Nice To Meet You Cally (Calliaster Doyle Book 2)

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Nice To Meet You Cally (Calliaster Doyle Book 2) Page 15

by S G Read

  ‘It's them!’ He said, first quietly then louder. ‘Turn round they're in that car that just drove by!’

  Dermot pulled the truck out of gear then put both feet on the brake and it slithered to a halt. Archie looked at him.

  ‘I take him the other leg is too weak to use the brake?’ He said with the hint of a smile. ‘When were you going to tell me that?’

  ‘When we got back, if we got back.’ Dermot replied and turned the truck round.

  With his foot flat to the floor they drove off. Luckily it was a long straight highway and they could still see the car in the distance. They started to gain on the car but if the others knew they were after them, they would have no chance of keeping up with them. As soon as they were close enough Dermot slowed down. They kept the same distance from the car all the way, until it turned off the highway. Dermot turned left to follow the car.

  ‘Stop here a minute.’ Archie said and climbed out of the truck.

  Under his seat there was brown wrapping paper and he wrote Cally on it with a large arrow pointing where they were going. ‘They're bound to be following!’ He added and walked across to the sign post to tie the message to it. They were soon following the car again keeping the same distance behind it. Whenever it turned off, Archie put up a message to try to help those following.

  ‘What if no one's coming?’ Dermot asked after the third sign.

  ‘You know Barbara. Do you think she's sitting waiting?’ Dermot smiled.

  ‘No, she won't be sitting waiting. I was forgetting what she's like!’

  As soon as Jack made the highway he put his foot to the floor, the worst that could happen was him being pulled over by a patrol car and then he could let them know what was happening. He had half an hour to catch up and hoped that Mountpurse was driving slowly, so as not to be pulled over.

  ‘Stop!’ Barbara suddenly shouted.

  Jack stood on the brakes and the car slid to a halt causing all the other cars coming along behind to honk their horns when they had to swerve but worse was to come.

  ‘What's up?’ Jack asked.

  ‘There was something on that signpost back there. I think it said Cally!’

  Jack threw the car into reverse and reversed back making the cars behind swerve even more. When they reach the sign he stopped. They saw the paper that said Cally and the arrow. Jack reversed further then shot across the traffic coming the other way and drove off.

  ‘Keep your eyes open, someone's on our side!’ He cried as he put his foot flat to the floor.

  They saw the next sign in good time for Jack to turn off and he did so at full speed which caused Dan to hold on tight.

  ‘Do they teach you that at state trooper academy?’ He asked.

  ‘No!’ Jack replied. ‘I'm learning this as I go along.’

  ‘Fills me with confidence!’ Dan replied and held on tighter. ‘I must really be getting old!’

  ‘Slow down.’ Fromes ordered.

  ‘Why?’ Mountpurse asked.

  ‘I think we have a tail!’

  ‘Surely not.’ She went to look round.

  ‘No don't look round stupid or they'll be suspicious!’

  ‘You call me stupid again and you'll be sorry.’ Mountpurse warned.

  ‘This is my game and I know what I'm about.’ Fromes replied. ‘Now slow down a little.’

  He watched through the rear view mirror. The truck started to gain on them but then it slowed down as well. Cally stopped fighting with the bonds that held her hands while Fromes was looking in the mirror, in case he decided to check them. It was the last thing she wanted as she was making progress.

  ‘It's the truck from the retirement home with two people in it.’ He said. ‘Take the next right.’

  Mountpurse pulled off into the road he pointed to, this was a smaller road and was lined with trees.

  ‘Now stop.’ He ordered.

  Mountpurse stopped the car and he jumped out. He ran to the corner and drew his pistol. When the truck reached the corner he fired two shots and both the front tyres exploded.

  As the car swerved round the corner Cally had pulled her hands free from the rope. When Fromes jumped out she could have escaped but Drummond's hands were still tied. There was nothing she could do as Mountpurse was watching what went on in the mirror. She saw Fromes run back to the car.

  ‘Okay, that deals them out!’ He said. ‘Drive on and I'll look to see where this road comes out.’

  She drove on to put distance between them and the disabled truck. She passed a left turn before Fromes had the map out but ignored it. As he unfolded the map Mountpurse realized the road was getting narrower as they drove down it.

  ‘I have a bad feeling about this.’ She warned.

  With Mountpurse driving and Fromes fighting with the map Cally took the chance to untie Drummond's hands and he massaged life back into them with them still behind his back.

  Archie climbed out of the truck and kicked the wheel nearest him.

  ‘One we could have sorted!’ He said angrily.

  ‘That was Fromes.’ Dermot replied. ‘He knows what he's doing. At least we know we were following the right car!’

  ‘What do we do now?’

  ‘Hope that Barbara lives up to our expectations!’

  ‘And isn't long about it!’ Archie added. ‘When she gets what she wants from the boy she won't need Cally anymore!’

  He climbed back into the truck and sat down.

  ‘How's the back?’ Dermot asked.

  ‘Not bad. How's the bad leg?’

  ‘Could be worse, at least I can use the brake now!’

  Archie laughed.

