Other Side Of Forever (Other Side Of Forever Series Book 1)

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Other Side Of Forever (Other Side Of Forever Series Book 1) Page 12

by Shannon Eckrich

  “Who? Him?” Erica narrowed her eyes at Ethan. I guess she still hadn’t forgiven him for yesterday.

  “Yes, him.” I wanted to laugh. “He has plenty of room. Besides, I don’t want to inconvenience your family.”

  Erica curved her fingers around my arm and pulled me away from Ethan. “Do you have any idea what you’re doing?” she whispered fiercely. “You don’t even know him.”

  “I do know him. Much more than you think.”

  She gasped. “You didn’t—”

  “Didn’t what, Erica?” My cheeks burned.

  “You know—” Her voice turned to a whisper. “Sleep with him.”

  “That depends on what your definition of ‘sleep with him’ is.” I held up my hands, gesturing the quotes in the air. “If it means whether I did the deed or not, then the answer to your question is no. No way am I ready, and Ethan is much too respectable. Not like others we know.” I thought of Aaron and fumed. “Besides, what we have together goes beyond sexual attraction. It’s more than that,” I told her, shaking my head. “More than you would understand.”

  “Tell me,” she pressed, her eyes pleading with mine.

  “I can’t. But I want you to understand that I need to be with him right now. And nothing that you do or say will be able to stop me.”

  “Fine. Whatever. I don’t care, it’s your life.” She turned away from me.

  “Erica, please. Don’t be that way. Don’t be mad at me.” I reached my hand out to touch her shoulder, but slowly lowered it back down to my side, knowing it was useless trying to talk to her right now.

  “How am I supposed to react, Allie?” She quickly spun around to face me. “I love you. You’re like a sister to me. But I can’t stand around and watch you make the biggest mistake of your life. You don’t know him,” she stressed. She turned away again, tears glistening on her pink cheeks.

  I stood there, not knowing what to do or what to say as I watched her walk away.

  “Allie, I’m sorry,” Ethan said to me.

  “No, no. It’s all right. She’ll understand,” I said, wiping the moisture away from my eyes with my hand. “She just needs some time.” I turned around and started to my car. “Are you ready to go, or what?” I asked, opening my door and sliding into the seat.

  “I’ll meet you at the house.” He reached out and slid the tips of his fingers down the length of my cheek. “Everything will be okay.”

  “I hope so,” I mumbled. He leaned over and kissed me lightly on the lips. Then I closed the door and drove away.

  My cell phone rang just as I pulled into Ethan’s driveway. I knew Erica would call. She couldn’t stay mad at me forever. But when I flipped open the phone and answered it, the voice on the other end stunned me.

  “Where are you?” Jeremy’s voice bellowed through the receiver.

  “Why?” I snapped back, completely thrown off by his unexpected outburst.

  “Because I’m in your driveway. Only you aren’t here. And there’s a big dumpster out front. Now, where are you?”

  “I’m staying with someone,” I told him.

  I parked next to Ethan and turned off the engine.

  “Who? Erica?” Jeremy sounded confused.

  “No, someone else.”

  Ethan gently tapped on my window. I held up my finger, gesturing for him to give me a sec while I talked to Jeremy.

  “Who?” Jeremy pressed, his deep voice cracking slightly.

  “It’ll be easier if you just swing by. I’m on the other side of the woods, behind my house.” I gave him the directions, cautioned him about the nearly invisible driveway, and hung up the phone.

  Ethan was next to my door when I stepped out of the car. “Is everything all right?”

  “No, everything is not all right. Jeremy’s here and he’s on his way over right now. I need you to go into the house while I talk to him.” My eyes pleaded with his look of uncertainty. “Please, it’ll be easier this way.”

  “Okay. Call me if you need me.” He kissed my cheek before turning and walking away.

  Jeremy arrived shortly after Ethan disappeared through the door. “Allie, what’s going on?” he asked as he jumped out of his car, his voice a mix of confusion and anger.

  I ignored his question and rushed to him, throwing myself in his arms. “Jeremy, I’m so happy to see you!”

  He patted my back. “I’m happy to see you, too. It’s been a while. But you need to tell me what’s going on.”

