Seven Scarlet Tales

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Seven Scarlet Tales Page 14

by Justine Elyot

  ‘Nothing’s private when you sleep three in a bed,’ said Rob. ‘Get stuck in.’

  Richard’s fingers joined Rob’s, another hand at her breasts. She reached forwards and wrapped Richard’s morning glory in a curling embrace, squeezing and pumping the shaft. In the meantime, Rob’s cock insinuated itself between her bottom cheeks and eased up and down in the crack.

  Lucy came first, her tongue tied up by Richard’s, her genitals thoroughly invaded by two sets of fingers, then Richard; then Rob finished himself off inside Lucy’s pussy from behind, while Richard stroked her breasts and sucked her nipples.

  ‘Happy new world,’ yawned Lucy, and it certainly seemed like it.

  Prisoner 39

  Mile after mile after mile of green, dotted with white puffs. That would be the sheep.

  Emma looked away from the train window, needing to find something less monotonous to fix her attention on. It didn’t matter what, as long as it calmed the nerves raging in her stomach.

  She couldn’t concentrate on her book, though, hearing a different voice in her head, locking the poor author out.

  It’ll be fine, it’s an experience anyway, even if you don’t enjoy it after all. Allyson will be there. She can read you: she’ll know if things are going too far.

  She shut her book, and looked back out at the suffocating green.

  Who would the other people be? Both men, she knew that. But would they be men she had played with before, or total strangers?

  She rewound the conversation she had had with Allyson, the pair of them sleepy after post-spanking sex, about her fantasy. She could have left it at that – a kinky dream. But she should have known that Allyson was all about fulfilling such dreams, and it was well within her power. She knew everyone, and guarded a slew of secrets of the Rich and Famous. She only had to snap her fingers and whatever she asked was done.

  It’s ridiculous to be nervous. You’re an old hand at these kinds of games.

  But then, the nervousness was part of the fun.

  The train began to slow and Emma thought she might be sick.

  She took her overnight bag down from the rack and slipped quietly into the toilet cubicle. When she came out, there was one little addition to her outfit – an ID pass clipped to her coat lapel.

  And thus Emma Frayne, resting actor and sometime sex worker, became prisoner thirty nine.

  She looked out for Allyson on the platform, but there was no sign of her. She must have sent one of the others. As her fellow passengers slowly filtered through the station exit, she scanned the place for likely characters.

  It was him. It had to be the man in the blue serge uniform.

  She stood with her back to the wall, trying to be unobtrusive, wondering why he didn’t come over straight away. Perhaps it wasn’t him then, which would be strangely disappointing. He was rather attractive, in a burly, whiskerish kind of way.

  The mystery was solved when another man came out of the gents’ toilets and spoke to Blue Serge. This new man was somebody she recognised: she and Allyson had played with him before. Not at the club either; they had gone to his home, which was a prime piece of property porn. He was that banker. Richard, was it?

  This was more than satisfactory. She’d fantasised about him more than once since that intense and pleasurable weekend, and had vaguely hoped they might meet again.

  With the platform now empty, it was safe for the pair to approach her.

  ‘Prisoner thirty nine?’ asked Blue Serge, giving her a blatantly lecherous once-over.

  ‘That’s right,’ she said, trying to sound brave. It was remarkable how quickly she could fall into this meek, craven mindset.

  ‘You’d better come with us.’

  Blue Serge put his hand around her upper arm and led her out behind Richard, who had neither spoken nor looked at her.

  Unexpectedly, the car wasn’t in the station car park. Instead they walked on, down a long single-track road that led away from the town to some woodland. It was perfectly dark and deserted and quite silent, except when another train flashed by, all warm light and distant people: people going to safe places; people she should perhaps envy.

  Richard stopped abruptly. It took Emma a moment or two to realise that a car was parked under a nearby tree. She didn’t know much about cars but this one looked expensive.

  She was still eyeing its silver sheen when Richard turned and began addressing her.

  ‘Prisoner thirty nine, you have accepted a place on the government’s new Short, Sharp Shock disciplinary programme in preference to a longer custodial sentence in an ordinary prison. Could you please confirm for me that this is the case?’

