Embracing Fate

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Embracing Fate Page 3

by C. C. Dado

  Mrs. Hansen, one of the pack moms, grabbed an extra chair and moved it over to the table, gesturing for him to sit. Four sets of sunken eyes stared back at him, waiting for him to speak.

  As much as Seth wanted answers, his feet wouldn’t move. The panic starting to creep in caused him to blurt out what he came for instead of easing into it. “I heard a human talk and I obeyed him!” Instantly feeling like an idiot for screaming at them instead of walking closer, he forced his legs to move forward and took a seat at the table. “It wasn’t like when I obey the alpha. It was like my subconscious took over.”

  A look passed between the elders. Seth wasn’t sure exactly what gifts they possessed, but he definitely felt like there was a conversation going on that he was not privy too.

  The wrinkly old man across the table nodded his head at the only female elder.

  “You are not obeying him,” she said, attempting to slap a ten of hearts down on the table, but her frail body made it look like slow motion. She turned her knowing eyes back to Seth. “Your subconscious wants to please this person. That’s why you responded the way you did. The only person on this earth that you would be driven to please like this is your mate.”

  “M-mate? But he’s human.” Seth didn’t understand how that could happen.

  “Boy, I remember when you were born.” The elder next to him, who was hooked up to some kind of monitor, spoke. “The one with the bicolored eyes. You hide them now,” he said, gesturing to the bangs covering up half Seth’s face. “But back then you were a sight to see, like a sign from the gods. Do you know what I saw when I looked at you? I saw two souls, two worlds, two halves. You were never meant to mate with a shifter. This human is your mate.”

  Seth sat there rolling the words around in his mind, realizing this was a validation of what he already knew deep down. “How does a shifter mate with a human?” Seth asked, his mind now spinning with questions.

  “Well, one of you, and it doesn’t matter who, takes their penis and sticks it—”

  “Oh wow,” Seth said, cutting off the elder before he could continue. “Sorry, that was not at all what I meant by that question. I meant, we live much longer than humans, but if I have a human mate, will I die when his life span is over?” he asked, feeling like he was going to be sick suddenly.

  “I only know one mated couple like this,” the elder responded. “In that case the human lived as long as their shifter mate, not the other way around. We can only assume it will work the same for you.”

  Seth wasn’t feeling super warm and fuzzy about the halfhearted assurance.

  “You will have more control over your reaction now that you and your wolf are on the same page,” he informed Seth as he got up.

  Seth thanked the elders for their time and left, thinking about the conversation the whole way back to town. I have a mate, a human mate….

  Chapter 5: Accusations

  THE VIBRATION of his cell phone on the coffee table broke Seth out of his thought-induced trance. He’d spent the last few hours trying to cook his way out of a panic attack. Time in the kitchen always helped ease his anxiety. Seth was realizing that the new neighbor wasn’t his only problem. Max moving out was having an effect on him as well. He’d spent his entire life having an omega with him basically all the time, albeit an unorthodox one, but he centered him. He distracted Seth from his own worries, even more so once they moved in together. And sure, Max was at the bakery during the day, but now he had his own life, a husband he went home to at night. The loss was echoing inside Seth. He needed Max. Even if it was just hearing his voice. Seth wasn’t sure he was ready to talk about the fact that he had a mate—a human mate—and that he’d just moved in next door.

  He headed into the living room to grab his phone, hoping it was Max calling.

  “Hey,” he answered in happy relief, seeing Max’s name on the screen.

  “Something strange is going on,” Max said, bypassing normal pleasantries as usual.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Zeus has been bizarre around me all day, like I’m going to die or something. Am I going to die?” His voice rose to a screech. “Do you think he knows something I don’t?”

  “No. You’re not dying,” Seth said, shaking his head until he remembered why Zeus might be acting weird to Max. Oh my God. Does Zeus really believe Max is pregnant? “I’m sure you’re just imagining it.”

