Hope, Heartbreak & High Heels (HHH)

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Hope, Heartbreak & High Heels (HHH) Page 9

by Sheryl

  Eva and Anya stared appreciatively at Latisha. She smiled back at them.

  “Wow…” Anya murmured. It was true, I’d done an amazing job lightly curling her long hair and playing up her large eyes with my makeup brushes. Her skin was glowing against the colours of the dresses.

  Eva grinned. “Now you look like the birthday girl!”

  Latisha smiled in return. “Alright, I need shoes. Which ones?”

  We crowded around the cupboard. It was her party; she couldn’t just be seen in any shoes. Eva pulled out a couple of pairs but it was too much colour with the dress. Latisha’s own pumps were boring and too plain for the event. My hard, edgy shoes were on the complete other end of the spectrum.

  “OhMyGosh! How could I forget? Wear these!” Anya offered with a smile. She was holding her brand new prized multi-coloured bejewelled peeptoes.

  Tish shook her head, “No way. You need to wear them first. I know how excited you are. Besides it’s too much colour… it’ll clash”

  Eva and I nodded in agreement. I had an idea. “Anya, take off your shoes.”

  Anya slipped out of her heels. I handed the silver studded slingbacks to Latisha. I then handed Anya her brand new shoes. Her face lit up.

  “Problem solved! This way you’ll wear them first and Tish has the perfect pair of shoes,” I smiled.

  The doorbell buzzed. Latisha and Anya put on their shoes while I answered it.

  “It’s us,” Vivek’s voice came in through the speaker. I let them up.

  Vivek and Ezra had gone out to pick up the cake and some hard liquor. We already had the wine, dessert and sushi covered.

  They walked in and shook off their jackets. Ezra gave me a tight hug. I could feel the cool, early November air on him.

  Vivek stopped in his tracks. “Wow,” he said softly as he studied Latisha head to toe. “You look beautiful.” Latisha smiled and flushed under his stare. He kissed the top of her head fondly and rubbed his thumb appreciatively over her engagement ring as he held her hand. She didn’t say anything.

  We placed the cake in the fridge and poured out some drinks. Eva and Anya’s glasses of wine, Latisha’s soda, Vivek’s Red Bull, Ezra’s whisky and my vodka-Sprite. We raised our glasses to Latisha.

  “To the most beautiful and caring twenty-seven year old we know and her last unmarried birthday in the city…’cause next year she’s all mine!” Vivek toasted proudly. “To Latisha Choudhary!”

  “To Latisha,” we cheered in unison.

  The doorbell continued buzzing over the hour as a steady stream of guests poured in. At about quarter to ten Andrew showed up. From the moment he walked in, the world around Anya and Andrew ceased to exist. They only had eyes for each other. Whether together or across the room; I noticed them constantly looking for each other and smiling as if they shared some secret.

  I searched the room for my own date. I spotted Ezra pouring another vodka-Sprite. I smiled. He must have noticed my nearly empty glass.

  “Hi,” I greeted as I wrapped my arms around his waist. He looked so soft in his navy blue V-neck sweater, white shirt and grey jeans. Preppy, but cute.

  “Hey you,” he put his arm around me. “Having fun?”

  “I guess… missed you though. Wanna take a break in my bedroom?” I winked.

  “I wish. But I’m sure Latisha would mind if we disappeared.” I pouted knowing he was right. Still, it would have been nice if he’d given in to the temptation just a little. “Maybe I can whisk you away later?” he added.

  I smiled and wrapped my arms around him as we surveyed the party before us. I felt safe and whole against his soft wool and inside his strong hold.

  22 – ANYA

  The party was in full swing by the time Andrew walked in. I noticed him as soon as he entered. Dressed in a pair of dark jeans and a white shirt with an emerald green cardigan tied loosely around his neck; he was hard to miss. His eyes scanned the room for a few minutes before they finally rested on mine. He flashed me his brilliant smile.

  He made his way across the room and gave me a light kiss on the cheek. I felt the butterflies in my stomach stir up a tornado.

  “Hi,” he greeted in his sexy, gravelly voice. “How are you?”

