Holiday Spirit for Hire

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Holiday Spirit for Hire Page 6

by Isabelle Saint-Michael

  Emma put her hands on her hips. “And you should say sorry to Lady Grace. You were being a big old hot head!”

  Lord Geren laughed uncomfortably and met my gaze. “I’m sorry, Grace. You came here to help and I shouldn’t have been rude to you either. Is there any chance your magic can fix the lantern?”

  I looked at Lord Vallen and Lord Hudraer and winced before meeting his gaze. “I tried twice already with no luck.”

  Hudraer stood. “Well you at least did what you came here for, which was to help us find it. For that we are truly grateful.”

  “I’m sorry I didn’t get it back in one piece,” I offered, then stopped suddenly. I reached into the front of my dress and pulled out a folded piece of paper.

  “Wait, I think there is a good reason I can’t fix it.” I read the information on the artisan that had been injured. “Can I get a ride to the village of Maht? Also, you may want to bring your wallets.”

  The Dragons exchanged looks but I showed them the paper I held from the case file. I had brought the info pages with me just in case I couldn’t find the location. Lord Vallen smiled, taking the paper from me.

  “I see. I will go fetch a pouch to carry this in and my purse.” I snickered, picturing him carrying the latest Kate Spade bag. When he returned I realized by "purse" he meant a bag of coins.

  Saying my goodbyes, including a hug from each of the twins, we made our way back out to the cave entrance. He stripped naked and handed me his clothes. I watched with intrigue as he shifted into a Dragon form that looked black at first glance, but when the torchlight caught him he almost looked blue. I didn’t struggle when he clutched me to make the journey.

  With the freezing wind whipping by, I had lost feeling in my arms and legs by the time we landed. I handed him his clothes and he quickly redressed. It didn’t take much time for us to locate the shop we needed.

  The haggling that followed went quickly. The Dragons agreed to pay the artisan handsomely if he could have the lantern repaired by three days before Yule. The deal was struck, money changed hands, and all was well. Two cases for the price of one, and an ancient lantern was repaired.

  I walked back to the edge of town with Lord Vallen. “Thank you for your help. I apologize for Geren’s outburst. The fact that the twins are his brother and sister made him a little touchier.”

  “It’s all in a day’s work,” I smiled.

  “What will you do now?” He accepted the cloak as I handed it back to him.

  “I will return back to the North Pole, eat some dinner, take a shower and go to bed.” I laughed because it sounded strangely normal.

  “If you are free on Yule we would be honored if you joined us,” he said with a bow.

  “It’s a kind offer but I don’t know what my schedule will look like at that point. I’ll keep it in mind though.” I offered him one last smile, tossing magic snow into the air. “Take me back to the office.” I watched as the world twinkled and shifted around me.

  Chapter Six

  The office slid back into view. My clothes were sitting on my desk where I had left them along with piles of cases. Everyone was gone for the day. I looked at the clock and winced because it was already six fifteen. I put the case files away, grabbed my clothes and bolted out the door. I got to the snowmobiles just as Justin was starting his up.

  “Sorry, I ran late!” I called.

  He sighed and turned around. “I thought maybe you finished early and went back without me.”

  He looked me over, still standing there in my uniform. He pulled off his coat and held it open for me to put on. “Come on, let’s get you back to the house and warmed up.” I didn’t argue. I just slid my arms into the coat and straddled the snowmobile behind him. We arrived at the house in record time.

  He practically carried me to the door in an effort to get me someplace warm. “You’re turning blue. We need to get you warmed up. Sit down by the fire.” Before I knew it I was under a pile of blankets and furs. “Stay here, I’m going to go get tea and a first aid kit.”

  “A first aid kit?” I was confused until he pointed to my shoulders. I looked at one of them and noticed cuts from Lord Vallen’s claws. They weren’t deep and weren’t bleeding any longer, but it looked like they were frozen shut.

  “Hmmmm, yeah, you’re probably right.”

  A few minutes later Justin reappeared with a tray bearing a teapot, cups, and cookies. There was also a white box with the familiar Red Cross symbol on it. I reached for the table and he shooed me away.

