Obsession (Forbidden #2)

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Obsession (Forbidden #2) Page 3

by Michelle Betham

  ‘I want her, day and night, baby. I need Kira Blu to come alive and live that fantasy with me.’

  ‘I still don’t know what you’re asking me to do here, Neal.’

  ‘When we fuck, nothing else matters, Kira. Nothing. And I just want to feel that way all the freaking time, darlin’. I want us to wake up in the morning and know we’re living a fucking dream.’

  She narrows her eyes, and I see a spark of fear in there and that terrifies me. I didn’t want to scare her, and I must sound like some crazy person now, I know that, but I’m not. I’m serious. I’m deadly fucking serious.

  ‘What do we do after dark, Kira? Where do we go?’

  I gently pull her towards me, my hand barely touching her hip but she responds, moving closer to me and I slide my hand down to her ass, cupping it as her body finally touches mine.

  ‘Where do we go, darlin?’

  My mouth rests against hers and I feel her tiny sighs seep through into me, her breath warm on my lips. ‘We go to the playroom,’ she breathes, and once more she’s like a submissive rag doll in my arms, just the way I like her.

  ‘And what do we do in there, baby?’

  ‘We play games,’ she whispers, and I feel her shiver.

  ‘Yeah. We play games. We play dark, dangerous games. We push boundaries. We take risks. We play with pain to create our own pleasure.’ I take hold of her wrist and turn it upwards, bringing it to my lips and kissing the pale yellow bruising that’s just beginning to show. ‘Did I hurt you last night?’

  She shakes her head and I kiss her slowly, our fingers threading together as she presses against me, stirring my aching cock.

  ‘I want us to play all the time, Kira. At home. Here. I want us to help others find what we have. Give those who understand what we both need a place to come where they can be themselves; find that part of themselves they need to set free. I want us to create a fantasy for everyone who wants what we do. I want to create a playroom for everyone.’

  Because I can. We can. We can fucking do that. And I’m sure as hell gonna make it happen.


  I’m trying to take in what he’s telling me here, but it’s like he’s pulled me into a world even more warped and surreal than the one we’re already living in. But, at the same time, I understand what he means. I can’t do without him. I can’t do without being close to him. I need to be near him constantly, and maybe that isn’t healthy; maybe obsession isn’t something you should build a life around, but there are parts of what he’s saying to me that make perfect sense. I think…

  ‘I’m not talking anything illegal here, Kira. You understand that, don’t you? Everything I want us to do – consenting adults only. We’ll provide private rooms, hidden corners where people can express themselves however they want… baby, we can do this. And it might not make much sense right now but I promise you, Kira, it will. We can do this. And you get Joey back. He’ll be up here making a success of Bam-Bams New York, and we’ll be downstairs, living our fantasies, night after night, giving those who want it a whole other place to come and set themselves free. Just like we’ve done.’

  I can see it in his eyes, the excitement in them is almost contagious. I’m just struggling to take it all in, I mean, this has come from straight out of left field. But it kind of excites me, too.

  ‘So… hidden corners, huh?’ I smile and grind my hips against his. ‘Is that so people can fuck, in public?’ I feel his cock push harder against me. ‘Can we fuck, in public?’ I kiss him, slowly, gently tugging at his bottom lip with my teeth, and I laugh quietly, his cock rigid as it cries out to be set free. ‘Oh, hang on... I know what we could do...’ I’m getting into this now. I’ve spent over a decade working in the sex industry, I know how this shit works. ‘We could put on shows. Live sex shows. I mean, it’s not like I’m a stranger to public fucking, is it? It’s not like we’re strangers to fucking in front of others. Kandi-Ann saw it all, didn’t she? She saw everything. So, one person, three people, three hundred… what does it matter? I don’t care who watches. Besides, I think people could learn a lot, from you and me. Because I think we look hot-as-hell, when we’re fucking.’

  His groans vibrate right through me, and I’m growing wetter by the second, I know I am, I can feel it.

  ‘Maybe we could get her to come over, huh? Kandi-Ann. Maybe me and her could resurrect our girl-on-girl act every now and again – on stage, and for you. In private.’

  He groans again and throws back his head and I lean in to rest my lips at the base of his throat, my hand on his neck, and suddenly this crazy idea of his makes complete sense. Even Joey coming over here, to New York, that makes sense, too, because without him I’m like one half of a whole that should never have been separated. All of it, it’s crazy, out-of-the-blue, but it makes sense. I’ve missed Joey so much, and to think he could be here, too, with Benni, starting a new life, just like I’m doing… Our family could be together again, and that in itself is a dream come true for me – to have my boys back.

  ‘I think Kandi-Ann could be an asset, Neal. Don’t you? I mean, we’re gonna need girls. We’re gonna need all kinds of people to help us run this place; to make it into the club I think you want it to be.’

  His hand splays out in the small of my back, pressing me even harder against him and I reach down to slide my dress up over my hips, unzipping him in one swift movement as I back up against the wall. And he lifts me up, my legs wrapping around him as he pounds into me, setting free all that frustration and tension this entire conversation has caused.

