Centauri Captives Books 1-3: A Dark Sci-Fi Romance

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Centauri Captives Books 1-3: A Dark Sci-Fi Romance Page 19

by Kallista Dane

  “So it’s green light for go and red for stop?” I hoped to get a reaction out of him. Something, anything I could read. A string of garbled sounds, a flicker of some emotion in his eyes.

  He ignored me, and continued to press switches on the panel, causing lights he hadn’t even touched to flash off and on. The landing bay door at the far end of the room slid open. We picked up speed and shot through it.

  I didn’t recognize the star patterns around us so I guessed we’d left Earth’s solar system in the large ship and were currently traversing a vector of the cosmos I’d never been in before. The small craft wasn’t built for a long journey, so I wasn’t surprised when we headed for a starcruiser hovering nearby. My estimation of the aliens went up a notch. It was a sleek fighter ship, built for speed, beyond anything our technology was capable of producing. I itched to be at the controls. Put it through its paces.

  We came alongside the cruiser, and I realized it was much larger than it looked from a distance. The transporter glided to a stop, and the outside wall somehow fused with the hull of the ship. Then both walls seemed to melt away. Gray man just picked me up and walked straight in. No complex docking maneuvers, no pressure chambers or airlocks to secure.

  We were greeted by another huge warrior whose manner was deferential, so I figured my guy outranked him. They headed toward the helm of the craft, turned a corner, and stopped in front of a blank section of wall. Our greeter touched it and, as before, a section of the wall disappeared. He bowed his head, turned, and left. Gray man carried me into what was obviously a sleeping chamber and deposited me on a floating platform against the far wall. Then he stripped my flimsy gown off, leaving me stark naked. Every surface I’d been on seemed to come equipped with a fucking force field, even the bed he laid me on, so I couldn’t do anything to stop him.

  He seemed unaffected by the sight of my unclothed body. No lecherous gleam in his gray eyes, no scent of pheromones pouring off him. Even so, I prepared myself for another sexual assault. He waved a hand in the air, and the lights dimmed. Then, to my amazement, he turned without a word and walked out of the room. The wall reappeared, closing me in.

  After what ’I’d been through in my life, ’I was not one to panic. But being trapped on another alien spacecraft, this time naked and alone, had my heart racing. Sooner or later, I’d see the wall disappear again and someone, some alien being, would be coming through it. Coming for me.

  With no way to tell time, I had to rely on my inner clock. It worked so well, I never wore a watch, seldom needed to consult the virtual assistant built into my ship to remind me of deadlines. So I calculated that three Earth hours had gone by before the wall began to disintegrate again. I’d used the break to meditate and restore myself to my usual state of calm, but I swallowed a lump in my throat when I saw who walked in.

  It was the alien who’d fingered me to climax. Despite his massive size, he came toward me with the lithe stance of a panther. Exuding raw sensuality. His eyes raked over my naked body, and I couldn’t help glancing at the prominent bulge in his pants.

  I seldom came when I had sex with a partner. And when I did, it was with a vibrator humming against my clit. No man had ever brought me to orgasm as easily as he did—or with such indifference. The sight of him triggered an unexpected burst of rage. I decided it must have been the whole “I’m helpless” thing that got me so aroused. That was all new to me. He’d never have been able to do it if I hadn’t been restrained.

  He walked to the edge of the bed. Stared down at me. Uttered an unintelligible burst of consonants.

  “Let me up,” I demanded. “I have to pee.”

  I saw a muscle in his cheek twitch, as though he was trying his best not to grin, and I guessed he’d had his own communication device adjusted to translate English.

  “Now,” I snapped, in my best starship commander tone.

  He waved a hand. The moment I felt the force field begin to lessen, I launched myself at him. Swept his legs out from under him with a roundhouse kick then straddled his prone body and ground my elbow into his throat.

  “I thought you had to peee,” he said. Though his tone was guttural, I had no trouble understanding him.