  “Hey, so glad you made it,” I replied weakly. I was mesmerized by his clear blue eyes.

  “Where can I put this?” He held up a wine bottle.

  “Oh, you shouldn’t have! Come, I’ll introduce you to the birthday girl.” We walked across the room where Latisha was standing with Vivek and a blonde, tattooed well-built friend. He was studying her a little too closely and for a little too long. I wonder what that was about?

  “Hey Tish, this is Andrew Barton. Ezra’s friend from the club,” I introduced, “And Andrew, this is…”

  “Latisha! Vivek? Wow, what a coincidence!” Andrew exclaimed. He shot me a confused look.

  Uh oh. I’d forgotten that they knew each other.

  “Andrew! Good to see you again. Um…Anya and I live together,” Latisha quickly covered.

  Andrew looked amused. “Small world isn’t it?” He raised an eyebrow.

  Unconsciously I started chewing on my nail. I hope he won’t be upset if he ever found out the truth about why I was at the club.

  “So there’s you, Anya, Ezra’s girlfriend…” Andrew clarified.

  “There’s one more. Eva. She’s the tall reddish brunette standing there,” Tish pointed.

  The tattooed hottie let out a low whistle. “Four girls? I can’t even imagine the sort of drama that must go on here.”

  Vivek laughed. “Anya, Andrew, this is Chris Evans. He’s an intern at the hospital with Latisha.”

  I shook his hand and gave him a smile. He smiled back warmly. He seemed nice. But what was going on between him and Latisha? She seemed so on edge around him.

  “Are you from around here?” Andrew asked.

  “Around here. Moved out west for a few years. Just got back to New York,” Chris answered vaguely.

  “I love the tattoos – do they mean something?” I followed up.

  “It’s an African tribal tattoo that runs up my neck and down the left side of my back. I got it while I was volunteering there – some sort of protective symbol,” he explained.

  “That’s pretty cool,” Vivek exclaimed. “Though personally I have no pain tolerance.”

  “Wuss!” Andrew punched Vivek lightly in the arm.

  “Oy!” he mock protested. “Barton, where’s your drink? Let’s go get you one…anyone else need a refill?”

  “I do!” I piped up. I didn’t want to lose sight of Andrew, after all, I was the one that had invited him here. Chris and Latisha shook their heads.

  As we walked off, I noticed Chris inch even closer to Latisha and say something to her in a low voice. And whatever it was, it was making her turn red.

  “What can I get you guys?” Vivek asked as we stood at our kitchen counter-turned-bar.

  “Scotch for me and…” Andrew turned towards me waiting for an answer.

  “I’ll have a glass of the white wine,” I requested.

  Vivek poured the drinks and Andrew handed me my glass.


  “So how did you guys meet?” Vivek feigned innocence.

  “Well I went to Ezra’s club last weekend and he introduced us,” I blushed. I didn’t like lying.

  “We had lunch and then I took her round to see the grounds,” Andrew recalled.

  “Oh cool,” Vivek smiled.

  “Speaking of, where is Ezra?” Andrew asked, “He mentioned he was going to be here.”

  We looked around. “There he is, let me go get him. I need to go check on a few things anyways,” Vivek excused himself.

  “So… small world?” Andrew raised an eyebrow at me once again.

  I felt my cheeks getting even warmer. I was pretty sure he’d caught on by now. He didn’t look too happy.

  “Ok so I haven’t been completely hones…” I started.

listening,” Andrew took a long sip of his drink.

  “Well Vivek was talking about you the other night and suggested we meet. So Ezra decided to bring me to the club and introduce us. And well, the rest is history,” I blurted out.

  Andrew just looked at me for a few seconds. He didn’t say anything. My palms started feeling clammy.

  Then, after what seemed like an eternity, he laughed. “Don’t worry about it, Vivek had mentioned you a while ago. I knew we were being set up. I was just playing along.”

  “But what about the whole ‘no games’ thing?” I frowned.

  “I still believe that. But I just thought I’d let things play out… better than putting pressure on us knowing it’s a set up,” he explained. “Besides it was kinda cute to see you fake interest in riding.”

