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Maxim Page 7

by K. D. Jones

  “And now? Do you know me well enough to decide whether to date me for real?”

  She smiled a wide beautiful smile. “Are you asking me out on a date, Maxim?”


  “Then I accept. Except, how are we going to do this with the whole GCFA fake dating thing?”

  “Did you want to wait until the rest of the dates were over then have our real dates?”

  She bit her lip, thinking about it. “Or we could just treat these next dates as real. Let the GCFA pay for it as planned, since this was their idea.”

  He moved so swiftly she gasped as he gently pushed her onto her back and covered her with his body. “I will do everything I can to please you. What do you want?”

  She leaned up and nibbled his chin. “Just you, Maxim. I just want you.”

  He wanted to ask her more. He wanted to know everything about her. But her phone was ringing. He sighed and moved off of her so she could answer it.

  Alona reached for her phone, smiling at Maxim. “Hello?”

  “What the hell are you thinking, getting involved in a scandal like this? It’s bad enough that you lowered yourself to taking a fighting job. But now I have to read in the news that my recalcitrant daughter is dating two men at once.”

  “Hi, Mother. Nice to hear from you. It’s been what . . . six months?”

  “Don’t you dare question me. I had a reporter throw the news in my face that my daughter was acting like some kind of two-timing tramp. I called your father at his movie location immediately. He is very upset with you.”

  “He was so upset he bothered to call me,” Alona commented wryly.

  “Don’t start in on your father. He is a very busy and successful actor. You should be more grateful for all the things your father and I have tried to provide for you. I am having to take time out from my busy photo shoot to make this call.”

  “I am grateful, Mother. There is no truth to the story. You of all people should know better than to believe everything you read in a newspaper. The photo is misleading. I am dating Maxim, but not the other guy. You know reporters exaggerate or lie to make a good story.”

  “You shouldn’t be there dating either of those men. Let me get you a modeling job with one of the plus size modeling agencies. I know a few people . . .”

  “I’m not plus size and I don’t want to model. I like what I do.”

  “If I can’t convince you to leave that horrible job, the least you can do is be more circumspect. You have to remember that you are in the public eye all the time. Even if you can’t see them, they always see you.”

  “Yes, Mother, I’ll remember.”

  “I’ll let your father know that he doesn’t have to leave his set early then.”

  “Alright. I love you, Mother.”

  “Be good, Alona.” With that, her mother hung up.

  Alona slowly put down the phone, feeling like she had just gone through the wringer. Her parents always made her feel ungrateful and unwanted. It was why she didn’t feel the need to call or visit much at all.

  “Are you okay?” Maxim was lying on his side, watching her.

  “It was my mother. She and my father heard about the scandal picture thing and called to berate me about it.”

  Maxim frowned. “Aren’t parents supposed to love and support their children?” Even his own human parents had tried to do that for him when he was returned to them. It wasn’t their fault or lack of effort on their part that things hadn’t worked out. He just didn’t remember them and couldn’t be who he was before. For them, it was like they losing their son all over again. That was why he kept contact with them to a minimum, to not hurt them any more.

  “Tell that to my parents. As far as material items, I didn’t lack for anything. But they were never around much to form a familial bond with. It doesn’t mean they don’t take every opportunity to let me know how disappointed they are in my life choices and career choices.”

  “I’m sorry.” He caressed her cheek. He didn’t know what to do or say. But he felt the need to touch her. It must have been the right thing to do because she turned her head and kissed the center of his palm.

  “I’ve learned to deal with it. I don’t expect much from them.”

  “They are fools if they don’t want a relationship with you. I think you are the most incredible woman I have ever met.”

  The compliment was a soothing balm to her soul. He was such a welcome surprise. He was so contrary to the persona he gave off. She was actually glad that no other woman knew just how wonderful he was, because it meant she could have him all to herself. She threw her leg over him and brought herself up and over to straddle him.

  Maxim reached up and cupped her breasts. “You are so beautiful. Inside and out.”

