Monroe, Melody S. - Three Hired Lovers [Fantasy Resort 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Monroe, Melody S. - Three Hired Lovers [Fantasy Resort 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 15

by Melody Snow Monroe

  “He was fine a month ago.”

  His lips pressed together. “I won’t lie to you. Your father is a sick man. Two of his arteries are clogged, but that’s the least of his problems. Kidneys fail sometimes. Your father needs a transplant soon, or he could die.”

  Her stomach rebelled and her breath whooshed out of her. “How… how long does he have?”

  “We can’t give an exact time, but the sooner he gets the transplant the better.”

  “I’d like to be tested. I’m the closest relative. My father was an only child, and my grandparents are no longer living.”

  He made notes on his tablet. “I’ll get the test scheduled. Wait here.”

  She knew bad things came in threes, but losing her job and hearing her father might die were already more than she could handle. No wonder Clarissa looked like hell after learning her mom was so sick. Dear God, the hits kept on coming.

  Nurses shuffled past. Worried-looking visitors came and went. Dr. Clemens finally returned. “If you go up two floors, the receptionist will get you tested.” He handed her a card with a note on it.

  “Thank you.”

  She was strong and hopefully a good candidate for a match. Mercifully, the wait was short. They drew blood and asked her a series of questions, one of which jarred her.

  “Are you or could you be pregnant?”

  She’d had sex every day for a month. “It’s possible.”

  “Have you taken a home pregnancy test to check?”

  She didn’t want to get her hopes dashed when the stick said she wasn’t pregnant. “No.”

  “Well, you can’t donate an organ at this time if you are.”

  Her heart skipped a beat. “But I don’t know if I am.”

  “Have you missed a period?”

  “I am late, but I’ve been under a lot of stress right now. I didn’t think much of it.” Ripples of concern clamped down on her stomach. Yes, she wanted a child, but not now. Her father needed her.

  “The blood test will confirm whether you are or aren’t.” The nurse stood. “I’ll ask them to hurry.” She came back half an hour later and smiled. “Congratulations, you’re pregnant.”

  Joy should be spreading through her, but too many images bombarded her. Her dad’s disappointed face when she told him why he might not live because of her indiscretion. Secondly, she’d be linked to those traitors for life. She loved each of them, which would make their rejection all that much worse when she told them about the baby. How would they react? Hell, how did she want them to react? Part of her wanted to hide and not even let them know one of them was a father, but another part wanted them to share in her joy.

  “Ms. Masters. Are you all right?”

  “Yes. It’s just that the timing isn’t good.”

  “It never is in cases like these. You’ll have to wait at least six months after you deliver before you can donate.”

  “Can he last that long?”

  “You’ll have to ask the doctor. I’m sorry.”

  “So now what?”

  “We’ll look elsewhere for a match.”

  For him and a thousand other deserving people who needed a transplant. With her head held high, she marched toward her father’s room to give him the bad news. Seeing him weak would kill her, but she’d put on a good front and not show how afraid she was of him dying.

  * * * *

  Clarissa got back to her house about twenty minutes after Jillian did. They hugged and discussed the health of their respective parents.

  “So are you going to donate a kidney to your dad?” She looked hopeful.

  “I can’t.”

  “Why not?”

  Could her friend forgive her for having a child out of wedlock? “I’m pregnant.” She held her breath, waiting for the recrimination.

  “That’s great. Isn’t it?”

  “I don’t know yet. I really wanted to help my dad. Now I can’t.”

  “That sucks. What did the boys say?”

  Jillian chuckled at Clarissa’s adoption of the name “the boys.” “I haven’t told them.”

  She sipped her beer. “You have to at some point.”

  “I know, but not now. I might miscarry. I want to wait.”

  “How far along are you?”

  Her dates were fuzzy, but she estimated the best she could. “Maybe a month or a little more.”

  “So now what?”

  “We look for a job.”

  Chapter 15

  “Maybe we should call the cops?” Joe paced the office.