  ‘Er, yes, it is,’ she mumbled, startled by how convincingly Richard adopted this pitiless, judicial tone.

  ‘Good. You will be with us for a weekend, and I think you must realise that it isn’t going to be a luxury mini-break. Hmm?’ He raised an eyebrow.

  ‘Yes, yes, I realise that,’ said Emma.

  ‘When you speak to me, or any other member of staff, you will be respectful and call us ‘sir’ or ‘ma’am’ at all times. If you forget, you’ll incur punishment, is that clear?’

  ‘Yes, sir.’

  ‘Now then, first things first. Blake, get the uniform out of the boot. Prisoner, remove your clothes.’

  ‘What? Here?’ She looked around wildly. Nobody was around, or likely to be, it was true, but – ‘What if a train comes past?’

  ‘What if it does?’ said Richard laconically, while Blake snorted over by the car. ‘You’ve broken two rules already, my girl. Failure to use the correct honorific, and failing to obey a direct order in a timely fashion. If I were you, I’d start making up for that right now.’

  I can say ‘Colditz’ and all this will be over. I can go back to the station and … No.

  Emma looked up at the night sky, clouded and vast. A dream was coming true. She bit back a smile and took off her jacket.

  She bent her head, avoiding the eyes of Richard and Blake, who watched her every move with grim satisfaction.

  Off came the jumper, off came the jeans, the denim rucking around her pale legs. She looked back at the railway line as she stepped out of them.

  Nobody was there.

  The night air played, lewd and cold, about her bare skin and she shivered and hugged herself.

  ‘Underwear too,’ clarified Richard.

  She gasped and gave him a quick pleading glance, which he rebuffed, folding his arms.

  She unhooked her bra and put it on the ground with the rest of her clothes. The cold made her nipples stiffen with a pang until they felt unbearably tight.

  ‘Underwear is a privilege,’ said Richard as she peeled down her knickers. ‘You haven’t earned it.’

  Now that she was fully naked, Blake stepped forward with some white material over his arm.

  ‘You’d better put it on her,’ advised Richard.

  The low rumble of an approaching train made Emma jump in alarm and hold out her arms to Blake.

  He put the thing on her. It was a kind of shift made of a heavy canvas-like material that felt coarse and aggravated her nipples. It fastened all the way down the back with large hooks and eyes, leaving a long split of bare flesh in the middle where the metal clasps met. The area around her bottom was cut away, rendering it permanently bare.

  Blake was clipping the hooks and eyes together when the train thundered past. The way they were standing meant that nobody could have seen anything but a woman in an odd white dress, but Emma still wailed and tried to cover her bottom with her hands.

  Blake pushed them roughly away and slapped her bottom hard.

  ‘No,’ he said. ‘It’s forbidden for you to cover it.’

  ‘That’s right,’ said Richard. ‘While you’re with us, your bottom will be bare at all times. In fact, it’ll be a number of other things too, including red and sore, but bare in the basic necessity. Now, we have those two rule breaches to deal with. Bend over the bonnet of the car, pl

  The temptation to plead was almost overwhelming, but Emma knew that it would only end up the worse for her, so she trotted obediently to the vehicle and bent, palms down, over the sleek, silvery surface.

  ‘Two lessons,’ said Richard, stepping up behind her. ‘Respect and unquestioning obedience. Learn them well.’

  He commenced dealing a hard and fast spanking, peppering both cheeks with painful rapidity. Emma, although no novice, found his devastating technique became difficult to bear very quickly. She was able to swallow her squeals, but the squirms were unstoppable, shameful for a woman who prided herself on being able to take very long, very severe punishments.

  She didn’t want to beg, but really, if he didn’t slow down soon …

  Luckily, he seemed to tire of his high-octane performance after a minute or so. He ordered her to her feet, frowning at the palm of his hand.

  ‘See what she’s done to me, Blake,’ he said.

  Blake sucked in a breath. ‘You’ll need to be bringing out the heavy stuff,’ he said, shaking his head.

