Meant To Be (Heaven Hill Series)

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Meant To Be (Heaven Hill Series) Page 11

by Laramie Briscoe

  Chaos reigned around her as Meredith fought to climb out of the black hole she’d fallen into. Her head hurt, and her tongue felt heavy. In the distance she could hear police sirens and people screaming. It took a great deal of strength, but she fought to yell at them, to let them know she was there and that she was okay. In the end the climb was too hard, too long, and she just gave up. Tyler had warned her this would be the end of her, and maybe he had been right.

  Chapter Nineteen

  “So, how’s it going with my brother?”

  Denise’s head snapped up from where she lay lounging on the screened-in porch with Roni. Since Denise had already been out there, that’s where they had decided to stay.

  “Good,” she answered a little too quickly, her voice a little too high pitched.

  Like a hound dog on the scent of a kill, Roni sat up straighter, grinning wildly. “He’s gotten to you, hasn’t he?”

  She did not under any circumstances want to talk about this. Telling him that she hadn’t had sex in thirteen years was embarrassing enough, but to tell his sister…she wasn’t really down for all of that.

  “Gotten to me?” she played dumb.

  “Whatever. My brother is a good lookin’ guy. I know that. The two of you in this house every night, I’m sure you’ve gotten…close.”

  “First of all, we aren’t in this house every night. I think we may have spent two nights in this house together, that’s it. Second of all, I’m a mother. I take care of my children most of the time. There is absolutely nothing sexy about that. In no way has he ‘gotten to me’.”

  “You doth protest too much.”

  Roni knew that Denise was worried. She’d heard it in her voice when Denise had called to ask her to come over. What better way to distract her than to talk about sex?

  Never having what one would call a gossipy girlfriend before, Denise was out of her element. Was it okay to talk to other women about this stuff?

  “So we had a ‘moment’, but it was not sex. Trust me.” Her face burned a bright red, giving her completely away.

  “Oh do tell.” Roni clapped her hands together, excited for her brother and her friend.

  “It was just a couple of kisses.”

  “Just a couple of kisses? The way you’re blushing, that must have been some kiss.”

  She cleared her throat and took a deep breath. “To be honest, even though I am a mother I don’t have a lot of experience. He just makes me nervous. I mean I’m sure he has women all over the place.”

  “I could lie and tell you that my brother is a saint, but he’s not. Just give him time, he’ll bring you over to the dark side,” she giggled, eyebrows raised.

  Denise wasn’t sure exactly where the dark side was, but it went without saying that she wanted to experience it.

  “Post club members at every exit of this hospital, nobody gets in or leaves that we don’t know about,” Liam instructed as the MC went about damage control.

  One of the policemen on their payroll had already conceded the police presence that was supposed to be posted outside of Meredith’s door. Tyler now stood there, daring anyone who walked by to say a word to him. The nurses openly flirted, the doctors just put their heads down and continued on about their business. It was very evident that he would be okaying anyone who went through that door.

  “Liam, I need to have a word with you.”

  He groaned. He knew that voice and he didn’t want to have to deal with this right now. “What Rooster?”

  “Where were you and your club tonight?” he asked, casually resting his hand on his gun belt, and looking the other man in the eyes.

  Liam hated when he rested his hand on his gun belt. It straight up pissed him off. “Not that I have to tell you. If you really had something, you’d be arresting me so fast my head would spin, but I’ll do you a favor since we go so far back. We were at the clubhouse, watching the news like everyone else in this town.”

  “And you know nothing about the explosion that did heavy damage to the news station?”

  Liam grinned sarcastically. “You’ve known me for years. Have I ever been a goddamn explosives expert? Has anybody in my club ever been?”

  “Cut the bullshit, this is serious. I’m asking you a serious question. This is huge. The FBI has been called in on it. You and I both know that you don’t want the FBI or ATF sniffing around. And Layne’s ex Special Forces. Be honest with me, for once in your life.”