  “She’s hiding. That’s all I can think of. She won’t return our calls. She’s not home, nor is she at her dad’s. Where could she be?” Cool-under-fire Frank wasn’t living up to his reputation.

  Joe snapped his fingers. “I think I know. You want to come with me?”

  “Hell yes.”

  He’d spoken with all the lab techs a few days ago, but they said they knew nothing. However, each had mentioned how tight Jillian and Clarissa seemed to be. Neither had come to serve out their last two weeks on the job, which made him suspect they might be together.

  The company database provided an address. He debated calling first but figured a surprise visit would be better.

  Frank slid into the passenger seat. “I can’t believe how much I think about her and how much we hurt her.”

  Joe slapped the wheel. “We fucked up. I should have shown her the figures and let her come up with a plan. She would have seen how much the lab was sucking the company dry. I know she would have listened to reason. But did I do that? No. I forced the decision down her throat. Shit.”

  “It’s not your fault. I never saw it coming either. The way she stormed out of there, we cut her deep. Almost as much as when she found out her dad had hired us to seduce her.”

  He let a small smile escape. “God, that seems like forever ago.” His reminiscing ended as he pulled onto I-10, heading for Clarissa’s house. He snapped his fingers. “You know, she could be at the hospital with her dad. The nurse told us Jillian had spoken with him and that she spends quite a lot of time there.”

  “She could be there now. I’m sure she’d get tested to see if she’s eligible for a kidney donation.”

  “We’ll pass the hospital on the way. We’ll stop there first.”

  When they arrived at Bill’s room, Jillian wasn’t there. Hooked up to some bags, the former CEO didn’t look so good. His skin color was closer to gray than pink, and his head lolled to the side as if it took too much effort to keep it straight.

  Bill gave them a half smile, but from the way his mouth shook, it took all of his effort to put up the good front. “So you managed to piss off Jillie real bad, I hear.”

  So she had been there. “Yeah, I’m afraid so.” They pulled up seats. “Her tolerance for getting the shaft is rather low.” Now there was an understatement

  “She tell you she’s pregnant?”

  Joe’s insides nearly exploded. She was pregnant? Shock collided with joy at the outstanding news, but it would have been so much better if Jillian had told them first. He chanced a glance at Frank, whose eyes were wide. “No. But then again, we aren’t on speaking terms.”

  “Too bad. From what I hear, she cares for you.” He waved a hand. “Oh, her words say she wants nothing to do with any of you, but I know my little girl. She’s hurting bad and is lashing out at you. I told her the R & D center was Sensual Pleasures’ albatross, but she still thinks you could have kept it going if you’d wanted to.”

  “We messed up.”

  “Yes you did, but don’t make it any worse by mentioning her little secret. Let it be a surprise when she tells you.”

  “We will. Did she seem happy about the baby?”

  “I think so, but she was also upset because now she can’t donate a kidney to save me. I told her not to worry, that I’d lived a good life, but she wouldn’t listen. My daughter is stubborn like that.”

  Didn’t they all know it.

  “I’m sure so
mething will pop up.” After they discussed the company’s progress, Joe and Frank shook his hand. They’d walked halfway down the hall before he stopped and faced Frank. “I think I might know how we can prove to Jillian we aren’t the bad guys here after all.”

  * * * *

  Jillian spent all her time at the hospital or searching online for a job. Maybe it was the new hormones in her body, but depression weighed heavily on her. Most of the time, she pined for her men, while the other half of the time she stayed mad at them.

  Close to a week later, her dad called. “Jillian, I have great news.” For the first time since his hospital stay, his voice held some cheer.

  She sat up straighter. “Tell me.”

  “We found a donor.”

  Her heart nearly burst. “Yes! Who?” Some long-lost relative, maybe?

  “The hospital won’t divulge that information. It could be the man on the moon, for all I care.”

  She fell back against the sofa seat. “So when is the operation?”

