Axton (Four Kings Empire Book 1)

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Axton (Four Kings Empire Book 1) Page 4

by Sam Crescent

  It would be easier to cut him out, but they were not the three kings, they were four. Besides, when Easton was on his good behavior, he made this all work.

  Carla was simply a little glitch that needed mending, nothing more.

  “I suggest you step back, Easton,” Karson said. “You know the way it has to be.”

  “No, it doesn’t have to be this way.”

  Axton sighed. “Okay, you want a reality check? Here is one. Say it gets out that you and she were hooking up. No one knows about it. Not even us three.” Easton frowned. “Of course, until someone releases a potential video, with amazing editing that shows exactly what you thought about Carla.”

  “That was in the fucking beginning—”

  “I’m not finished. Shut the fuck up. So now they know not only did you have a reason to be at the bonfire that night, besides hanging out and partying, you suddenly have something to cover up. Purely because they’d just released the little detail that so far has been missing.” Axton gasped. “That’s right. She’s pregnant. Little goody-two-shoes has a bit of a thing for Easton Long and is expecting his baby. You’re rich. You’ve got everything to lose while she has the most to gain. So, what do you do? An argument gone bad because, kind officer, he was only gone for a minute or so, I swear. The press will lap that shit up. A small-town girl. Struggling, desperate to get out of King’s Ridge, and oh, look what happened, one of the town’s richest people suddenly has a motive. Your life will become a shit show before you even realize it. That what you want?” He paused, giving Easton time to answer. Silence rang out. He waited, smirking. “That’s what I thought. I’m getting out of here.”

  “You’re wrong, you know,” Easton said after he’d taken a couple of steps.

  He glanced back at his friend.

  “I loved her, a lot. We were going to make a life together. I wanted to get out of this. To start over. She … was everything that I’d been missing, and now she’s gone.”

  “Get over it,” Axton said. “There’s nothing you can do, and this shit you’re pulling, having your little dramas, it’s not good. It’ll never be good for you. Remember that.”

  He left his friends by the bleachers.

  On his way to his car, he passed a couple of teachers, but they knew better than to stop him. He walked to his car and stopped when he felt someone’s eyes on him. Turning left, he saw her.

  Taylor Keane once again was watching him, waiting.

  Instead of ignoring her, he walked right over to her car and knocked on the window. He saw her jaw clench. She clearly did not want to talk to him.

  She reached out and pressed the button for the window to start winding down. Leaning against it, he smiled.

  “Shouldn’t you be at school?”

  “I am at school.”

  “In class?”

  Taylor hadn’t looked at him, but she finally turned those startling blue eyes on him. “Shouldn’t you?”

  “I do what I want, Taylor. You should know that by now.” He saw the shock on her face and laughed. “Yeah, I know your name. I’m curious, do you know mine?”

  “Everyone knows your name.”

  “Then say it.”


  “Because I’m curious.” He didn’t recall ever hearing her say his name before.

  “I’m not going to say your name.”

  “I’m sorry about your friend,” he said.

  He saw her hands clench into fists on her thighs.


  “What do you want?”

  “Nothing. Just curious as to why you’re watching me and not in class watching the lesson.”

  “That’s none of your damn business. I’m heading home.”

  He saw the bag she’d been filling at her locker. “Where are you going?”

  “My family has decided a clean break is what’s needed for me to move on.” She looked up at him. “That’s why I’m not in class. I’m leaving.”

  He didn’t say anything.

  She turned to look at the school. “You know, I always imagined graduating here. Moving to college, spending so much time but I can’t. Not anymore.”

  “Why not?”

  “Too many memories are here. Walking down the corridor, I see her and I feel her.”

  He saw the tears glisten in her eyes, and he gritted his teeth.

  “I can’t stay here. Not anymore. You know, I think this is the most we’ve ever talked. Let go of my car. I’ve got to go.”

  He didn’t move away when she asked. Staring at her, he waited, but nothing happened.

  She stared at him, and for a few seconds he could get lost in her eyes. The blue was so striking, reminding him of the ocean in the summer. Right now, they were filled with pain.

  Finally, when he was ready, he moved away from the car.

  He watched her wind up her window before pulling out of the parking lot.

  Whatever had happened between them had come to an end. A few seconds of seeing that pain in her eyes, of talking to her, and he’d remember this moment for a long time to come.

  So much had changed in a matter of weeks, and now it was time to move on. Graduation was a couple of months away, and soon he would be out of this town for good, only to come back when needed.

  They all had plans, big plans, and not any of them took place here.

  Moving to his car, he looked up at the large school. This had been his kingdom for a long time now. The place that he could say he ruled. People were afraid of him. They feared what he and his family could do.

  That feeling had become like a drug to his system, and no matter what, he wanted that but now on a bigger scale.

  His father’s company wasn’t enough. Nor was Karson’s, Easton’s, or Romeo’s. He wanted more. The empire he intended to have was just the beginning. No one was going to mess with his plans, no one.