  That pissed Liam off. “You know what Rooster? I’ve always been honest. I’ve always been me. You’re the liar wearing a goddamn badge. You wanna ask me anymore questions, you contact my attorney. Oh and by the way, Layne’s a Prospect. If we did this our names would be all over it, motherfucker.”

  Office Hancock glared at his one-time friend. “You stay available.”

  Glaring right back, Liam got his word in. “You stay the fuck outta my way.”

  Muffled voices sounded like they were miles away. This was the third or fourth time Meredith had heard them. Each time, she tried with super human strength to acknowledge them. Each time, she failed. This time though, her resolve strong, she fought against the pain she felt. It was as if she was coming up for air to keep from drowning. As she broke the surface she gasped, sitting straight up.

  “Calm down,” hands pushed her shoulders, pinning her against the bed. Those same voices took on soothing tones as they began speaking to her.

  “Meredith, you’ve been in an accident. Can you remember anything?”

  She shook her head as she opened her eyes. The light was bright and a group of people stood above her. Recognizing doctors and nurses, she began shaking. What the hell happened to me?

  “You’re going into shock Meredith, keep looking at me,” one of the doctors said, keeping eye contact with her, trying to soothe her.

  “What kind of accident?” she managed to stutter out, her body shaking so much her teeth chattered.

  “There was an explosion at the news station. Do you remember anything?”

  Just like that, she was out again.

  It had been a long night. Liam yawned as he stood with a group of members that were manning one entrance. They had seen neither hide nor hair of any Vojnik members, which just reinforced the feeling that Heaven Hill had been set up.

  “VP, why don’t you head home?”

  Liam glanced up at his dad. He looked just as tired as Liam felt, but he knew the old man was waiting for something, anything to happen. He expected Richard Joyce to show up, and he would be there when he did.

  “If you’re not goin’ home Dad, I’m not goin’ home.”

  Placing an arm around his son, William brought him close. “It’s an order, go home. You’re dead on your feet, and you need to check on things there. If that ass has targeted the reporter, he may have targeted the other women as well. I mean let’s think about how Denise came onto our radar.”

  Liam had to admit the old man had a point. It could have been coincidence, but it also could have been orchestrated by the former member. He knew without a doubt that Denise wasn’t involved, but knew it wasn’t out of the realm of possibility that she be a pawn in whatever sick game he appeared to be playing.

  “I’ll have my pre-pay on. Call me if you need me.”

  The sun was beginning to rise on the horizon as he pulled into the driveway of his home. Even summer mornings were a little chilly as the morning dew gathered on the surface of the earth. He felt raw; Richard Joyce had been an important member of the club. His brother, just like the rest of them. Liam worried now about Denise and her children. If Meredith had been set up so badly, what could Joyce do to children if he got it in his mind to do so?

  His thoughts were dark and heavy as he parked his bike and made his way into the house. It was quiet at this time of morning, eerily quiet for him now. It was funny how quickly he’d become accustomed to having two teenage children living there. If he was being honest, it hadn’t been a home until he had people to share it with.
/>   Walking up the stairs, he checked on both kids before walking to his bedroom. He rolled his shoulders. They were tight with the tension and stress the night before had placed on him. It hurt him that women had been targeted in an all-out war against his club. Against him. It pissed him off, and when he got ahold of Richard Joyce he would kill him with his bare hands.

  Moments later he was in the shower, letting the scalding hot water wash away his anger, his disappointment. He felt like all of this had been laid at his feet, and it was expected that he would scoop it up and put it on his shoulders. Liam knew that he could take it, but first he had to come to grips with it. First he had to admit he’d brought this to his own front door.

  “How could one of my own brothers have been this bad?” he whispered, pushing his hair back from his face.

  This was his responsibility as VP, and he knew it. Therefore, he would take care of it. It would take him to a place he didn’t relish going. A place he didn’t want to go to with Denise living in this house with him. This though was for his club, and he couldn’t back down. Hell, he wouldn’t back down. Richard Joyce had fucked with the wrong man, the wrong club.

