “I’m already in Center City. Do you want to meet me somewhere?”

  “There’s a fancy Italian place…”

  “What about something simpler? I left the house early today, and I’m not exactly dressed for a fancy dinner.”

  “What are you wearing?”

  “A t-shirt and a skirt.”

  “Sounds hot.”

  “Listen,” I say. “I’m sorry about the other night… I don’t know what came over me.”

  “Don’t worry about it,” says Liam. “I wish you had told me earlier, but it’s not a big deal. We can go slow, if you like.”

  “I don’t want to go slow tonight,” I say.

  Liam laughs. “Honestly, that’s what I was hoping to hear. OK, I’ll send you the address of the place soon. Meet me there in twenty minutes?”

  “Sound good,” I say, saying goodbye and hanging up.

  He sends me the directions to a Thai place a moment later and I smile reading his message. “I may be a decent cook, but I’m sure these guys do a better Thai curry anyway.”

  I can’t wait for tonight. I’m still a little nervous. But for some reason, seeing that Liam didn’t totally freak out at the revelation that I was a virgin—this all makes me feel more comfortable somehow. I can’t really explain it. But I already know tonight is going to be a special night, one that I’m going to remember for a long, long time.

  And hopefully I’ll be remembering it with Liam.

  But is that just my own little fantasy? Does he just think of me as a hot little fling, another notch on the bedpost?

  I don’t know. I don’t know how I could know.

  “Excuse me,” says someone, walking right into me from behind.

  “That’s OK,” I say, turning around to see who’s just run into me.

  It’s a nurse, wearing her blue scrubs. She’s bending over, trying to pick up a couple shopping bags that she must have dropped when she ran into me.

  “Here,” I say, bending down. “Let me help you with those. You’ve done a lot of shopping,” I say, trying to make a joke, as I hand her small bag after small bag.

  “Just trying to deal with the stress of work,” she says, making an exaggerated grin.

  “You work at the hospital?” I say.

  “Yeah,” she says. “Mercy H., actually.”

  “Oh,” I say. “Maybe you know Liam Horton, then.”

  She makes a face that I don’t know how to interpret.

  I look at her more carefully. She’s a woman a few years older than me, maybe around 25. She’s very pretty, with long blonde hair, a big bust, and a shapely figure overall. The scrub pants hug her thighs tightly. I can imagine that the guys would be all over her.

  “Yeah,” she says, after a pause. “I know him. We used to go out, if you could call it that.”

  “Oh,” I say. “Actually, I’m meeting him tonight for dinner.”

  We both stand up, and I hand her the last of her little bags. For the first time, I notice that she’s been shopping for fancy lingerie from a local boutique.

  “Well,” she says. “Just be careful, that’s all I’ll say.”

  “Be careful? What do you mean?”

  “How well do you know Liam?”

  I shake my head. “Not that well.” I don’t want to get into the whole story here, about how he’s my dad’s friend, and how he cured my weird immunological illness.

  “I still work with him,” says the woman. “And we went out a couple times. It was the old pump and dump, just so you know. Then again, it was hot.”

  A wistful, faraway look appears on her face for a moment, as if she’s remembering a time of great pleasure or happiness.

  “The pump and dump?” I say.

  She laughs. “Oh, right. You’re young enough not to know.”

  That annoys me a little. Some might take it as a compliment, but after all I’m already thinking that I’m not a real adult, that I’m too young and most of all, too inexperienced.

  “The pump and dump,” she says, “is something that sooner or later, all women on the market encounter. It’s when a guy uses you…” She lowers her voice so that no one around us will be able to hear. “Just to fuck, and then you never hear from him again.”

  “Oh,” I say, feeling stupid. “But you still work with him. That must be awkward, right?”

  “He just pretends nothing ever happened. He got his fuck. And then he moved on. As far as he’s concerned that’s all he needed from me.”

  “Oh,” I say, a sinking feeling appearing inside me, making me feel like I’m drowning from the inside out, if that makes any sense.

  “But he was good,” she says, that wistful look appearing on her face again. “I don’t know. Maybe it’s worth it. You decide. Just a warning. I’ve got to go.”

  “OK,” I say, not knowing what to say. “Thanks.”

  “Don’t mention it,” she says, starting to walk away, her blonde hair flopping in her utilitarian pony tail.

  Chapter 12


  She walks in wearing a skirt that hugs her hips just right. And I can see the side of her ass almost bulging out of the skirt. It gets my cock stiffening just at the sight of her. Her t-shirt is tight and shows her breasts, buoyant and firm, but plump and soft. Just fucking perfect. I can’t wait… I just can’t wait.

  “Hey,” she says, coming over to my table.

  I get up and hold my napkin in front of my crotch so that my erection won’t be apparent to the entire restaurant. It’s not like I care, but it makes things easier sometimes, just putting in a little extra effort like this.

  I hug her, letting my hard cock push into her skirt. She gives me a shy grin.

  “Want anything to drink?” I say, holding up my beer as if I’m clinking glasses with her.

  “Just the water’s fine,” she says.

  “What’s wrong?” I say, noticing that as her nervous smile falls away, there’s a look of something like discomfort on her face.

