Dalton, Tymber - Contractual Obligation (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Dalton, Tymber - Contractual Obligation (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 18

by Tymber Dalton


  Her father swooped into the room, surrounded by a cloud of several dozen Mylar balloons nearly obscuring him. “Where’s that goldbricking little girl of mine?” he boomed from inside the mass.

  She tried not to laugh. “Hi, Daddy.”

  His head popped out of the balloons. She didn’t miss the glare he briefly shot at both men before his smile returned. Tate and Doug stood and moved out of the way as Harrison took over her bedside. He handed the balloons off to Tate. “Take care of these, please. And welcome back, Doug.” He sat next to her bed and grabbed her hand. “How are you?”

  “Daddy, I’m fine, really. They said I can go home in a couple of days as long as I don’t have an infection. They caught it before it ruptured. I’m on antibiotics…”

  He wore her out. Doug and Tate stayed out of his way, in the corner, watching the TV and trying to remain invisible. She didn’t miss when her father occasionally shot dark looks their way.

  When the nurse came in a little later to give her another round of meds and check her vitals, Harrison grilled her for all the information. Harper rolled her eyes and told the nurse he was her father. Before the nurse would answer any of his questions, she filled out a form with Harrison’s name and made Harper sign it. As Harper took the pen, she noticed additional spaces for people allowed to access her information. She filled in Gorden, Doug, and Tate’s names.

  Her father watched but didn’t comment.

  As the nurse talked with Harrison, she changed out Harper’s IV meds and took her vitals. She updated the chart. “Any more questions, sir?”

  Now satisfied Harper wasn’t dying, he’d apparently been appeased. “No,” he said, his tone gentler than before. “Thank you, nurse.” He returned his attention to Harper. “You sure have a way of scaring the crap out of me, you know that?”

  “Considering this is my first hospitalization since I was a kid, I think you’re exaggerating just a little, Daddy.”

  “Maybe,” he groused. “But you’re still my little girl.”

  “You should go get something to eat,” she said, more to get him out of there than anything.

  He looked at Doug and Tate, but didn’t say anything to them. “You’re right,” he said. “I’ll stop by again before visiting hours end.” He kissed her. “Love you.”

  “Love you, too, Daddy. Thank you for the balloons.” When he left, she noticed Tate and Doug visibly relaxed. “You two will have to face him at some point. You know you will.”

  “Just not today and not here,” Tate said as he glanced at the time. “But he’s right, we need to go take care of some stuff at the office and let you get some sleep.” He kissed her. “We promise we’ll play nice.”

  Doug agreed as he leaned in to kiss her. “Yes, we won’t get into it with him or Gorden. We’ll come back later.”

  “I love both of you.”

  Both men smiled. “Love you, too,” Tate said.

  Doug laughed. “Me, too. You realize when we get you home we’re going to show you, right?”

  “I hope so.”

  When she was alone again, she closed her eyes and listened to the TV as she tried to sleep. She’d gone from being virtually alone, to having two men in love with and devoted to her.

  How’d I get so lucky?

  Maybe she’d have to start rereading some of her Kindle books to find out how those heroines handled having two hunky heroes at their disposal.

  * * * *

  They discharged her two days later. With no sign of infection and her surgical incision healing well, the doctor signed off on letting her go home. Her father tried to get her to come home with him, but she gently refused both his and Gorden’s offers to host her during her recovery.

  She wanted to be alone, at home, with her men.

  Tate and Doug got her settled on the couch in the living room with the remote and, yes, her laptop. They finally relented and said she could use it as long as she didn’t wear herself out. That first night back at home, sleeping snugly nestled between both men, Harper began to realize maybe her dreams could come true, that she could have it all. Love and a career. Even better, a career working hand in hand with the men she loved.

  Despite their flirting and teasing that seriously stoked her libido and her ego, neither man made a serious attempt to seduce her over the next several days. Both feared injuring her and wanted to wait until she had healed and the doctor cleared her to safely engage in sex again.