  Getting out of the shower, he dried off, securing a towel around his waist. Exhaustion washed over him, and he looked forward to the bed that was awaiting him. Running a hand over his cheek, he contemplated shaving, but the bed sounded much better.

  Walking out of the bathroom, he scrubbed his head vigorously with another towel. When he decided it was as dry as it would get without a hairdryer, he dropped the towel into his hamper and turned towards the bed. What he saw stopped him dead in his tracks.

  “What are you doing?” he asked, his voice complete gravel with lack of sleep.

  She stood in the middle of the room, a short t-shirt barely covering her panties. Her hair lay haphazard against her shoulders, and she had the lazy look of sleep in her eyes. Running her tongue along her bottom lip, she smiled softly at him.

  “I talked to your sister tonight. I’m ready to take a walk on the dark side.”

  Chapter Twenty

  Struck stupid seldom happened to Liam Walker, but it sure as fuck happened when those words left her mouth.

  “The dark side, huh?” he grinned slowly, the words flowing out like smooth bourbon.

  Her stomach fluttered as she looked into his blue eyes. They were warm with affection and something dangerous as he looked her body up and down. She realized that she stood there for him like porno flick brought to life.

  “The dark side,” she confirmed. “Although my dark side and your dark side might be two different things,” she giggled softly.

  She watched, her eyes wide, as he grabbed her hand. Pulling her up alongside his body, he turned to face her.

  Reminiscent of their first kiss, his big hands framed her face and held her in place as his mouth bent down towards hers. When their lips touched, she brought her hands up to grip his biceps, hanging on for dear life. He invaded her personal space, crowding her against him as his mouth ate at hers. Arousal bloomed in her stomach, stronger than she’d ever felt before. Unclasping her hands from his biceps, she ran them down his pecs and the muscles of his abdomen. Encountering the towel, she stopped.

  “It’s your decision,” he whispered as he pulled his mouth away from hers. Her lips were swollen and wet, evidence of just how badly he wanted her.

  Excitement ran high on her cheeks, and she knew without a doubt that she didn’t want to stop. She wanted something for herself for once in her life. Denise wanted to be a woman again. Not just a mother, but something beyond that. Biting her lip, she moved her fingers to the tucked end of the towel and pulled. Unabashedly, she watched as it sank to the ground. Heat rose on her cheeks as she saw the evidence of his eagerness.

  “Don’t get shy on me now,” he pleaded, bringing her flush with his body. He knew he couldn’t give her time to think about what she was doing. If he did, it might be over before it began.

  Running his hands down her neck and around to her back, he let them trail down to her ass and cup it as he picked her up. She squealed slightly as he lifted her. “Put your legs around my waist,” he instructed gruffly.

  This was new for her. As a teenager, sex had always been in the backseat of a car or hurried when they got a few minutes alone. She’d never been picked up before, and it was exciting. Threading her fingers through his hair, she used it to keep her balance, pulling slightly.

  “You like pullin’ my hair baby?” he asked, his voice dark and sinful.

  “I like your hair. Period.” She admitted.

  He brought her higher up onto his body. She watched with appreciation when his biceps bulged. Her interest captured by the movement of his muscles, she didn’t see him tilt his head down. When his mouth came into contact with her t-shirt covered nipple, she gasped. The cloth of the cotton made it feel forbidden and muted the feeling just enough to excite her. It made the touch feel almost nonexistent but put her on edge because it made her want more.

  “More,” she begged.

  With gentle lips he rolled the nipple before clasping his teeth around the hardened flesh. She rewarded him with a sharp intake of breath, and he moaned at her response. The soft moans coming from her mouth drove him crazy. Tightening her fingers in his hair, she pulled his head closer and then buried her face against the side of his neck. His fingers tightened responsively on her ass as he felt her tongue along the tendons of his neck. As she nipped his throat and earlobe, he staggered slightly. Grinning to herself, she swiped her tongue along his ear, gripping the hoop earring he wore there with her teeth and tugging slightly.

