CALIDE PORTMORE: Folk song often sung while drinking
CALIS: cal-lay Southern- and easternmost of the four nations of Apeladorn, considered exotic; in constant conflict with the Ba Ran Ghazel
CAPSTAN: Spoked wheel on a ship that turns to raise the anchor
CARAT: Young member of the Black Diamond thieves’ guild
CASWELL: Family of peasant farmers from Dahlgren
CENZARS: sen-zhar Wizards of the Old Novronian Empire
CHAMBERLAIN: Someone who manages the household of a king or nobleman
COLNORA: call-nor-ah Largest and wealthiest city of Avryn, merchant-based, grew from a rest stop at a central crossroads from various major trade routes
CONSTANCE, LADY: Noblewoman, fifth imperial secretary to Empress Modina
CORA: Dairymaid at the imperial palace
CORNELIUS DELUR: Rich businessman, rumored to finance Nationalists and involved in black market, father of Cosmos
COSMOS SEBASTIAN DELUR: Son of Cornelius, also known as the Jewel, head of the Black Diamond thieves’ guild
COXSWAIN: Helmsman of a racing ship
CRANSTON: Professor at Sheridan University, tried and burned for heresy
CRIMSON HAND: Thieves’ guild operating out of Melengar
CROWN CONSPIRACY, THE: Play reputed to be based on the murder of King Amrath, follows the exploits of two thieves and the Prince of Melengar
CROWN TOWER: Home of the Patriarch, center of the Nyphron Church
CUTTER: Moniker used by Merrick Marius when a member of the Black Diamond thieves’ guild
DACCA: Fierce seafaring people who live on the island of Dacca, south of Delgos
DAGASTAN: Major and easternmost trade port of Calis
DAHLGREN: dall-grin Remote village on the bank of the Nidwalden River, destroyed by Gilarabrywn
DANTHEN: Woodsman from Dahlgren
DAREF, LORD: Noble of Warric, associate of Albert Winslow
DARIUS SERET: Founder of the Seret Knights
DAVENS: Squire who Arista had a youthful crush on
DAVIS: Crew member of the Emerald Storm
DEACON TOMAS: Priest of Dahlgren, witnessed destruction of Gilarabrywn, proclaimed Thrace Wood as the Heir of Novron
DEFOE, BERNIE: See Bernie Defoe
DEGAN GAUNT: Leader of the Nationalists, sister of Miranda
DELANCY, GWEN: See Gwen DeLancy
DELANO DEWITT: Alias used by Wyatt Deminthal when he framed Hadrian and Royce for King Amrath’s death
DELGOS: One of the four nations of Apeladorn. The only republic in a world of monarchies, Delgos revolted against the Steward’s Empire after Glenmorgan III was murdered and after surviving an attack by the Ba Ran Ghazel with no aid from the empire.