  They did, however, take great pains to purchase and load new erotic books onto her Kindle. They also took great care of her, one of them staying home with her while the other went in to work, switching off every day so she wasn’t left alone.

  After the third day at home, she couldn’t take it anymore. “I’m going stir-crazy. I want to go out.”

  The men grumbled a little, bound and determined to keep her home and healing, but agreed to go out for dinner. She picked a sushi place not too far from the house. Once they were settled at a table, she said, “You two realize I’m not going to break, right?”

  The men exchanged a glance. “We’re not taking any chances,” Tate said.

  Doug agreed. “We already feel guilty enough. If we let anything happen to you, your dad and Gorden will kill us and dump our bodies in the Gulf.”

  That was a revelation. Not the body dumping, she expected that, but their guilt. “Guilty over what?”

  The men exchanged another glance. Tate said, “That it took us so long to find you the other morning.”

  She sat back. “Beep beep, back the truck up. I thought it was like around seven when you found me?”

  “It was,” Doug said.

  “You make it sound like I laid there all night or something.”

  Both men blushed. “If we had gone to talk to you sooner,” Tate said, “instead of…Well, we feel badly about that.”

  She fought the urge to both laugh and roll her eyes at them. She leaned in and motioned them to do the same so she could drop her voice. “Listen to me, you two. I’m only going to say this once. You two have nothing to feel guilty about. I didn’t lay on the floor all night. I was getting up that morning when I heard you two. I should have gone and knocked on your door and woken you up in the middle of the night and asked you to take me to the hospital, but I thought I could tough it out until morning. Had you come to check on me, I still wouldn’t have asked to go to the hospital. Okay? So dump the guilt. That’s an order.”

  She grabbed an order pad from the holder on the table and started putting her order together. Part of her fumed. While she liked being taken care of, she didn’t like being treated like an invalid. She wasn’t used to it, and it rubbed against the grain to the very core of her being.

  They needed a distraction.

  As her pencil hovered over a selection, a smile curved her lips. Distraction.

  She knew exactly the distraction they needed.

  * * * *

  When they returned home, she herded the men upstairs. In the bedroom, she kicked off her shoes and sat on the bed. She pointed at them. “You two. Strip. Now.”

  The men looked at each other, grinned, and started removing their clothes.

  Harper leaned back and watched with a smile. “That’s right. Give me a show.”

  “Oh, she wants a show,” Tate said. He grabbed Doug and kissed him before they both had their shirts off.

  Harper felt her clit throb at the site. She’d seen them kiss before, but not like that. Always quick “love you” pecks in passing or at bedtime.

  This was damn sexy.

  “That’s real good,” she said. She peeled off her underwear and dropped it on the floor. Then she pulled up her skirt and started playing with herself. When the men saw her, they froze, enthralled by the sight. “Did I say you two could stop kissing?” she asked. “And why aren’t you still getting naked?”

  The men laughed and continued kissing, working on each other’s shirt buttons until they were both naked from the waist

  “Excellent,” she said. “Now your pants.”

  They kicked their shoes off and started working on each other’s belt and slacks until they were both standing there naked, their stiff cocks rubbing together as they kissed.

  She pulled her shirt, bra, and skirt off and scooted back on the bed. She patted the mattress in front of her. “Come here, boys.”

  Smiling, they complied, crawling up the bed like they were stalking her.

  “Uh-uh,” she chastised, shaking a finger at them. “I’m in charge tonight.” She knew she wasn’t up for a full-on fucking, but she wanted relief and wanted to see them together. She spread her legs and pointed down at her swollen clit. “Take care of me first, and then I’ll let you take care of each other.”

  The men practically dove on top of her. She didn’t know whose fingers ended up inside her pussy and ass or whose tongue exactly was on her clit, and she didn’t care. They each reached a hand up to play with her nipples as she lay back with a happy moan. She stroked their hair as they serviced her, bringing her several hard orgasms that left her shaking and trembling on the bed.