  “No, he’s completely acting weird. This morning I got irritated at Christian for not telling me you stopped by, when I could clearly smell you’d been here. And Zeus brought me a bowl of ice cream and suggested I go lie down and relax. And he keeps looking at me weirdly. He offered to rub my feet earlier. I let him, of course, but it’s really creeping me out.”

  I’m never going to lie again. “Maybe he’s just having an off day. I wouldn’t think too much into it.”

  “I think I know what’s going on,” Max said, sounding like he’d just had an epiphany. “Zeus must have feelings for me. That has to be it. It explains everything: the sweet offers, the attention, the fact that he keeps staring at my crotch like it’s magical, which of course it is, but what am I going to do? I’ve created a beautiful twisted love triangle between an alpha and his beta.”

  Seth fell back onto the couch, cringing, knowing he was going to have to fess up, but he had no idea what to say.

  “Are you hearing me? What if they fight over me? They’ll have to fight to the death, and the winner will have me.”

  “I don’t think that’s how things work anymore,” Seth said, trying to reason with his friend.

  “Zeus is the biggest wolf I have ever seen in my life. My poor alpha. What’ll I do without him? My soul will slowly die as I take refuge in the muscular arms of his beta.”

  Seth’s mind was reeling trying to keep up with Max’s train of thought as he spun his life into a daytime soap opera.

  “I really think you’re underestimating your mate’s abilities,” Seth responded, trying to think of a way out of his lie.

  “You’re right, you’re right. It’ll be fine. It’s flattering really. Zeus is a catch, but I’m pretty sure Christian would not approve of a polygamous relationship. You don’t think he would, do you?” Max asked hopefully.


  “What? I was just asking.”

  “I seriously do not know what’s wrong with you sometimes.”

  “Fine, let’s just talk about something else, then.”

  Gladly…. “How are things with your mom?” Seth asked, knowing it had to be hard for Max to build a relationship that had been broken for so many years.

  “I wouldn’t mind if she liked me a little less.”

  Seth laughed at Max’s parental culture shock of suddenly being smothered in his mother’s love.

  “Seriously. Do you know what she wants to do?” Max paused for effect. “She wants to take me to Hapsburg for family pictures. It’s like she’s trying to recreate all these memories that we should have had when I was growing up.”

  “Well, that is pretty sweet. It’s not like she didn’t want to have those moments. She was trying to keep you safe.”

  “I know, but it’s not just me she wants to bond with. Yesterday she grilled me over when she was going to get grandchildren. Grandchildren, Seth! And Zeus and his newfound crazy weren’t helping anything. He just started hugging me. I think he might have cried a little bit. Which if he loves me is totally understandable. His big, oversized heart is probably shattering into a million pieces.”

  Seth knew he should feel bad, but he couldn’t help the snort that escaped him.

  “Not funny. She wants us to adopt. She kept going on about it helping absolve her of her sins if she also gave love to another child that didn’t have a great childhood.”


  “I know, I know, she’s sweet and she’s trying, but seriously, she’s here all the time.”

  “Well, you’re welcome to come over here if you need a break. I do miss you.” Seth
contemplated telling Max about his neighbor/mate.

  “I can’t come over, but how about we grab some snacks and curl up and watch something mindless on TV and gossip about how ridiculous it is?”

  “I’m way ahead of you. I have a bowl of my special popcorn and I’m on my third episode of Alaskan Bush People, I think it’s called,” Seth said, adjusting his comfy spot on the couch to cover himself with a blanket.

  “Okay, hang on, let me see what we have in this kitchen.”

  Seth could hear the cupboard doors banging and metal bowls clanging around, followed by Christian’s voice in the background.

  “What are you doing in there?’

  “I’m trying to find some food, but you have nothing good to eat.”

  “We have lots of food. You’re just grumpy.”

  “Did you hear that?” Max asked, returning to the phone.

  “I did.”