  Taking a deep breath, he climbed into his car, and took off out of the high school. The town of King’s Ridge would forever look at him as something more. He intended to surpass his father’s reputation, to become a king in his own right. He had no intention of just being another Farris in a long line of them.

  He had big plans.

  None of them included Carla, or a baby, or Taylor, or any chick from this town.

  Power and money made the world go ’round.

  They made sure people stayed down where they needed to be.

  The first part of his plan had already been put in motion. The board would have no choice but to vote, and when they did, they’d come for him. His father’s incompetence should be dealt with by none other than his son.

  Arriving at home, he found his father lounging by the pool. His mother was nowhere in sight.

  “You’re supposed to be in school.”

  “I got bored,” Axton said.

  “I’ve got a meeting with the board tomorrow. Be in school, or else.”

  Axton smiled. “I will, Dad, don’t worry, I will.”

  Chapter Three

  Ten years later

  “Oh, fuck yeah, your pussy is so fucking tight.” Easton moaned as he pounded away inside the little slut, and it was also his birthday and they didn’t even have to pay extra money for another woman.

  Axton watched the show as the woman in question kept sucking Romeo and Karson. Pulling out his cell phone, he walked around the woman, making sure to get a perfect view of Easton in her pussy and a finger in her ass, then the way she was sucking their dicks like a fucking pro.

  Sitting back down, he kept his camera on her face, watching the rapture as she came close to orgasm. She was begging, screaming at them to make her come. None of them did though, and he smirked. Little Catherine Riley. She didn’t for a second believe they wanted to screw her nasty pussy for fun, did she? Easton was getting off, but this was also a job.

  Oh, well, she’d go in the list of many other women and men before her who thought they could come after the four kings and get away with it. That shit didn’t happen, n
ot on his watch. As Easton pulled out of her, he got a clear shot as with one quick thrust, he embedded himself into her anus.

  The moan was captured, the begging was taken, and victory was all theirs. Axton enjoyed his scotch, watched the show, and made sure every single second was captured. Once it was all over and his friends had come either in her mouth or on her face, and Easton completed in her ass, Axton put his cell phone away, job well done.

  He wouldn’t spill shit tonight, but when she came calling for money and using blackmail tactics, he would be ready.

  Ten years he’d been dealing with this kind of stuff.

  Ten years of companies thinking he was just a regular punk-ass kid.

  He was Axton Farris, not a kid. Never a kid. From the time he could learn to read, he’d been forced to grow up.

  There was no childhood for him or his friends. It’s why they were all so ruthless. There was no love involved in power and wealth.




  That’s what he knew.

  It was in his blood, and when the time finally came for him to have a child, that kid would have the same upbringing, none of this bullshit that kids seemed to relish nowadays.

  As far as he was concerned, keeping it real was the only fucking way to roll.

  “Now that was a damn fine way to spend a birthday,” Easton said, slapping Catherine on the ass. “Well done you for being a good sport.”

  He stepped away, sliding his condom off before wrapping it up and placing it in his jacket pocket. With their wealth, they had to deal with their fair share of gold-diggers, and attempted bribery. Also, Axton knew for a fact that Easton had left a condom lying around and when he’d entered the bathroom after getting dressed, had found the woman trying to use the semen inside to impregnate herself.

  That shit was just nasty, but some people would do anything for money.

  “Now that’s what it’s like to be banged by the four kings,” Catherine said, wiping her face clean.

  She had a big smile on her face as if she was the cat that ate the cream. It sickened him just to watch.

  “Three, babe,” Karson said, slapping her ass.

  “Yeah, that’s right. I didn’t even give you a piece of me,” she said, coming toward him.

  Axton lifted his bare foot and placed it on her stomach.

  “Don’t come any closer.”

  She pouted. “But I can make it so much better.”

  “If I wanted your nasty cunt, I’d be in it, Catherine. I don’t want you. I never did. You were merely a present for my friend.”

  “And now I’m done with her. Had my fun and she’s all used up. Get her out of here,” Easton said.

  “You heard the man. Get dressed before I call security and have you expelled from the club.”

  “You can’t be serious,” she said, looking around the room.

  Karson laughed. “You really think we want a second round? I’d give you a two for effort, but really, if I wanted a real woman, I’d go and pick out from the number of them out at the bar willing to take my cock. You’re nothing but a nasty whore.”

  She wasn’t offended.

  They all knew about Catherine.

  How she used her body and her little secrets to try to stay on top. She thought she could come between the four kings, to make them her bitch, and to do her bidding. She couldn’t have been more wrong.

  None of them bowed to a woman.


  Women bowed to them and were grateful for whatever little speck of attention they granted.

  “Now, where is the real fun?” Easton asked.

  Ten years ago, Easton wasn’t all that much fun, but it seemed the threat of living life on the streets really affected him. After that day in school when he’d lost his cool and they’d told him straight what would happen, he’d been a different man.

  No woman ever lasted on his arm.

  The world was full of willing women, and Easton seemed determined to be the kind of guy to taste them all.

  They all had a part to play in their empire. The four of them made up a complete unit. Nothing and no one could come between them.