  Every reason why his idea could just work is happening right now.

  I can’t leave him alone.

  I don’t want to.

  I don’t need to.

  Not anymore.

  And it’s crazy and unpredictable and risky in so many ways I can’t even begin to imagine. But it’s happening. And I’ve never felt so fucking excited.



  ‘You know exactly what he’s got planned, don’t you?’

  I’m talking to Joey, and even though it’s late here, and the early hours of the morning back home in Newcastle, Joey’s a club owner. He never gets to bed much before dawn anyway.

  ‘Angel, I’m not even sure he knows exactly what he’s got planned, but now he’s finally found the balls to tell you what’s going on, I’ve no doubt it’s all going to come together like a dream. And I’m sure you don’t need me to tell you the kind of dream I think he means.’

  ‘And why didn’t you tell me what was going on? I thought we had no secrets? I mean, Bam-Bams, in New York?’

  ‘Oh, keep saying it, kiddo. I never get tired of hearing those words… But you know he’s doing this for you, don’t you? I’m just a very convenient piece of his messed-up jigsaw.’

  ‘He knows I miss you.’

  ‘And he’s a genius for finding a way to bring me and Benni over there and benefit both of you into the bargain. A genius.’

  ‘What’s going to happen to Bam-Bams in Newcastle?’

  ‘Ricky’s taking the reins. He’s been there since the beginning, he knows the place inside out. Along with Chas and Diva he’ll keep that place running like clockwork. I’m not worried about leaving it in his hands. He’ll be fine. It basically runs itself now, anyway.’

  ‘And when are you coming over here, exactly?’

  ‘Friday. We want to be there to oversee the overhaul. Blue Eyes tells me it’s all cosmetic, the work that needs doing, but I want to be there to make sure this new place has the Bam-Bams stamp all over it. I’m Joey Princess. I need to make that club my own. And me and Benni, we need to recruit some fabulous new acts, don’t we? It is going to be amazing, kiddo!’

  I smile and take a long sip of champagne. I felt like a little something to celebrate this strange but exciting new chapter of my life. Everything’s still moving at a breakneck speed and my head feels like it’s spinning on a constant basis, but I’m happy. I’m so fucking happy.

  ‘Kira… look, angel, I know this is all incredibly exciting, but, it’s all happening really fast and I… Are you sure you know what you’re doing?’

  His question kind of startles me, although, it shouldn’t. What I’m about to embark on, with a man I’ve known a little over three months, it’s not really the norm. ‘I’m sure.’

  ‘Only… don’t get me wrong. When Neal called me and told me what he was planning I got stupidly excited, and you know what I mean by that, don’t you?’

  I laugh, because I do. Joey’s like a hyperactive three-year-old when faced with something new and exciting.

  ‘And when I say stupidly excited… well, it wasn’t just because Blue Eyes was calling to speak to me. That man has the ability to pull anyone of any persuasion into his plans. His world’s addictive, believe me. I can see that now…’

  ‘What’re you trying to say, Joey?’

  ‘Sometimes you… sometimes you don’t always see past… He’s very persuasive, Kira.’

  I know what he’s getting at now, and I feel my hackles rise because he has no right to compare this situation to anything that happened before. No right at all.

  ‘This isn’t the same thing, Joey. Neal is not Simon, Jesus, I can’t believe you even went there.’

  ‘I’m sorry, angel, I just…’

  ‘Do you really think I’m that weak, huh? Ten years later and you think I’ve learned nothing?’

  ‘I didn’t say that, Kira. And forgive me for loving you so much that I can’t stop caring, but he wants you to open a sex club, do you understand that?’

  ‘I’m not stupid, Joey. I know exactly what he wants to do.’

  ‘And don’t think I don’t know Kandi-Ann’s on her way over there as we speak. You reprising the old girl-on-girl for more than just private birthday parties?’

  ‘Might be.’

  ‘And Blue Eyes is OK with that, is he?’

  ‘He’s fine with it.’

  ‘Hmm… You promised him final sign off on the act, huh?’


  ‘Be careful, Kira.’


  ‘You know what I mean. So you be careful. You hear?’

  ‘Just get your arse over here and nag me in person, alright? It’ll be marginally less irritating than you doing it over the phone.’

  ‘Sex club, Kira. Remember that.’

  ‘It’s not like I don’t know the industry, Joey.’

  ‘Well, she got that right. You know, that man was a classy art dealer before he met you, lady. And now look at him. You’ve dragged him right down to your level.’

  ‘And he likes it down there. See you Friday.’

  I throw my phone down on to the table just as Neal walks in. ‘Joey?’ he asks, raising an eyebrow.

  I look at him, all ruffled and damp and sexy-as-hell after his shower, a shower I would’ve taken with him if Joey hadn’t called. ‘Yeah. Joey.’

  ‘Is he alright?’

  He sits down next to me on the couch, a couch that’s set right in front of the huge wall of windows in his living room – our living room. Can I actually call it that? We haven’t really had that conversation yet. ‘He’s fine.’

