The Forbidden Princess

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The Forbidden Princess Page 12

by Day Leclaire

  I have no intention of debating politics with you. That can wait for a more opportune time. At this point, all that matters is the harm youve brought to my wife and the lies youre telling about her. Brandt stalked across the room and took a stance at Alyssas side. I married this woman two weeks and one day ago. Bishop Varney performed the ceremony. Afterward, she retired to her room where she remainedattended to the entire time.

  You mean, under guard?

  The taunt sent dark color sweeping across Brandts cheekbones. I was with her that night. I should know who I married. He laced Alyssas hand in his. She even wears my ring.

  She lifted the hand he held for everyone to see. Her amethyst and diamond studded wedding band glittered in the subdued light. Youre mistaken, Prince Brandt.

  He gripped her fingers, staring in disbelief. What have you done with the wedding ring I gave you? he demanded.

  You never gave me one.


  Merricks right. I never made it to the ceremony. He abductedI mean, I escaped with him before the wedding took place.

  Thats not possible. Brandt said the words automatically, but they lacked his former heat. You were there. At the ceremony. We said our vows.

  She shook her head. I wasnt. I never married you.

  The earrings. The tracking device. He struggled as though finding his footing on shifting sand. Thats how we located you after Montgomerys abduction later that night.

  You gave me those earrings before we married, she reminded him. Think back. Did you see them on at any other point? During the ceremony? Afterward? When we were together on our wedding night?

  He shook his head, his mouth compressing. How do I know you arent lying?

  I have no way of proving what I say, if thats what you mean. But I assure you, Im not lying. Ive only ever married one man and it wasnt you.

  Who? His infuriated gaze shifted. Montgomery? You married him?

  Merrick took the opportunity to shrug off the guards restraining him. Yes, she married me. Now take your damn hands off my wife!

  Brandt stilled, his expression icing over. Everyone out. He signaled to the guards. Escort Mrs. Barstow to her room. Princess Alyssa will remain behind.

  No! Angela cried. I want to be with my daughter.

  Brandt dropped a hand to her shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze. Its only for a short time. To Alyssas surprise, the princes manner had softened perceptively. Please dont worry. This will all end very soon and then you may return home.

  Do you promise?

  He inclined his head. I promise. He glanced at Tolken. You and Prince Merrick stay, as well.

  They waited while Alyssas mother and the guards exited the room. The door clicked loudly in the sudden silence. Hold him, Brandt ordered Tolken, indicating Merrick.

  As soon as Merrick was secured, he turned to Alyssa. Allow me to apologize in advance, Princess. But I need to verify your claim.

  Her alarmed gaze slammed into Merricks. How?

  Brandt gestured toward her jeans. Unzip them.

  Merricks howl of fury raised the hair on the back of her neck. He fought Tolken, fought with a wild recklessness that terrified her. It took all Tolkens strength to restrain him. If it hadnt been for the cuffs, he wouldnt have succeeded.

  Stop! Alyssa cried. Merrick, dont. Its not worth it.

  His eyes were crazed, the gold burning so bright it hurt to look at them. I swear to God, von Folke, if you touch her, Ill kill you.

  Hes not going to touch me. I wont let him. She ripped at the snap of her jeans and yanked down the zipper. She glared at Prince Brandt. There, Ive done it. Now, what do you want?

  He stood in front of her, blocking her from the view of the other two men. Show me your left hip. The woman I married had a tattoo there.

  She did as he requested, tugging the denim along her side down an uncomfortable few inches. An embarrassed flush stained her cheeks. Satisfied?

  The other hip, if you will. As soon as shed complied, he stepped back, thinking hard. There are such things as temporary tattoos, are there not?

  Yes, Alyssa acknowledged, refastening her jeans.

  Then theres no way to be certain yours wasnt temporary, unless He faced her with stony resolve. Again I must apologize, Alyssa. If there were any other way, Id take it.

  What are you going to do? she asked warily.

  A slight smile softened the harshness of his features. Make your husbandassuming he is your husbandextremely angry.

  Her chin shot up. And me, as well, I suspect.