  They had their pact, and even if they didn’t always see eye to eye, their friendship remained firmly in place.

  Catherine dressed quickly, shooting them glares. If her looks alone could kill, they’d all be dead.

  Glancing down at his watch, Axton grabbed his cell phone and made sure she heard as he dialed security. Just as he was about to call, she huffed out of the room, promising them they’d regret it.

  Once the door closed, they all burst out laughing. The idea alone of her taking them on was so fucking funny.

  She’d messed with the wrong men, and now he had a long video that he could unleash at any time.

  “You know, I think her pussy has been well-used already,” Easton said. “It’s why I had to take her ass too. She just couldn’t handle me, and her ass wasn’t too bad. Not as tight as I’d like.”

  His friends were not dressed, and Axton poured himself another shot of whiskey. This would be his last for the night. Drinking would always be in moderation. There was no way he’d ever allow himself to be out of control.

  Control meant power.

  There was no way in the world he’d give someone the same kind of ammunition against him. He’d already sat through three of Romeo’s indiscretions that had cost them all millions.

  “Let’s get down to the real business right now. Holly left. She found a job elsewhere that guaranteed less stress and was something she enjoyed a lot more,” Axton said.

  “For fuck’s sake. For one night can’t we just have a little fun? It’s my birthday.” Easton glared at him.

  “You’ve just had a fuck of the lifetime. You took her ass and pussy. Move on. I’ve got business to deal with. Holly’s gone, and that means we’re advertising for someone to fill that position.”

  “Then interview them,” Karson said.

  “I don’t see what the big fucking deal is. There are more than enough chicks to fill the gap. Just get it done,” Romeo said.

  “It doesn’t matter who we employ. You’ll only fire them and hire who you want to in the first place.” Easton shrugged. “This is not our decision but yours.”

  That’s because he hired competent women.

  Women that were not likely to file a lawsuit.

  They didn’t want another man around them. Too much testosterone right now that another male wouldn’t work for any of them.

  “This is supposed to be our decision,” Axton said.

  They all burst out laughing, but he didn’t find it the least amusing.

  “You’re paranoid, Axton. God, anyone would think you’ve got something to hide.”

  He glared at Romeo. They all had something to hide.

  “You know what, my job here is done. You don’t want to take this seriously, then I’m out of here.”

  “Oh, come on, stop being such a party pooper,” Easton said. “There’s chicks all over this place that want a bit of your cock. It’s been so fucking long since you got it wet. No wonder you’re a giant pain in the ass. All work and no play makes Axton a very dull, boring boy.”

  He ignored them all and made his way out of their VIP room.

  Pulling his cell phone out of his pocket, he called to his driver, Eric, to bring the car around. He was done partying for the night.

  “Is everything okay?” Michelle asked.

  She was the woman they’d picked to manage the club.

  “More than fine.”

  “You know, you could stay,” Michelle said, reaching out to run a hand down his shirt. “I wouldn’t mind taking you for a little ride myself.”

  He caught her wrist, holding it tight to the point he saw her wince. “Not going to happen. I don’t fuck where I work.”

  She thrust out her lip. “Come on. You’re the only one that hasn’t tasted me. Ask your friends. They know I’m good to p
arty.” She moved in close, and he gave her a shove.

  “Then take your nasty mouth and pussy somewhere else.” He didn’t linger to make it better. “And you’re fired. Enjoy the benefits of tonight while you can.”

  Not only did he have to interview for a new PA but now a new manager of the club as well.

  His night was going from shit to worse.

  Fortunately, Eric was parked right outside waiting for him, with the door open and a smile on his face. He and Eric had been together for some time now. He’d given him the job the moment he took over from his father with the Four Kings’ Empire.

  Other than Romeo, Easton, and Karson, Eric was the only other person he trusted. Holly had been in that position once as well.

  He’d thrown out all of his father’s close employees and replaced them with people of his own choosing. Holly had been a struggling single mother. She’d been desperate for the job, and every single test of loyalty he’d thrown her way, she’d passed. From leaked footage onto her desk, to a hacked email, to anything that he thought she’d try to take, she’d come to him to report, earning her place as a valued employee.

  The people that were loyal to him, his friends, and the company were always treated like family and fully compensated. Those that went against him, well, they longed for death as he made their lives a living hell, and he took great pleasure in seeing their lives unfold, just like the sick fucker that he was.

  Axton had known from a young age that he wasn’t like most people. He rarely understood or cared for love. He’d come to see love as a weakness, a tool that could be used against someone at any point in their life.

  He thrived on seeing others suffer, from taking what didn’t belong to him and building an empire that rivaled his enemies. This wasn’t so different from when he was a kid, seeing others fail, loving their pain, basking in it. He’d watched his father do it for so long that he’d wanted that kind of pleasure. Only as he got older he realized his father cheated. That he never won by playing fairly. In the beginning of learning all about his place within the four kings, Axton hadn’t cared about the means his father used. A win was a win. Getting older, it started to mean something to him. He needed more than just the win. He needed it to fucking count.


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