  Instead of being shocked or threatened, he sounded amused. Pissed, I put my full weight behind the elbow digging into his neck. “I’ll do that later,” I replied. “Right now, you’re going to tell me where in this room you keep your weapons. Then you’ll call that big gray chauffeur of yours and order him to take me back to your mother ship. Or I’ll crush your larynx.”

  “And then what will you do? Singlehandedly fight off a ship full of Arythian warriors and free all the other females? I do not think so,” he said. Before the words sank in, he’d somehow managed to scissor his legs around mine and flip me onto my back.

  Now, he was straddling me. I glared up at him. “You don’t know who you’re dealing with. I’m not some soft alien female you can fondle and fuck.”

  “Really? You feel soft.” He cupped my bare right breast in one huge hand. “Here—and here.” His hand slid down to stroke between my legs. My pussy clenched, and I felt a trickle of moisture run down my thigh. Damn him! It had to be the whole restraint thing.

  I gave a warning growl, as I’d been taught to do when confronting an aggressive male, then let out a Tuareg war whoop. Pushed with my heels and did a backward somersault, yanking him over with me. It was easy. He was still taking me for granted, assuming his superior size and weight were enough to subdue me. We landed in a tangle with me on top again.

  But not for long.

  “You think you are a warrior?” He caught me in a hold I recognized as a variation of one I’d learned in Tridacian wrangling. I felt a stab of pride at the look of surprise on his face when I used his momentum to turn it against him and get away.

  I leaped to my feet and faced him. Crouching slightly to lower my center of gravity, arms held loose at my sides, weight evenly balanced. Ignoring his face, I kept my eyes on his solar plexus. ’That was where his body would signal his next move.

  He peeled his shirt off, giving me my first glimpse of bulging biceps, chiseled abs, and an intricate pattern of black tattoos that covered one arm from shoulder to wrist and stretched nearly halfway across his chest. I heard the sharp staccato sounds again, the sounds he’d made when I first saw him. I was right. It was alien laughter. “So, little Terran. You want to fight your Master. Fine. We will fight. And when I win, I will put you across my lap and punish you for your defiance.”

  “No man is my Master!”

  I charged him. Came in low with a punch that drove the air out of his lungs. He hit the wall with a satisfying grunt, and I danced back out of reach on the balls of my feet.

  And then it was on. I fought him, using all my strength, all my knowledge of hand-to-hand combat. And he fought back.

  Powerful muscles flexed under his skin as we grappled, the heat of him sizzling against my body. His handholds were wickedly unfair at times, taking advantage of my nakedness. When I felt a finger between the folds of my pussy, I glanced down and nearly lost focus. Was it a trick of the lighting, or was his skin taking on a different hue? It looked more like dusty purple than gray. And I’d been wrong about his shoulder-to-wrist tattoo. It wasn’t all black. Some of the geometric forms were etched in deep burgundy, others midnight blue.

  His finger probed deeper. I shivered as a wave of pure lust poured through me. To my shock—and my shame—fighting him awakened the primal female in me. I hungered to be claimed by this bigger, stronger being. Tamed and then taken as I’d never been before.

  I fought that strange, savage hunger as hard as I fought him. Pulled out every skill in my bag of tricks. But it wasn’t enough to overpower him.

  Finally, in desperation, I did something I hadn’t done in years. I let out the wild beast I kept caged deep inside. Snarling, snapping, I attacked. Teeth bared, fingers curled into claws, I sprang at him. I went for his eyes, his throat—and found myself head down,
staring at the floor, with my bare bottom upended across his hard thighs.

  Chapter Four


  After completing my meetings aboard the solport, I’d arrived back on my ship to check on her, the female I’d selected for breeding. If all went well, I could impregnate her quickly, with minimal disruption of my duties. Striding along the passage toward my quarters, I tried not to make this process more than it was. I didn’t plan to be unkind—any more than I’d planned to mistreat my late fiancée. But neither did I plan to dote on any female. I had many duties, all of which were important. Since the death of our home world, and all the women and children, as well as all the men except those in space at the time, breeding took greater precedence than before.

