Unfaithful (The Complete Trilogy)

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Unfaithful (The Complete Trilogy) Page 23

by Clancy, Joanne

  Date: Thursday, 21 April 2011. 8.22 a.m.

  From: assassin_hire

  To: devils-revenge


  We have made preliminary reservations at the Belvedere Hotel in Dublin city centre for the night of April 28th. The job will be completed on April 29th. My men will use poison on the targets in Ireland and I will take care of your wife in France.

  Do not send cash. Is it possible for you to go to a bank other than your local bank and obtain a cashier's cheque? I need to have the deposit before I give my orders to my people to do the job. I am located in the United Kingdom.

  Call or email me if you have any further questions.


  Date: Thursday, 21 April 2011. 11.41 a.m.

  From: devils-revenge

  To: assassin_hire


  I appreciate your speedy response to my email. I can see that my plan is starting to become real and I'm more determined than ever to go through with it.

  The two women spend most of their weekends in a town called Westport in County Mayo, on the west coast of Ireland. My wife and I have a holiday home there and they seem to spend more time there than I ever did. They often have friends staying with them. Neither of them has a steady boyfriend, so they would possibly be interested in being chatted up. Maybe that would be a way for your men to get close to them?

  They drink in The Oliver Plunkett Bar which is on the main street in Westport. It's very popular with the locals and has a late bar licence. What's your plan for the girls? Will you put poison in their drinks? I need to know which poison you plan on using because autopsies will be performed and I should know what would be concluded. Would it not be easier for your people to stay in a hotel in Westport and maybe start chatting to them in the pub? Then again, you know your business and how best to go about it.

  I can arrange to be in France with my wife when the hits in Ireland take place. What will you do about my wife, especially if I'm with her? You mentioned in your email that you plan on taking care of her. I'm sure I could get the keys of the apartment to you and arrange to be out when you target her. Obviously, I would be a suspect, especially as there have been problems between us recently. There can't be any errors. Nothing can implicate me.

  I have to advise you that I may not be prepared to go ahead with the plan as soon as next week. I'll be leaving Dublin to go to France on Tuesday and I'll need more time to arrange the loan. I won't return to Ireland until the middle of May.

  I could send you some cash which I have access to in the business account to cover the deposit but the two women might notice the money is gone and they'd ring my wife immediately. Then she would know that I took the money and she'd want answers from me. I realise this is my problem and I will resolve it, but I need to be careful. I'll get the money to you but it may not be as soon as I'd hoped. I'd like to see an end to this situation sooner rather than later.

  I can't talk on the phone at the moment and I'll be away from my computer for the next few hours. Maybe you could text me but I think it would be better if you emailed me instead.

  I appreciate your help and we will definitely do business. I have no conscience whatsoever about my wife or the women. They've ruined me. My life is a living hell now and I'm at my wife's mercy for everything. I need to get my business and my life back and nothing will stop me.


  Date: Thursday, 21 April 2011. 2.18 p.m.

  From: assassin_hire

  To: devils-revenge


  You need to stop worrying so much. Try to relax. We will take care of everything. This is my business and I can guarantee that the job will be done.

  We have to have the deposit before we can proceed. We'll need the money by Tuesday, April 26th. Don't worry about the targets discovering the missing money. We will get rid of them before they can cause any trouble for you. We are planning the hits on the women on April 29th and your wife on April 30th.

  We can arrange to meet you to get the key but we also have ways of getting inside without keys.

  We'll need to have a photograph of the two women and your wife too.


  Date: Thursday, 21 April 2011. 5.38 p.m.

  From: devils-revenge

  To: assassin_hire


  I agree that I should leave everything to you and not concern myself with the details but I can't help being concerned.

  I could send the keys of the apartment in France to you or leave them somewhere near the apartment for you to collect. There is a complication about France. We have a yacht and my wife might arrange to take it out at any time. It will be difficult for me to confirm where she will be exactly until much closer to the time. I suppose it would be possible for me to stay in touch with you by text if she and I are on the yacht. However, if my wife and I are on the boat together I don't want anything to happen to her there. If she received bad news about the other women I know she would immediately return to the apartment to pack anyway.

  I have photos of my wife and one of the women. I'm sure I can find a photo of the younger woman somewhere. I'll have a search through my files and I'll email them to you as soon as possible.

  I can't help being concerned about withdrawing the cash. Ideally, the women won't have time to find out about the missing money but I have to consider the consequences if you can't get near them as planned. What would happen if I transferred the money to you by next Tuesday? They might notice the withdrawal before your men have had an opportunity to get to them. This is a serious concern for me. They cannot be suspicious of me in any way. I'm already walking a very fine line here; believe me.