  “Okay,” she finally said. “That’s good, boys.”

  The men sat up and took turns kissing her. From the taste of her juices on both of their lips, she realized they’d taken turns. “Now what, sweetie?” Doug asked.

  She let out a happy sigh and laced her fingers behind her head. “Whatever the two of you want to do, as long as it’s a good show.”

  Doug pounced on Tate, pinning him to the bed, kissing him hard. She empathized with Tate’s passionate moan. That was damn hot. She’d spent nights pinned just like that under Doug. And Tate.

  She couldn’t wait until the doctor fully cleared her for sex again. She’d wear these two out.

  Harper reached over and pulled a bottle of lube and several condoms out of the bedside table drawer. She deposited them next to the men, then lay back to enjoy the show.

  Ahhh, and what a show.

  Doug worked his way down Tate’s body with his mouth, nipping and biting and sucking his lover. When he reached Tate’s cock, he cast a quick glance up at Tate, flashed Harper a winning smile, then swallowed Tate’s cock all the way to the root.

  Tate threw his head back as he shifted his hips, trying to fuck Doug’s mouth. Unable to help herself, Harper changed positions so she could get a closer view of the fun. Doug glanced at her again. She didn’t miss the smile trying to curl his lips even as his mouth was full of Tate.

  “Take him deep,” she muttered to him. “Swallow every drop when you make him come.”

  Both men moaned. Tate buried his hands in Doug’s hair, holding on tight and now truly fucking the other man’s mouth. Doug apparently gave up trying to keep time with him and instead opted to let him do it. Harper reached in and cupped Tate’s sac with her hand, gently rolling his balls and stroking his flesh.

  “Fuck, yes!” Tate grunted as he took several thrusts harder than the others before falling still.

  She grabbed Doug by the hair. “Hold on. Let me see before you swallow.”

  He laughed, but turned, with his mouth open, to show her.

  “Good boy,” she said. “Swallow.”

  He did then grabbed her head and kissed her. She tasted Tate on him, jammed her tongue deep into his mouth, her libido resetting and building again. She’d have to get another round out of her boys, but not yet.

  When she broke free from Doug, she stretched out next to Tate. “Good?”

  He smiled and crooked a finger at her, inviting her closer. She went and enjoyed melting into his embrace as he slowly kissed her, nibbling on her lower lip in the way he knew would melt her spinal column.

  Doug draped an arm across her legs. “Hey, someone’s still horny down here.”

  “Shut up,” Tate muttered good-naturedly. “You’ll get your turn.” He kissed her again. “So how did you enjoy the show?”

  “I’m still enjoying it and looking forward to the second act.”

  “Good.” He sat up and twirled a finger at Doug. “Okay, Mr. I’m Still Horny. Assume the position.”

  Doug laughed as he turned around and rolled onto his back. Tate knelt between his legs and crooked his finger at Harper to draw close. Doug had closed his eyes, and when Tate showed her what he wanted her to do, she grinned and nodded.

  Tate grasped the base of Doug’s cock with his hand and let the member slide up and down sideways between his lips, from head to base and back again. Harper took the other side, enveloping his cock between them.

  “Fuuuuck!” he moaned as he started shifting his hips in time with their movements. Harper licked and sucked on her side of Doug’s cock while Tate did the same. “Holy fuck, that feels sooo good!” Doug gasped. “What the fuck are you two doing?” She noticed he lifted his head to look, then dropped it to the bed again. His hands came to rest on the tops of their heads, and it didn’t take more than a minute for him to grunt. “I’m gonna come.”

  Tate deftly moved her out of the way as he swallowed Doug’s cock from the head down. She watched as Doug’s sac tightened just before he cried out and Tate let out a muffled chuckle.

  She grinned. “I don’t need to see this time.”

  Tate laughed as he swallowed, then kissed her. “Nothing says lovin’ like teamwork, huh, baby?”

  Doug and Harper both laughed.

