Seven Scarlet Tales

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Seven Scarlet Tales Page 19

by Justine Elyot

  Well, I was feeling a little as if I’d gone over the rainbow, to be honest. Here I was, expecting a relaxing country retreat, and I seemed to have landed smack bang in the middle of a kinky sex party. But I was curious, and I wanted to see more, so I followed Peregrine into the house. I’m pretty sure the director – I wish I could tell you his name but I’m sworn to secrecy – was getting sucked off by his boyfriend by then, right under the hawthorn. I didn’t think it’d be good manners to look, though, so I didn’t.

  Peregrine took me into the main downstairs room; a living room, or drawing room, if you want to call it that. Big, though, with bay windows, lots of sofas and antiques and all the Peregrine stuff. Not to my taste, really, I’m more of a minimalist, but if you like that type of thing … Anyway. I wasn’t paying a lot of attention to the furniture, I’ll admit, because something else had caught my eye straight away.

  In the corner, there was a woman, a young woman, with her back to us.

  It was pretty easy to see that she had a great figure, curving in and out in all the right places – even with clothes on, that much would have been obvious. But she was only wearing a corset thing – basque, is it? – with stockings and suspenders. No knickers. She had her back to us so I got a bird’s eye view of her luscious bum. A gorgeous one it was, really full and round. She had her hair up in a clip on top of her head, but if it’d been down it would probably have reached down that low. The stockings were fishnets and she was wearing stiletto heels, too. She had her hands on her head.

  I thought it was a bit strange that she didn’t turn around or do anything when she heard us come into the room. She must have been terribly embarrassed to be bare-bottomed like that in front of two men, one a complete stranger.

  Peregrine was still rambling on about the house, and the village, and what the neighbours were like. He didn’t even mention her until he’d finished this anecdote about the retired army major down the road, and how he was trying to take over the parish council.

  There was a bit of a natural break then, and all I could think of to do was clear my throat and look pointedly over at the, well, elephant in the corner sounds a bit rude. Maybe elegant in the corner? Heh. No. Sorry. But you know what I mean. She was right there, drawing every little bit of my available attention, but nobody had mentioned her.

  ‘You’ll be wondering, Richard,’ he said, in that fantastic old-school accent of his, ‘from which auction house I acquired our delightful new addition to the furniture?’

  All I could do was nod. That arse. I couldn’t take my eyes off it.

  ‘If she turned around, you’d recognise her,’ he said.

  She moved then, a little tremor of the shoulders and I heard her draw in a breath, but she didn’t say a word, or turn around.

  ‘That’s got the wind up her. She’s terrified she’ll end up in the papers. But you’re a discreet man, aren’t you, Richard? I’ve already told her you’re a cousin of mine. And you’re far too rich to bother with blackmail or bribery. Honestly, anyone would think I’d yanked you off the street. If I were you, I’d take offence.’

  ‘Oh, no, it’s fine,’ I said. I was far too intrigued to play along with Peregrine’s little game. I wanted to know who she was.

  ‘I won’t divulge her identity just yet,’ said Peregrine. I could have slapped him, though it wouldn’t have given me the pleasure getting my hands on that backside in the corner could have. ‘But suffice to say that she is one of our esteemed friend Sofia’s submissives, brought down here for the weekend with a very specific purpose in mind.’

  ‘Sofia’s submissives?’

  ‘Yes, she and Sofia have a kind of relationship, I suppose. Sofia has clients and she has submissives. Her submissives are her lovers. She has four just now, I gather.’

  ‘Are they all women?’

  ‘No. One of them is Raf, whom you met earlier with our friend the director. She’s bisexual. Bi-sadistic. She doesn’t care if the bottoms she whips are hairy or smooth. In fact, I introduced our little friend here to Sofia at a backstage party. They are both indebted to me.’

  ‘You’re quite the fixer on the S&M scene.’

  He didn’t disagree with me.

  ‘So, er …’

  I looked over at the girl, as pointedly as I could.

  ‘Ah, yes, as I was saying. This little piece teamed up with Sofia and they’ve been happily in lust for a few months now. Sofia’s a marvellous trainer – she’s taught our friend well – but now she feels she’s ready to move to another level of submission.’