  ‘Some might say it's a bit late.’

  Dermot looked in the mirror.

  ‘There's a car coming, flag it down!’ He cried.

  Archie climbed out and stood in front of the speeding car and it slithered to a halt just before it hit him. Barbara jumped out and ran to him.

  ‘Dad, you're standing.’ She cried.

  ‘No time to fuss. Fatty just turned up there with the children in the back. Fromes shot our tyres out.’ Archie replied.

  ‘Who's driving? Not old Tom?’ Barbara asked. Then watched in amazement as Dermot climbed carefully out of the truck and limped over to where she stood.

  ‘I don't believe it!’

  ‘Let’s go woman.’ Archie insisted and they both climbed in the back of Jack's car.

  ‘This is Jack.’ Barbara said as an introduction. ‘He's on holiday. Jack this is my father and my husband.’

  ‘Nice to meet you!’ Jack replied and swerved round the lorry.

  ‘We had to take that left turn back there!’ Fromes complained, after studying the map. ‘This road don't go nowhere!’

  ‘And there isn't room to turn round!’ Mountpurse added.

  They drove until they came to a farm entrance and she turned the car round in it. As she turned a tractor pulled out of the farm entrance in front of her.

  ‘I don't believe this!’ She shouted and tried to overtake but there was only just room for the tractor. ‘Do something Fromes!’

  Fromes jumped out of the moving car and caught the tractor up. With his pistol in his hand he jumped up on to the tractor. The driver turned in surprise and Fromes put the pistol to his head.

  ‘Get this thing of the road, now!’ Fromes ordered.

  The driver looked for somewhere to drive but there was nowhere to go. Fromes cocked the pistol as extra incentive and the driver turned into the ditch that ran along the left hand side of the road. With the tractor in the ditch they would have room to pass but as soon as Fromes had jumped out Drummond threw the rope that had held his hands round Mountpurse's neck and tied it to the small handrail that was mounted on the roof to help passengers get out. It was to keep her occupied while they escaped, although they both hoped it would kill her. Fromes saw and heard nothing and they darted out of the car but fell straight into the ditch. They slithered and slid then managed to crawl up the other side
and through a small gap in the hedge. When Fromes ran back he saw the children as they disappeared through the hedge. He also saw Mountpurse struggling to get free and chose to go after the two children. Being small he was able to squeeze through the same gap in the hedge. Before him was a large empty field with the two children running across it. He fired his pistol in the air.

  ‘The next shot kills the girl!’ He shouted.

  Drummond knew they were not far enough away and stopped immediately. Cally ran on a few paces then turned to face Drummond.

  ‘Come on! He might miss!’ She urged.

  ‘What if he didn't?’ Drummond replied. ‘I don't think I want stay in a world without you.’

  ‘When you've finished your discussion you can walk back to the car.’ Fromes ordered.

  With an extra effort Mountpurse ripped the handrail from the roof of the car and threw the rope from her neck. She saw the tractor driver walk past with a shovel in his hands. As Fromes climbed through the hedge he swung the shovel but Mountpurse shot him dead before it could find its target.

  ‘You're getting sloppy Fromes.’ She grumbled.

  ‘I didn't let the kids escape!’ He replied.

  ‘No but you did tie them up!’ She pointed out. ‘Now you two get in here and don't try anything else! Make sure you tie them up properly this time!’

  Fromes tied them up again but this time hurriedly. He pulled the ropes extra tight then threw the two children on to the floor of the car.

  ‘Stay down there and don't move!’ He warned. ‘Now let's get out of here before something else happens!’

  Mountpurse drove past the tractor and headed for the turning, which, by now was some way back. As they approached it from one direction Fromes saw the car he had stolen earlier coming from the other direction. He opened the window, aimed his pistol at the approaching car and fired three shots but his usual good aim was upset by the movement of the car he was in. Mountpurse swerved into the turning and the other car followed, they drove nose to tail along the narrow road. When it came back out on to the bigger road the road they had started on, Mountpurse did not stop as there was little traffic there. She turned and headed back to the highway past the abandoned truck. When she reached the highway she drove through the traffic causing cars to swerve and a lorry lost its poorly fixed load of wooden planks over the road. Jack had to use the grass by the side of the road to avoid hitting anything, then he was after them again. With five in his car, he was afraid they might leave him behind but Mountpurse's enormous bulk slowed them down as well. They reached another turn and she cut across the traffic again causing more chaos, in hope that the car following would either crash or be blocked in but he kept coming. The road she was on was a winding road and it was going up and up. She swerved round corners as she went with no thought of slowing down, Fromes was vainly trying to open the map to find where the road led but he was being thrown about like a rag doll. By now they had gone up a long way and in between the trees there was a distinct view.

  ‘Can't you shoot his tyres out?’ Mountpurse hissed as she fought to negotiate a bend.

  ‘If you can go straight and stop the car from jumping up and down!’ Fromes replied.

  ‘If I do that we'll go over the edge!’ She retorted.