  “Damn,” he swore darkly. “I’m ready to throw you down on this bed and fuck you raw, but you deserve so much better than that.”

  Her breathing more ragged by the minute, she shook her head, shutting her eyes tightly against the sensations he evoked in her body. “No, that’s what I want,” she panted. “It’s been thirteen years, Liam. Thirteen long, lonely years,” she pouted, her hand sneaking down behind her to grasp his erection.

  He threw his head back at the sensation. Her soft hand was small and held him tightly. When she rubbed her thumb across the tip, she gathered a drop of the wetness there and spread it down the length of his hardness. “I don’t wanna hurt you,” he ground out, teeth clenched.

  “Just do something,” she pleaded.

  She had him to the point of violence, and he knew he had to get rid of some of it before he rutted on her like a bitch in heat. He made sure her legs were locked around his waist and then let go of her before bringing his hands up to the top of her t-shirt. Fusing their mouths together again, he ripped the collar and tore it right down the middle of her body before doing the same with the panties she had somehow managed to keep on. He had lost control, he knew it and was beyond the point that he could regain it.

  Tossing her on the bed, he took a minute to take her in. He knew that how she looked at this moment would always be imprinted in his brain. The way her hair lay haphazardly around her body, the sweet way her legs splayed open for him, the hardened tips of her nipples, pink with the irritation from his teeth. This was an image he never wanted to forget.

  “Wait,” she stopped him as he grasped her hips and brought the center of her body closer. “I’m not on birth control.”

  Liam couldn’t believe he hadn’t even questioned that. “Shit, sorry,” he apologized. “I’m usually much smoother than this, but you are one fucking hot piece of ass,” he complimented. She gave him a beautiful smile as he reached over to the bedside table and grabbed a condom.

  Within moments, he was suited up and ready to go. She watched as indecision suddenly flashed in his eyes.

  “It’s gonna hurt regardless of how wet I am for you, Liam. It’s been thirteen years, but could you please just put an end to my drought?”

  He threw his head back and laughed. That was what he’d needed, something to break the seriousness of the moment. It was all too serious, all too life c
hanging, and he knew it. Carefully, he took himself in hand and rubbed the head of his hardness over the nub of her clit, gathering the moisture that lay there. He prayed it would make it better for her.

  “Ready, baby?” he asked as he perched himself at her entrance.

  She nodded bravely, letting him know that this was so much more than sex. He could see it in her eyes. There lay a trust he hadn’t seen before.

  Crying out as he pushed in, she bit her bottom lip, tears coming to her eyes. “Just breathe,” he instructed as he leaned more heavily on her, grasping her hands in his. Carefully, he retreated and then pushed back in as he let his tongue caress her nipple again.

  He could feel her relaxation as he gradually moved back and forth. When she wrapped her legs fully around his body and dug her heels into his ass, he knew that she was okay. Throwing caution to the wind, he rocked into her body, picking up speed when she gripped his hands harder.

  “Oh my God,” she panted. It had never felt like this before. She’d never had this feeling of flying, this ache that felt so good.

  “C’mon baby,” he encouraged, pulling his lips away from her nipple. Bringing his finger up to her mouth, he instructed. “Lick it.”

  Her tongue wrapped around it, just as he’d asked. She wasn’t sure what he was going to do, but she watched with wide eyes as he brought that finger down to where they were joined and she felt him begin to strum her clit. The moan she let loose was music to his ears, and the tightening of her body told him that she was about to let go.

  “Don’t you want to feel it? It’s been so long,” he coaxed her through.

  The orgasm hit her body like a semi. Realizing she was going to wake up the kids if he didn’t quiet her down, he put his hand over her mouth as she rode it out.

  “Son of a bitch,” he gasped when her teeth bit into his hand. She was the hottest thing he’d ever seen.


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