  ‘Well, we have plenty of implements,’ said Richard. ‘Every single one of which is going to make its acquaintance with that bottom. Now, into the car with you. Blake? Sort it out, please.’

  Emma felt Blake’s hand on her warm bottom, pushing her towards the back seat of the car. Once she was inside, feeling the leather upholstery cool and smooth on her chastised skin, Blake produced a pair of handcuffs and locked her wrists together.

  The journey was passed in silence. It seemed even Richard, for all his vast wealth and contacts, hadn’t been able to get hold of a real prison wagon. This luxury car didn’t quite project the right mood, so stern and concentrated reflection was required, to keep the mindset in place.

  Emma was dying to ask Richard about his new girlfriend. Allyson had said they were getting quite close. She’d also said that he shared her with another dom. What would it be like, Emma wondered, to be in that kind of relationship, with two lovers who cared for you? She felt a twinge of something.

  Stick to the motto, Em. ‘You can tie me up but you can never tie me down’.

  The cottage was much more rustic and charming than she’d imagined. She’d thought of a blank-fronted, grey stone chiller of a place, high on a slate cliff. This was a pretty haven nestling in some foothills. Still, it was hard to find exactly what you wanted, she supposed, and none of them were professional location scouts. Like the car, the cottage would have to be reframed by her imagination.

  ‘Let’s have you,’ said Blake, gruffly, pulling her out of the back seat and marching her towards the front door, Richard leading them once more.

  They had to duck under the lintel. There, at a desk in the living room, sat Allyson, in a perfectly tailored dark skirt suit, looking over some papers.

  ‘Ah,’ she said, looking up, ‘new arrival. Thirty nine, is it?’

  It was unsettling, Emma thought, how Allyson could fake complete unrecognition. Even she found it difficult, and she’d been to RADA.

  ‘Yes, ma’am,’ she whispered.

  Richard and Blake lurked over her shoulders, casting a shadow of forceful authority.

  ‘I’ve been looking over your records, thirty nine. They make very disturbing reading.’ Her stare hardened, and the mouth Emma had kissed so many times was set in a straight, cruel line. ‘The same words keep coming up over and over again – spoilt, selfish, wilful, insubordinate. You’re from a good home, but you’ve brought disgrace on your family, who spent thousands on your education only to have you throw it back in their face. You’re here because you were caught on CCTV performing a lewd act on some random stranger in a public place. You had to plead guilty, in the face of overwhelming evidence, but you still tried to worm your way out of it by offering sex to pretty much everyone involved in the case, from the arresting officer to the judge. Aren’t you ashamed of yourself?’

  ‘Yes, ma’am.’ Emma’s cheeks were flaming hot. Allyson played her part so perfectly that she almost believed the accusations being made against her.

  ‘I’m not convinced. You’re here to have your ways changed, young lady. By the time you leave this place, you will be very sore and very sorry, but ready to embark on a new stage in your life. A stage you will never have to feel ashamed of.’

  Emma nodded.

  ‘Is that all you have to say? A word of gratitude would be nice, or some acknowledgement of the hard work we’re going to do for your benefit.’

  Emma nodded again. Her throat was dry, but she managed to force out the words, ‘Sorry, ma’am, thank you, ma’am.’

  ‘Well.’ Allyson rose to her feet. ‘Now the pep talk’s out of the way, I think we should move on with the orientation.’

  Orientation? What was that supposed to mean?

  She soon found out.

  ‘Blake, could you fetch the spanking bench from the outhouse, please? And Richard, we’ll need a strap, a paddle and a cane.’

  Emma gasped, not that she was surprised. Allyson and Richard both knew she could take a tough thrashing. But could prisoner thirty nine? This was the question.

  ‘What’s the matter, thirty nine? Never been spanked before?’

  ‘N-no, ma’am.’

  ‘But you knew you had this coming?’

  ‘I wasn’t sure what the judge meant by corporal punishment.’

  ‘Ah.’ Allyson exchanged a significant look with Richard. ‘This is what comes of banning the cane in schools. None of them know the right terms any more.’

  Richard shook his head, reaching inside a cupboard in the Welsh dresser to remove the implements Allyson had called for.