  I have a suggestion. I can access approximately twenty thousand euro quite easily by your deadline. It's money which I have in my personal account and wouldn't be noticed by anyone. I would be willing to send the twenty thousand euro immediately and I'd pay a little more than the quoted fee after the job is completed, to compensate you for the inconvenience. How would that suit you? There is a considerable amount of cash in the apartment in France; almost enough to cover your total fee. Once my wife has been taken care of I'd be able to send you the balance within a matter of days. What do you think?

  Let me know if my suggestion is agreeable to you. If not, please advise if you will be willing to complete the job at a later date. When I've had some time to sort out my finances I will get the money in full to you.



  Date: Thursday, 21 April 2011. 8.19 p.m.

  From: assassin_hire

  To: devils-revenge


  This is the deal. We can accept twenty five thousand pounds sterling by Tuesday, April 26th. I don't know what that equates to in euro, but that is your problem. You can send the fifty thousand pounds sterling, which is the balance of the deposit, on Thursday, April 28th, the day our team arrives in Ireland. The remainder of the money must be paid no later than forty eight hours after the job is completed. This is our contract or you will become our target. I apologise for my bluntness but that is our policy.

  Please send the photographs of the targets with their names and addresses as soon as possible.

  Stop worrying about other people. They do not know anything and never will know. Let us do our job and try to relax. If you worry you will make a mistake and there is no room for error or suspicion.


  Date: Friday, 22 April 2011. 1.46 p.m.

  From: devils-revenge

  To: assassin_hire


  I assure you that I'm not trying to be awkward about payment. If you can successfully help me to escape from my intolerable situation then it's money well spent, in my opinion. Your suggestion is reasonable but I'm going to France next Tuesday and I have to withdraw the cash and leave it somewhere for you. However, as I've already explained, the two women could notice that the money is missing after I've left Ireland and they may tell my wife. There wou
ld be serious consequences for me if she found out about the withdrawal. I realise you plan to take care of her on Saturday, but I would be concerned that she might mention the missing money to someone else. She is very friendly with the neighbours and is on first name terms with most people in the complex and she might tell one of them about the withdrawal.

  I guarantee that I will pay the balance of any money I owe you after the jobs are completed. I have absolutely no intention of being your next target by not upholding my side of the deal! I have two children of my own and I plan on being around for them for a long time. They'll need me more than ever once their mother is gone. I feel guilty about taking their mother but she's left me no choice. She has put me in an impossible situation. My sons are another reason why I need to be careful. There's no way that I can end up in jail and leave them alone. When I confirm the job by paying you the deposit, I guarantee you that I'll finish it by paying you what I owe.

  I've been considering our plans and I was wondering if it might be more believable if one of the women were to go first, followed a few months later by the other woman and then shortly after that by my wife. Initially, I wanted to get the job done at the same time because I figured that nobody would be left to question me about the missing money, but maybe it's the wrong idea. Your advice would be appreciated.

  I work in the same office as the targets and I used the computer at work to search online for a hitman some months ago. I didn't know then that I would go ahead with the idea, that's all it was at first; an idea. I'm assuming that if the job doesn't go according to plan and the police seize the computer, they could find evidence of my search. I have to get rid of the computer but I'll need your help.

  It's the weekend so I won't be able to talk to the bank about sanctioning a loan until Monday. I can't confirm until then whether or not I'll be able to get the deposit to you in time for the job to go ahead next weekend. I'll keep you informed.


  Date: Friday, 22 April 2011. 2.50 p.m.

  From: assassin_hire

  To: devils-revenge


  The plan is that we will get close to the two women in Ireland. I will fly to France alone and you can give me the keys to the apartment then. Leave the details to me.

  I need to pay my people to get the job done, which is why I have to be insistent about having some money upfront. The deal still stands as previously discussed. I will give you until Monday evening to organise the money. You can send it by courier for next day delivery. Then it will be with me by Tuesday. Your only other option is to go to another bank and transfer the money to me. I'm sure you can come up with a suitable excuse to tell your wife. You seem like an intelligent man. I'm sorry but without the deposit the deal is off.

  Try to be yourself. Don't act any differently or you will attract attention. You still haven't sent me the photographs which I need. We don't want to target the wrong people! Let me know as soon as possible whether or not you can get the money because I need to book the flights and confirm our final plans.


  Date: Friday, 22 April 2011. 4.27 p.m.

  From: devils-revenge

  To: assassin_hire


  I want to be clear about the money. If you receive my deposit by Tuesday, via courier, will you go ahead with our plan? Will you agree to wait for the balance to be paid until after my wife is dead? This would be ideal for me. Please confirm that this is our agreement.

  Also, can you advise if you think it is better to kill all of them in a close time frame or would it be better to complete the job over a period of a few months; first one and then the others? It is imperative that I provoke as little suspicion as possible.