  “It’s nothing,” she says.

  “Come on,” I say. “We can talk about it. If you want to talk about what happened the other night, that’s fine with me. I don’t have a problem with it, you know, your situation… It’s perfectly normal.”

  “Not that normal at my age.”

  I shrug. “Everyone gets to stuff at their own time in their own way,” I say.

  “It’s not that… it’s just that…”

  I wait as she seems to be deciding what to say and how to say it.

  “I met someone who knows you,” I say.


  “I don’t know her name. She’s a nurse at your hospital. I guess she works with you.”

  I laugh and Mia looks surprised that I’m laughing.

  “Why are you laughing?”

  “It’s just that I can guess where this is going. She warned you that I’m bad news or something like that?”

  “Eh, sort of,” says Mia. “She said you’d pump and dump me.”

  That makes me laugh even harder. “Sorry,” I say. “I shouldn’t be laughing. But, hey, I’ve got nothing to apologize for. Sure, I’ve slept with a lot of the nurses at the hospital, but I’m open about it, and they all know that it’s just for a good time. I’m always upfront about that. I never made any promises that I couldn’t keep. And if they feel upset about it, that’s on their end.”

  “Oh,” says Mia, looking down into her glass of water that she’s shifting around on the table, making the surface of the water ripple slightly.

  “Look, Mia,” I say. “It’s too early to say where this is heading between you and me. But so far… well, all I know is that you’re different from all those nurses, from all the women I’ve dated or slept with.”

  “You mean that?”

sp; “Yeah, now I’m not saying we’re going to get married…”

  Mia laughs.

  She’s smiling now. I’ve managed to break the ice.

  The truth is that I’m telling the truth. Just not the complete truth. I mean, I don’t want to upset her. Have I ever made promises I couldn’t keep? No, I never have. But at certain times perhaps I’ve let things be implied where they shouldn’t be, with the nurses. I don’t know which nurse Mia ran into, or how they got talking about me. In fact, there’s no way to know which nurse it was. There are simply too many of them, and I’ve fucked practically all of them.

  “You feel any better now?” I say.

  “Yeah,” says Mia, smiling at me.

  “Great, let’s order.”

  I motion for the waiter to come over.

  “I’ll have the red curry,” says Mia.

  “Excellent choice.”

  “The same for me,” I say.

  “Another beer, sir?”

  “I’m good,” I say, eyeing my beer.

  I’ve never been a big drinker. I’ll have two at the most, and usually just one on alternating days. I’m too into weight lifting and working to let drinking get in the way of either of those things. And I’ve known too many doctors who succumb to the siren’s call of drinking due to extreme stress in the hospital. Me? I have my own ways of dealing with stress. Getting laid, weights, motorcycles, a whole host of things that keep the stress at bay.

  I haven’t had a steady girlfriend in a long, long time. The idea is strange to me. But Mia… I could see the two of us living together in my house, fucking all hours of the day and night… It sure would kill the stress, coming home to a woman like that, with a body like that. Fuck, I need to get into her pussy. I don’t even know if I can wait until after dinner. I would just take her into the bathroom, but she’s a virgin after all, and I’m not going to be the guy that takes her virginity in the bathroom of a Thai restaurant. That’s a little too crude, even for a guy like me. But damn if my cock isn’t telling me to just go ahead and do it.

  The food arrives, and Mia and I fall into easy conversation, laughing quite a bit. Once she relaxes, she’s really funny, much funnier than any of the women I’ve slept with recently. And there’s just something about her, as if her body is giving off a sort of glow that reaches across the table to me and tugs me closer and closer to her.

  “It’s really fun to talk to you,” says Mia. “I never would have thought a doctor could be so funny, before I met you that is.”

  “I never thought a patient could be so funny,” I say.

  The waiter takes the plates away.

  “So what’s going on with you and the hospital?” says Mia. “I got into an argument about my dad reporting you.”

  I shrug. “I can understand why he did it,” I say. “He’s just worried about his daughter.”

  “Yeah, but he shouldn’t have done it. I told him you could get into serious trouble.”

  “I’ve been in serious trouble with the administration since I started working there,” I say. “I can deal with a little heat.”

  I don’t want to tell her that this time it’s actually a lot worse, that this time other people are involved, people much higher up the food chain than my former nemesis, Johnson.

  “Hey,” I say. “This is getting me down. Let’s head back to my place, OK?”

  “OK,” says Mia, her eyes as big as saucers, as if she’s drinking me all in.

  “Let’s go,” I say, getting up from the table and helping to pull her chair back.

  I throw some money down for the bill, take Mia’s hand, and walk with her through the restaurant. It feels like all eyes are on the two of us, and I can’t blame them. Mia’s a catch, and I look like I know it.

  “It’s a little chilly,” says Mia, and sure enough, when I look down her nipples are rock hard in her shirt.

  I chuckle to myself a little as I put my arm around her.

  This is going to be incredible. My cock’s already growing stiff again.

  We’re standing outside the restaurant, my arm around her, holding her tight against me, just admiring the city night.

  “It looks pretty, doesn’t it?” says Mia.