  He inclined his head. And you, as well.

  He didnt give her time to retreat. Cupping her face between his hands, he bent down and, with Merricks curses ringing in their ears, he kissed her. He took his time, tracing her lips with his, first gently and then with a hint of passion. She stood, enduring it, praying all the while that Tolken was a hell of a lot stronger than Merrick.

  After an endless moment, Brandt straightened and took a step back. Then he turned and faced Merrick. It would appear your wife is telling the truth. Shes not the woman I married. His attention shifted to Tolken. Your men have some explaining to do.

  Yes, Your Highness. Ill get the facts as soon as were done here.

  Give me a timeline, Montgomery, Brandt ordered. When, where, how.

  Very well. Merrick shrugged free of Tolkens grasp. May twentieth, thirteen-thirty. I infiltrated the woods behind the chapel garden. Your bride and one of her guards moved from the courtyard into the garden. I disabled him and A hard, fierce smile tugging at the scar on the side of his mouth. His anger had subsided, though not by much. She could still hear the remnants of it, undermining the tattered scraps of his self-control. And liberated your bride-to-be.

  I cooperated fully, Alyssa insisted.

  Brandt held up his hand. Good try. But considering your mother was myguest, I doubt youd have willingly left without her.

  Merrick insisted you wouldnt harm her.

  Did he? The question held a trace of amusement. And you believed him?


  Admirable. He gestured to Merrick. Continue. You forgot to mention the men you had with you.

  I operated on my own.

  A lie, but an understandable one, given the circumstances. He addressed Tolken, not bothering to conceal his intense displeasure. Clearly, one of your men neglected to report this. Youll find out who and deal with it.

  I used a modified tranquilizer dart, Merrick offered. The subject is only rendered unconscious for a short time. He could have believed hed fainted or blacked out for some reason, and since your bride was still present and safe when he came to, he was too embarrassed to report it. Regardless, I drove Alyssa to the safe house where your men found us the next morning.

  At which point youhow did you refer to it before? Ah, yes. You liberated my helicopter and flew to Celestia.

  Merrick inclined his head. We appreciated the loan.

  Alyssa stifled a groan. For Gods sake, do you have to go out of your way to provoke him?

  When did the two of you marry? Brandt asked.

  Two days ago.

  I assume you can prove the legality of it?

  I can.

  In that case, I only have one final question.

  Merrick bared his teeth in a mock grin. Always happy to help.

  Just out of curiosity Brandt strolled closer, the expression in his eyes causing Alyssa to shudder. Whom did I marry?


  M errick shrugged. Some woman I picked up. I dont remember her name.


  He pretended to consider. Sorry, doesnt come to me.

  Perhaps time in a jail cell will assist your memory.

  Merrick planted his feet as though in preparation for a blow. Dont count on it.

  Brandt stopped in front of him. I married this woman you picked up believing her to be Alyssa. I took her to my bed and made love to her. He lifted an eyebrow. You react to that. Interesting. So, you do know her. And for some reason you dont care
for the fact that we were intimate. Id suspect she were a former lover of yours, except for one small detail.

  Whats that? Merrick asked through gritted teeth.

  My mysterious bride was a virgin.

  Merricks fury burst through his self-control. How dare you put your hands on her. You had no right!

  I had every right. Shes my wife. He leaned forward, speaking in a low, intense voice. Do you think I took her by force? If so, think again. Now tell me who she is and why youre protecting her.

  Merrick gathered himself. Its my job. I got her into this situation. Its my responsibility to ensure that no harm comes to her.

  Then you shouldnt have put her in harms way. Brandt stepped back and signaled Tolken. Take Prince Merrick and his wife to the Amethyst Suite. And Tolken? His black eyes held a warning. Make sure its secured. No more surprises.

  Merrick paused by the door, determined to have the last word. She left you, Brandt. He tossed the comment over his shoulder. Your wife could have stayed. But she didnt. You might want to think about that.

  Apparently, he wasnt to have the last word, after all. And you might want to wish your own bride a fond farewell, Brandt shot back. Because I intend to make certain that this is the last night you spend with her for a very long time to come.