  “Tomorrow at noon. I hope you’ll be there when I wake up.”

  “You know I will.”

  She couldn’t believe her father needed her. The recent loss of her job seemed meaningless in the big scheme of things. She’d get her dad back and have a baby to take care of. Life was going to be good.

  When she turned thirty, which would be in a few months, her trust fund would kick in. While she didn’t have to work, she wanted to have a purpose in life. Her baby would give her that. Now if only Clarissa could find a silver lining too. Since her friend was spending all her time with her mom, Jillian didn’t want to bother her with the good news about her dad, especially when her the mother-daughter time might be limited.

  The next morning, she arrived at the hospital just in time to hug her dad as the nurses rolled him into surgery. “I’ll be waiting for you when you get out of recovery.”

  He grasped her hand. “I know I never say this enough, but I’m proud of you. You’ll make a great mom.”

  Tears welled on her lashes. “That means a lot, coming from you.”

  She watched them wheel him away, confident he’d come through the operation. She had her Kindle with her, but right now, she was too fidgety to concentrate on much of anything. Her novels were all romances, and those held little appeal, as they’d remind her of what would never be. The doctor told her the operation would take about three hours. That would be the longest three hours of her life.

  She sat in the waiting room and must have dozed, waking only when someone shook her shoulder. Snapping to attention, she looked up.

  The doctor stood over her with a smile on his face. “All went well. You’ll be able to see him shortly, but he’ll be groggy. He needs his rest.”

  She’d promised herself that if he survived, she’d bury her grudges and live life to the fullest. That life might not include her three lovers, but they did have a right to know about the new life growing inside her.

  After staying with her father for a few hours while he slept, she headed home for dinner. Starving the baby wouldn’t be wise. Clarissa greeted her at the door.


  “It’s all good.” They hugged.

  “I have good news, too. Mom regained some feeling in her arm today.”

  “That’s awesome.” Jillian went inside and got a cold glass of water. Clarissa’s phone rang.

  “Hello?” Her mouth dropped open. She mouthed that it was Rod.

  Jillian shook her head then held up her hand. Telling the men about the baby was the right thing to do. “I’ll talk with him.” She took the phone. “Hi, Rod.”

  “Oh, Jillian, sweetheart, it is so good to hear your voice.”

  You, too. “What’s up?”

  “Joe needs you.”

  She needed him too, but she refused to give in. He’d betrayed her. “So?”

  “No. I mean Frank and I need your help to take care of him.”

  Her skin turned clammy. “I don’t understand.”

  “You don’t know, do you?”

  Her legs weakened. She walked over to the sofa and sat. “What happened? Is he hurt?” Her chest walls squeezed tight. If anything happened to them, she’d be devastated.

  “Joe donated his kidney to your father.”

  She nearly dropped the phone. “Joe?” The whole idea that someone would be that selfless overwhelmed her. Their betrayal and Joe’s generosity didn’t compute.

  “Jillian. We love you. We want you in our lives. Joe believed the only way to prove to you how much you mean to us was to do something for you. We all got tested, but Joe’s kidney provided the best match.”

  Her heart wouldn’t stop pounding. “I’m speechless. That’s amazing. Where is Joe now?”

  “He’ll be home tomorrow, but Frank and I have to be at work during the week and we thought—”

  “That since I was unemployed I could take care of him?”

  He drew in an audible breath. “Well, yes. Would you mind?”

  No way could she say no. “You can count on me.”

  A loud breath whooshed over the phone. “That’s great. Joe will recover in no time, knowing you’re here.”

  Until he finds out she’s pregnant. “I’ll come over tomorrow then.”

  “Say nine?”

  “I’ll be there.”

  Jillian clasped the phone to her chest after he hung up. Rod sounded good.

  Clarissa stood over her and smiled. “Tell me.”

  She told her friend about Joe’s sacrifice. “I still can’t believe he’d give up a kidney to save my dad.”