  She smiled down at him. “You are the sweetest man I have ever met, Maxim.” She leaned down and kissed him. She felt his hands leave her breasts and trail down her sides to cup her ass cheeks. He brought her to him and pulled her down onto his hard shaft.

  She giggled. “You are insatiable.”

  “When it comes to you, I can’t seem to get enough.”


  “Do you know the schedule for the next date?” Dr. Forbes asked.

  “No, Doctor. The GCFA is being more secretive about it. I think the incident with Soren and the female fighter may have tipped them off to a security issue,” Dr. Deans replied.

  Forbes paced back and forth, glaring at Soren. “You never should have approached the female. You were supposed to judge the security on the GCFA ship and learn Maxim’s routine to look for gaps.”

  Soren was hooked up to charging cords. He shrugged his shoulders. “The GCFA ship’s security is too tight. We’ll have to wait for them to be off ship.”

  “Them? We are only after Maxim. You will remember that,” Forbes reminded him.

  “I want the female. I deserve her,” Soren retorted.

  “Deserve her? Do you hear him, Doctor? He thinks he is a real person that deserves things.”

  Forbes and Deans laughed at him. Soren ignored them. It didn’t matter what they thought. He would grab Maxim so that the doctor could extract what he needed to fix Soren’s problems, then Soren would kill the doctor, his assistant, and Maxim. He will take Alona the Beautiful as his prize. She was perfect in every way except one: she was with that idiot Maxim.

  He remembered her soft skin and how it purpled up when he squeezed too hard. He liked the look of his bruises on her. It was a mark to show who she belonged to. He looked forward to putting his mark all over her. His cock hardened at the thought. He would teach her to submit to him. She would wear what he wanted her to wear. He preferred her naked, though. She had the most amazing body. He could see the outline of it in the almost sheer white dress she had worn the other night. She was a living, breathing porn queen. He couldn’t wait to get his hands on her.

  He snorted. Why did the doctor think Maxim was so great? Soren was every bit as strong and fast, and his circuitry was newer. It was his human DNA that was causing the problems, DNA that they had gotten from Maxim to begin with. Soon he would show them all how much better he was than Maxim. He would make the doctor sorry for all the testing he had done on him over the years. After what he had gone through, Alona was the prize he deserved. He would have her.

  Chapter 10

  Nigel had called both of them to fill them in on their next date. They were going to a park that afternoon. He wanted the press to see the happy couple together being affectionate publicly. Nigel told them that Amelia would be waiting for them in a shuttle right outside the loading dock by the GCFA ship. She would go over what was to be expected of them. He also informed them that a security detail would be escorting them from the lobby and into the shuttle.

  Alona agreed to meet Maxim in the lobby despite his protests. She wanted a moment to herself to clear her thoughts. She couldn’t do that with Maxim near her; he always found a way to distract her. She wasn’t sure whether what had happened bet
ween them was a one-time thing, a temporary thing, or something more permanent. It scared her a little. The doors to the elevator opened and Maxim was there waiting for her. He looked anxious.

  She gave him a smile. “Hi.”

  He bent down and kissed her cheek. “Hi.”

  They began walking through the lobby. She felt someone following and glanced back to find two large men both dressed in black fatigues. “Are they the security detail?”

  “Yes,” Maxim told her.

  “They are very . . . conspicuous.” She shook her head. This was going to draw even more attention to them.

  When they got inside the shuttle, Alona turned to Amelia. “Will the security detail be staying with us through the whole date?”

  “Yes. At least until you return to the GCFA ship and your floor. Any time you leave, Alona, one of them needs to be with you to protect you. Nigel is insistent upon that.”

  “Fine. Where’s our next date?” All she knew was that she had been told to wear casual clothes. She had chosen a pair of jeans and a tight pink t-shirt. Maxim was dressed similarly, in black jeans and a black t-shirt. He looked hot in those jeans, too. Alona tried not to look but his package was nicely encased for her viewing pleasure.

