Galactic - Ten Book Space Opera Sci-Fi Boxset

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Galactic - Ten Book Space Opera Sci-Fi Boxset Page 145

by Colin F. Barnes

  Kaleb was ecstatic to see his son again in the flesh and more than willing to help him acquire a new persona. Together they sat in Kaleb’s work shop discussing the best disguise to use. They both agreed a courier could be in any part of the city at any time for many reasons so that was where they would build from. Kyro felt a bit strange resorting to such things, he always relished that people recognized him as the much feared bounty hunter. In this circumstance he could understand why it was needed and he would be certain to remove any masks before putting an end to Deris. That bastard would look him in the eye when he died, Kyro would make sure of that. Kaleb was nearly giddy to be helping his famous son. They were family, of the same blood and that meant a lot to men like Kaleb. After sometime they found what they were looking for. The new face and persona would still need to mesh with someone over 6-foot-tall and what better than a Slovi from the northern most ice planet of Vallor. They were a big people who were stoutly built. They also were known to take hard physical jobs because the people took pride in exertion… If you didn't sweat or bleed you weren't really working, they would say.

  Kyro stepped into the “face changer”, as his father had dubbed it. After a moment his face felt freezing cold and simultaneously burning hot. These sensations thankfully only lasted a few minutes. After a moment more Kaleb called him out to take a look. With a great guffaw the old man determined it was a success. There before him stood a huge white man with ice blue eyes and blonde hair cropped short. The machine’s matrix ingredients camouflaged the rest of Kyro’s body to match his new face. He was not the same person. Over a noon meal Kyro’s mother found clothes that went well with his new body and face. Even the oddness of the whole day couldn’t put a damper on the family reunion. They held each other and joked and laughed long into the evening. Kyro didn't want to spoil it by telling them too much of what he had to do on Sentos. He did take his father’s advice about his new look.

  The old man began by saying, “Do not get it overly wet, a little rain shower is no big deal but falling into a river…it will probably fail, also try not to take any hard hits directly to the face mask or again probable failure will occur.”

  He sighed, adding, “Finally, only use it for a few hours a day, let it rest. I smuggled this technology through seven check points and two star systems it isn't perfect by any means so don’t over use it.”

  Kyro promised to be cautious and not use his new face for too long.

  The bounty hunter liked the idea now of not being known. What a handy tool to have in his arsenal. When this was over he would have to employee his father to make a few more personas for future use. Kyro wondered what people would say about him. His mind turned over with everyone he knew and what he thought they would say. For some reason then his mind went to sheriff Cane. Kyro wondered just how much his new employer actually respected him. It wouldn't fully shock him to know the man didn't like him at all. The smirk on Canes face gave that away the first moments Kyro met with him, but did the smirking little shit respect him? That was all that mattered in the world Kyro lived in…it kept your ass alive. Alas he would have to wait to find out the sheriff’s true feelings because Kyro needed to take a long stroll through Sentos and see what the streets were saying.


  Ariel and Selena awoke cuddled on the rug in their small house. The two women stood and stretched their muscles they shared a laugh at falling asleep where they did. Ariel went to the kitchen to brew something to wake them up a bit. Selena helped wash a few dishes and put some sliced rolls on a plate. The younger woman knew her mother would want every detail of what happened the night before. Selena was still trying to wrap her head around it all but sat down on a wooden stool to tell Ariel all that went down at the gambling house. Most of all, the parts where Deris explained his intentions toward her new found father Kyro Kalil. It seemed almost too weird to call him father so Selena mostly just used his name when speaking with Ariel.

  “He intends to use the whole damsel in distress situation. I will play at a girl lost or scared and when he's not expecting I am to stick him with a poison. It is some nasty stuff from Vallor which will basically freeze a man whole for hours. Then Deris plans to kill him.” Selena finished.

  Ariel was troubled, even if Selena wouldn’t do this, Deris would find a way. He always got what he wanted, like many years before when Ariel carried Selena in her belly. Deris made up a terrible lie and convinced Ariel that her love, Kyro, was using her to kill her father, Guise. Which of course when it was all said and done was a complete fabrication. Ariel felt stupid and sick afterwards, it was a lonesome feeling that clung to her for many years. She felt lost and sorrowful for chasing away her only love, Kyro. She had tried to apologize and make amends through the years but their love never blossomed again. He sent coin occasionally to help her but he never intended to see her again…and now with an odd twist of the fates he was here again in her lonely life but for how long was the question. Ariel knew that Deris would have to come up with a better plan to ever think to kill a man like Kyro. She worried about Selena being set up. Was it even safe to be there in Sentos anymore? Perhaps they should just flee now and forget all of it, even Kyro.

  Ariel said her thoughts aloud. “Let’s run. Go to another system completely.”

  Selena shook her head. “No, we have to end Deris Fel for good or he will find a way to hurt us. Send one of his men for us.”