  I must explain to you about the boat. It's big and might be awkward to handle if you are on your own. The marina is quite a distance from the apartment so when you leave the complex you'll have to walk by lots of shops and vendors to get to the yacht. The shops are open until late in the evening and they know my wife very well. I think it might be difficult to get her out without raising suspicion and remember, I need it to appear as if she has committed suicide after hearing about the death of her friends. They've become close in the last few months and I know their death would have a detrimental effect on my wife.

  I think I need to explain some details to you so that you are aware of any complications which may arise. The apartment is on the top floor of a twelve story block. It has a private terrace and pool on the roof. My wife is friendly with an Irish couple who own the apartment next door. I believe they are in France at the moment but I'll need to double-check. The Irish couple also has a boat, which is located near our yacht and if they are not in their apartment they will be living aboard their boat; which is another reason why it might be difficult for you to get away with taking my wife out on it.

  My wife has mentioned that she'd like to go on a boat trip for a few days when I get there, but I'm not sure of the dates or location yet. I'm certain, wherever we end up going, as soon as she gets a phone call about the other women, she'll immediately return to the apartment and start making plans to return home to Dublin. However, she may decide to go directly to the airport from the marina and if she does then I don't know how you would have an opportunity to get to her.

  I'll be in France too, as I've already mentioned. How do you suggest we stay in contact? I don't want to be around when you're there. I'll need to keep you informed about my wife's plans when she gets the news about the women.

  My wife has been suffering from post-natal depression. She's been improving recently; the medication seems to be helping but she still has black days where she can't even get out of bed. Maybe when she gets the news about the women you won't need to do anything at all except get your money! However it's important that I point out any potential obstacles to you. Her friends could be a problem. They might come back to the apartment to sympathise with her over the loss of the women. The Irish are like that and she knows quite a few Irish people in France.

  When you show up to finish the target would they ask who sent you? Would that be a regular occurrence, in your experience? Would the target usually offer to pay you more money to kill the person who ordered the hit instead of killing them?


  Date: Friday, 22 April, 2011. 5.02 p.m.

  From: assassin_hire

  To: devils-revenge


  I don't have much time today. Don't ever use the work computer. You have to delete everything.


  Date: Friday, 22 April 2011. 6.46 p.m.

  From: devils-revenge

  To: assassin_hire


  I'm concerned about the work computer. I mentioned previously that I searched for hitmen a few months ago and I'm worried about the search being found later. I was talking to someone from the computer company which services our computers and he advised that even deleted items can be retrieved. I'll have to come up with an excuse to remove the computer from the office before I leave.

  Do you think it might be better to wait until we return from France to kill my wife? There are potentially too many unknown variables out there which may impede the plan.

  I know the women will be taken care of on April 29th. My wife will return to Dublin as soon as she is contacted about their deaths. Then you could finish her by May 1st, which would give me more time to organise final payment to you. It's just an idea.

  The only problem with targeting my wife in Dublin is that my eldest son lives here with us and will probably be here, as will I. How would you get around that problem? It must look like my wife committed suicide. It's crucial. Her body cannot disappear, it must be there.


  Date: Saturday, 23 April 2011. 6.03 a.m.

  From: assassin_hire

  To: devils-revenge


  We are a professional organisation. We will not double-cross you to make a deal with the target. It doesn't matter h
ow much money they offer us, we will honour our contract with you. All you need to do is fulfill your side of the arrangement. Stop worrying!

  We need you to send the keys, photographs and of course the money plus the combination to the safe and the addresses of the targets. These items need to be sent by Monday morning.

  Do you keep a gun in the apartment in France? Maybe we can make it look as if your wife killed herself or that she jumped from the top floor. Leave the details to us.

  You should stay with your wife until you leave France with her body. We recommend that you do not leave her as it will seem suspicious. You'll need to play the part of the grieving widower, which I'm sure won't be a problem for you.

  Let us know your telephone number in France. We will contact you when we are finished in Ireland.


  Date: Saturday, 23 April 2011. 8.32 a.m.

  From: devils-revenge

  To: assassin_hire


  Do you intend for us to talk on the telephone in France or meet in person? I could give you the money in cash. There is enough money in the safe in the apartment for me to give you the equivalent in euro of about twenty five thousand pounds sterling. I'll check exactly how much cash is there when I arrive on Tuesday and I'll let you know as soon as possible. Obviously, I won't be able to remove the money while my wife is in the apartment but I can give you the combination to the safe and you can help yourself later. Do not touch the money until she is gone. I'll send the keys to the apartment via courier and the deposit first thing on Monday morning.

  How long will it take for the authorities to release her body from France? I agree with you that I should stay with the body; leaving her would make people wonder.


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