  “The honeymoon is so over. Remind me what I saw in that Neanderthal.”

  “Umm…. He’s your mate?”

  “Ha, mate… I have a beautiful man offering to rub my feet, and he can’t even get me a freaking bag of popcorn.” Max was hollering the last part away from the phone, obviously wanting Christian to hear.

  “You’re being ridiculous!” Seth heard Christian holler back.

  “Stop it. You both adore each other.” The relationship between Max and Christian was confusing to say the least. Seth had thought they would be like a normal couple after they finally claimed each other, but he should have known better. The imaginary drama that Max brought into everything definitely kept Christian on his toes.

  “Fine,” Max said reluctantly. “Okay, I found a bag of pretzels, the bottom of the snack food chain, but they will have to do.”

  “You shouldn’t be yelling at him in his condition,” Zeus said to Christian in the background.

  “Did you hear that?” Max whispered into the phone. “What is he talking about? What condition?”

  Crap…. Seth leaned his head back on the couch and fessed up. “Zeus may be under the impression that you’re pregnant.”

  The dead silence on Max’s end of the line didn’t bode well for Seth.

  “Why exactly would he think that, Seth?” Max’s voice filled with accusation. “Did I suddenly grow a mangina that I am unaware of?”

  “You know, I’ve heard it’s a thing that can happen with male shifter mates. Maybe not like a full mangina but like ovaries, and a uterus and stuff.”

  Nothing but silence….

  “Okay, maybe it was some kind of frog, but that’s not important. What is important is that it can happen. But I think that maybe after talking to me this morning, Zeus may have inferred that you were with child.”

  “He ‘inferred’ that, did he? And exactly what did you say to make him come to this amazing conclusion?”

  Seth fidgeted with his couch blanket as he responded. “I told him I thought you were pregnant,” he admitted.

  “And that’s why Zeus keeps looking at me like something magical is happening?”

  “Most likely, yes.”

  “And you did this why?” Max asked, still not expressing any emotion in his voice.

  “For a very important reason that I would like to discuss at a later time.”

  “You would like to discuss it at a later time,” Max repeated.


  “Do you know what the best thing about revenge is, Seth?”

  Seth figured that was a rhetorical question.

  “It’s the anticipation,” Max said, the line going dead.

  Chapter 6: Nancy Needs Training

  THANKFULLY THE bakery was packed the next day, so Seth managed to avoid having any real conversations with Max.

  By closing time, he was ready to tell Max about his human m-mate…. Seth still mentally stuttered over the word. He needed Max to tell him it was all going to be okay. He had a plan, and he was going to ask for Max’s help.

  Seth prepared himself as he heard Max hit the swinging door with a tray, headed for the sink.

  “Hey. You got a sec?” Seth asked as casually as he could, wiping down the kitchen counter.

  “Yep, all locked up out front, and I probably should sit down. All this time on my feet can’t be good for the bae.” Max sarcastically rubbed his belly, taking a seat at the counter.

  Oh great, this should be fun. “There’s something I need to tell you.”

  “Is it about the bae?” Max whispered, wrapping his arms protectively around his belly, smirking at Seth before popping a mini cupcake into his mouth from one of the trays waiting to go back in the fridge.

  My best friend is a world-class smartass, Seth thought, taking a breath for courage before talking. “I found my mate.”

  Max’s eyes bulged, followed by a blinding smile as he came around the counter to pull Seth into a hug. “I’m still mad at you, but yay! We both found our mates.” Finding your mate didn’t happen for everyone, so the fact that both of them had found theirs was pretty spectacular.

  Warmth flowed into Seth at Max’s embrace. This was what he needed.

  “Wait, who is he?” Max asked, finally letting Seth go.

  “It’s our new neighbor.”

  “The dog trainer? But he’s human,” Max said, tilting his head in confusion.

  “I know.” Seth sighed.

  “Are you sure he’s your mate? Like, maybe you just find him attractive. ’Cause a mate is a big thing, like you can feel it in your everything.”