  “Yeah,” she agreed, “and I think I could use a little more teamwork from you two.”

  Doug sat up, grinning. “Aw, did our show make you all hot and wet?”

  “Yes, you big meanies.”

  Tate grinned. “Don’t worry, baby. We’ll never leave you hanging.” He gathered her into his arms, kissing her, his hands playing with her breasts and nipples as Doug climbed between her legs and let his magic tongue get to work.

  The books lied. This is better than fiction.

  Nothing could ever feel better than this. Not the sex, either.

  The feeling of being loved times two.

  It didn’t take long for him to make her come again, leaving the three of them snuggled together, the men flanking Harper. As she fell asleep, she realized her world could fall apart tomorrow, and as long as these two men were still by her side, everything would always be okay.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Ten days after Harper’s surgery, on her first day back at work, her father walked into her office without knocking first. He closed and locked the door behind him, meaning he wanted a long, private chat with her. She was on the phone with one of their attorneys. Her dad sat in front of her desk expectantly, without saying a word.

  She tried not to feel his gaze on her as she talked. Finally she was able to end the call, and she looked at him. “Yes?”

  He raised an eyebrow at her.

  In the pit of her stomach, she knew what this was about. She didn’t seriously worry about him pulling rank on her and firing Doug and Tate, but this wasn’t a conversation she wanted to have.

  “What?” she finally asked.

  “You know what, little girl.”

  “I’m not a little girl.”

  He crossed his arms over his chest and waited her out. A reminder from childhood, when he knew she’d done something, she knew he knew exactly what, and he waited her out to admit it so they could continue with the discussion of whatever happened.

  “What do you want me to say, Daddy?” she finally asked, breaking the uncomfortable silence.

  “I want you to tell me what the hell you think you’re doing.”

  “I’m trying to live my life. You’re the one, if you’ll remember, who threatened to push me out of the company if I didn’t get a boyfriend.”

  “No, I said if you didn’t learn to balance your personal life. I never said go out and get involved in a threesome!”

  “Do you have a problem with my personal life?”

  “I—” His mouth snapped shut. Finally, he said, “What do you want me to say? That I’m happy for you having two boyfrien

  “No, I want you to say you’re happy for me falling in love with two wonderful men who love me and each other and who want to be a family. Two men who are as dedicated to this company as I am, for that matter. Hey, you always said when I was growing up that you pitied the man I ended up with because he’d have a hard time handling me. Now I have two who can share the job.”

  He stared at her, stunned, before he finally burst out laughing. She smiled but didn’t join him, still unsure the direction the conversation would take.

  “You’ve got a valid point there, sweetheart,” he eventually said when he composed himself. “No one man would ever be able to handle you.” He sighed. “What the hell am I going to do with you, kiddo?”

  “Let me run this company, and my life, the way I need to. It’s that simple. I trust both of them to be as dedicated to the success of this company as I am. You either have faith in me and my abilities, or you don’t. And if you don’t, say so now so we can decide how to transition the company over to another CEO.” She wanted to hold her breath while waiting for his answer. It was a bluff, because the last thing she wanted was to walk away from something she’d worked so damned hard for.

  After a silence that felt like forever, he nodded. “You’re right. You’re an adult, and I do have faith in you.” He shook a finger at her. “If they hurt you, I’ll kill them.”

  When he stood, she did, too. She rounded the desk and hugged him. “Daddy, they love me. I love them. I know it’s crazy, but it’s what happened, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  “If you’re happy, that’s all that matters, I suppose.” He released her and headed for her office door. “Are there any other surprises I need to be made aware of?”

  “No, Daddy.”

  He turned before he exited. “Don’t be surprised if someone, at some time, tries to use this against you. We’re in a business where people can be pretty cutthroat when going after contracts. I don’t have to tell you that. But if you want to walk this path, you’re going to need skin as tough as a shark’s. And you’re going to have to fight the urge to lose your temper if someone tries bullshit like that.”


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