  I looked up into his big, brown eyes. “I’m sorry. I know I should’ve called you. But I didn’t know how to tell you my mom and I were being evicted. I only found out yesterday when I came home from school.”

  His eyes swept over Ethan’s property, then returned to mine. “Who are you staying with?”

  “About that…” I hesitated, shoving my hands in my pockets and dropping my eyes to the stones at my feet.

  “Come on, Allie. Tell me,” he pleaded.

  “Remember that guy I told you about?” My shoes scuffed the dirt under the rocks while my insides twisted into the shape of a pretzel. I prayed that Jeremy wouldn’t have the same reaction Erica had. I couldn’t imagine losing both of my best friends in the same day.

  “Yeah, what about him?” he asked, his voice guarded. I looked up to try to read his expression.

  He slowly shook his head. “Allie, you barely know the guy. Besides, the last time I spoke to you, you didn’t even know where he was,” he said, his voice surprisingly calm.

  “He was sick. Just like you said.” I glanced away from him and to Ethan’s front door, now wishing he were standing beside me.

  “But you still don’t know him. Not well enough to move in with him.” Jeremy threw his hands in the air. His voice was tense. “Why didn’t you ask Erica for help?”

  I brought my eyes back to him. “Because I didn’t want to inconvenience her. Besides—” I bit my lip. “She doesn’t understand. Nobody does.”

  “Then make me understand, Allie.” He placed his arm on my shoulder, his voice more controlled now. “You were afraid to let him into your heart when we talked. Do you remember that conversation? What’s happened since then?”

  “Yes, I remember.” I dropped my eyes to the ground again, wanting to avoid the second half of his question.

  “Tell me.” He shook my shoulder lightly. “Tell me before I throw you over my shoulder and force you away from here.”

  I focused on the rocks at my feet and sighed. “He saved me. Not once, not twice, but three times.” My voice was just below a whisper.

  “Saved you?” he asked, mystified.

  “Yes, Jeremy.” I paused, lifting my gaze to meet his, wondering how I’d be able to word this without really telling him what Ethan was. “The first time was at the drive-in. I went with Erica and her boyfriend, Ben. I happened to get stuck in the backseat with Ben’s friend, Aaron. The boy gave me the creeps, so I went to the concession stand to get some air. Aaron showed up…” I hesitated.

  Even though it was over, the trauma replayed in my mind, like the lyrics to a song that you can’t seem to forget. “He pulled me behind the stand and started touching me.”

  “He did what?” Jeremy’s olive skin tinted red.

  “Don’t worry.” I shook my head. “Ethan happened to show up before Aaron had a chance to do anything.”

  “And what did Ethan do?” he asked sarcastically, like he was the only one with the ability to protect me. “Hit him? Punch him?”

  “No—he threw him.” It wasn’t really a lie. “And then he saved me again, out in the woods when I twisted my ankle. He carried me all the way back to my house. And when Becca almost killed me at school, he found me and took me to the nurse. Just give him a chance, Jeremy. That’s all I’m asking.”

  Jeremy stood there, his eyes searching mine, deliberating.

  “Please,” I begged. “Just go inside and meet him. He’s a really nice guy, Jeremy.”

  He sighed heavily. “Allie, why didn’t you tel
l me you were having so many problems?”

  “I’m sorry. Really, I am.”

  Jeremy threw his arm around my shoulder and started for the front door. “He’d better not hurt you,” he warned as we walked up the steps.

  He followed me through the front door and down the hall. When we entered the living room, I was surprised to see Ethan stretched out on the sofa, watching sports on TV. Since when did he like sports? I know he joined in with the conversations at school, but it was just to blend in. A show, right?

  “Yes!” he yelled, throwing his hands up in the air.

  “No, way! Did the Flyers score?” Jeremy shoved past me, nearly knocking me to the floor.

  “Yeah, they’re up two to one.”

  “I can’t believe it! I so thought the Penguins had this game.” Jeremy smiled widely as he plopped down next to Ethan.

  Well, so much for the formal introductions, I thought, rolling my eyes.

  “Hey, hate to crash the party and everything, but I really need a shower,” I said, stepping in front of them to make sure I had their attention.

