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Twin Souls

Page 19

by D. M. Mortier

  “Why do I feel like I’m forever pulling you out of trouble?” Rico muttered as he pulled her against him and kissed her like a man returning from war.

  Three hours later, Rico still had Cherone anchored to his side as they waited for news of Ray’s condition in a waiting room at University of Miami Hospital, Clara next to them crying silently. They knew Dave hadn’t made it, but they prayed Ray would.

  FBI agents had swarmed Rico’s condo, and the coroner had carted off the dead. Dominic remained behind to sort out the local and federal authorities.

  Rico looked at Sean and Neo lounging lazily in the hard hospital chairs. Despite their nonchalant poses, Rico knew how shaken they were about Dave’s death and Ray’s injuries.

  “This should have never happened,” Rico whispered.

  “You can’t blame anyone for the twisted sickness of one man,” Cherone whispered.

  “We should never have left you so poorly guarded,” he murmured into her hair. “Now two men have paid for our mistake with their lives, and another may yet die.”

  “You could not have anticipated Samir having us followed back to the apartment and killing the security guard to get the elevator code.”

  “If I hadn’t been so focused on being pissed at you, I would have seen what he was up to,” Rico insisted.

  “Rico, you and the guys did a great job in the face of such evil. Yes, the deaths were unfortunate and there’s nothing I can say to make you feel better about that. But none of that was your fault. The only one at blame here is Samir.” Cherone kissed his cheek tenderly.

  “Man, would you two give it a rest,” Sean grouched. “I thought we already agreed on no PDA around us.”

  “You seriously need a woman in your life, Uncle Sean,” Cherone teased.

  “None of that ‘uncle’ shit,” Sean said. “I’m not as old as Dom and Neo.”

  “Hey, watch it,” Neo muttered. “I may be older, but I can still kick your ass.”

  “In your dreams, old man.” Sean grinned. “Besides, you call me uncle, and Rico may feel he has to as well.”

  “Fuck you,” Rico said without heat.

  The doctor entered the waiting room and approached Clara. “Good evening, Mrs. Alveras. The operation was successful, and we expect Mr. Alveras to make a full recovery.”

  “Oh my God!” Clara exclaimed. “Thank you so much, Dr. Warwick. Thank you! When can I see my Ray?”

  “He is in recovery,” Dr. Warwick said. “You will be able to visit with him briefly in another twenty minutes.”

  Cherone hugged Clara then, knowing how relieved the other woman was. Once Clara disappeared in Ray’s room, Cherone turned to Rico. “Can you take me to visit with Nic while we wait for our turn with Ray?”

  Rico took her arm to walk her to Nic’s bedside.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  “I’M TAKING HER back to the Bahamas with me,” Dominic insisted.

  “Not happening,” Rico growled. They had come back to his house in Coral Gables while the authorities performed their investigations at his condo. At two a.m., Dominic, Neo, Sean, and he were discussing the events of the previous day in his study.

  “It is obvious that you guys have not done a good job of teaching her discipline,” Dominic said. “She needs to come live with me now.”

  “Dude, how old do you think Roni is?” Sean laughed. “You can demand and insist all you want, but even as a child she refused to leave Rico’s side.”

  “That was to her detriment,” Dominic said. “Now look how she has put herself in danger over the last few months. She lacks discipline.”

  “Cherone stays,” Rico said, the words barely clearing his clenched teeth.

  “Are you challenging my authority, Rico?” Dominic turned his stony gaze on him.

  Rico walked toward Dominic, whose authority he had never questioned. Both men sized each other up. At six-foot-three, their dark and icy grey gazes were eye level, packed muscles stood inches from equally packed muscles, and determined brooding intent filled the air around them.

  “Cherone is mine. No one, not any of you or even God Himself, is going to separate us.”

  Dominic squinted. “That’s quite a blasphemous statement.”

  “It’s a true statement.” Rico rolled his neck. “And there’s nothing anyone can do about it.”

  Dominic smiled and slapped Rico on the back. “Well, it’s about damn time. I thought you would never come to your senses.”