DELORKAN, DUKE: Nobleman from Calis
DELUR: Family of wealthy merchants
DEMINTHAL, WYATT: See Wyatt Deminthal
DENEK PICKERING: Youngest son of Count Pickering
DENNY: Worker at The Rose and Thorn
DERMONT, LORD: General of imperial army
DERNING, JACOB: Maintop captain on the Emerald Storm
DEVON: Monk of Tarin Vale, taught Amilia to read and write
DEWITT, DELANO: See Delano DeWitt
DIGBY: Guard at Essendon Castle
DILLADRUM: Erbonese guide, hired to take crew of the Emerald Storm to Palace of the Four Winds
DILLNARD LINROY: Royal Financier of Melengar
DIME: Crew member of the Emerald Storm
DIOYLION: die-e-leon The Accumulated Letters of Dioylion, a very rare scroll
DIXON TAFT: Bartender and manager of The Rose and Thorn Tavern, lost an arm in the Battle of Medford
DOVIN THRANIC: Sentinel of Nyphron Church aboard the Emerald Storm
DREW, EDGAR: See Edgar Drew
DR. GERAND: Physician in Ratibor
DR. LEVY: Physician aboard the Emerald Storm
DROME: God of the dwarves
DRONDIL FIELDS: Count Pickering’s castle, once the fortress of Brodric Essendon, the original seat of power in Melengar
DRUMINDOR: Dwarven-built fortress located at the entrance to Terlando Bay in Tur Del Fur, can utilize lava from nearby volcano for its defense
DRUNDEL: Peasant family from Dahlgren consisting of Mae, Went, Davie, and Firth
DUNLAP, PAUL: Former carriage driver of King Urith, dead
DUNMORE: Youngest and least sophisticated kingdom of Avryn, ruled by King Roswort; member of the New Empire
DUNSTAN: Baker in Hintindar, childhood friend of Hadrian, married to Arbor
DURBO: Tenkin dwelling
DUR GURON: Easternmost portion of Calis
DUSTER: Moniker used by Royce while a member of the Black Diamond
ECTON, SIR: Chief knight of Count Pickering and military general of Melengar
EDGAR DREW: Old seaman on the Emerald Storm, died in a fall
EDITH MON: Head maid in charge of the scullery and chamber servants in the imperial palace
EDMUND HALL: Professor of geometry at Sheridan University, reputed to have found Percepliquis, declared a heretic by the Nyphron Church, imprisoned in the Crown Tower
ELAN: The world
ELDEN: Large man, friend of Wyatt Deminthal
ELINYA: Esrahaddon’s girlfriend
ELLA: Cook at Drondil Fields
ELLA: Maid at imperial palace
ELLIS FAR, THE: Melengarian ship
ELVEN: Pertaining to elves
EMERALD STORM, THE: Ship of the New Empire, captained by Seward
EMERY DORN: Young revolutionary living in Ratibor
EMPRESS MODINA: See Modina, Empress
ENDEN, SIR: Knight of Chadwick, considered second best to Breckton
ERANDABON GILE: Panther of Dur Guron, Tenkin Warlord, madman
ERBON: Region of Calis northwest from Mandalin
EREBUS: Father of the gods, also known as Kile
ERIVAN: ear-ah-van Elven Empire
ERMA EVERTON: Alias used by Arista while in Hintindar
ERVANON: err-vah-non City in northern Ghent, seat of the Nyphron Church, once the capital of the Steward’s Empire as established by Glenmorgan I
ESRAHADDON: ez-rah-hod-in Wizard, former member of the Cenzar, convicted of destroying the Old Empire, sentenced to imprisonment, held in Gutaria
ESSENDON: ez-in-don Royal family of Melengar
ESSENDON CASTLE: Home of ruling monarchs of Melengar
ESTRAMNADON: es-tram-nah-don Believed to be the capital or at least a very sacred place in the Erivan Empire
ESTRENDOR: es-tren-door Northern wastes
ETCHER: Member of the Black Diamond thieves’ guild
ETHELRED, LANIS: eth-el-red Former king of Warric, co-regent of New Empire, Imperialist
EVERTON: Alias used by Arista, Hadrian, and later Royce
EVLIN: City along the banks of the Bernum River
FALINA BROCKTON: Real name of Emerald, waitress at The Rose and Thorn Tavern
FALQUIN: Professor at Sheridan University