  ‘Another level?’

  I felt a bit stupid, just echoing Peregrine, but I hadn’t the slightest idea what he was on about.

  ‘Sofia is a generous woman. She has a lot of toys, but she’s always happy to share them with her friends. Raf and this naughty little miss are to be this weekend’s common playthings. Raf’s done it before, but this one hasn’t. It’s her first time. A very special day for her. The day she learns what it truly means to belong to Sofia.’

  All of this was accompanied by smacks and moans from upstairs, which added to the strange ambience of the place. It was as if power play and erotic discipline were in the air. I was well and truly hooked.

  ‘What does it mean? What sort of sharing?’

  ‘Anything and everything. Her arse is ours. And so is the rest of her. But not until Sofia gives us the nod – terrible manners to just set to with somebody else’s sub unless they’ve allowed it.’

  ‘I see,’ I said. I won’t deny, I was pretty excited by now. It was looking as if I might get to join in this party. That perfect peach of a bottom was going to feel the weight of my hand, and I was going to make sure I matched up to the more experienced players.

  The moaning and smacking stopped, and stiletto heels clicked down the stairs towards us. I saw the girl in the corner straighten and compose herself into optimum position.

  ‘Hello, boys,’ said Sofia, entering purposefully. ‘Sorry you had to hear that. Julian’s been a very silly boy and he had to be chastised. He’s in the same position up there that a certain person is modelling so nicely down here. Has she been behaving herself?’

  ‘She’s been exceptionally good,’ said Peregrine, and I nodded along.

  ‘Well, that makes a change. I hope she’s resolved to turn over a new leaf and work on her unquestioning obedience. She still finds that difficult, you know, Peregrine, even after all these months of training.’

  I wondered how she felt, standing there, listening to all of this, being spoken about as if she wasn’t in the room.

  ‘Nobody could train her better, darling,’ said Peregrine. ‘You know you’re the crème de la crème. The cream of the crop, one might say.’

  Sofia laughed, loudly. ‘Yes, one might. Especially this one. Very well. I think she’s had long enough to reflect on her misdeeds. Richard, I understand you’re new to the delights of discipline?’

  ‘Well, yes, that’s right. I’ve thought about it often but I’ve never—’

  ‘What a treat you have in store. I think perhaps you should deliver the warm-up and Peregrine can follow up with the more advanced implements. I haven’t quite decided what we should use on her. Peregrine, do you have any thoughts?’

  ‘It needs to be a strong lesson, of course.’ Peregrine mused on this for a bit. ‘I’d say a touch of the strap, some strokes with a wooden paddle, and all rounded off with twelve good strokes of the rattan cane. We should intersperse each session with some additional punishment, too, perhaps a little humiliation or some sexual service.’

  ‘Yes, I’m with you. Four hard spankings with fun for us in between. You can do the caning, then. I’ll do the others.’


  It was as if they’d decided who was going to prepare which course for a pot-luck supper, they were so clinical and decisive about it. I felt a little sorry for the girl as the punishment sounded very harsh, the sort I liked to read about but doubted any girl could really take. But perhaps
they could. And I was going to warm her up!

  I was nervous, perhaps more nervous than she was, especially when Sofia sat herself down on the sofa and said, ‘She’s all yours, Richard.’

  What was I going to do with her? Getting her over my knee was the obvious choice, so I sat down on a straight-backed chair, eighteenth century or whatever, I expect, and tried to get comfortable. I was already hard, though, which I was embarrassed about – you are, aren’t you, your first time? I’m well over it now, of course.

  ‘All right,’ I said. ‘You’ve done your corner time and now you need to be punished. Come here.’

  She turned round and I had to bite my lip so as not to stare too hard. If I tell you who she was, do you swear you won’t tell? Allyson already knows, of course. Yes? OK. It was Celia Britt. Yes, the Celia Britt. God, yes, she was fantastic in that last Cat Girl, I know, I saw it three times. So, there I was, face to face with one of the hottest properties in film, about to give her a good spanking. Does life get much better than that? Let me know if it does.