  I nod my head. “Yeah,” I say. “Sometimes the city really can be beautiful. It’s just that you’ve got to know where to look sometimes.”

  Suddenly, there’s the sound of screeching tires.

  “What’s that?” says Mia.

  “Some nut job,” I say. “Driving too fast.”

  Of course, I’ve been that nut job myself a few times, especially when I’m on my motorcycle.

  A car pulls up right in front of us, screeching to a halt. The suspension moves as the car buckles from braking so hard.

  It’s a minivan, and partially up on the curb.

  Who the hell drives a minivan like that?

  “Oh my God,” says Mia, suddenly seeming to cringe all over, and covering her hand with her face. “It’s my dad.”

  Chapter 13


  “Mia, get in the car!” shouts my dad, rolling down the passenger’s side window.

  “Dad, what the hell are you doing here?” I whisper frantically and angrily, approaching the family minivan, hoping against hope that no one’s going to notice. I’ve always dreaded public spectacles.

  “He’s not the guy for you,” says my dad, red in the face, and seeming to grow angrier by the second. “He’s a trouble maker.”

  “I thought he was your friend.”

  “He is, but that doesn’t mean I can’t protect my daughter from him.”

  “Hey, John,” says Liam, walking up casually to the car.

  “Liam,” says my dad, clearly angry. But he’s at least keeping his voice down. “I don’t want you seeing my daughter. You’ve already put her life in danger, and I know your reputation with women.”

  Liam just grins at my dad.

  “We’re old friends,” says Liam. “But listen to me. You’re daughter’s a grown woman. She’s able to leave the house now, and she couldn’t do that before. As far as I’m concerned, she should see whoever she wants. And that happens to be me.”

  “A lack of respect,” mutters my dad, his fury not fading.

  “It’s not a lack of respect to you,” says Liam. “In fact, what you’re doing is disrespectful.”

  Liam doesn’t raise his voice in the slightest, but he speaks with calm conviction. He knows that he doesn’t have to raise his voice because he’s right, and not only does he know he’s right, but he wants my dad to know too.

  “Go home, Dad,” I say. “I’m fine. You don’t need to worry about me.”

  My dad mutters to himself, puts the car in gear, and drives off. Fortunately, he doesn’t speed away or squeal the tires. He just drives off slowly and normally, but still very, very mad.

  “Sorry about that,” I say, horribly embarrassed.

  “It’s not your fault,” says Liam. “And he’s just worried about you.”

  “But it’s clear I’m not going to have another attack.”

  “I think he’s more worried about me,” he says.

  “Should I be worried about you?” I say it half as a joke and half as a serious question.

  “Maybe,” he says, playing it off like a joke. “Maybe you should.”

  The sexual tension between us is back. I can feel it between us, practically sparking.

  My body wants him, and I want him. He touches me again, gently, brushing my shoulder. He puts his arm around me again and leads me to his car.

  I have the feeling it’s going to be a long night.

  “Thanks,” I say. “Thanks for standing up to him.”

  Liam laughs. “I don’t think about it that way,” he says. “I’m not doing what’s right. Plus, I’m not going to let him to take you away from me tonight. I’ve been looking forward to this for too long.”

  I see his eyes drifting down my body, catching every curve and devouring me with just his gaze.
br />   “Just so you know,” I say, awkwardly as hell. “I’m ready… I’m not going to run away like the other night, and it’s not because… What I’m trying to say is that I want to do it… I just got nervous the other night.”

  “Don’t worry,” says Liam. “We’ll go slow.”

  “I’m not sure I want to go slow,” I say.

  The drive back to Liam’s house seems to go by in a single minute, although in reality it’s probably a twenty minute drive or more.

  Liam doesn’t take his strong hand off my thigh and he slowly works it up my bare leg underneath my skirt until he’s touching me and massaging me. I’ve never had a guy touch me here before. It’s… incredible.

  He doesn’t finger me, but he rubs my clit with his knuckle or something. I don’t know exactly what he’s doing, but it’s got me completely breathless, panting, my nipples rock hard, my breasts rising and falling with my chest as I breathe in and out intensely.

  By the end of the driving, I feel like I’ve almost had an orgasm already. It’s an intense feeling that seems to bubble up through my entire body, it’s something indescribable. It’s incredible having his strong hand working on me, a hand other than my own, a hand that belongs to the hottest man on the planet, at least in my opinion, certainly the hottest man I’ve ever met.

  “Let’s go right up to your room,” I say, breathless.

  “It’s a deal,” growls Liam.

  He comes over to my side of the car after parking, and, before I can get out of the low sports car seats, he simply reaches down and pulls me out of the car, carrying me easily against his strong chest.

  He leans down and kisses me, a deep, passionate kiss. I have to crane my neck to reach his mouth, which is hot and intense like a blazing fire.

  His eyes shine as he looks at me, a deepness to them that is indescribable, something profound.

  “You sure you’re ready?” growls Liam, not taking his eyes off mine.

  I nod. “Yeah,” I say. “Now let’s go up to your bedroom. I need your cock.”

  Liam chuckles deeply.

  He somehow unlocks the front doors while still carrying me.


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