  “What?” Rico’s eyes widened.

  “You didn’t think I let Cherone live with you all these years for nothing, did you?” Dominic asked.

  “What the hell are you talking about?” Rico demanded. “I didn’t remember any of us having a choice about that. Cherone made sure of it.”

  “Well, you were wrong. Adam left a letter specifically for me, and it concerned you.” He poked Rico in the chest. “Cherone was not the only one in her family who had the gift of sight. Adam’s gift was not as advanced as Cherone’s obviously is, but he knew that you and Cherone were meant to be together. I was initially skeptical, but all those times she pitched a fit when she was separated from you—that convinced me of the truth of Adam’s prediction years ago.”

  “How come you never told us about Adam before?” Neo asked.

  “Adam wasn’t comfortable talking about his psychic abilities, but he used those abilities to help us out on a number of missions.” Dominic turned assessing eyes on Rico. “Just as Rico has also done on numerous occasions.”

  “What are you talking about?” Sean asked.

  Rico looked at the floor and nodded. “My ability isn’t anything substantial.”

  Dominic raised one eyebrow. “So you call warning us whenever danger is imminent insignificant?”

  “How did you know?” Rico frowned because he had never discussed his “danger radar” with anyone.

  “None of us could have survived some of the missions we did without your prior warning,” Dominic said. “We shouldn’t have made it out of the jungle in Colombia alive, but you warned us about man and beast whenever danger was lurking.” Dominic looked at him earnestly. “Thank you, Rico.”

  Rico looked away from Dominic’s face and cleared his throat. “Well, I guess this would be a good time to tell you guys that Cherone and I are going to have a baby.”

  Rico was not surprised to see six guns pointed at him.

  “Come on, guys,” Rico said with a smile. “It’s called a shotgun wedding, not a Glock or a SIG wedding.”

  Cherone rolled over on the mattress as sunlight streamed through the window to announce a new dawn. She stretched into the lingering scent of Rico’s presence in the bed from the night before. Exhausted from the events of the day, she had gone to bed immediately after returning from the hospital and had no memory of Rico coming into the bedroom.

  After a shower and dressing for the day in a yellow sundress, she walked into a quiet kitchen wondering where everyone was.

  Buenos días, querida, Rico whispered in her mind.

  Good morning, Rico. Where are you?

  Turn around.

  Cherone spun around. “Oh! What’s going on? Where is everyone?”

  “Clara went to the hospital to be with Ray, and the guys went home.”

  “I guess we’re on our own for breakfast.”

  Rico grinned. “I thought you might be hungry. I have breakfast ready for you.”

  Cherone looked around the pristine kitchen. “Where?”

  He stepped closer and tenderly captured her lips in a brief kiss. “Don’t worry. You won’t be disappointed.” He lifted her into his arms and carried her out to the patio where two women stood beaming at them over a beautifully set table.

  “Did you buy out a florist?” Cherone asked in astonishment as her eyes took in over thirty dozen red roses and tropical flowers littering the patio.

  He gently placed her in a cushioned wicker armchair. A plate of steaming eggs, bacon, sausages, and pancakes topped with strawbe
rries and whipped cream was placed in front of her.

  Cherone laughed. “When have you ever seen me eat a breakfast like this? God, the fat and sugar alone would put twenty pounds on me.”

  “This is what I like to eat, and I’m sure that’s what my son wants to eat,” he grinned.

  “Well, since I’m having a girl, what your son wants doesn’t matter.”

  “You’re not the only one in this family who is psychic.” Rico palmed her still flat stomach. “I know my son is in there. I intend to make sure you feed him right.”He grinned. “We are having a boy.”

  “This time,” Cherone whispered.

  Rico winked. “I saw her, too. She will be a taller version of you.”

  “So all of this”—she indicated the flowers, waiting staff, and dishes of hot food—“are not for my benefit but for our son?”

  “Oh, this is for your benefit all right. If my son is happy, you will also be happy.” He shrugged as though his logic made perfect sense.