  “Come on, Allie. You’re blocking the TV,” Jeremy whined.

  Ethan glanced up at me and smiled smugly. So, this whole game thing was planned. A diversion to relieve some of the tension Jeremy felt about me moving in with Ethan. I had to admit, Ethan was pretty smart.

  I walked up the staircase, my bag of clothes in hand, then realized I had no idea where anything was, including the bathroom. Continuing down the long hallway on the second floor, I peeked into every doorway. Some of the rooms appeared unfinished, with paint peeling off the walls. But I managed to find two bathrooms that had been completely redone.

  After deciding on the bathroom attached to an enormous bedroom, I rummaged through the linen closet until I located a towel. After filling the tub and adjusting the hot water on the antique faucet, I immersed myself in the steamy bath.

  I closed my eyes and tried to forget that Jeremy and Ethan were both downstairs. Two complete opposites, who had only one thing in common. Me. I opened my eyes and peered around the room in an attempt to calm the images in my head and slow my racing pulse.

  “It’ll be okay,” I told myself as I slid deeper into the water.

  But I couldn’t ease my anxiety of what might be going on in the living room. I knew Jeremy well, well enough to know that he wouldn’t dare start interrogating Ethan until I was out of the room. Ethan may have seemed calm sitting next to him, but I had witnessed what he could do when he lost his temper.

  Jeremy was no match for him.

  Unable to wait any longer, I pulled myself from the tub and dried off hastily. I slipped on a lavender tee and a pair of white sweats from my bag, and ran a comb through my damp hair. Then I carefully walked out of the room, unsure whether they would be able to hear my movement from downstairs, until I reached the stairs.

  Their voices were muffled, barely audible at first, but the closer I got to the end of the steps, the clearer their conversation became, like someone had turned up the volume on the radio. They were no longer talking about sports; they were talking about me. I leaned in, desperate to hear what they were saying. Then I lost my footing and crashed to the floor.

  “Allie!” they both shouted.

  I rushed to my feet as they entered the hall.

  “I missed a step,” I said. A sudden warmth tingled in my cheeks. What was it with me and steps?

  Ethan closed his eyes and shook his head while Jeremy doubled over with laughter.

  “You’re such a klutz!” Jeremy said after he managed to regain his composure. He wasn’t making me feel any better.

  “Shut up,” I snapped, walking past him toward the living room. Leave it to Jeremy to bring out the worst in me.

  I dropped down on the sofa, furious with the fact that Jeremy had just doubled my humiliation, and glared at the TV, focusing my energy. The picture on the screen scrambled, and the only part of their game one could make out were the player’s helmets and skates. Everything else consisted of green, blue, and red zigzags.

  “No!” Jeremy yelled, tossing his hands up in the air, frustrated. “There’s only like, ten minutes left.”

  “Serves you right.” I smiled evilly.

  Ethan sat down next to me and placed his hand on my knee. He gave it a gentle squeeze and the picture returned to normal. Drat. The only time I wished my powers couldn’t be contained and my immortal boyfriend had to come along and ruin my moment.

  “Love and positive thoughts, Allie. That’s the only way you’ll learn how to control your powers,” he whispered in my ear.

  “He deserved it,” I griped.

  Ethan smiled at my hostility.

  “What are you two love birds whispering about over there?” Jeremy asked, not bothering to remove his eyes from the game.

  “Nunya.” I pressed my lips together to hide my smile.

  “Huh?” He looked at me, confused.

  “Nunya business,” I replied, my smile breaking the surface.

  “Well, it is my business if I’m staying with you guys for awhile.” He mocked my smile.

  “What?” It was my turn for the confusion.

  “He didn’t have a place to stay. So, I thought that since I have plenty of room, he could just stay here,” Ethan explained. “You don’t mind, do you?”

  “No. No—of course I don’t mind. It’s just that…” I did want Jeremy to stay. More than anything. But I didn’t want him to find out about Ethan or worse…to find out about me. And yeah, that whole kissing thing was pretty nice…

  “Don’t worry, Allie. You’ll never know I’m here. Besides, it’ll give me and Ethan a chance to bond. I have to make sure he’s worthy of you.”