  Alyssa and Merrick were escorted to their room. As soon as the door locked behind them, she walked into her husbands arms. This is all my fault.

  No, he corrected. Its von Folkes.

  You warned me it was a trap. I should have listened to you.

  Okay, thats true.

  She shook her head in disbelief. Amazing. Here we are, captured, locked in a room, the threat of jail hanging over your head. How can you make light of it?

  What would you rather I do?

  Hold me. He tightened his arms around her, willing to do whatever necessary to ease her mind. You were right about one thing.

  Im right about most things, he informed her with impressive modesty. Which one did you have in mind?

  Did you see how Prince Brandt treated my mother? He was sogentle with her. So careful. She usually has that affect on people, but even so I suspect hed never have hurt her. You told me he wouldnt, but I didnt believe you.

  You couldnt take the risk. I understand that.

  Im so sorry, Merrick. Her arms encircled his neck. I cant bear the thought that youll be condemned to prison because of me. What are we going to do?

  Give von Folke time to come to terms with whats happened. He released his breath in a long sigh. Which will give me time to come to terms with it, as well.

  That wont be easy. She hesitated, lowering her voice to a soft murmur. What about Miri?

  We keep silent about her. Do you hear me, Alyssa? Not a single word to von Folke.

  She frowned. Youre not going to tell him who he married?

  Was she kidding? Not a chance. I dont want him anywhere near my sister any more than I want him near my wife.

  Alyssa hesitated, and he could tell she was picking her way through their conversation. She stayed with him, Merrick. If Prince Brandt is telling the truth, she chose to sleep with him. Did you tell her to do that?

  He jerked back as though shed struck him. Hell, no! How could you even suggest such a thing?

  I didnt think you had, she hastened to placate. But the point is, it happened. She wouldnt have slept with him just to give us more of a head start, would she?


  Her hands dropped to his shoulders, massaging the clenched muscles. Is that a No, I hope not because I cant handle the guilt if she did or No, its not in her nature to ever do such a thing? I hate to ask the question, but does Miri have as strong a sense of duty as you? Would she have slept with Prince Brandt for king and country?

  He swore, long and virulently. Yes, she has a strong sense of duty. No, I hope to God she wouldnt do anything as foolish as to sleep with von Folke in order to give us extra time to get away, or even worse, out of obligation.

  He didnt dare consider the possibility that there might be another reason, not when he was holding on to his temper by a thread. Still, he couldnt help remembering the conversation he and Alyssa had the night hed abducted herthe one where theyd discussed the possibility that thered been a personal aspect to Miris insistence on participating in the abduction.

  So, what now? Alyssa asked.

  Now we do as von Folke suggested. We make the most of the time we have left together.

  Dont say that, she protested in alarm. Youre not going to prison, not if I have anything to say about it. Ill deny I was abducted. They cant prove I didnt go with you willingly.

  This isnt the United States. He tried to break it to her gently. Despite the fact that youre Princess Alyssa, duchess of Celestia, von Folke governs this part of Verdonia. His word is law. He can throw me in prison, if thats what he chooses and theres little anyone can do about it. My best guess is hell leave me to rot in jail for a while before banishing me.

  But just from Avernos, right? Surely, he cant banish you from the entire country?

  He canand willif he takes the throne.

  No! I wont allow that to happen.

  He regarded her with regret. You wont be able to stop it. He brushed a kiss across her brow. Since we cant predict what tomorrow will bring, theres no point in worrying about it now. We still have tonight. Lets not waste our few remaining hours.

  Tears filled her eyes. What if I want more than just one night?

  Our relationship was never meant to be permanent. That was our agreement, remember? He tilted his head to one side, hoping against hope. Or has that changed?

  Andand if it has? Her chin shot up and a hint of defiance gleamed in her eyes. What if I said I wanted more than a temporary relationship?

  He had to hear the words. How much more?

  She took a deep breath and he could feel her square her shoulders. What if I said I wanted our marriage to be a real one? What would you say then?

  He hardened himself against her pleading gaze. Id say that wasnt enough. I want more from my wife, from the woman I commit to spend the rest of my life with.