  You’ll have seen her in her underwear, of course, in that movie, but she’s even rounder and curvier and bouncier in the flesh. Gorgeous skin, not a blemish on her. Not yet, anyway. And she had her eyes down, all coy and meek, and her hands clasped over her you-know-what. All right, I know. We’re all grown-ups here, Allyson’s right. She had her hands clasped over her pussy. That’s the bit I hadn’t seen before, so I asked her to put her hands by her sides. She was shaved almost bare except – I don’t know how she did it, must have used a stencil or something – she had the word ‘TOY’ in capitals in pubic hair on there. Yeah, I thought, that must have taken ages to do.

  Once I was through with my stunned mullet impersonation, I found my inner top and smacked my thigh.

  ‘Over my knee with you,’ I said.

  ‘Don’t you want to give her a bit of a lecture first?’ asked Sofia. ‘I always do.’

  ‘Well, I would, but I’ve no idea what she’s meant to have done.’

  ‘Oh, yes, good point. Just tell her she’s a slut, she likes that.’

  ‘OK.’ I turned my full attention back to Celia. ‘I’ve heard some tales about you, young lady,’ I said, trying to channel old schoolteachers I’d been impressed by. ‘Not very nice tales. I’ve heard that your behaviour is loose and you put it about with all the boys, and the girls too. Is that true?’

  ‘Yes, sir,’ she said, very softly. God, it was weird to hear that famous voice, talking to me, calling me sir. It was a head-fuck, in the best possible way.

  ‘It is?’ I was having to try very hard to sound outraged because this was pretty good news to me. ‘You admit that you’re a slut?’

  ‘Yes, sir,’ she said again.

  ‘Say it, then. Say “I am a slut”.’

  She obliged. The way she said ‘slut’, kind of relishing it, putting her teeth and tongue into it, got me even harder.

  ‘And what do sluts deserve?’

  She was curling her fingers up into fists and her face was bright red. She didn’t want to say it but I wasn’t going to let her off the hook.

  ‘Tell me, little slut. What do you deserve?’

  ‘A spanking, sir.’

  ‘That’s right. And that’s what you’re going to get. So put yourself over my knee and we’ll see about making a start on that.’

  I could see Sofia and Peregrine from the corner of my eye and I think they approved. I wanted to do a good job. I wanted them to think well of me. This round, ripe bottom over my lap was going to be thoroughly and properly reddened, and nobody was going to call my handiwork into question.

  She seemed to know the drill, and I didn’t have to adjust her very much. She held her hands in front of her, clasped – I guess this was what Sofia always made her do. Her legs were pressed together, straight down to the floor. Even so, I could see the little swollen pink lips of her pussy peeking through. They were glistening a bit. She was as up for this as I was.

  I got this surge of … I don’t know. Confidence? Power? I felt like a king. I knew, right in my blood, that I was going to be good at this.

  I didn’t smack too hard at first. I didn’t know how much she could take and I was worried I might break her. I kept slowing down just before my palm made contact. I tried to make it look harder than it was because I didn’t want Sofia thinking I was some kind of soft touch, but you couldn’t fool her. Besides, I wasn’t getting a squeak out of Celia, not as much as a wriggle.

  ‘Bottoms are well padded,’ said Sofia. ‘They can take heavy impact. You have to be harder on her, Richard. I don’t want to tell you what to do.’

  Peregrine laughed at that.

  ‘OK, I do want to tell you what to do, but feel free to ignore me. You’re the top here. Your rules. I just think she’s getting away with it right now.’

  That did it. I cracked down, hard, and Celia did a sort of little jump and puffed out a breath. No more Mr Nice Guy. I kept up the pressure after that and was pleased with myself when she started to flex her ankles and gasp. Her skin went pink, then darker and, soon enough, every smack brought a little ‘oo’ sound with it.

  I was flying. My God. It was amazing. I was finally doing something I’d never thought I’d do and I knew, right then and there, that this couldn’t be the last time. The way her skin heated up and flattened under my hand then bounced back, it was the sexiest thing ever. Well, you’ll know that, of course. I wanted to go on and on, but once her bum was rosy red all over I noticed that my own palm was stinging and thought she was probably warmed up now, as they’d said.