  And that was exactly what I was worried about.

  We decided it would be easier to order pizzas for dinner since Jeremy had surprised us with his visit. The pizza guy called my cell four times, asking for directions. Finally giving up on the best way to explain where the darn driveway was, I handed the phone off to Ethan. He walked off into the kitchen and I joined Jeremy on the couch. The game was over, his attention was no longer focused on the screen, so I thought this would be the perfect time to talk to him.

  “So…what do you think of Ethan?” I kept my voice low, hoping Jeremy would do the same, not wanting Ethan to get his feelings hurt if he didn’t approve.

  “Not bad. He seems to like you a lot. And he likes sports, so that’s a plus.” He grinned as I rolled my eyes. “But he is a little weird,” he said, cocking an eyebrow.

  “Weird? How?” I bit my lower lip and stared blankly at the TV. The room became hot—so hot that little beads of perspiration formed across my forehead.

  Jeremy scooted closer, as if I wasn’t already burning up, and whispered in my ear. “I asked him about his family. You know,” he said, shrugging, “like where they were and stuff. And he said his parents died in a fire in Savannah a long time ago. He doesn’t have one surviving member in his family. He told me they were all dead. Don’t you think it’s a little odd that he ended up here?”

  “Not really.” I swallowed hard, trying to loosen up some of the tightness in my throat. It didn’t work.

  “Allie, come on. Why would he move from Savannah to Delaware if he had no family? Something’s not right. I can feel it.”

  “You know what I think, Jeremy?” I bounced back. My only thoughts were to protect Ethan. “I think you’re so worried about me getting hurt that you’re looking for something to hold against him. Something that just isn’t there. He could have moved here because he needed a change. How would you feel if you were alone in the world? You have your mom, so you haven’t a clue. I know what it’s like. I’ve been abandoned…kicked to the curb. And, I gotta tell ya, it sucks being alone. Maybe, just maybe, we were meant to find each other.”

  “I’m just sayin,’ Allie—” He cut himself off mid-sentence when Ethan walked back into the room.

  “Pizza’s here,” Ethan announced, headi
ng to the front door.

  “Good, I’m starving,” I said, relieved for the quick save. I slid off the sofa and followed him out of the room to help with the boxes.

  After we ate, Ethan and I took Jeremy upstairs so he could pick a room. On the stairs, I made it clear that I’d staked my claim on the room with the bathroom. Ethan informed me that it was originally his room, but that he didn’t mind sharing. Jeremy stuck his finger down his throat and made a fake gagging sound while the heat flowed through my cheeks. Ethan’s harmonious laughter echoed off the walls in the hallway, causing my heart to skip a few beats. Luckily, I was in front of them, making it impossible for them to see my burning face.

  Once Jeremy settled on a room, one across from the second bathroom, Ethan and I returned to his room. It felt nice, comforting, not to be alone.

  Something I could definitely get used to.

  Ethan stripped his shirt and jumped onto the bed. The sight of his shirtless body sprawled across the maroon comforter on the bed caused my heart to flutter like the wings of a butterfly. He was waiting for me. His eyes clicked onto mine, mentally drawing me toward him, and I was unable to resist.

  I walked over and hopped onto the bed beside him, then sat cross-legged. Ethan turned over onto his side, propping his head up with his arm, appraising me.

  “You did very well today.” He reached his hand out and placed it on my thigh.

  “Hah.” I stifled a laugh. “How do you figure?”

  “A lot happened to you. And, well, I’m actually surprised how well you managed to control yourself.”

  “Me? Control myself? I managed to lose one of my best friends today, in case you forgot. And I let Jeremy get to me. Remember the TV?” I pointed out.

  “Allie,” he whispered, moving his hand to the side of my face. “You haven’t lost Erica. She just needs some time to understand.” He gently lifted my chin. “And what happened with Jeremy, you did that on purpose. You need to be careful,” he lectured me, his eyes serious. “Not only can you accidentally hurt someone with what you can do, but the last thing you want is for them to find out.”

  “I know, but I can’t control it.” I fell backward on the bed. “It’s useless.”


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