FANEN PICKERING: fan-in Middle son of Count Pickering, killed by Luis Guy
FAN IRLANU: Visionary of Oudorro, seer, fortune-teller
FAQUIN: Inept magician who uses alchemy rather than channeling the Art
FAULD, THE ORDER OF: fall-ed Post-imperial order of knights dedicated to preserving the skill and discipline of the Teshlor Knights
FENITILIAN: Monk of Maribor, made warm shoes
FERROL: God of the elves
FINILESS: Noted author
FINISHER: Stealthy Ghazel fighter
FINLIN, ETHAN: Member of the Black Diamond, stores smuggled goods, owns windmill
FLETCHER: Maker of arrows
FORECASTLE: Raised portion in the bow of a ship containing living quarters of senior crew members
FORREST: Ratibor citizen with fighting experience, son of a silversmith
GAFTON: Imperial admiral
N: gale-e-an-on Kingdom of Avryn, ruled by Fredrick and Josephine, member of the New Empire
GALENTI: ga-lehn’-tay Calian nickname attributed to Hadrian
GALEWYR RIVER: gale-wahar Marks the southern border of Melengar and the northern border of Warric and reaches the sea near the fishing village of Roe
GALIEN: gal-e-in Archbishop of the Nyphron Church
GALILIN: gal-ah-lin Province of Melengar formerly ruled by Count Pickering
GAUNT, DEGAN: See Degan Gaunt
GEMKEY: Gem that opens a gemlock
GEMLOCK: Dwarven invention that seals a container or entrance and can only be opened with a precious gem of the right type and cut
GENTRY SQUARE: Affluent district of Melengar
GERALD BANIFF: Primary bodyguard of Empress Modina
GERTY: Midwife in Hintindar who delivered Hadrian, married to Abelard
GHAZEL: gehz-ell Ba Ran Ghazel, the dwarven name for goblins, literally: Sea Goblins
GHAZEL SEA: Southern body of water east of the Sharon Sea
GHENT: Ecclesiastical holding of the Nyphron Church, member of New Empire
GILARABRYWN: gill-lar-ah-bren Elven beast of war; one escaped Avempartha and destroyed village of Dahlgren before being killed by Thrace
GILL: Sentry in the Nationalist army
GINLIN: gin-lin Monk of Maribor, winemaker, refused to touch a knife
GLAMRENDOR: glam-ren-door Capital of Dunmore
GLENMORGAN: 326 years after the fall of the Novronian Empire, this native of Ghent reunited the four nations of Apeladorn; founder of Sheridan University; creator of the great north-south road; builder of the Ervanon palace (of which only the Crown Tower remains)
GLENMORGAN II: Son of Glenmorgan. When his father died young, the new and inexperienced emperor relied on church officials to assist him in managing his empire. They in turn took the opportunity to manipulate the emperor into granting sweeping powers to the church and nobles loyal to the church. These leaders opposed defending Delgos against the invading Ba Ran Ghazel in Calis and the Dacca in Delgos, arguing the threat would increase dependency on the empire.
GLENMORGAN III: Grandson of Glenmorgan. Shortly after assuming the stewardship, he attempted to reassert control over the realm his grandfather had created by leading an army against the invading Ghazel that had reached southeastern Avryn. He defeated the Ghazel at the First Battle of Vilan Hills and announced plans to ride to the aid of Tur Del Fur. Fearing his rise in power, in the sixth year of his reign, his nobles betrayed and imprisoned him in Blythin Castle. Jealous of his popularity and growing strength, and resentful of his policy of stripping the nobles and clergy of their power, the church charged him with heresy. He was found guilty and executed. This began the rapid collapse of what many called the Steward’s Empire. The church later claimed the nobles had tricked them, and condemned many, most of whom reputedly ended their lives badly.