  ‘That’ll do for starters,’ I said. I rubbed my hand all over her arse – it was better than a roaring fire. The glisten on her pussy lips was still there, and more of it too. She was getting her breath back and the little so-and-so rubbed herself against me, as if to tell me she knew I was hard and what was I going to do about it?

  I nearly did something about it then and there, but Sofia and Peregrine finished applauding, and I knew Sofia was going to speak.

  ‘You’ve done a wonderful job, Richard, absolutely terrific. She’s very well warmed now. Take a look at her pussy. What do you see?’

  ‘She’s wet.’

  Celia stopped squirming on me straight away and tensed up. Did she know what was coming?

  ‘Of course she is. Because Celia always gets very wet after a spanking. Don’t you, Celia?’

  ‘Yes, ma’am.’

  ‘Why is that?’

  ‘Because I’m a dirty slut, ma’am.’

  ‘Good. Our gentleman friends need to know this about you. They’re going to see your sluttiness at very close quarters soon. Richard, why don’t you finger her for a bit, if you like? She’s not allowed to come, of course, so it makes a nice little rounding-off of part one of her punishment. Tease her.’

  Celia gave a little sigh, halfway between ecstasy and despair.

  ‘Spread your legs, girl. Wide. Show the gents everything you’ve got. Aww, you’re doing so well. Your first time in front of strangers and you’re being such an obedient little trollop. I’m proud of you.’

  The way she mixed sternness with kindness was intriguing to me. Celia needed encouragement, of course, to take this very bold step forward, but she seemed to be enjoying it. This became very clear to me when I put my hand down between her thighs and pressed my fingers into her pussy lips.

  She held herself perfectly still and taut. I suppose if she’d allowed herself to relax she might have had the forbidden orgasm.

  It kept going through my head that I had Celia Britt over my knee, with my fingers exactly where half the men in England would like to put them. If so-and-so could see me now, I thought. It didn’t seem quite real. I wanted to whip out my phone and get a picture, just so I’d know for sure it’d really happened.

  But that would be looking a gift horse in the mouth. Just then, I was quite happy to keep looking at my gift sub and her lovely red bum. She was really wet down there, and her clit was swollen. I
thought if I talked to her, it would make things even more difficult for her. Could I be that cruel?

  Come on. You know me.

  I kept saying things like, ‘I saw you in that last movie you did. When you kissed your opposite number, did he know that you like a strange man’s hand down your knickers? Perhaps he’d had his there already. I bet he has. I bet he was feeling you up all the way through – they just cut it so we could only see your heads. But the whole crew could see what he was doing to you further down – taking down your knickers and rubbing your pussy, sticking his fingers up inside you.’

  She could hardly bear it. She was gritting her teeth to begin with, then I saw her put a finger sideways in her mouth and bite down on it.

  ‘I bet all your directors know how to get a good performance out of you. Take you over their knees and give you a good spanking before you go on set. Do you do all your scenes with a warm bottom, Celia? Is that the secret of your success?’


  She was so close. I could feel her body surrendering, little knots unwinding one by one.

  ‘OK,’ said Sofia.

  I knew she meant my time was up, but I wilfully ignored her. She was going to have to spell it out.

  ‘Slut, you’re going to have to get on your knees and thank the kind gentleman for warming you up. Chop chop.’ She clapped her hands and I finally took my fingers from that lovely, soft, wet place and let her go.

  Sofia looked at me as if she couldn’t work me out. ‘You’re sure you haven’t done this before?’

  I’d surprised myself with how easily I’d taken to it, so all I could do was shrug and put up my hands.

  Meanwhile, Miss Britt had got herself on her knees in front of me and seemed to me making a move towards my waistband.

  ‘What’s this?’ I asked Sofia.

  ‘We’ve discussed how a slut thanks a gentleman,’ she said. ‘Haven’t we, slut?’

  Celia nodded. She had her fingers on my fly.


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