  “I am not eating all this,”

  “Did you promise yesterday to obey me?” Rico asked.

  “I’ll obey you when my health is not being threatened. There must be six thousand calories on this plate.”

  “Come on, querida.” Rico forked up some pancakes with syrup and whipped cream. He placed it against her lips.

  Cherone reluctantly opened her mouth and took his offered morsel in her mouth. She chewed and swallowed. “Rico…”

  He forked up another.

  She chewed and swallowed. As she was about to protest again, he had another fork of food ready. He kept at it until she had eaten every bit of food from the plate.

  “I hate to admit it, but that was the best food I’ve eaten in a long time,” she murmured.

  “You’re welcome.” Rico grinned. Picking up a basket one of the women left on the table, he pulled her chair back and lifted her into his arms.

  “Rico, please put me down. After all of that food, I need to exercise.”

  “Oh, you will get plenty of exercise, but you need to conserve your energy now.”He grinned wickedly. Rico walked with her held high in his arms off the patio into the backyard.

  She wound her arms around his neck and held on tight as they passed the pool, the gazebo, the green house, and the tennis court. “Where are we going?”

  “I think after all of that food, you need to take a nap.”

  “Rico, put me down and stop playin’,” Cherone said.

  He continued through a wooded area that allowed little sunlight through the dense foliage.

  “Is all of this land yours?” she asked.

  Rico laughed. “You meant to ask if all of this land is ours. And to answer your question, yes it is.”

  They broke through the trees and entered a brightly sunlit meadow of celestial blue and yellow lilies, blue sage, sunflowers, and blazing stars. Amazing colors of white, purple, yellow, orange, and blue formed a striking carpet before them.

  “Wow, this is beautiful,” Cherone exclaimed, smiling up at him. She was surprised to see him looking back at her with smoldering dark eyes.

  He swooped down and captured her lips in a gentle kiss, and she melted against him.

  Rico lowered her to the ground. “Nothing is more beautiful than you,” he murmured. He opened the basket he brought from the house, pulled out a blanket, and spread it on the ground in a shaded area of the meadow.

  Cherone sat. “Rico, why are we out here?”

  “I want to talk to you with no interruptions,” Rico said.

  Cherone laughed. “Sorry to tell you this, but the house is empty except for us. I’m pretty sure we could have had all the privacy we wanted back in the house.”

  “Well now, that’s not quite correct.” Rico rubbed the rough pad of his finger down her cheek and over her rosy lips. “There are a number of people preparing the house and the grounds for a little celebration.”

  “Celebration? What are we celebrating?”

  “Before we get to that, I want to know how you feel about carrying my baby.”

  Cherone smiled. “You are kidding, right?”

  “No, I am not kidding.” He held her hands in his. “You are twenty-two years old, barely out of university, and already pregnant before you even begin your life. So I need to know how you feel about this.”

  “Rico, you are my life and always have been.” She brought his hands to her lips and tenderly kissed his knuckles. “I told you that we are twin souls, meant to love each other for all time. I believe that wholeheartedly. Nothing makes me happier than to carry the proof of that love.”

  He leaned over and fused their lips in a kiss that was meant to convey his gratitude for her love, and she sank back onto the blanket. Deepening the kiss, he followed her down, aligning his big body over hers, his hardness melding into her soft skin.

  “I hope to God you’re telling me the truth, because I will never let you go.” He trailed kisses along her cheek, to her ear, and to the warm cavity of her neck. “You have given me the family I’ve always wanted,” he whispered against the creamy swell of her breasts. “I love you.” Pushing the straps of her dress down her shoulders, his eyes darkened with lust when he saw her naked breasts. “These have gotten bigger.” He licked the taut dark buds.

  “Yes,” she whimpered as he pulled an aroused tip into his mouth.

  He tormented both breasts, sucking, gnawing, and licking the nipples until she writhed beneath him. He rolled off her and unzipped her dress to her hips, leaving her with only a bit of silk covering her mound.