  As she spoke the car lurched sideways and side swiped a tree, the door in front of Drummond who was still lying prone on the car floor flew off and he slid part way out. Cally was beside him and she slid forward as well. They both screamed. A front tyre exploded and the car went out of control. Mountpurse tried to stop it going over the edge but it turned broadside and slid over. For a second it teetered on the edge before it slid right over and toppled down the slope. It rolled over and over as it tumbled down the slope, until it reached the bottom, hit a tree and exploded in a sheet of flames. Jack hit the brakes and the car slid to a halt. Everyone bar Dermot rushed to the edge, in a vain hope of helping but they could only watch. When the car burst into flames Barbara burst into tears. Dermot in his haste forgot his bad leg and as he leapt out of the car, it gave way under him and he crashed to the floor. The fall winded him and he lay there trying to refill his lungs. He heard the explosion and he suddenly felt very depressed. This was all his fault. Cally was dead because of him! He lay there not wanting to get up. Archie took Barbara in his arms and tried to comfort her, Dan was looking over the edge to see if anyone was thrown out on the way down. Something in a bush part way down caught his eye. He slid over the edge and hurried to the bush. He found Cally head first in the bush, her hands still tied behind her back. He cut the rope that held her hands and pulled her out. Jack, who had seen him go was there to help him and they laid her on the ground carefully.

  ‘That was fun.’ She said in an obvious daze. Then she remembered Drummond. ‘Where is Drummond? He was in front of me!’

  Dan looked in the bush and saw no one. Jack crawled round the other side but there was no one there either. He crawled back and shook his head.

  ‘I'm sorry.’ He said apologetically.

  Out of the corner of his eye Archie saw a movement. He turned to look and saw Drummond climb up over the edge. His hands were untied now. He was about to tell the others, when he saw the pistol that followed him. Fromes was carrying the pistol.

  ‘He comes with me!’ Fromes cried. ‘Anyone tries to stop me and he dies. Do you understand?’

  ‘We won't try to stop you.’ Archie assured him.

  ‘I'm taking the car, don't do anything stupid!’ Fromes added.

  He threw Drummond into the car and put his right leg in. Still training the pistol on anyone and everyone who might try to stop him. As his weight changed to his left leg he felt someone grab that leg. He was already lowering himself into the seat and could not stop. He felt his left knee give way and felt the pain through his body. He knew someone was under the car and was stopping him from escaping. He pointed the pistol down but before he could fire Drummond grabbed his wrist and wrestled for the gun. Despite the pain from his leg Fromes threw Drummond off but by then Archie was there and he slammed the car door shut on Fromes left leg. Fromes let out a scream that any girl would be proud of! Archie repeated the move and roused a louder scream. Fromes tried to point the gun at Archie but Drummond bit the hand which had the pistol in it and Fromes screamed even louder. By the time Fromes recovered his wits Archie was ready and a swift right hand put Fromes beyond caring. Archie took the pistol from Drummond then bent down and looked under the car.

  ‘I thought it was you Dermot!’ He said a little euphorically

  ‘It was all I could think of!’ Dermot said from under the car.

  ‘It was a good plan.’ Archie added.

  ‘Plan nothing.’ Dermot replied. ‘I tried to get out of the car too quick and my left leg gave way!’

  ‘It's a good job it did!’ Barbara replied. ‘Or he'd have taken Drummond and I doubt if we would have seen him again! Not in one piece anyway!’

  Drummond climbed out of the car as Cally climbed up on to the road with the help of Dan and Jack. She ran across to him despite her aches and pains.

  ‘Are you okay?’ She asked.

  ‘I think so.’ He replied.

  ‘I have a present for you.’ Archie said and held out a folded sheet of paper.

  Drummond took it.

  ‘What is it?’ He asked as he unfolded it.

  ‘The judge gave it to me. You are now officially part of the family.’ Archie replied.

  ‘You mean she's my new mother.’ He said pointing at Barbara. ‘And he's my new pa.’ He pointed to Dermot.

  ‘Yup. And I am your grandpa, so come and give your grandpa a hug.’

  Drummond was treading ground he had not walked before. Since he could remember there was only one person in his life who treated him well and that was Caleb. Now he had a whole family! Tears ran down his face and he did not try to hide them. This was another first, letting someone see him cry!

  ‘I don't believe it!’ Cally declared. ‘After all you'v
e been through. You didn't cry when you broke your arm, you didn't cry when you heard that Caleb was dead but now you cry?’

  ‘I can't help it.’ He said through his tears and put his arms round Archie.

  ‘I'm next.’ Barbara announced and she pulled him to her.

  ‘When do I get a go?’ Cally complained.

  ‘When you finish school!’ Barbara replied.

  Jack lifted his head to listen.

  ‘Sounds like the local law has woken up at last!’ He said. ‘I hope they come up here or it's going to be a mite crowded in my car on the way down!’

  Cally walked to the edge and looked down.

  ‘Do you think she's actually dead?’ She asked.

  Drummond walked over to where she stood.

  ‘Barbequed I hope!’ He replied. ‘We'll know soon enough when the police arrive. Can you imagine the trouble they are going to have getting her back up!’

  ‘It don't bear thinking about.’ Cally said as the sirens grew louder.




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