  “You are having a late picnic in the park. The sun will be setting shortly and it should create a very romantic atmosphere, great photo opportunities for the witnesses. Nigel wants you two to flirt, touch, and if you could handle it, a kiss would be great. Do you think you could manage a kiss?” Amelia asked Alona.

  Alona could feel the heat rise to her face and glanced over at Maxim, who said nothing but had a very secretive and inviting smile on his face. “I think I can manage that.”

  “Good. I’ll remain with the shuttle but we’ll be about half a mile down the block, out of the way. The security will scope the area first and find places where they can watch over everything without getting in the way. Just remember, you’re in a public setting, so there will be tons of people watching and reporters everywhere taking pictures of your every move. If you need something, page me.” She gave Alona her cell phone number.

  The shuttle stopped at the curb next to the park. The security guards got out first. Amelia made them wait until the area was secured. Then she motioned for Maxim to get out with the picnic basket. He then turned to help Alona out of the shuttle. As soon as they were both on the curb, the shuttle left them.

  “Where do you want to sit?” Maxim asked, scanning the area. He didn’t see anything out of the ordinary. He wasn’t going to leave Alona’s safety in the security detail’s hands alone. He was there to take care of her. He felt protective of her.

  “How about over there under the tree? It’s facing toward where the sun will be setting.”

  He followed her over to the spot she had picked out. What he liked about the location was the way the trees gave them a little bit of privacy. That privacy wouldn’t be for long though. There weren’t that many people there yet, but those that were had definitely noticed them. Soon the reporters would swoop down upon them.

  “I wonder what kind of food they packed,” Alona said as she spread out the blanket on the ground and took the picnic basket from him.

  Maxim sat down on the ground across from her and watched as she pulled items out of the basket. He was fascinated by the way her eyes lit up with excitement. It was adorable. He could not recall ever using the word adorable for anything, but that was what she was at that moment: simply adorable.

  “Fried chicken, can’t have a picnic without that. Fruit platter, peanuts, rolls, cheese, crackers, champagne glasses and bubbly champagne. Oh look, chocolate cupcakes for dessert.”

  “I like all those things, but I had hoped for a steak.”

  “That would have been tasty, but most picnic foods need to be things you can eat without utensils.”


  “So you can feed each other by hand. I guess it’s more romantic.”

  “Ah. And we have to be romantic tonight.” His voice was deep and husky.

  She gave him a wink. “Come here, let me feed you a strawberry.”

  He practically leaped across the picnic layout to land right next to her. He scooted as close as possible.

  Alona laughed and opened the container of fruit. She picked up a strawberry by the stem and dipped it in the glass of champagne. She turned to feed it to him. He took the whole fruit up to her fingers in his mouth. She watched him and felt her nipples tighten as she remembered how he suckled her.

  “I could get used to this. But I need to feed you as well.” He picked up a grape and placed it on her tongue. She sucked the grape and his finger in her mouth. He growled with need. “I didn’t know eating could be so . . . arousing until I met you.”

  “Me either,” she confessed, taking a sip of her champagne.

  “How long do we have to stay here? I want to take you to my suite, remove all your clothing, pour the champagne over your body, and lick it all up.”

  “Mmmm.” She wanted that now too. Just the images of what he wanted to do to her had her panties wet. She wanted him so badly. She cleared her throat. “I think we have to stay until we’ve finished eating and it gets dark. Let me text Amelia.” She reached for the cell phone tucked in her jeans pocket. She held the phone low down and hidden from prying eyes. “She says we can leave twenty minutes after sunset. It will be hard for reporters to get good shots of us anyway. She said that sunset is in an hour.”

  “Chicken?” Maxim handed her a drumstick.

  “Thank you. It smells delicious.” She bit into her chicken and groaned in pleasure.

  “Eat more.” Maxim tried to hand her another drumstick before she was even done with the one she already had.

  She giggled. “I can’t eat that fast.” She took another bite of chicken and moaned again.