  A tremor rippled through her. Thenwhat if I said I loved you? What if I told you that I love you more than I thought it possible to love another person?

  He closed his eyes, wanting to shout in triumph. Are you asking? Or are you saying the words?

  I love you, Merrick. No hesitation this time. No doubt. No ambiguity. Just a hint of wonder and a infinite quantity of joy.

  Thats all I need to hear. He cupped her face. I love you, too, Princess. You are my beginning, my middle and my end. More than anything, I want to spend the rest of my life with you.

  Dragging his head down to hers, she took his mouth in an urgent, hungry kiss, one that devastated the senses. Her hands caught at his T-shirt, shoving it up and out of her way until she hit hot, bare skin.

  Her desperation poured over him in waves, her need ripe and edgy. Demanding a response. Teetering out of control. She so clearly wanted to lose herself in him. He followed her lead, taking his mouth off hers only long enough to yank her thin cotton shirt over her head and toss it aside.

  She was beautifully naked underneath, her breasts milky white and topped with sweet raspberry buds that begged to be tasted. He took a quick biting sample and she went rigid in his arms. A thin, keening wail caught in her throat and she vibrated with a frenzied yearning that nearly proved his undoing. He slid his hands along endlessly bared skin to the snap of her jeans, ripping it open.

  Ive never wanted a man the way I want you. She swept a hand down his chest until her hand hovered at the heavy bulge beneath his belt buckle. I cant seem to help myself. I cant seem to get enough. I want more.

  No problem. It took every ounce of self-possession not to grind himself against her hand. He settled for leaning more fully into her, mating them as completely as possible without immediate access to a bed, far fewer clothes and the time and energy to indulge in every hot and sweaty fantasy the two of the
m could invent. For you, I have a limitless supply.

  No. Her head moved restlessly back and forth. This isnt just about sex. That wouldnt be enough for me.

  Really? I thought it was pretty good, myself.

  She fixed her gaze on him, her eyes huge and dilated. Sexthats for anyone, anywhere. Thats easy. Ive never been willing to accept easy. Ive always wanted more.

  He stilled, understanding what she was trying to say. But youve been too afraid to grab more, havent you, Princess?

  She trembled with the effort to speak, to trust him enough to open her heart. Ive spent a lifetime running. My mother taught me that lesson well. Her throat worked for an endless moment, and when the words came they were heavy with pain. Im afraid to stop.

  Then pause. Just for one night. He soothed her with a kiss, eased her heartache the only way he knew how. Savor the moment. You can always run tomorrow.

  You dont understand, because youve always had it. A home. Roots. Security. She leaned into him and closed her eyes, almost chanting the words. I dont belong. Ive never belonged.

  Is it that you dont belong, or have you turned away from the one thing you want most of all because you were too afraid to take a risk? He pushed ever so gently. Tell me which it is.

  Tears squeezed from beneath her tightly closed lids. Im afraid, she whispered. I want to belong. But I cant risk it. So, I tell myself I cant have it. That I dont even want it.

  The answer was so simple. Didnt she see? Its already yours, my love. You do belong. You belong with me. Now and forever.

  He speared his fingers into her hair and lifted her face to his. Her beautiful, tragic face. He kissed away the pain etched alongside her mouth, across her eyebrows, nuzzling the muscle-tense juncture of neck and shoulder, before briefly sampling the raspberries and cream. He trailed his hands up her exposed arms to her shoulders, watching her shiver. Watching her nipples peak with desire while her gold-tipped lashes fluttered open once again. Her skin felt like silk, the sheen from her desire tinting it with the barest hint of sultry rose.

  His touch sparked an immediate response. With a sigh of relief she opened to him, gave herself without question or hesitation. And he took what she so unstintingly offered. He lowered his head and captured her mouth once again. Her lips parted beneath his in helpless invitation and she softened against him. It was such a gentle taking, the way he slipped between her lips, the sweep and swirl of his tongue a blatant imitation of a more physical joining. It told her how it could be, if she would just let down her guard and open to him. She responded, tentatively at first, and then with growing ardor.


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