  ‘Are you?’

  I look out at the view of Manhattan, which is slowly becoming shrouded in darkness now, the lights of the city appearing in waves, as though someone’s just flicked a series of switches. It’s beautiful; mesmerising. I still can’t quite believe I’m here.


  My head suddenly snaps back to look at him, and I’m all too aware I drifted off there for a second. ‘Sorry… this view, it never fails to take my breath away.’

  ‘Is everything OK with you and Joey?’

  I sit back against the cushions and draw my knees up to my chest, hugging them to me. ‘Everything’s fine. He just seems to be under some misguided impression that since I left Newcastle I’ve suddenly turned into the Virgin Mary.’

  He frowns, and I smile. Jesus, I love this man, so fucking much.

  ‘He thinks I don’t realise it’s a sex club we’re planning on opening.’

  His face breaks into a smile and I think I love him a hundred times more than I did a second ago. ‘Yeah. We’re opening a freaking sex club.’ He starts laughing, and its contagious, and suddenly everything that once sounded surreal and ridiculous sounds perfectly normal. In our world.

  I bite down on my lip and look at him, our eyes locking. ‘We are, aren’t we?’

  He takes my hand and pulls me over so I straddle his thighs, our mouths meeting in a long, deep kiss. ‘Kira, if you don’t want to do this…’

  I take his face in my hands, stroking his cheeks with my thumbs. ‘Why wouldn’t I want to do this?’

  ‘Because it still sounds kinda crazy, when you say it out loud.’

  I smile, because I’m guessing I’m not the one who’s nervous here. ‘You having second thoughts, handsome?’

  He returns my smile and slides his hands up under my T-shirt, his fingers grazing my skin and I shiver, as I always do when he touches me. ‘No.’

  ‘You sure?’

  ‘Positive. We can do this, baby. No matter how crazy it sounds.’

  ‘I like crazy,’ I murmur, my mouth resting lightly against his as I speak. ‘Crazy’s good. Besides, your girlfriend…’ I kiss him slowly, sliding my tongue inside his mouth, tracing the back of his teeth and I feel his cock push against me, ‘she knows her stuff, when it comes to sex.’

  ‘Yeah,’ he groans, nipping my bottom lip with his teeth and that shiver returns, but with twice the intensity. ‘She does. She fucking does.’

  He takes my hands and raises my arms up, pulling off my T-shirt and I close my eyes and bury my fingers in his hair as he dips his head, his tongue flicking over my nipples.

  His cock throbs against my aching pussy, straining to be set free, and I want him, as I always do, every day, all night, I want him.

  He takes hold of my hips and pushes me onto my back, pulling off the denim shorts I’m wearing, and I’m naked, in front of that wall of glass that looks out over my new home. But we’re so high up here in his penthouse that I’m not sure anyone can see us, and I’m actually disappointed by that. I want people to see what this man does to me. I want them to watch while he fucks me… Jesus! I really want that. And even though I’m not sure if anyone can see what we’re doing right now, knowing we’re going to have sex in front of this window, it’s a major turn-on. And it’s dark now, which means our world’s about to get darker, too, and I feel my stomach clench in anticipation.

  ‘Stay there,’ he whispers, leaning right over me so his mouth almost touches mine, before he stands up and heads back off into the bedroom.

  And I can’t help myself, I’m so wired I need to touch myself, just briefly, to take the edge off, but it’s enough to draw a long, low moan out of me.

  ‘Did I say you could do that?’

  I open my eyes and my stomach clenches again when I see the tie in his hand. He’s twisting it between his fingers but his eyes are locked on mine, and I know we’re starting safe tonight. We’re easing into the games, because we’re not inside the playroom yet. Nothing really begins until that door is closed behind us. But the tie is a clue. He’s chosen the game we’re going to play, once we’re done here.

  ‘Let’s get started, Ms Blu.’

  He kneels over me and I breathe in deep, exhaling slowly as I get ready for what’s to come.

  ‘You don’t start without me, darlin’, y’hear?’

  ‘I’ve been a bad girl,’ I breathe, our eyes still locked as he binds my wrists together with the tie.

  ‘Keep them there.’ He holds them up above my head, his grip firm, his stare so powerful it’s making me breathless. ‘And, yeah. You’ve been a bad girl. And you know what happens to bad girls, don’t you?’

  Jesus! I am so wet, I’m so fucking wet! ‘They need to be taught a lesson,’ I whisper, and he smiles, and I swear I am going to come, any second now
. I’m going to fucking come. And I think he knows that, he senses it, and his eyes bore deeper into mine as he shakes his head.

  ‘Not yet, Ms Blu. It’s not time.’

  I arch my back as he touches me, his palm resting against my pussy and I push down on him, closing my eyes as he rubs slowly, his breath heavy and ragged; desperate, like mine.

  I push harder against his hand, but he pulls it away, and I cry out in frustration. It’s painful. I was almost there, right on the edge, and now he’s pushing me forward again as he runs his fingers over me, teasing me, not lingering anywhere for long enough to give me the nudge I need to fall over that precipice.


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