  “Stop moving, you may make those cuts reopen. Tomorrow morning we’ll need to fill out an accident report as well.”

  I rolled my eyes. “It’s not that bad. A little ointment and some bandages.”

  “We still have to file the report. The rules are there for a reason.” His hands were warm on my skin as he cleaned the cuts, then treated and bandaged them up. “Are you going to tell me how you got them?”

  “A Dragon gave me a ride to the village. That would be my guess.” I ignored him shaking his head.

  “What did I tell you about being seen?” There was exasperation in his voice.

  “Anyway, I’m starved so how about we change clothes and go get some food?” I smiled. Climbing out from under the blankets I tugged off the “uniform” and pulled my clothes on. Justin pretended to read something on his tablet as I carelessly changed clothes in front of him again.

  When I was done he stared at me for a long moment before saying anything. “You look really pale and still sort of frozen. Do you feel alright?”

  A spark of anger flared inside me but I didn’t say anything. I just drank a cup of tea then made my way to the door. He motioned me to go on without him so I didn’t waste time.

  My stomach growled at me for my recent lack of a regular eating schedule. As I sat around the long table surrounded by Dwarves, Gnomes and a few odd Elves I started to feel a little out of place. I suddenly didn’t feel like eating despite my hunger. When Justin sat down beside me I leaned over towards him. “So I get that the Dwarves are family, who are the Gnomes and Elves?”

  “They are family by marriage. Not all my cousins chose Dwarves as their mates.” He smiled and filled my plate with food.

  I realized the awkward feeling I got was that I was sitting here with Justin and I didn’t belong at the table. Tonight felt different than breakfast had.

  He looked over at me again. “Seriously, you don’t look well. I brought a towel and the shirt you've been sleeping in. Why don’t you go take a hot bath and I’ll bring a plate of food back to the room for you to eat there?” His words were mixed with a tenderness I hadn’t seen from him before. When I stood up and my head felt a little light, I agreed and made an exit for the bathroom.

  When I returned to the room he had brought food back for us both and sat on the ottoman waiting for me. “Have a seat, get some food in your stomach and then you can get some sleep. Tomorrow, after the accident report, we’ll go get you a proper uniform. I can’t take the chance that you’ll get sick so close to the Holidays.”

  Somehow his words stung just a little. Of course he was concerned about me. If I wasn’t working it meant that things may not get done or others would have to pick up the slack. “I finished cases three and four today.”

  He smiled. “Wow, you’re making good time. At this rate you’ll finish your quota in no time.”

  “Yeah, it was weird though. When I got in this morning there was a mountain of cases on my desk. Some were backlogged years.” I took a bite of the potatoes. After a few bites I was full. I knew I should have eaten more but I just wasn’t hungry.

  “That can’t be right. We don’t normally give more than a few cases at a time.” He looked perplexed. His gaze settled on my uneaten food. “Are you done already?”

  I nodded. “Yeah, I guess I am. I think I’m going to call it for the night.” I moved to the cot, sinking into it and the pillow quickly.


  I was lost, running throug
h a forest. I kept calling for someone to hear me but nobody would answer. I could hear whispers all around me. I yelled for the people to show themselves but they wouldn’t. I collapsed into the snow, sobbing. I felt so alone, cold and vulnerable.

  A feeling of safety and security came over me. I was lifted from the cold snow and wrapped in a veil of comfort. I let myself sink deeper into the dream, and blackness came and took over.

  When I awoke the next morning I realized there were several more layers of blankets on top of me. I also realized I was in the bed again. I was plastered tightly against Justin’s chest. His arms clutched me to him. I started to sit up and the entire world moved and whirled around me.

  “Stay lying down,” he whispered, stroking my hair.

  “Why am I in the bed?” I asked. My voice cracked and my throat felt raw.

  “You had a night terror and when I tried to wake you up I realized you were on fire. You’ve been in and out of it all night. I think the excessive cold just got to you.” He twisted my hair around his fingers, playing with it.