  “I know,” Seth said in firm sadness.


  They both stood there in silence while they took in the weight of the conversation.

  Seth decided he better confess all, since they had never had any secrets between them before, and he hated that they had any now. “I didn’t really go up to visit my parents yesterday. I went up for counsel with the elders.”

  “Shut up.” Max was obviously shocked Seth had the courage to go to the elders after he had described them to him. “You saw the elders,” Max said in awe. “Was I right or was I right?” Max crumpled his face, pumping his crotch forward, pretending he was the grim reaper humping someone’s face.

  Seth just shook his head at him until he stopped.

  “So, what did they say?”

  “They said that I was fated to mate with a human.”

  “Oh my God. I cannot wait to tell Christian. He is going to freak. Well, as much as my calm, rational mate can freak.”

  “He already knows.”

  Max looked completely disgusted at Seth’s admission. “What? He knew! He knew and didn’t tell me? What in all that is holy is going the fuck on around here? What kind of sick and twisted world am I living in?”

  “I had to tell him what I suspected in order to get in to see the elders.”

  “Well I’m glad you two are bonding. I guess you and Christian will make great best friends. I’ll just take my baby and be off. I’ll tell him stories about how I was once the greatest of all omegas, until I was stabbed in the back by my mate, who stole my best friend.” Max dramatically attempted to move toward the door, until Seth stopped him.

  “Will you stop. You’ll always be my best friend,” Seth said, smiling, wanting to hug Max again as he instantly felt the stress that had been building in him calm.

  “Fine, you’re forgiven, but only for my mate knowing. Not for telling Zeus I was pregnant. You still owe me for that one.”

  “I’m probably going to owe you more than one.” Seth paused and started wiping up the counter again, purposefully not making eye contact with Max.

  “Ohhhh, no eye contact…. This should be interesting. I’m intrigued. But don’t tell me yet. I’m starving. Eating for two and all,” he said, raising a sarcastic brow before patting his tummy. “Let me grab a snack so I can fully enjoy whatever is about to come out of your mouth.” Max proceeded to get out some cheese and crackers and a soda before sitting back down at the kitchen island.

ay, I’m ready, go,” he said, tossing a stack of cheese and crackers into his mouth.

  Seth took a final deep breath and did it. “I want you to take me over to the neighbor’s in wolf form and ask him to train me.”

  Max instantly spit a mouthful of cheese and crackers across the countertop and started coughing.

  Seth looked at all the cupcakes and cookies now covered in Max’s spit that would have to be remade.

  “Please tell me you’re not joking,” Max said, wiping his mouth.

  “Not joking,” he assured him. “I need to get to know him.”

  “And this is your best idea on how to do that?”


  “Before I agree to anything, are you sure this is something you can even do? I mean, don’t get me wrong, I love you, and you are the nicest person I know, but you’re not really a new-people person. You’ve been doing great around Christian and Zeus lately, I will admit, but you can barely help the customers out front without panicking.”

  Seth lowered his gaze, knowing Max was right. “I know, but I have to try. He’s my mate.”

  “I would like to go on record that this is an awful plan and is totally going to end in us getting in trouble. I’m absolutely in. Besides, I owe you for all the times you blindly followed me into a stupid idea.”

  Seth laughed at his friend. “I’m going to need a leash and collar.”

  “Got ’em. What else?”

  “Why do you have a leash and collar?” Seth asked, prepared to be outraged.

  “Wouldn’t you like to know,” Max said, his eyebrows lifting up and down suggestively.

  “Ugh, so gross, no, I wouldn’t want to know at all. As a matter of fact, I wish I could unknow what I already know.”

  “Don’t judge me. I like to try things. Do you want my leash or not?”

  “Yes, can you go get it now?”

  MAX RETURNED twenty minutes later with a black leather spiked collar and a leash, and handed them to Seth.


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