  I couldn’t deny her responsiveness. Even in a state of near unconsciousness, she’d been wet and ready, and female orgasm was well known to increase their chances of becoming pregnant. In my pocket lay a tub of cybellus, the substance known to drive females to the edge of sanity in their desire to copulate, but I hoped it would prove unnecessary. She’d dripped copious arousal fluids at the touch of a hand. Still, best to be prepared. As we fought the enemy and sought a new home world, we also held on to the future of our people with the tips of our fingernails.

  The women I’d seen in the chamber on Mantsk’s ship were the possibility of that future. Even if our offspring were not 100 percent Arythian, our superior genetics were sure to take precedence over those from a planet so backward they’d barely joined the Federation and required tutelage just to reach the planets near them.

  Plus, who but a complete savage would render women unconscious and send them off as playthings for an alien race? The men on their planet had no idea what might become of them—and apparently did not care. Shameful. Uncivilized. And, to us, fortunate.

  Outside my quarters, I paused to collect my thoughts. To prepare for my assignment to bring new life to our small group. It was an honor as well as a duty. A pleasurable one, nonetheless. I lifted my hand, and the doorway opened. A step inside, and the lights came up to the pleasant, golden atmosphere I preferred for my private hours. My quarters provided a welcome relief from having to constantly lift up the spirits of men cut adrift. Every one of us lost parents, siblings, cousins, and friends. Many of the crew had also lost sweethearts and spouses. Worst of all, children.

  The peace of my quarters was broken by a low growl coming from my sleeping platform. A growl…how appropriate for a citizen of a planet hardly past the stone age. Still, she’d need to be trained to behave in civilized ways if she was to be the mother of my young. My duties would not lessen, and she, this growling female, would spend her days and nights with our children. It would not do for them to grow up to be unmannered louts.

  Her training must begin now.

  She also had duties to perform. To submit to her Master, bear his young, and raise them appropriately. That shouldn’t be too difficult to manage. And such overconfidence cost me dearly, at least in terms of my dignity. Nonetheless, let no one say I was past the ability to learn. She would not catch me unawares again. And our contest had my cock as hard as steel, its ends squirming, ready to mate.

  In short order, I had her across my lap for a different version of the lessons she must learn to be successful in her new role. She panted, struggling under my arm firmly clamped on her back. In truth, I was a little short of breath as well. She’d given me quite a wrestling match, and, under other circumstances, I might have found it entertaining, even amusing, but in this case, it must be nipped in the bud immediately. The social norms and values, the manners she would be responsible for modeling to my offspring… At this point, the child might as well be raised by a carbella simian-appearing hominoids from X4, a planet not quite suitable for humanoids due to climate and atmosphere differences. We’d never considered it as a new home world due to its extreme heat in some seasons, and the levels of some gasses would be toxic in less than a week. Actually, the hairy creature might do better than this female who would probably teach my daughter to defy her father and future husband at every turn.

  Training could not start soon enough.

  “What is your name, female?” I asked.

  Silence. I am patient. I waited. A while.

  Still no response.

  The first open-handed smack on her bare bottom cheeks landed with a crack and resulted in a jerk of her torso across my lap.

  “I would not continue to address you as female. What is your name?”

  The second landed on the same spot as the first, my hand large enough to cover and mark both cheeks—palm print on one, fingers on the other. How delicate were these humans? She certainly had seemed strong enough when she wrestled me to the floor, but perhaps I should be careful with this first spanking. Although the medics proclaimed their anatomies similar, and Mantsk and Dylos had already impregnated their females, which seemed to back up that theory, there could be subtle differences. And while I wanted her to learn obedience and manners, I did not want to cause any permanent harm.

  But how long could it take to extract her name? There were records that came with the women, most likely including that information, but I hadn’t asked and, at this point, did not want to. If I couldn’t get her to tell me something so basic, in an attempt to be respectful and use her name, that did not bode well for our future as partners in child rearing.