  “I’m sorry. I’ll get up and get ready for work.” I tried to shift again but didn’t get far.

  “No, you’ll stay here today and sleep. You’re ahead of schedule with your cases, but I can bring some files home with me if you want to look at them this weekend.” He shifted to get up.

  I noticed he was pale. The circles under his eyes were almost black. “I need to get ready for work.”

  “I’m sorry,” I whispered.

  “Don’t be. I’m the one that sent you out there in that uniform.” He pulled on the first shirt and jeans he found.

  “Feel free to use the tablet to surf the web or watch Netflix. You can instant message me if you need anything. Otherwise, stay in bed and get some rest.” As if he was on autopilot he bent and pressed a warm kiss to my lips. I froze and so did he.

  “I’m sorry," he said, backing away. "Brain… morning… I’m sorry,” he said one last time before stepping out the front door.

  I blushed as red Santa’s suit. I was glad he wasn’t there to see it, but I was sure he wasn’t much better.

  I checked my social media on the tablet then fell asleep again. My dreams were peaceful and warm. I dreamed of that brief kiss and what it would have been like to finish it. I wondered if Justin was demanding like he had to be in daily life or if he was soft and gentle like what he gave me the occasional glimpse of.

  Chapter Seven

  I heard the click of the door and struggled to sit up. At some point the curtains had been drawn shut and the room was dark. Scared that I really had slept all day I tapped the tablet - it was only noon.


  “Yeah?” I felt the bed dip as he climbed onto it. I wondered if this was a dream or reality.

  “Is this real?” I asked.

  He laughed and then started to cough. “Yeah, unfortunately. Scoot over.” He slid under the blankets next to me.

  “Oh no! You caught my cold," I said with a sniffle.

  “Yes I did. Now shhhh, let’s just get some rest.” He wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me back against him. When he nuzzled the back of my neck a chill ran through me.

  “Are you still cold?” he asked, pulling me closer.

  I lied. “Yes.” He rubbed his hands over me to generate friction. I wasn’t ready to admit to him or myself why the chill had really run through my body.

  When I awoke I was sprawled halfway across him, our legs in a tangle. I shifted in an attempt to free myself but as I did his grip tightened around me. I stilled as I became increasingly aware of a bulge pressed tightly against my abdomen. As I lay there contemplating its size, a hand reached up and stroked the hair at the nape of my neck and down my back.

  “It’s alright, I’m here,” Justin cooed.

  His eyes were closed, his face relaxed with the slightest hint of a grin pulling at his lips. There was the beginning of a dimple showing and his face had just the tiniest bit of stubble. At this moment he was the very definition of handsome. I’m not sure if it was the way he filled my senses with his touch, smell and sight or if it was my fever, but I leaned my head down and pressed my lips to his.

  I expected the spell to be broken and for me to withdraw, my kiss a personal secret that he would never remember. Instead his lips parted to mine, and in one motion he tucked me under him and rolled on top of me. His mouth was against mine, demanding but tender. He tasted me, drinking from my lips. I ran my hands over his chest, clinging to him like he was a life preserver.

  I gasped when he moved his mouth to my neck and ear. His slight scruff scratched at my sensitive skin and caused me to move against him. His hand expertly slid down to my hip and urged me to wrap a thigh around him. He moved in rhythm, pressing his bulging manhood against me. On a breathless gasp I whispered his name and it caused me to cough.

  Instantly he sat up, pulling me into his lap and rubbing my back. From sexual wildcat to nurse in a split second. “I’m sorry Gracie. Are you alright?” he said, his words filled with panic. “I am so sorry, I didn’t mean to take advantage of you.” When I stopped coughing he slid me onto the bed. “I’ll go back to the cot and sleep.”

  He stood to leave the bed. I quickly lunged for his hand, grasping it with both of mine.

  “You didn’t do anything wrong. I initiated it.” I tugged at him, hoping he would come back to the bed.

  “No, it was totally unprofessional of me. Being sick in bed is not initiating it. You have none of the blame. I am in control of my own body-” I tugged him with all my strength, pulling him back down on the bed.