GLOUSTON: Province of northern Warric bordering on the Galewyr River, formerly ruled by Marquis Lanaklin, invaded and taken over by the New Empire
GNOME, THE: Nickname of The Laughing Gnome Tavern
GRADY: Seaman on the Emerald Storm
GRAVIS: Dwarf who sabotaged Drumindor
GREAT SWORD: Long sword designed to be held with both hands
GREEN: Lieutenant on the Emerald Storm
GREIG: Carpenter aboard the Emerald Storm
GRELAD, JERISH: See Jerish Grelad
GRIBBON: Flag of Mandalin Calis
GRIGOLES: gry-holes Author of Grigoles Treatise on Imperial Common Law
GRIMBALD: Blacksmith in Hintindar
GRONBACH: Dwarf, fairy-tale villain
GRUMON, MASON: grum-on Blacksmith in Medford, worked for Riyria, died in Battle of Medford
GUARDIAN OF THE HEIR: Teshlor, protector of the Heir of Novron
GUNGUAN: Vintu pack ponies
GUR EM: Thickest part of the jungle in Calis
GUTARIA: goo-tar-ah Secret Nyphron prison designed to hold Esrahaddon
GUY, LUIS: See Luis Guy
GWEN DELANCY: Calian prostitute and proprietor of Medford House and The Rose and Thorn Tavern in Medford, girlfriend of Royce Melborn
HADDY: Childhood nickname of Hadrian
HADRIAN BLACKWATER: Mercenary, one-half of Riyria
HALBERD: Two-handed pole used as a weapon
HANDEL: Master at Sheridan University, originally from Roe, proponent to have Delgos’s Republic officially recognized
HARBERT: Tailor in Hintindar, husband of Hester
HARVEST MOON: Full moon nearest the fall equinox
HEIR OF NOVRON: Direct descendant of demigod Novron, destined to rule all of Avryn
HELDABERRY: Wild-growing fruit often used to make wine
HESLON: Monk of Maribor, great cook
HIGHCOURT FIELDS: Once the site of the supreme noble judicial court of law in Avryn, location of Wintertide games
HILFRED, REUBEN: Former bodyguard of Princess Arista, severely burned in Dahlgren
HILL DISTRICT: Affluent neighborhood in Colnora
HIMBOLT: Baron of Melengar
HINGARA: Calian guide, died in jungles of Gur Em
HINTINDAR: Small manorial village in Rhenydd, home of Hadrian Blackwater
HOBBIE: Stableboy in Hintindar
HORN OF DELGOS: Landmark used by sailors to determine the southernmost tip of Delgos
HORN OF GYLINDORA: Item Esrahaddon indicates is buried in Percepliquis
HOUSE, THE: Nickname used for Medford House
HOYTE: Onetime First Officer of the Black Diamond, set up Royce to kill Jade, sent Royce to Manzant Prison, killed by Royce
IBIS THINLY: Head cook of the imperial palace
IMP: Slang for Imperialist
IMPERIALISTS: Political party that desires to unite all the kingdoms of men under a single leader who is the direct descendant of the demigod Novron
IMPERIAL PALACE: Seat of power of the New Empire
IMPERIAL SECRETARY: Caretaker of Empress Modina, charged with making her publically presentable
JACOB DERNING: See Derning, Jacob
JADE: Assassin in the Black Diamond, girlfriend of Merrick, mistakenly killed by Royce
JENKINS TALBERT: Squire in Tarin Vale
JEREMY: Guard at Essendon Castle
JERISH GRELAD: Teshlor Knight, first Guardian of the Heir, protector of Nevrik
JERL, LORD: Nobleman, neighbor of the Pickerings known for his prize-winning hunting dogs
JEWEL, THE: Head of the international Black Diamond thieves’ guild, also known as Cosmos DeLur
JIMMY: Tavern worker at The Laughing Gnome
JOQDAN: jok-dan Warlord of the Tenkin village of Oudorro
JULIAN TEMPEST: Chamberlain of the kingdom of Melengar
KAZ: Calian term for anyone with mixed elven and human blood
KENDELL, EARL: Nobleman of Melengar, loyal to Alric Essendon
KHAROLL: Long dagger
KILE: Name used by Erebus when sent to Elan, performs good deeds in the form of a man
KILNAR: City in the south of Rhenydd
KNOB: Baker at the imperial palace
KRINDEL: Prelate of the Nyphron Church and historian
KRIS DAGGER: Weapon with a wavy blade, sometimes used in magic rituals
LAMBERT, IGNATIUS: Chancellor of Sheridan University
LANAKLIN: Once ruling family of Glouston, currently in exile in Melengar, opposes the New Empire
LANDONER: Professor at Sheridan University, tried and burned for heresy
LANKSTEER: Capital city of the Lordium kingdom of Trent
LAUGHING GNOME, THE: Tavern in Ratibor
LAVEN: Citizen of Ratibor
Rise Of Empire Page 69