  Maxim growled. “I’m not going to make it much longer if you keep moaning like that.”

  She pushed his plate of untouched food towards him. “Eat. It will help us pass the time.” She took a sip of her champagne. He still insisted on feeding her, so she fed him too. Every time he took a bite from her hand, he sucked her fingers into his mouth. She was so ready to leave.

  “The sun is finally setting,” Maxim said, pointing to the horizon.

  Streaks of red and gold danced across the sky as the sun set. “It’s beautiful.” She turned to look into Maxim’s dark eyes. He wasn’t watching the sunset; he was watching her.

  “There is nothing more beautiful than you. You are sunshine itself.”

  “Thank you.” He was so sweet. She leaned up and kissed him softly on the lips. But it wasn’t enough for her. She wanted more. He pulled her into his lap and captured her lips. She felt his arousal pressing through his jeans. She wiggled against him and couldn’t help but smile when he moaned with need.

  She was feeling a little lightheaded from the kissing. She thought she heard fireworks. She pulled back and opened her eyes. There were fireworks lighting up the sky above them.

  “Wow, Nigel went all out with this romantic picnic to arrange fireworks.”

  “Does this mean we can go now? I need to get you naked beneath me.”

  She gave him a flirtatious smile. “What if I want you beneath me?”

  “Yes, I want that. We’ll take turns being on top. But we need to leave right now.” Maxim reached for her phone and texted for Amelia to come immediately. He sat her gently on the blanket and began to throw the items back in the picnic basket. She got to her knees and started to fold the blanket.

  Within a few minutes, the shuttle with Amelia arrived. Alona stood up and was about to walk to the shuttle, but Maxim surprised her. He bent down and scooped her up in his arms. He balanced the picnic basket in one hand while carrying her to the shuttle.

  “I could have walked,” she protested.

  “I need to hold you close to me in some way.”

  Well, she couldn’t argue with that. She laid her head on his shoulder and sighed con
tentedly. The only thing that would have made this date any better would have been if they hadn’t been surrounded by reporters.


  “They just left,” Soren reported over his cell phone to Doctor Forbes.

  “You didn’t get close enough to grab him?” Forbes yelled back over the line.

  “They were surrounded by reporters and it looks like there were bodyguards with them, too. I don’t get it. What was the purpose of this whole public appearance thing?”

  Forbes sighed with frustration. “The GCFA is trying to improve Maxim’s image, to make him more relatable to humans.”

  Soren snorted. “He’s not human. I’m not either. It’s a waste of time and energy.”

  “We need to look for the next opportunity. The good news is that the GCFA will be exposing them to more public venues, which will help us find one where you can snatch him.”

  “What if I can’t get to him? He’s going to fight me the whole way. Not that I can’t take him, but I know you need him unharmed.”

  “We’ll get him one way or another. Get back to the lab. I need to give you another treatment.”

  “Already? I feel fine.” Truth was, Soren wasn’t feeling fine. He had to fight to keep his focus and he had moments of uncontrollable anger. He hated being out of control. But he hated the treatments even more. It was two hours of pure hell. No matter how many times he did the treatments, they never got any easier.

  “Your condition is worsening. You need the treatments daily now. Get back here before someone sees you.”

  “Fine.” Soren hung up the phone. He wanted to smash it to the ground. He felt the rage building inside of him. He had to release it somehow, or it would take over his whole system rendering him helpless. He refused to be left vulnerable. He had to take care of this before he went back to the lab or he would be tempted to rip Forbes’ head off like he had imagined doing so many times. He wouldn’t be cured if that happened. He needed to find another outlet.

  A woman with blonde hair ahead of him caught his attention. Her hair was similar to Alona’s. His anger focused on the female. He wanted Alona for himself. He was furious that he had to sit and watch as she allowed Maxim to rub himself all over her. The images replayed in his mind, hazing his vision with red fury. He found himself following the blonde woman as she paused by a nearby building. Soren felt out of touch with reality. It was like he was looking at himself from above.


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