  He started to scramble off of it again when I tossed my arms around his shoulders and pressed my lips against his again.

  His mouth was hot and at first he resisted. “Like I said, I started it,” I mumbled.

  He broke the kiss. “Gracie, this goes against all our policies.” I shrugged and leaned in to kiss him again. This time I ran my hands over his bare chest. My fingers stopped to play with the small patch of hair there. His mouth opened to me, allowing me to explore it and drink him in. He broke the kiss again.

  “You’re sick and should get rest. I’m sick and should get some rest as well.”

  “Shhhh, do you always talk this much? We already have each other’s cold.” This time he met my kiss full force and fully awake. He reached out and cupped my face in his hands, returning my affection with just as much enthusiasm.

  There was a knock at the door. He growled a little but freed himself from my grasp. “Just a moment,” he called. He gave me one last apologetic backwards glance as he went to the door. With a tug he opened it. “Hi, Mom.”

  Joy’s voice carried from just outside. “I heard that both you and Gracie were sick. The poor girl has a cold and you came back feeling under the weather yourself. I know how busy you are - I could have taken care of her.” There was genuine concern in her voice.

  “Mom, there was no point in making more people sick this close to the holidays. I brought work home for both of us this weekend. I am perfectly capable of working and making sure we both eat and get rest.” The muscles in his back tensed up as his mother brushed a lock of hair out of his face.

  I quietly climbed off the bed and tugged the shirt down so it covered me to mid-thigh. I stepped up beside him with a sniffle. “I’m sorry to have worried you Joy. I think I’ve just spent too much time outside in too few layers.”

  Justin wrapped an arm around me, rubbing my shoulder as if the act would keep me warm from the cold outside.

  Joy looked me over from head to toe, a slight knowing grin on her lips. “Nonsense, dear. You’re so far from home. Having a mother fuss over you a little is a good thing when you’re ill. You look dreadfully pale, Gracie, you should stay in and rest for sure. I’ll bring the two of you some soup and tea.”

  “You don’t need to make a fuss for my sake. I can come get some dinner when everyone else does,” I offered.

  “Yeah, Mom don’t worry abo
ut us. I’ve just got a little cold. I can come grab stuff and bring it back, worst case scenario. There is no need to trouble yourself.”

  Joy smiled warmly at both of us, her gaze lingering on her son’s arm around my shoulder. She bit back a laugh when he realized he was caught and tried to drop his arm without being seen.

  “Oh, I think the two of you should stay in and rest tonight. I’ll be back in an hour with some food. Do you have enough wood for the fireplace?”

  “Yes, I brought some in this afternoon when I came back. We have plenty.” Justin gave his mother a warning look. “Not a word, Mom.” She looked surprised. “What are you saying, sweetheart? I just stopped by to make sure my little boy and our guest were alright.” She blinked innocently at him.

  “Right,” he said, rolling his eyes. He pulled me back inside, closing the door behind him.

  “What was all that about?” I couldn’t help but ask.

  “If you give the woman an inch, everyone here will think we are shacked up together and getting married by Christmas.”

  He sighed heavily and went to sit by the fire. He tugged me onto his lap and pulled a blanket over us both. “What am I going to do with you?”

  “I’m not sure what you mean,” I told him.

  “You showed up sound asleep in the workshop. Even when you first woke up you looked adorable. All I have wanted to do since you arrived was touch you and hold you.” He paused. “Don’t get me wrong, you’re as infuriating as they come.”

  “All you’ve wanted to do is hold me and touch me? That sounds a little stalkerish.” I shoved away from his chest to look him in the eye. “I am a grown adult woman. It’s not appropriate to say things like that. You’re not a caveman. I am not a body to be possessed!”

  “I know. I fully agree with you. We should keep this professional.” He stood up, almost dumping me on the ground. “You have a seat, I’m going to go take a cold shower.”

  I stumbled but caught hold of his hand. “I didn’t say I didn’t want to be held and touched.”


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