  I felt the butterflies again.

  Before I could answer Ezra and Aimee interrupted us.

  “Hey man,” Ezra greeted Andrew. Aimee was smiling knowingly at me.

  “How’s it going?” Andrew asked Ezra.

  I heard the doorbell buzz again. I looked around but Eva and Latisha seemed engrossed in conversation. Aimee was listening to the guys. I’d have to get it.

  “Delivery,” came the voice. Must be the sushi.

  I buzzed the delivery guy in. But I was surprised.

  Instead of sushi, the delivery boy was holding a bottle of wine and a note. The note was addressed to Eva Goldstein. I took it over to her.

  “Hey, someone just dropped this off for you.” I handed her the bottle and the envelope.

  She looked confused. She opened the envelope and I saw her clear blue eyes widen with surprise. Silently she handed me the handwritten note.

  Dear Eva,

  If not with me, I’m hoping you can at least enjoy a drink from me tonight.

  Hoping you have a great night and looking forward to seeing you again soon,

  Daniel H.

  “Who?” I asked. Latisha and Aimee joined us once they caught sight of the bottle I was holding.

  “Daniel. The family friend at Noa’s Bat Mitzvah. The guy that came to see me in the office…” she trailed off.

  Latisha, Aimee and I looked for the appropriate thing to say. Eva was like a skittish cat when it came to men. Especially those interested in her.

  “Well that’s so sweet of him. You should call him,” Aimee was the first to speak up.

  “You mean it was so unnecessary. And pretentious. Who sends someone he hardly knows a bottle of wine for a friends birthday who he’s never met?” Eva bristled.

  “Well what do you want to do? Return it? He’s probably just trying to get your attention,” Aimee retorted. Eva was about to explode at Aim.

  “If you’d told me earlier that you guys have hung out a few times I would have told you to invite him. He seemed like a nice guy,” Latisha tried to break the tension.

  “Why would I invite him here?” Eva protested, “I hardly know the guy…And he hardly knows us!”

  “Ok well either way you should thank him,” Latisha advised, “and ask him if he wants to join us. Even if it’s just for a drink or to return the bottle.”

  Eva gave her a look but she knew Tish was right. Tish was always right when it came to matters like these. Eva picked up her phone but stopped.

  “I don’t even have his number!”

  Aimee sighed. “Ask your sister?”

  Eva gave her a dirty look but obeyed.

  I smiled. So maybe this guy was even more direct than Andrew but he definitely had flair. And we knew Eva was attracted to him simply by the way she reacted. I just hoped he stuck around enough to see past her walls and sharp tongue.

  23 – LATISHA

  I had been surprised by the wine delivery – anyone who knows me wouldn’t have sent me wine. I mean some of the guests had brought their own bottles of but that was more for their own enjoyment.

  I smiled as I watched Eva typing away furiously on her phone. I could imagine the struggle going on within her – her attraction for Daniel versus her obstinacy to remain indifferent. Then came the added complications of manners and family ties. It would be interesting to see how this plays out.

  “Everything ok? Noticed you guys having a team powwow.” I knew who it was based on the spicy scent that filled my nostrils.

  I turned around to find Chris standing close behind me. His proximity made me edgy.

  Recently Chris and I had been getting along well. He brought out a livelier, more carefree side of me. We fought, we joked and I felt comfortable speaking my mind around him. We discussed everything under the sun – books, music, our childhood and upbringing, patients… I guess it was because he was a total stranger; it’s always easier to act out around people that don’t know you personally. Or that you’re not answerable to. The biggest thing we had in common was our shared passion for medicine. But there were a lot of differences too.

  Chris had grown up in the Bronx. He wasn’t underprivileged, but I guess he didn’t come from as comfortable a life as I had. He had been on the wrestling team at his public high school and that had earned him his college scholarship. After college Chris had moved out to Vegas where he’d done some wrestling to earn his way through medical school. However he’d wanted to move back after graduating because, after all, New York was home.