  I had just been given a big responsibility, one passed to me because Dylos wanted to dedicate more time to his mate and coming progeny, a privilege his rank granted, and mine did not. This female would be on her own often, and if I couldn’t trust her, she’d have to be bound to the bed platform. Not a very fulfilling existence nor one that could continue after she gave birth.

  With that in mind, I laid a flurry of hard spanks, for her own good, on one cheek then the other, five on her sit spot, another ten on her thighs. The sharp cracks echoed in the confines of my quarters. I knew it had to hurt, but she gave me nothing. No name. No cries for mercy or curses on my house. Her globes bounced with each spank, and my cock grew hard again, stretching the fabric of my suit. Perhaps I should forget this for now and just fuck her, make a start on breeding young for the Arythians first and breaking her stubbornness later.

  But no. I could not let her win this first battle, not if I ever wanted to win one in the future. I must learn her name before I returned to the bridge to meet with my officers. I had much to share with them regarding the coming days.

  A battle to be planned—and a female to be tamed. Each held its own importance for our people.

  Her bottom grew crimson, as I covered every bit with my swats, not wanting to break the skin, to make her bleed. I perspired with the effort to continue and resolved to use a crop or paddle next time, if there was a next time.

  Of course there would be a next time, since this female showed no signs of breaking under the duress she surely must be feeling by now. Pausing, I let my hand rest on her ass, the heat of it burning into my palm. I examined her, scraping my nails over the skin, and she let out a strangled moan.


  Of course. If pain alone would not break this woman’s stubbornness, what would pain and pleasure together do? I recalled her responsiveness to my touch before. Shifting her on my lap, I dipped a finger between her legs and found what I expected. “It seems you like my dominance, female.”

  Another growl. I’d never been harder in my life. Trailing fingers through her wetness, I took my time exploring her puffy folds, rubbing my thumb over the hooded center of pleasure before thrusting inside her birthing channel—gathered wetness and brought it back to her rear opening.

  “You son of a jackal.” Now the curses flowed. “Remove your hand from my ass now or I will have your liver for lunch. I am not your toy, your plaything. If you don’t stop, I’ll…” She let the words trail off, perhaps realizing her inability to do a thing about my actions.

  “You’ll what?” Circling the tight ring of muscles I would use later—perhaps start
the training for that now because I could barely fit one finger inside—I enjoyed watching her writhe on my lap, still held firmly down by my arm over her back. “Tell me what you’ll do if I push in deeper here, if I prepare you for my cock in all your holes.” I used more of her female juices to ease the way for a second finger.

  “I will cut off your dick and stuff it in your mouth. I will slice you into little pieces and feed them one by one through the airlock so you can watch them float away into space, frozen chunks of your flesh heading to the farthest reaches of the galaxy.”

  “And how do you propose to do this? I assure you that as long as you make such threats you will be bound to the bed platform except when I’m fucking you or otherwise making use of what’s mine.”

  Her legs kicked out, and I caught them under one of mine, pinned her flailing arms to her lower back and held them there.

  “I am not yours. I am a citizen of Earth and, as such, have complete autonomy. I would speak to your leader, someone who can help me contact my people and arrange transport home.”

  I shook my head, easing free of her tight anus and rubbing her well-spanked flesh, admiring its color. Against the deep golden brown of her skin, the crimson flamed in the most pleasing way. A patch of purple, the color of arousal, was centered on one cheek.

  “Stop touching me!”

  “You belong to me, female. You were a gift from your people to ours, no more than a box of candy or a basket of vegetables. They treated you as a thing. Consider yourself lucky that you were gifted to the Arythians, who need females to bear our young and will, if you behave yourselves, treat you as mates, with respect.”

  “Lucky?” she scoffed. “To be a breeder? A fuck toy?”

  “Some they might have sent you to use their fuck toys as food when they are done with them.” I’d learned at the meeting that rumor held they had sent some females to just that planet. “Not everyone in the galaxy is as civilized as we are.”


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