  ‘You will be answerable to all three of us, thirty nine, and so each of us is going to give you an introductory punishment, just to give you a taste of what you have to come. Unless, of course, you behave absolutely impeccably. But nobody ever does, alas.’

  Allyson almost winked and Emma found herself slipping out of role, her lips twitching upwards. The sight of Richard with the strap, paddle and cane was mouthwatering. She thought of his strong, suited arm, reaching back, stopping for a quivering moment then speeding down with its special delivery.

  Deliver me to evil.

  She smiled in earnest at the stray thought, eliciting an immediate frown from Allyson.

  ‘Something amuses you? See if you find this funny.’ She took the wooden paddle from Richard and slammed it down on the desk so Emma jumped high in the air and clamped a hand to her mouth, suppressing a shriek.

  Blake re-entered the room, carrying a kind of padded step-ladder affair with leather cuffs attached at strategic points.

  All attention was turned to him as he set it down in the middle of the room and beckoned Emma towards him.

  ‘You’re really going to?’ said Emma haltingly.

  Blake laughed. ‘Didn’t you know?’

  ‘Apparently she thought “corporal punishment” was something to do with the army,’ drawled Allyson. ‘But realisation is dawning, isn’t it, thirty nine?’

  ‘Yes, ma’am, but—’ She turned tragic eyes to her lover, but received only a pitiless stare in return.

  ‘If you can’t do the time, don’t do the crime,’ said Allyson softly.

  ‘Maybe prison after all?’

  ‘Uh-uh. Too late for that. You’ve signed the consent form.’

  ‘But I didn’t know!’

  ‘Oh, come on,’ said Richard. ‘You would have had all of this explained by your lawyer. Trying to wriggle out of it now because you’ve changed your mind won’t wash. I know a spanking compared to a prison sentence seems like a good deal at the time, but when you’re faced with the reality of it, you lose your nerve. It happens to everyone, thirty nine. But they have to be dealt with. It’s summary justice. And it’s for your own good.’

  He said the last sentence with a smile that chilled Emma’s heart.

  She really ought to stop stalling. She could barely wait to feel his familiar strength and firmness as he laid th
e strokes on her.

  They all liked to pretend otherwise, though, so she shot one last desperate glance at the door, as if expecting a dramatic, last-minute reprieve, then stepped forward with a heavy heave of her chest.

  Blake ordered her to kneel on the lower step and bend with her stomach on the upper. The padded leather was at least comfortable, though the straps buckled around her knees weren’t so much.

  ‘By the time you leave, you might be able to take punishment without being strapped down,’ said Blake, pulling tight. ‘But we don’t take chances with the new girls.’ He looked over at Allyson. ‘Do you think she’s a screamer? Should I gag her?’

  Allyson took Richard into a corner and conferred with him in a low voice.

  Emma couldn’t hear everything they were saying, but she gathered they were discussing the safety or otherwise of a gag. Allyson thought that she knew Emma’s limits so well that she could stop before she got close to safewording. But Richard pointed out that the situation and role was unfamiliar and might affect her tolerances. Allyson conceded this.

  ‘No,’ she said to Blake. ‘Let’s sound her out first. If she’s a screamer, we can gag next time. Besides, I don’t mind a few howls of pain, do you?’

  ‘Not at all,’ said Blake.

  ‘And I love to hear all the desperate apologising, and begging, and promising to be good,’ added Richard. ‘Don’t you?’

  ‘Oh, yes.’

  ‘Music to my ears,’ said Allyson. ‘OK, then, let’s start with Blake and the strap. Give her thirty, hard.’

  Emma liked the strap, but she didn’t know Blake and was a little anxious that he might not be as expert as his co-conspirators.

  The first stroke was a relief, falling in the right area, a good sizzling lick that set her up for more. She had had tops who hit too high, or let the belt curl around her hip, and that wasn’t fun.

  Blake was able to handle his leather, and Emma relaxed into the strapping, enjoying the growing heat, identifying his rhythm and adjusting her breathing accordingly. The leather had to be very thick to really hurt her, and this was a lovely supple length, stingy but not thuddy, almost a luxurious sensation.


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