  Selena had to admit she wasn't sure if Deris was on to them, if his men had seen the exchange between her and her father. Everything seemed to bring more and more questions up. She would need to meet with her father again to decide a course of action. That would definitely not be easy…not in a place where the streets reported back to Deris. She would have to come up with a good plan to pull it off, and so the women began to plot.


  Sheriff Cane walked into the upper class boarding house that Kyro was calling home while on Sentos. Whistling through his stained teeth at the fine accommodations his bounty hunter had chosen. Cane thought to himself that big, dark man-hunter was feeling a bit too important for Sentos. He never noticed the large blond man shadowing him. Kyro was very interested in just what Cane was up to. The now blue eyed, pale skinned version of Kyro had spent several hours walking the streets and getting a feel of what was to come. He had even heard his name in several different conversations, mostly the usual tough guy type chest puffing men do but there were a few times where he actually got useful information. The most useful of all was the fact that at least a few of Deris men didn't trust Selena. This was important because it is more than likely how Deris himself felt as well. After nearly running over the sheriff slyly scoping out his room for rent, Kyro was beginning to feel more uneasy about the whole situation. Once he had an idea what Cane was doing he would be on his way to speak with Selena and Ariel. He could only pray they were still safe.

  Kyro kept pace with Cane as he made his way to the lodging desk. There the sheriff inquired as to whether or not anyone had seen Kyro recently. Luckily, the surly woman at the desk valued Kyro’s Zen more than the sheriff’s good graces.

  “No.” she answered in a tone that couldn't be questioned.

  The sheriff tried another avenue to find out what he wanted to know. He then asked, “Was Mr. Kalil at lunch today? I would love to know if I should take food before our meeting.”

  Meeting? Kyro was never asked to meet with him. This was most certainly becoming interesting. Again the lady was not playing the sheriff’s game.

  “Mr. Kalil is entitled to privacy while staying here, sir, so I haven't a clue when he's eaten last”.

  Kyro could’ve laughed out loud, this woman was not falling for it. Cane seemed agitated now.

  “Well, at least tell me if he's here so I can speak with him.” Cane stammered obviously pissed off now.

  “He has a room upstairs on the left, number twenty-nine, I believe. You may knock but I'm not sure if he’s in.” The lady answered with a grin.

The bounty hunter wondered if she had a problem with authority or took her job that seriously. He followed behind Cane but made sure to pick up a few sheets of spare paper from the counter to look as though he was delivering a message to someone. He didn’t want to be found out, he had to see what in hades the sheriff was doing. Every room here was equipped with communication devices he could’ve certainly got ahold of Kyro if he needed to speak with him. Cane didn't need to sneak around like this unless he was up to something. The hunter was going to find out today just what his employer had in mind. Cane walked in quick direct way like he was supposed to be there, as if he was just going about everyday business, and not obviously doing something shady. Kyro could give Cane credit for acting so cool in the situation if he didn’t also notice how the sheriff was sweating, how he nervously drummed his fingers into the hand rail of the great stair case leading to the guest suites. Yes, the sheriff appeared at first glance to be a nice guy looking for a business meeting but when you looked closer, the way that Kyro did, you could see her was full of anxiety. Cane kept up his finger drumming as he reached the top of the stairwell and went left looking for room twenty-nine. As he approached the door the sheriff faltered and seemed to be contemplating what to do next. Kyro noticed Cane’s hand slide into a small pocket on his trousers, and out came the typical tools for lock picking. Kyro took the stairs more slowly now to give Cane time to do what he came for. The big blond scanned the fake paperwork in his hand trying not to be noticed. Still climbing the stairs slowly, the most outrageous thing happened. Cane obviously overestimated his lock picking skills and was losing his cool. He had the look of there's no way I'm leaving without going in this room. He was so frustrated Kyro could hear him huffing and puffing trying to get the lock to open. It was quite funny even if the buffoon was trying to break into his personal space. Kyro was considering what to do next when the bastard Cane turned around and actually asked the big blond Kyro for a hand. The sheriff played dumb and came up with the lamest excuse of locking himself out. He remarked that the courier’s big hands may turn the handle for him and it would be such a great help to law enforcement and so on. Kyro agreed to help. All the while thinking how great a job on his new persona Kaleb had done. He would have to Pat his father on the back for this one. Of course the spindly decorative silver door knob didn’t stand a chance against Kyro’s brute strength and the door popped open easily. Cane thanked him and stuck a measly paper 2 Zen into his shirt pocket. What a cheap asshole Kyro mused to himself. He made it appear as though he was walking farther away down the hall so the sheriff would feel comfortable being in his room…he needed to catch the bastard in the act. The bounty hunter stepped around a corner and slowly peeled his new face back over his head. He couldn’t compromise his fake persona after all. He then rolled it up trying to not damage it and placed it in his pocket with the papers and money the sheriff bribed him with. He walked to the room numbered twenty-nine and quietly pushed the door open. Inside Cane seemed to be rummaging through his things and never noticed Kalil enter at all. Kyro chuckled this time out loud which made the sheriff yelp and jump into the air.

  “What in the seven pits of hell do you think you are doing going through my things?” Kyro menaced.