  Ever since he had walked in this evening, I had felt jumpy around him. As soon as he had entered, he’d come straight up to me. He’d given me a lookover, whistled and complimented my look. Thankfully Vivek had been out of earshot – that would have been sooo awkward. He’d stayed close to me all evening, innocently brushing against me here and there. But every time we’d touched, I’d felt a spark. His piercing hot gaze hadn’t helped. And nor did his crooked smile. Or his sly smirk.

  “Everything’s fine, just sorting out a delivery.”

  “So these are the rest of the room mates?” He studied Eva and Aimee as he spoke. “Pretty bunch.”

  I felt an sharp pang in my chest as I watched him study Aimee.

  “Yup,” I answered curtly.

  “Don’t worry, you’re still the prettiest one in the room tonight.”

  “You don’t need to say that,” I replied.

  “You know it’s true. At least for me. And if I were your fiancé, I wouldn’t be sharing you with a roomful of people right now,” he winked.

  I didn’t answer and focused my gaze on my shiny shoes instead.

  He raised an eyebrow at me. “How’d you guys end up living together?”

  “I knew Eva from back home. Anya and her went to the same law school. And I met Aimee at Tufts.” I filled in.

  “Nice.” He took a large sip of his beer.

  “Drink up!” came Sally’s high-spirited voice as she shoved a shot of vodka into my hand.

  “No way!” I hissed. “I told you I wouldn’t be drinking tonight!”

  “Oh come on! Don’t be a bore. You’re turning 27! And this is probably your last single birthday in the city!” she protested.

  Chris was amused.

  “Sally, you know I don’t drink. And I’m definitely not going to get drunk with so many guests around,” I refused.

  “One shot won’t kill you,” she smiled.

  “Vivek’s not going to like it…” I admonished.

  “Oh pish posh, you’re not even married yet!” she scoffed.

  “You know that doesn’t matter. Everything I do affects him and his image too,” I explained.

  “Engaged people are no fun,” Sally pouted.

  “Here, let me save you the agony.” Chris took the shot glass out of my hand and threw it back before either one of had had a chance to react. “Well now that we’ve started we can’t stop…Let’s go get some more,” he said. Sally grinned. They walked away with Chris’s arm around Sally’s waist. She turned around to wink at me before she disappeared.

  I knew I should feel grateful to be relieved from Sally but I couldn’t stop myself resenting her for stealing Chris away. What if he
started liking her more?

  Omg what was happening to me?

  The only man whose company I should be missing is Vivek’s. I went to Vivek and held on to his arm, hoping that the physical closeness would distract me from my thoughts.

  I looked around the room. Everyone seemed to be having a good time. I smiled wistfully knowing these nights weren’t coming back. Next year at this time I’d be tucked away in the suburbs probably having a low-key family dinner. Maybe Sally was right; maybe this was my last chance to do something wild and impulsive. But I knew Vivek wouldn’t appreciate it.

  Eva walked up to us, fidgeting and nervous.

  “Everything ok?” I asked.

  “Yeah. I got Daniel’s number from Becky. I sent him a text,” she mumbled.

  “So that’s good right?” I probed.

  “I guess. It’s just such a weird situation. I don’t understand why he’d send me a bottle on your birthday,” she wondered.

  “I mean there is one possible reason…” I hinted.

  Eva rolled her eyes. “Oh come on. It’s bad enough that my parents keep pushing me towards him. And what makes you think he’s even interested? He can have any good little Jewish girl he chooses.”

  “Well, there’s only one way to find out…” I looked at her. She had it bad. If only she could see it.

  Vivek put an arm around my waist.

  “Do you guys not want any of the sushi…What are you guys discussing so intently?” he asked.

  “Just. Things. The bottle,” I replied.

  He smiled. “You know, this Daniel could be special…”

  Eva groaned, “Spare me the speech! Please!”

  Vivek laughed, “Alright, alright. So what did Daniel say?”

  “He texted me saying he was out but he would try to drop by after he was done. I insisted that the bottle was unnecessary but he claims it was just lying around and he doesn’t like this particular wine anyways…”

  “So that means we actually did him a favour by taking it off his hands huh?” I joked.


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