  Clarissa dropped onto the seat next to her and took her hand. “This is fantastic news. A person can say they love you, shower you with gifts, treat you nice, but to donate a kidney to a person’s father? Now that’s devotion.”

  A grin spread across her face. “Yeah, I guess it does mean that.” She clasped a hand on her belly. “I wonder how they’ll feel when they learn I’m pregnant.”

  “You don’t have to tell them until you begin to show.”

  She squeezed Clarissa’s hands. “You’re right.” Jillian popped up. “I need to pack. I’m going to be with my boys again.”

  She’d have sex, sex, and more sex—even if it was only with two of them.

  * * * *

  Anxious to see all three, Jillian waited for someone to answer Joe’s front door.

  Rod opened up. “Jillian!”

  His short hair was wet either from a shower or from taking an early morning dive in the pool. Barefoot, he had on board shorts and looked like when she’d first met him, handsome, hunky, and good enough to go down on.

  “May I come in?”

  “I still can’t believe you’re really here. You look radiant.”

  Because I’m pregnant. “Thanks. You look good, too.” How awkward was this?

  He leaned over and kissed her cheek. “Can I get you something to drink? A soda? Water?”

  When had he ever offered something other than a beer or wine? This was going to be harder than she thought. How could she mask the morning sickness? Even when the other two were at work, Joe might hear her vomiting in the morning.

  “Water’s good.” She looked around. Rod came back with her drink. “I didn’t expect you two to still be living here.” Now that I’m not here.

  “Frank and I moved out after you left, but with Joe’s operation, we decided it best if we helped out when we could. He’s the only family we have.”

  So they didn’t include her. She refused to let his comment get to her.

  “Your stuff in the car?”

  She nodded. “I can get it later. Can I see him?”

  “Joe? Sure. You know the way. We just brought him home.”

  Halfway to his room, Frank came out of the office. “You’re a sight for sore eyes.” He gave her a hug like the type you give your sister, then stepped back. She could have sworn he ran a gaze down the length of her, but he made no comment.

  Goose bumps shimmie
d up her arms. “You’re looking good, Frank.” Boy, did he ever. His shirt was open at the throat, and his torn jeans hung low on his slim hips. It was quite the different look from his usual, elegant style, but then it was Saturday.

  She waited for him to make a move, but he just stood there. Don’t you want to kiss me? Touch me like only you know how? “I was on my way to see Joe.”

  “Yeah. I’ll let you do your thing. Glad you’re back, if only for a while.”

  Only for a while? So was she only a free babysitter to them? When Joe got back on his feet, would they boot her out? One more reason not to tell them she was pregnant. She didn’t want them to feel sorry for her and allow her to stay. She was no pity case.

  After tapping on Joe’s door, she entered. He was asleep, looking like an angel. A lock of his blond hair had flopped over his forehead, and she itched to touch him. Why didn’t she? She wasn’t going to get any satisfaction from the other two. She knew Joe loved her if he’d sacrificed so much for her.

  She tiptoed over to the bed and sat on the corner. She reached out to fix his hair, when his green eyes flashed at her. He smiled and her heart soared.

  “You came.”

  “Of course I came. You know you didn’t have to donate a kidney just to get me here.”

  “Oh, yeah? We tried everything else.” His eyelids drooped.

  They talked for a few more minutes, but it was clear Joe was fighting to stay awake. “I don’t want to keep you up. You need to sleep.”

  “You’ll be here when I wake?”


  He took her hand in his and warmth spread right down to her toes.

  “You remember the morning when you made love to Frank and Rod, and I was zonked out on the bed?”

  She’d never forget that morning or the night before when all four of them were joined. “Yes.”

  “You owe me one.”

  She had to laugh. “It’ll be a long time before you can cash in on that rain check.” The doctor said her father couldn’t even drive for six weeks, and that if he wanted to go to work, he had to wait a few months. With Joe’s good health, he might be able to have sex after two months, if she straddled him.


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