  “Ah, querida, so beautiful,” he whispered against her stomach. Trailing kisses over the silky skin of belly and her hips, he turned her over and peppered her back with tender kisses. Palming the naked cheeks of her ass, he nipped and kissed her creamy skin, licking where the tiny string was wedged. He gently turned her to her back and slowly trailed his tongue over her lush curves. Growling in appreciation, he pulled her panty aside to slide the broad tip of his tongue over her throbbing clit.

  Cherone moaned loudly as he twirled his tongue around the sensitive flesh and pulled the swollen bud between his lips. He slipped a thick finger into her core, making her cry out in ecstasy, her juices flowing earnestly in response to his sensual assault. She trembled with anticipation as he lower the zipper of his jeans. Placing his head on the blanket next to hers, he pulled her in his arms, draping her thigh over his hip and tenderly slid into her heat. The feel of his still clothed body against her naked flesh made her mindless with lust as the contrast of his coarse clothing rubbed against her sensitive skin. As he gently rocked in and out of her, he whispered, “Te amo mucho.”

  Rico thrust deeper into her tight sheath.

  “Te amo, Rico!”

  Cherone quivered uncontrollably with each sensual glide of his length deep within her core. He lowered his head, burying his face between her breasts. He covered one dark nipple with his mouth, sucking the sensitive bud deep into the hot cavity as he stroked into her. He pinched her taut nipples with the rough pads of his fingers, and she splintered into orgasmic pleasure.

  Rico growled deep in his throat as she tightened around his steely cock, wringing a violent release from him.

  In only her G-string panties, Cherone placed her head on the hard wall of his chest and curled tightly against his warm body.

  Wrapping his arms around her, Rico’s chest rumbled beneath her ear as he murmured into her hair, “Are you comfortable?”

  “For now, but any insects show up or other creepy crawlers, I’m out of here.”

  Rico laughed. “Fair enough. But you do have a protector here, you know.”

  “Yes, and what a great protector you are. Thank you for last night.” She raised her head and smiled.

  He laughed. “Hate to admit it, but I had a lot of help. And let’s not mention your theatrical contribution.”

  Cherone grinned. “People the world over have a warped view of my Creole ancestors. It’s nice to use it against them.”

  Rico sobered, his eyes turning serious. “Will you marry me, Cherone?”

  “Oh God, Rico, I love you,” she said softly.

  “Is that a yes or I’ll think about it?”

  Cherone laughed. “Yes, yes I’ll marry you.”

  Rico pulled a teal Tiffany’s box from his pocket and took out a brilliant diamond platinum engagement ring. Gently kissing her lips, he reverently slipped the classic emerald-cut ring onto her finger. “Thank you.”

  Cherone smiled broadly, her heart exploding with love for him.

  He grinned. “Ah, babe, will you marry me … today?”


  “I can’t wait to make you mine.” He captured her lips again, deepening the kiss briefly. “I can’t wait to start our family, make our home finally ours.”

  “But how…?”

  “Shh, I got you. When will and money are involved, all things are possible. Not to mention three pissed-off SEALs.” Rico grinned. “Everything is being prepared back at the house.”

  She widened her eyes. “Were you that sure of me?”

  “No, not sure, just hopeful.” Rico gave her a boyish grin. “Hopeful that you would see all the work I put into getting our home ready.”

  “Or that I’d take pity on you in front of the guys.”

  Rico winced. “Um, that, too.”

  Cherone shook her head. “What am I supposed to wear? I can’t show up to my wedding wearing only a G-string.”

  Rico laughed. “I got that, too.”

  “You got that covered, too, huh?”


  “So how about you cover me again,” Cherone whispered sensually.

  Their living room had been completely transformed into a frosty forest with faux snowflake trees, white, purple, and blue flowers and roses, crystal and ice sculptures, and silver and white candles. As Cherone walked down the aisle beside Dominic, Ed Sheeran’s “Thinking Out Loud” played as her bridal march while snowflakes dangled and spun from the ceiling. Cherone marveled at how much effort Rico had put into this event. Everything was beautiful!


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