  Cane was stumbling and mumbling he was completely caught but he still he tried to explain what he could be doing in the bounty hunter's room looking through his things.

  “I received credible evidence that you could’ve been killed or injured. I simply was looking for clues as to where you could be. I was trying to help that's all.”

  Cane seemed pleased with his answer like he was some kind of genius for coming up with it. “Hmmm…ok so where did you get this evidence of my possible demise?” Kyro asked.

  “Where else, you fool, the streets…obviously! I was trying to save your ass!” the sheriff decided that seeming defensive was now the best strategy to win the conversation.

  The bounty hunter had dealt with so many liars over the years but this man truly thought he could get out of this still looking respectable. Kyro was not having it. He was preparing for a bloody battle to come with Deris while trying to protect Selena and Ariel. He didn’t have time for lies.

  “Ok. Look I know you are full of it! Now just tell me exactly what the hell is going on!”

  “What I just said!” Cane still insisted he was not lying.

  Kyro had more than enough, he walked forward, placed his hands around Canes neck and began to squeeze. The smaller man kicked against him and thrashed his legs, piss streamed down Canes legs filling his shoes. His eyes bulged and watered as squeaky noises tried to escape his mouth but no intelligible words could come out. No air was coming in either, and Cane felt his face grow cold. Kyro dropped him to the floor and got in his face.

  “Now we understand each other. I will finish my job and when I have killed Deris Fel I will let you know. At that time, I will get on a ship and get off this dust hole for good with the ten-thousand Zen you owe me. And that will be that…but if you try anymore back stabbing bullshit like you were just doing then Deris won't be the only body I leave here. Got me?”

  Cane nodded his head and shakily got to his feet. He would most certainly not make this kind of mistake again when dealing with Kyro Kalil. The bounty hunter had encountered those who thought they could double cross him before and it was always awkward dealing with these people afterwards. Kyro just wanted to finish this damn job and get off planet as soon as possible. There were so many complications now. There was the original job of killing Deris which was no easy task, then his daughter was dropped in the middle of it and now a sheriff that would rather get rid of him than pay up. He was growing weary of all this. Whatever happened to simply getting a contract, hunting the person down and doing what needed to be done. He had grown tired of it all and the day was far from over. Then there was the issue of Deris planning to ambush him by using his daughter, which after today's roaming of the streets, he was starting to think that was just a plot to get them in the same place to kill them both at the same time. He walked over to the bar in his room and poured a tall glass of Celestine Brandy. How many times had he and Deris shared a drink of it together? He didn't regret leaving, he had been screwed over by a good friend. His wife had been lied to and turned against him. Family were afraid to speak to him in fear of becoming targeted, all of it because Deris would not share his thrown. He was too greedy to give some of the street gold to Kyro. In the end fate took over and ultimately took Kyro far above the streets of Sentos…now he just hoped to leave the streets in one piece again.

  Chapter Four

  The Lord of the streets, the captain of thievery and of course Deadly Deris Fel, his reputation, along with his ego were huge. He would do anything to maintain his position on the street, it didn’t matter how bloody. At the moment he was breaking the fingers of the bread maker who refused to pay tribute to him. He felt like ever since Kyro had landed the people were testing him. One called him coward, the other day same one threw a rotten carrot at his back and now this peasant bread making animal wouldn't pay up. Slowly he bent the man's digits in unnatural positions as he wailed. Deris had no other choice he couldn't be seen as weak. The cries carried far into the lanes until the man's brother brought enough valuables to appease the maniac street lord. He dusted off his fancy slacks and stepped out into the street. People stared for a moment, then hurried back to their jobs. It was no secret that the bread man had tested him and by the screams everyone knew that he was paying dearly for standing up to Fel. No one wanted to get on Deris’s bad side but then again they were also tired of pretending to be goodly little slaves to the man. Deris came into their jobs, their homes and took what he wanted. It was beginning to get the people really thinking. The Lord of the streets and his captains ruled the neighborhoods, leaving other citizens like the poor baker, destitute and to trying to put his own fingers back in place. Like hungry jackals who got a piece of meat the men pulled and pushed and shoved their way around the pile of goo
ds they were offered. In the end they made off with nearly a lifetime of treasured objects. Deris Fel had proven his point but was it a point that served him well in the end?


  There was a knock at the door. Ariel stood up slowly and walked over the answer it. As she peered through the peep hole she saw someone she didn’t recognize. Her heart skipped several beats until a familiar voice came from the strange man's mouth.

  “It’s me. I know I look different but you need to let me in.”

  If Kyro didn't have such a distinct voice to those close to him she would’ve jumped out the back window. Ariel didn't know how but this was definitely the voice her ex-husband, the same that whispered in her ear many years before the love he had for her. She opened the door to allow him into the house. As soon as he walked in the strange, white man with Kyro’s voice began scraping at the edge of his chin. Then suddenly his face peeled sideways until Kyro stood in her living room with a thin mask rolled in his hand. Ariel was taken a back.


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